Saturday, December 20, 2014

Was Travis Alexander's death premeditated ?

This blog will answer three questions :

  (A) Was the death of Travis premeditated ?
  (B) Was it self-defense ?
  (C) What actually happened ?

Language used in court is very important in a capital murder case and throughout this trial, language used by the judge was biased against Jodi.

We believe that Jodi has a good case for an appeal because 

early on in the trial and before the jury was given the opportunity to deliberate the case,  the jury was biased against Jodi when the judge clearly stated that

 Travis was the victim, meaning that in a capital murder case, if the deceased is the victim, it automatically makes the jury think ( thanks to the judge) that the defendant is the victimizer or is guilty of capital murder and this bias against Jodi was propagated by both the judge and the prosecutor before the jury could deliberate the case.

Even the word "murdered" was used several times in court before the jury could deliberate the case.

What if the defense team started referring to Jodi as the survivor, would the judge and prosecutor have approved ? off course not.

Even when the state and Travis family were seeking the death penalty,

it took Jodi years to tell the truth or at least most of the truth regarding Travis because of Jodi's acute desire to protect Travis' reputation and ego:

The information below has been compiled by various contributors from various sources, both inside and outside of jail, in order to give a complete picture of the Jodi Arias case and 

for those who want to submit this blog address to Jodi in order to help her with her appeal, please send a metered postcard ( not stamped ) in black ink to: :

Jodi A. Arias #281129
PO Box 3300

The  posting below will be updated on a regular basis, so check back at least once a month for the latest information added to it, thanks.

Whenever new information is added to the post, we will update the time below and since we cannot separate new information from what was already previously posted, please  read the entire post again because

 the new information is sometimes spread out throughout the post.

6:47AM (CST) ON 1/21/21

We know that Jodi did not call the police after the killing because

if she had turned herself in, Travis' reputation which she put on a pedestal would be destroyed since 

Travis was far from the great guy he made himself to be in  his community and church.

The following details (below) about Travis life was eventually revealed in court since the family of Travis insisted on the death penalty and not the lesser charge of manslaughter .

According to the law, the most common type of voluntary manslaughter occurs when a defendant is provoked to commit homicide. This is sometimes described as a crime of passion.

 In most cases, the provocation must induce rage or anger in the defendant, although some cases have held that fright, terror, or desperation will suffice.

Since the family insisted on the death penalty, the following was revealed to the court by the defense team :

For example, tens of thousands of files of porn was on Travis computer :

what other parts of Travis' life was Travis hiding from the public ? for example, was he lying about Jodi and her personality or character ? 

when Travis was the one who had the bad character as described by Travis' friend Skye Hughes.

Notice in the Skye Hughes email in January 2007 (below) , Travis does the following or is described by Skye as follows :

making Jodi cry,

Travis calls Jodi a skank but at the same time does not let her go out with other guys,

Travis controls Jodi but Travis does not want to commit

Travis was "beating up" Jodi emotionally

Travis is a predator of the heart

Travis takes pride in being called the T-Dogg who enjoys girls falling for him

Travis laughs about what he can get away with,

Skye would be "scared to death" if one of her family members would fall for Travis

1-2007  Skye Hughes Email to Travis:

Know that I would love to see you marry Jodi, but just because you have never seen her cry, doesn’t mean she hasn’t been crying,”  “SHE LOVES YOU, so much that she is afraid that bringing up anything that is bothering her or letting you know she doesn’t think you are ‘perfect’ would ruin all chances to be with you" (end of email)

January 2007 Sky Hughes email to a third party :

"He doesn’t call her during the day, he waits until after 1 am (giving her what is left of him at the end of every day). He jokingly calls her a skank. He tells her to go out with other guys, but makes her feel guilty when she does. Thus keeping control, without having to give any commitment. He kisses her in the dark, when no one is around, and messes around with her, but won’t commit to her. ... she loves him more than anything, and will do anything for him.” (end of email)

January 2007 Sky Hughes email to Travis:

"She was being treated horribly, you weren’t beating her physically, but you were emotionally. Travis, with love, you are a heart predator. You take great joy in making women fall for the T-dogg. You laugh about what you can get away with. It would scare me to death if my little sister liked you, in fact I wouldn’t allow it.”
We should have just said you(Jodi) should talk (to) Travis about these issues. But due to a pattern, we thought we were trying to help her and you, in case there could be a future.” (end of January 2007 emails ).

The tendency to exaggerate is 
displayed by Travis in the 
following email to his friend 

In the end, could he also be exaggerating about Jodi's character or behavior ?

Notice in the email below Travis uses the words:

irreparable damage

evil person (referring to himself)

lurks in the shadows (referring to himself)

1-2007 Travis email to Skye:

"You have caused irreparable damage to mine and Jodi's relationship. She is paranoid that this evil person you have depicted will someday surface. No matter what I say or do she will always have in the back of her mind of this person that lurks in the shadows. I adore Jodi. In fact, I don't know if it has ever been easier to be nice to someone as it is with Jodi" (end of email).

The following videos describe Jodi as sweet, always had a smile on her face, a great friend, full of life and glowing, a giving person, generous, a good care-giver, a good care-taker and responsible :

Compare Jodi's troubled childhood ( as revealed in court)  to a true psychopath :

The most glaring evidence that Jodi is not a psychopath can be seen in

the photos of  Travis' bathroom where the body is not displayed in a graphic way (as psychopaths tend to do ) 

 but rather the body was  tucked away into the corner of the shower stall.

 but rather they tend to display the body in the most graphic way possible  ( example: spread eagle is how some psychopaths show off a dead body ).

Also, psychopaths have an "intense stare" according to Dr. Kent Kiehl who has studied hundreds of psychopaths. 

Kiehl is one of the world's leading investigators of psychopathy and a professor at the University of New Mexico: 

 In the following video, there is no "intense stare" by Jodi Arias but rather sadness in her eyes, another glaring example of Jodi's humanity and not psychopathy :

plus her attorney witnessed Jodi breaking down (psychopaths don't break down ) :

Travis died on June 4, 2008. 

Jodi wrote in her journal on June 11, 2008 that she  cried herself to sleep :

Right click the above image and choose " open link in a new tab" and when  a new page opens; click on that page in order to see the words clearly

Do psychopaths cry over a person's death ? 

Jodi from day one exhibited the classic case of a abused victim as explained in this video :

her attorney clearly stated that she had to look at the evidence before coming to the conclusion that   Jodi was abused :


 victims lie about their abuse ( at least initially, as Jodi did ) :

Before we get to the questions, all of Jodi's lies can be summed up in one sentence :

Wanting to protect Travis' reputation since Travis was breaking the law called "chastity laws" that were extremely important in Travis's faith and his reputation in the church:

Jodi's lies (at the beginning ) come from her sincere desire to not hurt Travis' reputation or Travis' family with the truth of what actually happened which would also subject her to more emotional abuse from the media and Travis' friends/family :

plus the fact that

Jodi feels enormous guilt in instigating Travis on the day of his death (details in Section C below ).

