Travis’ brain experienced shock at the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm).which lasted to the 14 second mark (5:31:28pm)
The incompetent defense did not bring in an expert to testify to what happens when a rageful Travis (who said his fury cannot be stopped) is shot without injury to the brain.
Is it possible for such a rageful furious person to become irrational in his thinking ?
We believe, due to the shock of being shot, Travis was not able to think straight and started looking for the gun in Jodi's hand instead of
beating up Jodi with his fists when he told her " I'm going to f* kill y* b*", at the 14 second mark (5:31:28pm)
The shock of being shot, wrestling with Jodi and looking for the gun in Jodi's hand takes us to the 16 second mark (5:31:30pm).
At the 16 second mark (5:31:30pm), when the raging, furious and now irrational Travis found out that Jodi did not have the gun, he let go of Jodi and saw the gun was at the entrance to the toilet room.
As he was trying to get the gun from the slippery floor (blood from his nose spattered onto the toilet door frame)
We are now at the 16 second mark (5:31:30pm). To be continued (2/20/22)
- Jodi talking to Ryan Burns about four or five times a week for about an hour or more every time.
- Not jealous since she was thinking of Ryan Burns.
- We believe Travis was waiting for an opportunity to teach Jodi a lesson as indicated by his raging against Jodi on 5/26/08
2 weapons shows no planning since a reliable gun could have done the job but
the gun was not reliable and
since planning would have involved practice with the gun,
why would jodi take an unreliable gun against a hulking raging powerful travis unless nothing was planned, right ?
Did Travis abuse Jodi ? emotionally yes but physically only on rare occasions which is why she continued being his friend, a friend with benefits while trying to help him with his "issues".
Travis did break her finger by accident and Jodi being hyper-conscious about her looks made her put a great deal of significance to that event which resulted in her thinking that Travis was abusive.
In Jodi's mind Travis was capable of altering her looks forever especially on 6/4/08 which is also why Jodi thinks he was abusive.
The physical and emotional abuse itself would be significant if Jodi was obsessed with Travis but she was not and
since there was no obsession and Juan inadvertently admitted in his book that Jodi was planning to marry Ryan Burns and
so we know there was no motive to kill Travis.
Why kill a sex partner who was addicted to her ? and who was even willing to have sex with her ( on 6/4/08) while raging at her just a few days ago (5/26/08).
People say that planning would have taken seconds and if that is that is the case, why did the forensics expert say that the accidental photo of the ceiling was taken about 3 feet off the ground with the implication that Jodi was trying to catch the camera which resulted in the accidental photo of the ceiling about 3 feet off the ground.
If planning was on Jodi's mind, why try to catch the camera, why not just let it fall, right ?
Another problem for the opponents of Jodi. The casing found in Travis' bathroom can be used by different types of guns, so again, reasonable doubt arises that the gun belonged to Jodi's grandpa
This is what we know so far about 6/4/08:
(1) Travis had almost a minute to act to save his life (2) if Travis was actually running away from Jodi then all the blood should be in just one place, from the site of the shooting and down the hallway, not all over the place (3) why did travis have injuries to his front ? if he was running away from Jodi.
The conclusion from the above was that Travis was in full attack mode once he was shot accidentally and was so full of rage when he had knocked the gun out of Jodi's hand telling her he was going to " kill her" and Jodi probably thought she did not have time to escape down the hallway before being shot and so she started stabbing him in the back while Travis was going for the gun on the wet slippery floor.
The only time Travis did not attack Jodi was when Jodi had managed to get up from under Travis while Travis was on the floor and that is when Jodi feeling sorry, helped Travis to get up and instead of letting Jodi help him down the hallway, he stopped at the sink.
Dr Horn did say it was possible for somebody to have helped Travis stand at the sink:

We have not come across a single case where a psychopath left pictures behind at a crime scene since psychopaths love to save pictures and to look at them later for their pleasure.
In the Jodi Arias' case, we know Jodi is not a psychopath and the act of leaving the camera behind was done in a state of panic for the following reasons:
(1) If she was thinking logically, she would have known that even a destroyed camera being left behind would "point the finger at her" since she is the only one who was seen with a camera around Travis.
(2) We also know that she knew about camera technology since she told detective Flores how to retrieve pictures from a destroyed camera
(3) we also know that Jodi had knowledge of cameras ever since she was 10 when she started taking pictures.
