Sunday, June 30, 2024

The self-defense option as part of the jury instructions in the Jodi Arias Case on Facebook

 The self defense option in the jury instructions can be  viewed at :

In the above video link, at the 00:04 the judge states that Jodi could have used the threat of deadly force as part of her self-defense claim.

How did Jodi threaten  to use deadly force ? by pointing the gun at Travis.

The question is, did the defense bring in an expert to explain to the jury the sequence of events (leading up to Jodi pointing the gun ) starting from 5/26/08 when Travis implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive ?

If the defense had brought an expert into court, under what circumstances would the expert have placed the gun in Jodi’s hand ? since

the  judge explained that the threat of force by Jodi can be part of Jodi’s claim of self-defense.

Would the expert have stated that Jodi is not a person who resorts to violence if provoked ?

Would the expert have gone over the psychological  tests administered by the state’s own psychologist that proved  Jodi scored lower than the general population or the non-violent population in terms of aggression, hostility and violence ?

The above questions were not answered because the defense either did not care to bring in an expert or were not able to handle the case competently.

The judge implied to the jury that the threat of force by Jodi was justified if at least one juror was convinced that self-defense was a viable option among the options available to Jodi on 6/4/08.

Is there reasonable doubt that Jodi was not justified in using the threat of force by pointing the gun at Travis ?

Did the state make their case in proving that Jodi was not justified in pointing the gun at Travis ?

In light of the following, did the state prove Jodi was not justified in pointing the gun at Travis ?

In other words, was Travis capable of attacking Jodi on 6/4/08 in light of the following:

(a)Travis admitted to being a sociopath.

(b) Travis admitted that he was the “evil lurking in the shadows”.

(c)Travis was described as “gutting” several girls by the Hughes.

(d) Travis had rape fantasies of Jodi.

(e)Travis had statutory rape fantasies.

(f)Travis implied he had predatory nature by calling himself the T-Dawg.

(g)Travis enjoyed seeing people being beat up and so hosted UFC fight parties.

(h)Travis had a violent past as a kid as detailed by his childhood friend.

(i)Travis would fight on the slightest provocation when he was a kid.

(j)Travis thought that some people did not have souls.

(k)Travis was reported to have “beat the crap out of a punching bag”.

(l) Travis had a powerful punch as described by Daniel Freeman.

(m) Travis joked about killing the person who slashed his tire.

((n)) Travis wanted to beat up Abe.

(o)Travis' temper was so scary that Jodi was reported to have “ducked like she was being shot at “.

(p) Travis said he was on the verge of seeking revenge on Jodi.

(q) Travis joked about  beating a woman to death.

(r) Travis was always ready for a fight and so he was into martial arts, boxing and shooting guns.

(s) Travis  joked that women should be beaten in order to keep them in line.

(t) Travis  threw a phone across the room.

(u) Travis encouraged people to exploit others ( in his comedy routine).

(v) Travis was willing to take risks  ( being involved in several accidents).

(w) Witnesses on the stand testified to Travis’ temper.

(x) And finally on 5/26/08 Travis implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive.

Time and time again, did the defense point out to the jury the elements of self-defense  that the judge instructed the jury to  consider and  could at least one juror have considered the following ?

The accidental photo of the ceiling should have convinced at least one juror that something terrible had gone wrong since planning would have involved putting the camera away before any plan would have been executed.

When the defense asked Jodi whether she killed Travis, did the defense again let Jodi down by asking that question instead of

asking whether Travis attacked Jodi ? and in letting Jodi down by not

exploring self-defense as the option in the jury instructions, do we again have ineffective assistance of counsel, an appeal issue at the ninth circuit ?

The defense knew that the Judge was going to present to the jury the option of self-defense and yet, what was on the defense’s mind as soon as Jodi took the stand ?

If the defense was truly on Jodi’s side, what would come to their minds first: Travis getting “killed” or Travis attacking Jodi ?

The fact that they brought up the “killing” of Travis (first) ,tells us what was foremost on the defense’s mind.

If the defense was only thinking about Travis attacking Jodi, why were the first words that came out of their mouths “ did you kill Travis ? “ which shows that the defense was occupied by the “killing” of Travis and not Travis attacking Jodi.

If all the defense thought about throughout the trial is that Jodi killed Travis instead of

only thinking about Travis attacking Jodi, do we again have ineffective assistance of counsel, an appeal issue at the ninth circuit ?

Is it possible for a juror to think about Jodi killing Travis  at the very moment Nurmi said the word "kill" ?

If the above is a possibility and the defense knew that the judge was going to allow the jury to consider self-defense as an option, why then did the defense ask the question “ did you kill Travis ?” instead of asking “ did Travis attack you ?”.

Could it be because from day one, as soon as the defense got the case and the years leading up to the trial, the word that kept coming to the Nurmi’s mind is the word “kill” and not the word “attack” and so

the word “kill” became a habitual word within Nurmi’s mind, giving the word “kill” priority over the word “attack”.

If Nurmi gave the word “kill” priority over the word “attack”, how effective could he have been in defending Jodi ?

Knowing that the judge was going to present self-defense as an option that the jury should consider, why then did the defense ask Jodi, “ did you kill Travis ?” instead of

 the self-defense question “ did Travis attack you ?”.

How does it profit the defense or #JodiArias by asking "did you kill Travis ?".

 Effective defense is to get the jury to concentrate on Travis attacking Jodi, not Jodi killing Travis.