This desire to protect Travis' reputation and Travis' family  can be seen at the 2:50 timeline in the video below

Also, before we answer the first question, you would think heroic acts done on behalf of the US government  would be remembered but even when the  killing is done at half a mile away from the target,  US  snipers or battlefield soldiers don't remember the actual killing known as dissociative amnesia:

You would think that killing on behalf of the US government and 

at such a great distance will be remembered but here

 is one example of not being able to remember the killing,  at the 19:42 timeline in the video below :

In the above video at :   

our American hero cant remember the following, calling it a " defense mechanism " :

(1) He forgot everything surrounding the "heroic mission" of killing on behalf of the US government

(2) He even forgets where he has been when the "heroic mission" of killing happened on behalf of the US government

(3) He even forgets the people he met during his "heroic mission" of killing on behalf of the US government.

Clinical  studies find that the claims of dissociation increase with the severity of violence:

In light of the above phenomenon, it is our opinion that Jodi Arias was guessing at what happened on the day Travis died, so keep that in mind when reading the entire post.

Jodi's "fog" story could not have been made up because

 if she wanted to tell a "selective fog story" to benefit her, she  could have easily said that Travis had the gun or knife but

 she not once said that Travis had the gun or knife because she could not remember much of anything about the events surrounding the death of Travis (details in Section C below ).

A traumatic event causes the "fog" where the episodic memory in the brain is affected :

The more we research this case, the more we see what Travis truly was, a sweet guy to many people but

 to people whom Travis considered as weak or a nobody, he held grudges even for the slightest provocation and  he let his unpredictable temper loose (details below ) which shows that Travis himself was abused as a child.

While Jodi's childhood abuse made her cling to those she was in love with, Travis' childhood abuse made him into a sexual deviant ( details below ) and emotionally abusive to those he saw as weak or clingy.

Its laughable that the Prosecutor did not want the jury to see a picture of Jodi with her dog because he said the picture was highly prejudicial in favor of Jodi when at the same time,

 highly prejudicial language was allowed in court, referring to Travis as the "victim" and even the word "murdered" was used, while Jodi by implication and even directly was referred to as the "assailant", "killer" and "attacker".

How would the prosecutor like it if the defense team kept referring to Jodi as the survivor ?

Now, to the questions:

(A) Was the killing of Travis premeditated ?

Why did Jodi put a gun and knife in her handbag on her trip to see Travis for a few minutes on 6/4/08 ? it was because Travis threatened to harm her, a week before on 5/26/08:

  5/26/08 text messages from Travis  to Jodi showed he was planning his revenge, as Travis used the following phrases:

  "feel the wrath (Jodi)."

  " I promise you (Jodi) the punishment will be better".

   " After tomorrow, its gonna get real bad for you (Jodi)."

So if Jodi felt threatened by Travis, why visit him on 6/4/08 ? because Jodi thought by visiting Travis for a few minutes on 6/4/08 she could get Travis to calm down and take her on his trip to Cancun and

 if persuasion did not work and Travis was actually serious about harming Jodi, she had protection in her handbag.

Premeditation according to Jodi Arias would have involved the use of gloves:

so in Jodi's mind, if she actually wanted to premeditate a killing,

 she would have definitely used gloves.

We know that gloves were not used and  the scene of the  killing showed panic or terror or immense disorganization  rather than planning or premeditation.

The most important question is , at the time Travis was stabbed the very first time, was the stabbing premeditated or

was it a self defense reaction to Travis knocking the gun off Jodi's hand and then Travis pointing the gun in the direction of Jodi, just before it jammed as Jodi in terror stabbed Travis for the very first time.

From the evidence, and not relying on Jodi's story since she was in "a fog" on 6/4/08,. we have to assume that Jodi was scared of Travis since he did threaten her with some form of harm days before 6/4/08 and so

Jodi had her camera, a gun and a knife ( since the gun was not reliable) in her handbag.

How did her handbag end up in the bathroom ? where she had easy access to both the gun and knife. 

She probably wanted to take pictures of Travis in the bathroom using  her camera and that is how her handbag ended up in the bathroom along with the gun and knife inside the handbag,

and now we go to the next step in determining premeditation.

There are  many points that do not indicate premeditation.

We could not find a premeditation case in which a girl ( the defendant ) used a knife against a much stronger man when a gun was available, so the fact a knife was used indicates a fight for survival on the girl's part and

 if a gun was initially used and the gun jammed, logic would dictate that the girl (the defendant) would flee instead of trying to kill a much stronger man with a knife unless her life was in danger.

Also, we could not find even one premeditation case in which the suspect spent over 15 hours visiting with the "victim", with neighbors and renters around, having intimate moments and even a photo session which ended with the camera being kicked around by accident.

In premeditation cases, time is of the essence and every minute that passes by in the presence of the "victim", exposes the suspect  ( in a covert mission ) to being discovered.

 If we assume Jodi turned off the phone in order to be covert in Arizona, why did she risk staying in Arizona for more than 15 hours when every minute that passes by during the daytime hours would risk her  or her upside down license plate being exposed to either police,  roommates or neighbors or strangers seeing her or her upside down license plated car outside in broad daylight.

For a person who took all the trouble to be covert in entering Arizona, isn't it surprising that she  suddenly decides to spend over 15 long hours with the "victim" without gloves,  knowing that every minute that passes by especially during the day time stood a very good chance of her fingerprints being all over the place, the police discovering her car ( in the driveway or on the street) with an upside down license plate plus blowing her cover with neighbors and renters around ?

The upside down license plate only makes sense if Jodi decided to lure Travis quickly into the bedroom, kill him, put on the ski mask and gloves (if it was premeditated), lock the bedroom door and

 make a quick getaway before 4 or 5 AM in the morning when the chances of being seen by neighbors or renters are at a minimum but because

 she decided to spend over 15 hours with Travis shows that there was no premeditation especially when Jodi did not mind the upside down license plate of her car parked in the driveway or on the street.

If Jodi did actually want to go through with premeditation, she would have calmly put the camera away and while Travis was in the shower, she would have taken the gun out of her handbag and shot him till he was dead, but we know that did not happen because 

this is probably what actually happened:

(1) Jodi planned to visit Travis for a few minutes at about 3 or 4 am while being armed due to physical harm that Travis threatened her with.

 All the facts point to a visit for just a few minutes around 3 or 4 am  due to  the fact that she told Ryan Burns that she will be at his house at  noon. 

She would never have told Ryan that she will be seeing him at noon, if she did not plan for just a few minutes visiting Travis at 3 or 4am 

 Travis' calm and endearing personality made Jodi change her mind about visiting for just a few minutes and that is when Jodi changed her mind about visiting Ryan at noon.

 Jodi  called Ryan Burns (her alibi )  from southern California around 9:00 PM on Tuesday. (June 3rd)

She was supposed to get to Ryan's house --  a 12-hour drive from LA to Salt Lake City.

 She was going to get to Ryan's house at 9:00 AM if she did not stop to rest.

.If she went through the plan of visiting Travis for a few minutes in the early Wednesday morning hours (3 or 4AM) on June 4th,

, Jodi could still have made it to the Salt Lake City  house where Ryan Burns was expecting her at. 12:00 or 1:00 PM but 

because Jodi changed her mind about making it to Ryan's house on time,  she was at Travis' house at 1PM 

Ryan could not possibly be an  alibi because an alibi only works if the killing is done quickly and police cannot determine at what time the killing took place while the suspect can point to her alibi as evidence that she was not there at the time the death happened.

In other words, premeditation cannot be proven after she decided to spend over 15 hours with Travis, blowing her alibi with Ryan.