In the video below, Shanna Hogan who was pro-Travis wrote in her book about the abnormal behavior of Travis. Travis told a total stranger that he wanted to make her pregnant. Even Travis' good friend called his humor, "sick". We have not come across a person who tells a total stranger that he wants to get her pregnant. For the rest of the abnormal, strange, and even deviant behavior of Travis, read the rest of this update.

Also, in pro-Travis Shanna Hogan’s book, Sky Hughes threatens to break up Jodi and Travis and Sky also told Jodi that she is not welcome in her house anymore:

This would have been the best time for Jodi to explode and rage against Sky, just like Juan Martinez thought in court that he could get Jodi to explode by showing his anger but what did Jodi do? to Sky and Juan Martinez: Jodi was calm in responding to both Sky Hughes and Juan Martinez, showing that Jodi had a lot of control in her life but sadly Travis did not, which ended in tragedy for Travis.
Author Shanna Hogan who is a huge supporter of Travis has appeared on all major media programs
In Shanna Hogan’s book, another one of Travis’ strange behavior can be seen, and by strange we mean, unusual behavior that normal men do not do to total strangers.
Travis told a total stranger to touch his butt, an incident we have not come across where a normal person tells a total stranger to touch his butt.
In any self-defense case, you will find that the attacker who died had unusual or strange behaviors and in Travis the attacker’s case, Travis’ behavior could be classified as deviant.
Keep reading the entire post for a list of strange, abnormal and even deviant behavior that Travis exhibited.
One of the questions that keep being brought up is , why did Jodi not have any major injuries ? Jodi did sustain cuts and witnesses saw her on June 5, 2008 wearing long sleeves, apparently to cover bruises.
The details are in the weekly updates.
The main reasons on why Jodi did not suffer major injuries are
(1) Travis' state of mind after being shot and because he was not thinking straight due to the shock of the bullet probably grazing the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain ) and entering the cheek
(2) In a state of panic, Jodi was just quicker since she weighed about 120 pounds and the hulking Travis weighed almost 200 pounds
(3) Since Travis was not thinking straight due to shock, instead of using his fists, he went for the gun on the slippery floor when Jodi testified that Travis had knocked the gun out of her hand and instead of using his fists, Travis tried getting the knife from Jodi when the gun just clicked in his hand
(4) Being blinded by rage also contributed to Travis not thinking straight since his rage was building up since 5/26/08 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to live while Jodi was trying to calm him down by saying he is a light to the world
The reason Travis died is due to his huge ego.
He could not believe a "weakling" like Jodi shot him accidentally and instead of telling Jodi to help him, his rage which started on May 26, 2008, exploded on 6/4/08 when he was accidentally shot and he was not able to think straight like a normal human being but he actually became the Tdawg or a "rabid dog" that went into full attack mode and that is how we know
he attacked Jodi on 6/4/08 since he implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to live while Jodi tried to calm him down on 5/26/08 by saying he was a light to the world.
It takes two to escalate a situation and Jodi knew that she had no choice but to defend herself once she saw him going for the gun on the slippery floor ( she testified the gun was knocked out of her hand ) and Jodi probably thought she did not have time to escape thinking that Travis would have been able to shoot if she escaped, running down the hallway.
The defense team should have brought in an expert who would have testified that a person who is shot in the head would not be able to think straight initially due to shock, especially when the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain) is intact.
Dr Horn the medical examiner ( in the video below) admits in court that the original autopsy report of July 15, 2008 is correct, implying that the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting Travis’ brain) was intact and yet five minutes into his testimony ( almost five years later in 2013), he said the autopsy report was not accurate and it was an error in typing.
Are we to believe his original autopsy report (much closer to the death of Travis) that Dr. Horn affirmed in court in 2013 or what he said five minutes later (almost five years later) after affirming the autopsy report was correct ?
Does Dr Horn’s testimony rise to the level of reasonable doubt that the original autopsy report is wrong ?
The autopsy report is a thought process, its not mechanical, right ?
When Dr Horn wrote that the dura mater is intact, what was he thinking ?
Was he thinking intact or penetrated ? and if he was thinking “penetrated”, isnt that word so far removed from the word “intact” that no normal person would spell “penetrated” as “intact”, right ?
Any reasonable person would have to go by the original autopsy report (close to the death in July 2008) and not a correction made almost five years later, in court.
Had Dr. Horn known that Travis was unusual and could have been the attacker, would he have taken care about his statement ( made almost five years later) since Jodi’s life was on the line ?
Did Dr Horn know the extent of Travis’ abnormal life ?