In past premeditation cases, if the suspect knew the victim well but did not live with the victim, the suspect always wore gloves and committed the killing within minutes of either breaking into the victim's house or entering the victim's house and the killing always takes place when the possibility of being seen is at a minimum, in other words, the killing takes place when potential witnesses (renters, neighbors etc ) are sleeping.

Also, without any prompting or leading from the interrogation detective, Jodi herself said that she had plenty of gloves and would have used them if premeditation was on her mind.

The prosecution made a reasonable assumption that the gun was stolen by Jodi  due to Travis threatening to harm Jodi days before the 6/4/08 visit but

 at the same time, the prosecution did not make a reasonable assumption that gloves were also taken by Jodi which means if gloves were not worn at the scene, Jodi did not have premeditation on her mind but the gun and knife were purely for self defense just in case Travis was going to carry out his threat against Jodi which he made a few days before 6/4/08.

We have a strong case that Jodi took both a knife and gun because she knew the gun was not reliable (details in section C below ) and if the gun did not work, an enraged Travis would have gone after her and she knew she needed the knife to defend against Travis if flight was not possible.

Intention to kill cannot be proved,and there are mitigating factors that do not prove intent to kill.

Detectives knew that any kind of premeditation would have involved gloves but the fact that Jodi spent hours at Travis' house putting her finger prints all over the place made the detectives want to interview Jodi for hours to find out what happened if the killing was not premeditated.

The following interrogation videos will show that the interrogation detectives only had one side of the story, Travis and his family/friends' side of the story including all the forensic evidence that made a jury indict Jodi,

 so there was no reason for hours of interrogation if the detectives firmly believed in  premeditated murder when

 the detectives clearly knew that defendants seldom confess to premeditation.

In the link below, it shows Detective Flores' doubt about premeditated murder at the 5:06 timeline when

 Detective Flores clearly says he does not know whether it was premeditated or not:

Detective Flores states that in all his experience as a detective, he does not see Jodi as a cold blooded killer ( watch at the 5:37 timeline in the link below ):

The second interrogation detective concurs with Detective Flores when she clearly states at the 7:56 timeline (in the link below) that she does not believe the killing was premeditated:

At the 28:12 timeline in the link below, the detective asked Jodi whether Travis contributed to events that went out of control :

At the 1:05 timeline in the link below, the detective asks Jodi was scared of Travis on the day Travis died, again doubting  premeditation:

The detective again doubting premeditation, asks Jodi whether she feared Travis on the day Travis died ( Watch at the 3:40 timeline in the link below ):

You can clearly see by the above line of questioning in the videos above, both detectives were trying their best to make Jodi confess to the lesser charge of manslaughter and not premeditated murder because

 the detectives themselves, after looking at all the physical evidence and the stories from Travis friends and family, still could not believe it was premeditated.

Regarding Travis "good side", read the closing statements at the end regarding  Travis' psychopathy and multiple personalities ( some which were good ).

Even when threatened by Travis (details in section C below ) Jodi was not able to pull the trigger and that hesitation resulted in a struggle and a messy killing (with the camera being kicked around).

We know the Travis attempted to use people for sex (even though he was unsuccessful with the Mormon girls and afraid for his reputation as a virginal Mormon).

One of the Mormon girls said that she felt used by Travis ( even though she never had sex with him ). Watch at the 31:19 timeline in the link below :

After having changed her mind about visiting Ryan on time,

she ended up spending hours at Travis' house, knowing his roommates were around, her fingerprints were all over the place  and Jodi knew

  anybody, including the neighbors, could see her leaving the house during the daytime.

If premeditation was on Jodi's mind, she could have  killed Travis while Travis slept.

While Travis was showering, Jodi decided to use her camera and so took the handbag to the bathroom but in the bathroom Travis told Jodi to use his camera.

 If the killing was planned, she could have easily taken the camera with her after the killing and deleted the photos later ( at leisure ) after the killing but

since the killing was not planned the camera was left behind in the washer, an act that does not make sense unless Jodi acted in a state of panic and not premeditation.

To reiterate, 

 the crime scene does not point to premeditation since 

we know that Jodi was a photographer and

 she could have easily put the camera away safely before committing the killing but

  the fact that the camera was shooting accidental photos shows a sudden turn of events and not to premeditation.

The camera in the washer is another indication it was not premeditated but an sign of panic.

Everybody knew that Jodi was always around cameras, so why such a obvious clue by leaving the camera in the washer which shows panic and not premeditation.

The prosecutor wants you to think that Jodi was so careful in not wanting anybody to know that she was in Arizona and yet after the killing, the Prosecutor fails to reveal why Jodi did not take her time to clean up the scene, put the camera in the bag along with the bloody knife and gun but the evidence shows that Jodi never expected a sudden turn of events ( details in Section C below ) so Jodi's behavior after the killing is a sign of panic and not planning.

(B) Was it in self-defense ?

To answer that question, we have to ask whether Travis posed a danger to Jodi on the day Travis died.

First, a little bit of Travis' character before his death.

Mimi Hall recalls Travis being persistent at the 1;51;20 timeline in the link below :

Even when a girlfriend of Travis asked him not to "grab her butt", Travis persisted. Watch at the 31:40 timeline in the video below :

Could this persistency on Travis part be the cause of Travis saying Jodi was stalking, in other words,

Travis is persistent,

 Jodi responds to Travis' persistency in a positive way and then

Travis spreads rumors that Jodi is stalking him in order to maintain his reputation as a virginal Mormon who is not obsessed with sex, sexual fantasies of minors (details below ) and having sex with Jodi.

We know that Travis had peculiar interests in sex, for example, while Jodi would not take close up views of Travis' genitals, Travis had the proclivity to take extremely close up views of Jodi's genitals.

One of Travis' friends was Sky Hughes.

Sky Hughes accuses Travis of being a "heart predator and  stringing Jodi along".

 Sky Hughes tells Travis:  " you (Travis ) get great joy in making women fall for the T-dogg and you (Travis) laugh about what you can get away with"(end of quote). 

Sky Hughes was so detested by Travis' behavior that she said she will never let her sister date Travis because apparently Sky Hughes saw the psychopath in Travis when even Travis admitted at one time,

   in an email to the Hughes, Travis stated : “I am a bit of a sociopath.” ( end of quote ).

Travis enjoyed and got excited by seeing people being bruised and battered and he celebrated violence by having celebratory UFC parties at his house.

We know that not all sociopaths or psychopaths are criminals but those who are criminals have psychopathic tendencies.

In the months leading up to Travis' death,

we know from the evidence presented in court that Travis had the following psychopathic and non-psychopathic characteristics that eventually pushed him over the edge on the day  of his death,

(1) Travis was under a lot of stress, possibly financial stress (details below ) and people under stress can snap at anytime.

(2) Travis hatred towards Jodi was growing to the point he wished her dead (details below) even calling for her heart to stop beating since she , according to Travis, was a "corrupted carcass".

(3) Travis seems to imply that Jodi was blackmailing him, even though there is no evidence of regular money deposits into Jodi's bank account to buy her silence ( details below ).

(4) Travis had the rape of Jodi on his mind and even statutory rape of little girls was part of Travis' fantasies and in Travis' own words heard in court, Travis admitted his statutory rape fantasies of little girls when Travis said   "corking the pot of a little girl" ,  which shows

 Travis had fantasies of violence or even the rape of a minor child.

(5) Travis wanted to use a gun (details below).

(6) Travis dehumanized Jodi to the point that it was so much easier to kill her since killers usually dehumanize a person to the point where killing becomes easy.

(7) Travis had a shocking temper which ( in our opinion ) could lead to violence (details below).

 Just before the death of Travis on 6/4/08, Jodi writes in her journal on 5-30-2008 JOURNAL ENTRY

I love Travis and always will; his fiery temper doesn't mix with me crying at spilled milk but I still love him. "

(8) Between Jodi and Travis,  Travis was the aggressor when he used violent language like "beating up" a person, "blasting" people and  "shredding people to pieces" (in a telephone conversation with Jodi.)

(9) In Travis' mind, he was an aging Mormon and so Travis had a sense of urgency  with regards to marrying a  virginal Mormon girl and he knew that

Jodi was the only one who could sabotage his plans of a happy marriage if the truth of his sexual deviancy came to light (since Jodi had the audio evidence of his deviancy).

(10) Rejection by a  potential virginal Mormon wife  devastated Travis and Travis probably blamed Jodi (in our opinion) for the rejection (details below ).

(11) Travis warned Jodi that she was going to feel his wrath and that he was planning his revenge (details below).

Jodi would literally duck ( like from a bullet ) when Travis showed his anger ;

To elaborate on the above points:

(1) What points to financial stress that Travis felt increasingly before his death that could have made him snap at Jodi.

In the months before Travis' death, he was draining Jodi's bank account which shows he either had money problems causing him stress or

 Travis was using Jodi for both money and sex.

Jodi writes in her journal on 1/24/08:

  " I wanted to soothe away his (Travis) worries. He was under more stress than I had ever seen him. He was really despairing today. I lended him another $80 " (end of quote).

 Jodi's journal entry of 1/24/08:

  " I drained my checking account to put money into his (Travis) and then was hit with tons of fees, fees that he isn't going to pay, $96 worth " (end of quote).

(2) Travis hatred towards Jodi was growing to the point he wished her dead (another motive to kill ).

Travis' message to Jodi on 5/26/08:

"you (Jodi) have betrayed me worse than any example I could conjour, you are sick and you have scamed me " (end of quote).
 Jodi attributes Travis' mean words above ( that do not make sense) to his state of mind that involved his sexual attraction to 12 year old girls and Travis felt that Jodi was betraying him somehow for bringing it up. plus the fact that

 Jodi had a audio recording of  Travis' fantasies regarding statutory rape of minors.

Travis told Jodi that she did not deserve to live when Travis said the following :  "  (Jodi) You're taking up people's air." (end of quote) and

 wanting Jodi's heart to stop beating because according to Travis, Jodi was a "corrupted carcass".

Psychopaths often refer to people as not deserving to live.

(3) Travis used the words "you (Jodi) have scamed me" (end of quote ).

Did Travis imply that Jodi had the potential of  blackmailing him ? with the audio evidence of fantasies regarding the rape of a child.

Here again is another motive to kill, in our opinion.

(4) According to audio recordings heard in Court, we know that Travis had rape and even statutory rape of minor girls on his mind which shows that he was capable of violence ( in our opinion )

because no normal person thinks about rape unless that person is a sadist or psychopath.

(5) Jodi's journal entry of 1/24/08:

  " .... he wants to get a gun and put it to his head and pull the trigger." (end of quote).

According to Jodi's journal entry above, it is Travis who was willing to use a gun and a suicidal person is just as likely to use the gun on himself as he is on another person, especially when

 he already told Jodi that she did not deserve to live when Travis said the following :  "  (Jodi) You're taking up people's air." (end of quote).

(6) Dehumanizing another human  being is a technique used by psychopaths because its a lot easier to kill another person whom the psychopath considers as less than human and here are some of the dehumanizing words Travis said to Jodi :





 three hole wonder,


 you're worthless,

 You're taking up people's air,

and Travis wanted Jodi's heart to stop beating because she is a "corrupted carcass".

In telephone conversations heard in court, Travis had accused specific people of being without souls, even though he had no proof of that.

(7) We also know that Travis had an explosive temper towards those he considered a nobody like Jodi and this temper was witnessed by

both Gus Searcy and Desiree Freeman who were shocked at Travis' temper towards Jodi, which came all of a sudden with no warning.

The Prosecutor admitted that Travis threw a phone across the room, again showing Travis' temper.

Lisa Andrews Diadoni (Travis' ex-girlfriend ) said in court that she got scared when Travis lost his temper.

  Gus Searcy compared Travis' temper to a bullet, as he witnessed Jodi literally duck when Travis blasted Jodi over the phone.

Jodi's journal entry points to Travis temper at her which concurs with what  court witnesses said.

  Jodi's journal entry of 1/24/08:

  " I drained my checking account to put money into his (Travis) and then was hit with tons of fees, fees that he isn't going to pay, $96 worth. And he has the nerve to tell me to balance my checkbook.

  Nay, he (Travis) didn`t just tell me that, he screamed it at me, and

  then proceeded to say that he wants to get a gun and put it to his head and pull the trigger." (end of quote).

(8) People who are prone to violence often use violent language and between Jodi and Travis, Travis was the one using words like " blasting" people, "beating up" one person at least and "shredding people to pieces" ( words recorded in a telephone conversation between Jodi and Travis ).

(9) The sense of urgency in wanting to get married to a virginal Mormon girl put a  lot of stress on Travis and Jodi was the only one who could prevent a happy marriage and

here again is another motive to kill Jodi, the only one standing in the way of a happy married life since Jodi had audio evidence of Travis sexual deviancy and

the interrogation detective in the following link at the 21:45 timeline concurs with the view that Travis' time was running out regarding marriage:

(10) Before the trip to Mexico, virginal Mormon Mimi rejected Travis as a potential husband and that rejection devastated Travis as he saw his chances of being married slipping away and that rejection was blamed on Jodi (in our opinion).

(11)     5/26/08 text messages from Travis  to Jodi showed he was planning his revenge, as Travis used the following phrases:

  "feel the wrath (Jodi)."

  " I promise you (Jodi) the punishment will be better".

   " After tomorrow, its gonna get real bad for you (Jodi)."

(12) The entire context of the following chat shows that Travis was on the verge of doing something horrible to Jodi and notice how Jodi was trying to calm Travis by saying what a bad person she was but at the same time saying that she has never been violent towards him or his property  :

By reading the entire chat above, logic would dictate that Jodi had more control than Travis and hence

on the day of Travis death, one could conclude that Travis was out of control and Jodi was in control and that is why she hesitated to pull the trigger which in turn led to the chaotic struggle for life on her part.

(C) What actually happened ?

From court witnesses, Travis had the tendency to overreact to even the slightest problem and Jodi due to her past childhood abuse tended to want negative attention which means she would instigate those she loves but 

the instigation problem with Jodi was mild but on June 4th, it got out of hand when Jodi's instigation went a level up (details below ) which in turn contributed to Travis' overreaction which in turn led to the tragic events on June 4th.

The main reason Jodi kept lying about the events leading up to Travis death is because

Jodi felt guilty about instigating Travis, which triggered the rage within Travis (details below ) and the interrogation detective sensed that guilt  in Jodi at the 4:05 timeline in the link below :

Jodi did feel guilty about instigating the events below but at the same time

 she knew she did not kill Travis because in Jodi's mind, killing meant "premeditated murder" which Jodi planned but hesitated in carrying  out.