In any self-defense case, you will find that the attacker who died had unusual or strange behaviors and in Travis the attacker’s case, Travis could be classified as deviant.
We have done (extensive) research on Travis’ unusual behavior and could not find anybody else doing what Travis did, in thinking about a 13 year old when approaching an adult (details below).
What else was strange or unusual about Travis ( read the entire post for details, thanks ).
In Shanna Hogan’s book, Michelle Lowrey met Travis in Mesa but when she first met him, the first thought on Travis’ mind was a 13 year old girl.. Why is that ?
Why think about a minor when Travis was meeting an adult and what was unusual about that comment about a 13 year old girl. It was the very first statement made by Travis even before he either introduced himself or saying hello or even before asking her for her name, he was already thinking about a 13 year old girl.
Do normal adults think about a minor when first approaching an adult ? and even if the adult looked like a minor, what business did Travis have in wanting to meet a 13 year old ? especially knowing that he told Jodi that he liked “corking the pot” of a little girl.
The case was also about defense witnesses who made mistakes that the prosecutor tried to exploit.
We find that “mistakes” were made by both sides and one example is the so-called mistake by Dr Horn, the medical examiner which we believe was a mistake that was made almost five years later and that the original autopsy report was accurate and no mistakes were made.
Dr Horn says he made several mistakes on the autopsy report but are we to believe that mistakes could be made closer to the death of Travis ? or could the mistake have been made on the stand, almost five years later in 2013.
Also. Dr Horn ( the medical examiner) said that he made a mistake and that Travis was actually not able to move after being shot and the only way he can explain Travis' blood all over the place is by saying Travis was stabbed first and the shot was after Travis had died, which is not logical since Jodi was much weaker than Travis and why would a weak Jodi go after a powerful Travis with a knife, to begin with, if a gun was at hand?
We know that the powerful Travis was into boxing, wrestling, , relentless workouts and MMA ( Mixed Martial Arts) and weight lifting (we have photo evidence that he could lift a woman much bigger than him, up to his waist level) plus
Travis craved bloody sports like UFC since he hosted UFC parties at his house and anybody who craves bloody sports has to have a personality that is not passive or soft but much more into attacking when provoked, in our opinion.
We believe that Dr Horn is trying to get the autopsy report to fit the case ( in 2013) instead of relying on the original autopsy report ( written on 7/15/08) and letting it speak for itself.
In the original autopsy report ( on 7/15/08, weeks after Travis died on 6/4/08), Dr Horn stated the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain ) was intact.
The word “intact” and the word “penetrated” are not even closely related in spelling, so when Dr Horn wrote “intact”, was he wanting to spell the word “penetrated” ? and he spelled “intact” wrongly ? or rightly ?
Are we to believe Dr Horns’ original autopsy report ( weeks after Travis died ) or the verbally amended autopsy report, five years after Travis died ?
We believe that we should rely much much more on the original autopsy report written weeks after Travis died, rather than relying on an amended autopsy report almost five years later.
The original autopsy report on 7/15/08 (weeks after Travis died on 6/4/08), showed that Travis was not attacked.
How do we know this ? There was only one bullet and not multiple bullet wounds, giving reasonable doubt that the death of Travis was planned.
Also, an ambush situation would have the bullet entering Travis' head from behind and not in front, another case for reasonable doubt that Travis was attacked.
Also, since the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain) was intact, we can be certain that there was no planning since planning would have involved using a much more powerful weapon (that would have been able to puncture the dura mater ) and not a “toy gun” which we assume that Travis had.
Also, Jodi considered Grandpa’s gun, a toy gun.
Did Jodi take grandpa’s gun ? To answer that question, read the rest of the post.
What happened when Travis attacked Jodi ? and how do we know that Travis attacked Jodi ? ( details in the post below).
How did Jodi get dissociative amnesia and could her dissociative amnesia explain her behavior after Travis died ?
Dissociative amnesia is not unusual, experienced by soldiers during war when they are attacked.
In Jodi’s case, the shock of being attacked by a loved one (Travis) who said, “ i am going to FKYB”, sent Jodi into dissociative amnesia in order to cope with the trauma of being attacked by somebody who she cared about.
What is the result of dissociative amnesia that Jodi experienced on 6/4/08 ? the inability to recall how Travis attacked her and how she defended herself.
The only thing that Jodi knew on 6/4/08 is that she did not murder Travis and that he had died attacking her but
she did not have any idea how that happened.
Why did Jodi act the way she did after Travis’ death ? because of her promise to Travis and the desire to preserve his legacy and to not reveal his deviancy by willing to go to prison for up to 25 years, without a trial.