Also remember what was stated at the very beginning of the post regarding the effects of PTSD where the  traumatic experience triggers a memory lapse and Jodi genuinely does not remember the actual killing.

Combining all twelve points in part (B) above, the actions of Jodi (below) pushed Travis over the edge:

When Travis said he was not going to take Jodi to Mexico, Jodi purposely dropped the camera while

  telling Travis that she was going to turn in audio recorded evidence (  statutory rape fantasies of  minors) to his church and  tell his bishop and

  potential future good Mormon virgin wives that Travis has

  rape fantasies

  of tying up and

  having anal sex with

 12 year old schoolgirls in pigtails and also "corking the pot" of little girls:

  (In the above telephone recordings  heard in court, Travis  had already revealed his fascination with a 12 year old girl's orgasm ).

 According to the court transcript, this is exactly what Travis said to Jodi:

" The way you moan, baby, it sounds like -- it sounds like you are this 12-year-old girl having her first orgasm. It`s so hot." and

 later  in the audio recording, Travis said the following " corking the pot of a little girl" ( end of quote ).

Even if Travis was role-playing, what non-pedophile adult wants a girl to role-play a 12 year old girl having her first orgasm, which proves at the least, Travis was  a closet pedophile.

 For Travis to know what a 12 year old girl sounds like during her first orgasm, we should not be surprised if Travis had a collection of illegal child porn featuring 12 year old girls.

The fact that Mormons have been known to have multiple wives ( psychopaths tend to be greedy and covet power in having multiple sexual relationships at the same time ) and

 Mormons have been known to marry minors, it should not surprise us that Travis was actually thinking about a particular  12 year old girl's first orgasm as being hot.

Jodi threatening to tell on Travis ,enraged him because Travis knew the threat was real since

 Jodi had a recorded telephone conversation implicating Travis' statutory rape fantasies of minors.

On hearing Jodi's threat,  Travis got up to choke Jodi into submission.

Jodi got terrified at Travis' rage since

 males commit 93% of all murders since

 brain research (fMRI) finds that the right amygdala is activated in  men which calls for aggression when there exists  emotionally stressful stimuli, while

 women activate their left amygdala during emotionally stressful stimuli which explains the absence of the aggression  response in women.

We know that Travis rage shocked Jodi because even after Travis death, Jodi could not comprehend how a person she cared about can become so enraged and

that frightening side of Travis made Jodi suspicious of all males and

 that is why she told the interrogation detective that she bought a gun after Travis' death since

( in our opinion) she was not trusting of males anymore, after seeing the rage in Travis.

  On hearing Jodi's threat, Travis got up to choke Jodi into submission.

Being terrified at Travis rage, Jodi got the gun which was in her handbag in the bathroom

Due to Travis' immense strength that even the interrogation detective stated that Travis possessed (details below )  we know Jodi did not use the the knife first but used  the gun  but

the reason she ended up using the knife is because she hesitated in pulling the trigger which enabled the enraged Travis knocking the gun off Jodi's hand.

 When Travis was about to attack Jodi,

there were four possible scenarios that resulted in Travis' death (listed below):

(1) The gun initially worked and Jodi pulled the trigger:

Under this scenario, Jodi would have repeatedly pulled the trigger until Travis died but we know this is not what happened

(2) The gun initially worked and Jodi hesitated to pull the trigger

Under this scenario, Travis would have grabbed or knocked the gun off Jodi's hand and used the gun against Jodi and Jodi would not have had time to defend herself with the knife.

In other words, Jodi would have been dead and Travis would have had to explain to the police that it was self defense, even though Jodi hesitated.

We know the above scenario did not happen either.

(3) The gun initially did not work and Jodi pulled the trigger:

Under this scenario, Travis would have knocked Jodi unconscious to the ground and either possibly called the police to have Jodi arrested or in a rage, he could have killed the unconscious Jodi and then reported to the police it was self defense

We know the above scenario did not happen either.

(4) The gun initially did not work and the Jodi hesitated in pulling the trigger:

This is the most plausible scenario (as supported by the physical evidence ) since
we know that Travis must have either knocked the gun off Jodi's hand or struggled with Jodi and then took the gun while Jodi went for the knife (which was in her handbag ) and as the gun jammed in Travis' hand, Jodi got lucky in stabbing Travis in the chest.

 Knowing how strong Travis was, its not logical to assume that Jodi would have preferred the knife to the gun unless Jodi had the gun knocked off her hand.

Jodi could not have struck first because if she did, she would have used the gun and not the knife, knowing how strong Travis was and so,

 the only possible scenario is Jodi hesitated in using the gun and then the rest of the scene is a struggle for life because Jodi got lucky in stabbing Travis in the chest when the gun jammed in Travis' hand.

We believe Jodi is alive today because Travis had the gun in his hand  and that is how Jodi survived because the gun jammed and the rest of the scene is a struggle for life on Jodi's part.

  Travis went to get the gun while Jodi ( fearing that the enraged Travis would use the gun against her )  got the knife and started stabbing him in the back and head as he swung around with the gun but

  the gun jammed and Jodi got lucky and stabbed Travis in the chest.

  Travis tried to get the knife from Jodi while Jodi ( knowing that her life was in danger)  managed to cut his hands and his torso as he fell on her and

while Travis was on top of Jodi,  she started stabbing his back and head.

In the link below, at the 11:00 timeline, Jodi says Travis was very strong, she has never seen anybody work out like Travis and she could not get out of one of Travis wrestling holds on her, and she felt powerless :

Detective Flores concurs with Jodi  at the 27;51 timeline in the link below that Travis was strong, so strong that two or more people could have been involved in his killing, according to Detective Flores:

Detective Flores admits (at the 40;30 timeline in the link below) that since Travis was a big guy, it would have taken more than one person to kill Travis:

 Jodi knew that Travis had tremendous strength and stamina and that if she stopped stabbing Travis, her life would be over since Travis was into


 martial arts,

 boxing and

 body building.

  Travis lost strength within seconds and feeling sorry for him, Jodi helped him to the sink.

We know that Jodi felt sorry for Travis and helped him to the sink because

 its not logical to assume Travis would be standing above the sink and not trying to defend himself,  if he was being constantly attacked.

Would Travis actually allow an attack from behind ? We highly doubt it, especially if Travis had some strength left in him to stand above the sink.

Travis had a huge ego and the very thought of being beaten by a girl, especially a girl whom he considered as a nobody, enraged him and so

 while over the sink,  Travis started cursing Jodi (using all manner of demeaning words)

  as Jodi said she was going to get help from Travis' roommates.

The next event that took place can be explained by the blood evidence shown in court.

[ Note :  At the entrance to the bathroom hallway there is a very large smearing stain on the carpet meaning both Jodi and Travis were struggling for the knife which was in Jodi's hand and

a much smaller and much darker stain beside the very large smear, that indicated blood was pooling after Travis throat was cut and his neck was bleeding which created the pooling of the blood ( the  much smaller but darker of the  two stains )].

  As Jodi was about to get out of the bathroom near the entrance to Travis' bedroom, Travis had managed to pounce on her from behind, grunting the words " you c(*)nt " and

  as he fell on her and  tried to get the knife from her, she plunged the knife into his neck and cut his throat in sheer terror .

The neck wound was 1 and 1/2 " in depth, so it corresponds to Travis being on top and so it was easier for Jodi to thrust upwards and make that 1  and 1/2" stab.

Here is the video regarding the 1 and 1/2 inch neck wound :

 Jodi could not have been behind Travis when she made the neck wound because the angle of the wound is consistent with Jodi being at the bottom and Travis on top (showing that Travis was trying to get the knife from Jodi ) because

 the 1 and 1/2 inch deep wound is at an angle with the blade pointed towards Travis' head which could not have been made if Jodi was behind Travis

 ( if she was behind Travis, she would have had to twist her hand downwards to make that cut which is not logical because

 people don't push their hand downwards to make a cut since the back of the hand is usually pointing straight in line with the arm when making cuts). 

Also notice in the video below, the neck wound is not symmetrical, meaning, the length on the left side of the voice box is shorter than the length on the right side of the voice box, so the non-symmetrical wound could only be done if Jodi was at the bottom and slashing from left to right while a dazed Travis was trying to get the knife from Jodi:

Jodi managed to push Travis off her and she knew he was dead as blood was pooling on the carpet  ( the  much smaller but darker of the  two stains ).

   While weeping and blinded by tears , Jodi dragged the body back into the bathroom (all of this could have taken place between the last live photo of Travis and two minutes later when the accidental photo shows a bleeding Travis since two minutes is actually a very long time ).

 Jodi was shocked to see Travis glaring his eyes and baring his teeth at her, even though he was dead and

 terrified that he might pounce at her again  (since Jodi was not thinking straight),

  Jodi used the gun on the dead body and the gun worked.

When she found out the roommates were not home, she made up her mind to protect Travis "virginal" image in the Mormon church and

  the only way to protect Travis reputation was to make everybody think that  it was total strangers who did the killing because

  she knew if she was implicated in the killing, Travis' sexual deviancy regarding 12 year olds and the fantasies of statutory rapes of little girls would be found out since she had audio evidence (of Travis' deviancy) in her possession.

One of the first things Jodi mentioned during the police interrogations was her desire to protect Travis reputation regarding sex (watch at the 13:50 timeline in the link below ):

At the 10:29 timeline in the link below, the detective was wondering whether its Travis' reputation that Jodi was protecting because Jodi was not telling about the events leading up to Travis killing :

Ryan Burns (Jodi's boyfriend) concurs with the above interrogation detective ( at the 56:36 timeline in the link below ) that Jodi did not want Travis sexuality to be revealed to the public:

At the same time, Jodi did experience PTSD (as stated at the beginning of this post ) and the symptoms are listed in the medical link below:

Summarizing from the link above, Jodi experienced the following symptoms of PTSD:

(1) PTSD symptoms usually start soon after the traumatic event, but they may not happen until months or years later and so Jodi's behavior with Ryan Burns, 24 hours after Travis' death should not surprise anybody since symptoms of PTSD can be manifested even years after the traumatic event.

(2)  PTSD symptoms involve forgetting about parts of the traumatic event or not be able to talk about them.

(3) PTSD symptoms involve  trouble concentrating and you will notice this during the interrogation interviews when sometimes Jodi would be speaking about something else, other than what the detective is trying to convey to Jodi.

(4) Another sign of PTSD is, Jodi feared for her safety and she told the interrogation detective that she bought a gun after Travis' death.

(5) Another sign of PTSD is feelings of shame, despair, or hopelessness and Jodi revealed to the interrogation detectives that her situation was hopeless and we know that Jodi felt shame for instigating Travis' rage on the day Travis died.

(6) Another sign of PTSD is difficulty in controlling  emotions.

At the 25:20 timeline Jodi is calm and eating and then suddenly she starts crying, which is a definite sign of PTSD:

(7) Another sign of PTSD is impulsive or self-destructive behavior.

We see Jodi exhibiting impulsive or self-destructive behavior when she suddenly changes her mind about the course of her trial proceedings (example: saying that death is better than life in prison or  not wanting to plead for her life in front of the jury etc )

Also, notice in the interrogation video, she has her knees up to her chest (like a little girl would do ) and then just like a little girl who plays with two dolls, telling the therapist what happened regarding abuse etc,

 Jodi talks about two individuals who killed Travis (due to the leading and prompting of the interrogation detective ) because

confessing to the killing of Travis was too much for Jodi to admit to since Jodi knew that any confession about killing Travis would result in more emotional abuse from Travis' family and friends , the same kind of emotional abuse that  Jodi has been facing all her life.


The fact that there does exist the psychological phenomenon called "mob mentality" used in lynchings in the past should give the Appeals Court one added reason to call for a retrial with jury sequestration the next time around

We believe Jodi Arias has a strong case for an appeal because most of the trial was concentrated on Jodi lying.

By concentrating on the lies Jodi said, we believe it prejudiced the entire case against Jodi when the case should only have involved the question of premeditation.

Lying does not make a person a murderer but because the Prosecution made it sound that the numerous lies said by Jodi made her a murderer made it a very prejudicial case against Jodi.

Words do not make a person evil.

One forensic investigator said that she was looking for blood that was "pretty".

 Does that mean that investigator was a psychopath or evil because she used the word "pretty" in referring to a tragedy ? off course not.

 Words do not make a person evil, its what they actually do and not what they say that makes a person evil or not.

 Jodi wanting to be interviewed by the Media in the beginning was to protect Travis' reputation and Jodi is lying today due to her deep guilt for instigating Travis into his rage on the day he died and also Jodi's lies are due to her desire (at least in the beginning ) to protect Travis' reputation and to protect Travis' family from the truth about Travis' deviancy 

Also,  we believe that Jodi Arias has a strong case for an appeal because throughout the trial, at numerous times, Travis is referred to as the "victim" and even the word "murdered" was used  and we believe the above words used are highly prejudicial in a capital murder case and could have influenced the jury members before deliberation took place in the jury room.

In a capital murder case, the deceased should never be referred to as the victim since that is highly prejudicial language.

The Judge referred to Travis as the victim ( highly prejudicial against Jodi ) meaning the Judge was telling the jury that Travis was innocent surrounding the circumstances of his death and Jodi was guilty and being guilty in a capital murder case would mean at the least, life in prison without parole.

Would the Judge have liked it if the defense team kept referring to Jodi as the survivor ?

Watch at the 50:00 timeline in the video below, the word "murdered" was used and this is just one of numerous examples of the words "victim" and "murdered" were used:

Even at trial, why was Jodi not able to tell the whole truth ? because not only did Jodi feel guilty about instigating Travis into his rage,

people in extremely traumatic situations (example: an accident ) only remember the start of the traumatic event and the end but nothing in between (as stated in the beginning of this post ) and

that is why Jodi is not able to recall the sequence of events during the trauma plus the fact that

in Jodi's mind, she did not kill Travis because

 in Jodi's mind, killing means premeditation but

 since she hesitated in actually pulling the trigger, to Jodi, she did not kill him and

 the traumatic events that followed the hesitation in pulling the trigger led to the "memory haze" that most people feel in the middle of a trauma or accident.

So how do we get at the whole truth or can we at least meet the standard of " reasonable doubt " ?

To get to the standard of "reasonable doubt", we need to look at all sources, both inside and outside of jail, in order to come as close as possible to the whole truth and not just what was revealed in court.

 As for Travis, due to his troubled past, he  developed multiple personalities ( at least one of those personalities was evil ) that led to fantasies of sexual deviancy.

 In a letter to Chris and Sky Hughes ( Travis' friends ), Travis tells the Hughes that Jodi suspects that there is evil residing within him (Travis).

 In replying to Travis, Sky Hughes tells Travis that Jodi was being treated horribly by Travis ( not physically but emotionally ) and that the Hughes had witnessed Jodi cry due to the actions of Travis.

 Sky Hughes accuses Travis of being a "heart predator and  stringing Jodi along".

 Sky Hughes tells Travis:  " you (Travis ) get great joy in making women fall for the T-dogg and you (Travis) laugh about what you can get away with"(end of quote). 

Detective Flores at the 3:33 timeline in the link below admits that Travis was a "player" who tells girls he loves them while still seeing other girls:

 Sky Hughes was so detested by Travis behavior that she told Travis that she would not allow her younger sister to date Travis.

 The evil that resided within Travis ( mentioned in Travis' letter to the Hughes ) would result in Travis' suddenly losing his temper only to those like Jodi whom he considered as a nobody.

 Travis has a better case when it comes to psychopathy and here is the list:

(1) Aggressive language is often used by psychopaths and Travis was full of aggressive language, using words like "blasting" people, "ripping to shreds" regarding people he did not like  and "beating up" at least one person mentioned in telephone recordings heard in court.

(2) Statutory rape fantasies are a sign of psychopathy when Travis was recorded saying " corking the pot of a little girl".

 (3) Males commit 93% of all murders since brain research (fMRI) finds that the right amygdala is activated in  men which calls for aggression when there exists  emotionally stressful stimuli,

while women activate their left amygdala during emotionally stressful stimuli which explains the absence of the aggression  response in women.

 (4) Sky Hughes (Travis's friend) stated that Travis would refer to himself as the T-Dogg who would laugh at what he (Travis ) can get away with regarding women.

 (5) the Hughes ( Travis's friends)  accusing Travis of stringing along Jodi when Travis had no intention of marrying Jodi.

 (6) Both Gus Searcy and Desiree Freeman were shocked at Travis' temper towards Jodi, which came all of a sudden with no warning.

 (7) Travis admitting to the Hughes ( Travis' friends) that he (Travis) was a sociopath (In our opinion, Travis was also a psychopath).

 (8) Sky Hughes (Travis's friend ) accusing Travis of being a predator.

 (9) Sky Hughes (Travis' friend ) was so detested by Travis' behavior that she told Travis that she will not allow her younger sister to date Travis.

 (10) Travis' fantasies of tying up and raping Jodi. (no normal person will even think of tying up and raping a girl, unless that person is a sadist or psychopath).

 (11) Travis telling Jodi that she sounded like a 12 year old girl when Jodi had an orgasm .( highly abnormal behavior of a grown man fantasizing about 12 year old girls having their first orgasms ).

 (12) The last few months in Travis' life was spent degrading Jodi ( a psychopathic trait ) and in degrading Jodi, it was that much easier to kill Jodi (when Jodi threatened to tell on Travis ) because the first step killers take in killing is to make the victim a nobody or subhuman.

 (13) Travis was having a double life ( a psychopathic characteristic ), pretending to be a virginal Mormon.

 (14) Travis looked down on specific people, saying they had no souls even though he had no evidence of that ( another psychopathic characteristic that looks down on people ).

(15) Between the two, its Travis who implied Jodi should not be alive. when Travis said : "  (Jodi) You're taking up people's air." (end of quote).

 Psychopaths often refer to people as not deserving to live.

(16) Travis got excited and enjoying seeing people bruised and battered and that is why he organized celebratory UFC parties.

We are not saying all people who watch UFC are psychopaths but we are saying that if a person is psychopath, that psychopath  would enjoy seeing people being bruised and battered

(17) Travis often referred to  himself in the third person, as " Mr. Alexander" and the "T-Dogg" and people with huge egos can be psychopaths at the same time.

(18) Last but not least, just looking at all the pictures of Travis and Jodi, Travis looks more like a psychopath who had a huge ego with his "know it all, arrogant" look while Jodi does not have that psychopathic look.

 Unlike true killers, Jodi had the following characteristics that do not point to her being a killer:

 (1) Being shy in a crowd of strangers ( spree or serial killers can be shy, but Jodi was not a serial or spree killer ).

 Studies show that introverted young people are less prone to violence.

(2) Not losing her temper even when the Prosecutor was doing his very best to get Jodi to lash out or lose her temper.

Notice that Jodi said that the Prosecutor was screaming at her and he did not disagree with the term, "screaming".

While the Prosecutor was "screaming" at Jodi, notice how much more control Jodi had while  the Prosecutor was "out of control" in losing his temper with Jodi throughout the cross examination in court.

 (3) No history of violence or abusing her former boyfriends or other people.

 (4) No history of drug use

 (5) crying over one incident where she kicked a dog ( true killers hardly cry over animals).

 (6) Jodi showed signs of abuse (happy one hour and crying the next, according to her friends and parents ) but no signs of violence even when she had panic attacks.

 (7) Jodi did not financially benefit from Travis's death ( true killers usually take out a life insurance policy on the victim, before killing the victim ) .

 (8) Jodi could have used the gas cans she brought with her to burn down the house but she did not ( true killers have been known to burn down the crime scene or burn the victims of their crime ).

 (9) Jodi was selfless. Jodi lent Travis money to the point where Jodi was broke due to lending money to Travis.

 Jodi's journal entry on 1/24/08: " I've  been squeezed dry and then some because of him (Travis)."

  When Darryl Brewer was broke, Jodi was more than willing to share her bank account of over $12,000 with Darryl.  ( true killers are almost always selfish and don't give away their money ).

(10) Jodi had very few intimate relationships while true criminals have either  numerous victims and/or intimate relationships.

(11) In the interrogation tapes, Jodi revealed she had fears and one fear is the fear of not being respected by people. Psychopaths do not fear being not respected but rather true psychopaths get angry at not being respected, so again,

Jodi did not show a psychopathic characteristic due to her fears while anger was absent.

(12) Watch at the 8:09 timeline below, where Jodi cries out and shows clear empathy for Travis' family and friends. Psychopaths do not feel empathy and do not cry over other people's feelings:

(13) At the 8:45 timeline  ( in the link below ) the interrogation detective states that Jodi is a spiritual caring person which does not fit the characteristics of a psychopath:

(14) The interrogation detective says that Jodi is concerned about other people's happiness  (which psychopaths do not exhibit). Watch at the 28:15 timeline ( in the link below):

(15) Even though the Miranda Rights were read to Jodi and she could have kept silent, she kept talking to the detectives because of her fear of being disliked.

As we said before, psychopaths get angry when people do not like them but Jodi feels fear instead of anger, again proving she is not a psychopath.

(16) If Jodi was a psychopath, she would have taken the camera with her since true killers have been known to take pictures with them in order to cherish the final moments of the killing  but

 Jodi chose to not keep any of the last pictures of Travis, again proving Jodi is not a psychopath.

(17) At the 10:40 timeline in the link below, Jodi is clearly shaken by what happened to Travis, showing again she is not a psychopath since psychopaths do not have any real feelings for the dead :

(18) At the 12:59 timeline in the link below, like a little girl, Jodi was on the floor and when nobody was watching, you can see Jodi wiping away tears and you can hear her sob quietly (she did not know there was a camera in the room) and

 Jodi started weeping even louder at the  13:55 timeline in the link below.

This is not what psychopaths do, they don't cry when nobody is around.

Psychopaths only feel anger when nobody is around:

(19) The detective has probably seen fake remorse but in the link below at the 5:55 timeline, she says Jodi's tears are real :

Again, psychopaths do not have real remorse but Jodi did.

(20)  Again at the 11:29 timeline in the above link, Jodi shows concern about what Travis' family are going through, another sign she is not a psychopath since psychopath hardly are concerned about the family of their victims.

(21) Cries about Travis' good side at the 22:10 timeline in the above link again showing Jodi does not fit the description of a psychopath since psychopaths never talk about the good somebody does especially the good their victims have done.

(22) In the video below, at the 00:10:27, Travis himself agrees that Jodi is a "giver " and not a " taker " again showing that Jodi does not fit the description of a psychopath :

(23) Ryan Burns agrees at the 55:00 timeline in  the link below that Jodi was trying to bring him closer to God and she was sincere in her religious convictions, again showing she is not a psychopath. Psychopaths get involved in religion for financial gain:

(24) Once again, when nobody was around, Jodi starts crying again at the 5:10 timeline in the link below, which again shows she is not a psychopath because true psychopaths do not cry when nobody is not around but rather, true psychopaths get angry when nobody is around :

(25) When shown the dead body of  Travis in the shower, Jodi looks away at the 1;30;35 timeline in the link below :

Again at the 1;32;25 timeline  and again at the 1;35;01 in the link above, Jodi is clearly shaken by pictures of the dead Travis and looks away.

No psychopath will look away because psychopaths get a thrill at looking at their dead victim but Jodi looked away, again proving she is not a psychopath

(26) At the 17:25 timeline in the link below, Ryan Burns clearly states he did not want Jodi to regret her visit to Ryan's house and so

 Ryan did not push Jodi into greater sexual intimacy, meaning, Jodi did show self control during the intimate moment she had with Ryan :

So Jodi cannot be called a slut even though being a slut does not make a person a sexual deviant

 unlike Travis who was definitely a sexual deviant, at least in terms of Travis fantasies about statutory rape of a minor child when Travis said the words "corking the pot of a little girl ".

(27) The more we see this case, the more we see Jodi as a "child who clings to her parents after a traumatic experience" and

 Travis used that weakness to his advantage, telling people Jodi was stalking, so he could have his "cake and eat it too".

You can see her child like behavior when she started crying in the interrogation room when no one was in the room and while crying, she got on the floor and almost went under the table.

The above is not the behavior of a psychopath.

(28) True psychopaths love to display their naked victim in a graphic way but Jodi attempted to give Travis a dignified pose by trying to make him as dignified as possible by putting the body into the shower stall

(29) Its remarkable that Jodi is still friends with at least two ex-boyfriends because Jodi is a forgiving person and too bad the media does not see that she is not a psychopath.

(30) Compared to 12 and 13 year old killers who clearly showed no remorse in the killing of their dad ( ) Jodi has shown symptoms of being child like ( example: clinging to Travis )  and yet Jodi showed much more remorse than those kids who killed their dad


We cannot rely on Jodi's stories since we know by now that Jodi has a strong desire to not admit to instigating Travis' into his rage (details above ) and 

admitting to that would mean being subject to more emotional abuse from the media and from Travis family and friends.

If it was premeditation from Jodi would have  taken  gloves and worn them before she opened the front door ? knowing her covert trip would be blown if her finger prints were all over the place.

Jodi did not mind her finger prints being all over the place since premeditation was not on her mind.

Even when threatened by Travis, Jodi could not pull the trigger and that hesitation resulted in a struggle for life with Travis getting the gun and Jodi getting the knife.

Jodi did not have defensive wounds because Travis had the gun and tried to use it but it jammed while Jodi got lucky in stabbing Travis in the chest which made Travis helpless within seconds but

Jodi did not realize that and by sheer terror kept stabbing because she sincerely thought her life would be over if she stopped stabbing.

Also, the scene of the killing does not point to premeditation since we know that Jodi was a photographer and

she could have easily put the camera away safely before committing the killing but

the fact that the camera was shooting accidental photos shows a sudden turn of events and not to premeditation.

The blood evidence also showed a struggle for life.

For example, at the entrance to the bathroom hallway there is a very large smearing stain on the carpet meaning both Jodi and Travis were struggling for the knife which was in Jodi's hand and

a much smaller and much darker stain beside the very large smear, that indicated blood was pooling after Travis throat was cut and his neck was bleeding which created the pooling of the blood ( the much smaller but darker of the stains ).

You can clearly see in the interrogation videos, both detectives were trying their best to make Jodi confess to the lesser charge of manslaughter and not premeditated murder because

the detectives themselves, after looking at all the physical evidence and the stories from Travis friends and family, still could not believe it was premeditated.

We know Travis had a good side and that is why Jodi kept going back to him because he definitely had a sweet side but sadly

 Travis himself confessed to the Hughes that he was a sociopath and we know sociopaths have multiple personalities and

 in the case of Travis (even though Jodi instigated the events leading up to his death ) Jodi was still shocked at the extent of Travis' rage when she said she was going to turn him in ( to his Bishop and prospective virginal wives) for his statutory rape fantasies.

Jodi was mentally tormented and even the slightest physical injury can be magnified in  Jodi's mind, especially when Jodi was vulnerable during childhood in which she was affected by emotional and/or physical abuse.

Travis took advantage of a mentally tormented  Jodi, resulting in

  Travis sexually using Jodi's body parts for his own selfish pleasure and

 in using Jodi's body parts, Travis emotionally abused Jodi which exacerbated Jodi's mental torment and

  in the end, she just could not bring herself to pulling the trigger.

Jodi will never admit to wanting to kill Travis with the gun she got from her grandparents' home because of the following:

(1) In her mind, because she hesitated in pulling the trigger, she did not kill Travis.

(2) She genuinely does not remember the actual killing because just like an accident, its too traumatic and the mind shuts down and can't remember .

(3) She feels guilty in instigating Travis' rage on the day of his death.

(4) She is too afraid of further emotional abuse from the media, Travis' friends and family.

(5) To Jodi, admitting to wanting to kill Travis and then changing her mind is to admit to being a killer and Jodi does not think of herself as a killer.

Jodi could not bring herself to pull the trigger which enabled the enraged sexual deviant Travis to knock the gun off her hand and then

  the rest of the crime scene shows a very chaotic struggle for life on Jodi's part and she got lucky in stabbing Travis in the chest.

Last but not least, between Travis and Jodi,  Travis was the one showing deviant behavior:

laughing at what the "T-Dogg" can get away with ( words from Sky Hughes, Travis' good friend ),

 Travis was a  predator ( word used by Sky Hughes ),

having UFC parties at his home because Travis got excited over  watching people being bruised and battered,

Travis wanted to beat up at least one person,

Travis' talk of sex all the time was referred to as "vulgar" by one of Travis' girlfriends

getting excited over thinking about a 12 year old girl's first orgasm and

having fantasies of "corking the pot of a little girl". (all presented in court as evidence ).

In a perfect world, we would have professional jurors ; those who are trained in the science of objective thought ( requiring a bachelor's degree in the science of objectivity and hired full time by the state ) instead of the present system of jurors who (due to incompetent defense teams)

are being guided by emotions or subjectivity as portrayed in the movie "12 angry men" where 11 jurors were guided by their emotions (due to the incompetence of the defense team)  and thankfully only one juror was guided by objectivity :