Since she suffered from dissociative amnesia on 6/4/08, her promise to Travis was easy to keep and that is why she did run to the neighbors to report that Travis attacked her on 6/4/08, due to her promise to Travis and her desire to preserve his legacy.
What did Jodi promise Travis on 6/4/08 ?
Travis asked Jodi to promise not to tell anybody that she was at his house on 6/4/08 breaking very serious church laws and so all her actions on 6/4/08 was with the goal of keeping her promise to Travis, for example, the phone call to the dead Travis and her behavior towards Ryan Burns.
How do we know that Travis was the attacker ? The forensics expert on the stand stated the camera took an accidental shot of the ceiling 3 feet off the ground.
Why 3 feet off the ground ? unless Jodi was trying to catch it, right ?
And if Jodi was trying to catch a falling camera, why would she do that if she was planning an attack ?
How do we know that Travis was the one who initiated the attack ?
We know that Travis implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to live, so is it reasonable to assume that when the camera was accidentally dropped, it set off Travis into a rage that was building up from 5/26/08 ?
After Travis body-slammed Jodi ( which we can assume as being reasonably true due to Travis' rage building up from 5/26/08), did Jodi threaten to tell on Travis regarding his deviancy ?
In previous videos, we see Jodi crying when nobody is around regarding her remorse for accidentally shooting Travis.
Remorseful, not only for accidentally shooting Travis but also could it be because she knew that if she did not threaten Travis regarding his deviancy after he body-slammed her, Travis would not have continued to attack her and that he would be alive today.
In any self defense case, where the attacker dies, you will almost always find out that there was something very unusual about the attacker and in the Jodi Arias Case, what was unusual about the attacker Travis ?
How deviant was Travis ?
Was he deviant to the point of wanting to attack Jodi when she might have threatened him regarding his deviancy after he body-slammed her ?
We find something very unusual about the attacker Travis.
We have done extensive research on his unusual behavior and could not find anybody else doing what Travis did, even as a joke: saying that women have to be beat up in order to keep them in line.
What else was strange or unusual about Travis : "tonguing" a complete stranger in public, topping it off with a pelvic thrust but even as a joke, how many men do that to women in public, women whom they have never met.
What else was unusual about the attacker Travis ?
rubbing his nipples in public.
What else was unusual about the attacker Travis ?
downloading porn is common but what is unusual is downloading thousands of files of porn regarding teen girls when Travis was almost 30 years old
Travis clearly had an interest in teen girls (as he downloaded thousands of porn files) even though he was in his late 20s plus was he searching for child porn on the internet ?
Was Travis "lurking in the shadows" on the internet ?
Travis thought that the Hughes were accusing him of "lurking in the shadows" .
Did Travis think about his interest in kids as one who was "lurking in the shadows ? "
What else was unusual about Travis ?
Travis' huge ego resulted in him saying that his fury is scary and cannot be stopped.
What else was "lurking in the shadows" ?
We have never once said that Travis was a pedophile, but this article's author might refer to Travis as a pedophile :
Travis was warned by a parent not to email his 9 year old daughter, trying to get her interested in PPL.
Did Jodi threaten to tell on Travis ( after he body slammed her on 6/4/08 ) about his interest in little girls.
We know that Travis was capable of violence due to his violent past.
Also, Travis' comedy routine shows a very aggressive Travis.
We also know that Travis joked about beating a woman to death and joked about beating women to keep them in line.
Are we to assume that Travis, with his huge ego, never tried getting the gun from Jodi ?
if Travis was not going for the gun, can we assume that Jodi had the gun and if so, why was just one bullet used ?
it seems like an accident since only one bullet was used and the knife came into her hands since the gun was not in her hands, right ? and
if the gun was not in her hands. who had the gun or tried getting the gun ?
How violent was Travis outside his comedy routine ?
We know from his close church friend that Travis had a violent past and we also know that during the most crucial month, May 2008, Travis was the only one who admitted to wanting to beat up Abe ( 5/10/08) and
raged against Jodi (5/26/08) implying that she did not deserve to live while Jodi during the most crucial month, May 2008, was trying to calm down Travis, telling Travis that he is a light to the world and she did not compare.
What else was Travis ? according to the DV expert, Travis was diagnosed as a liar and we have proof that Travis lied about Jodi stalking him.
Where was Travis' fear of Jodi (stalking) when he said he was addicted to her on 5/26/08 and
where was his fear of Jodi when he was taking those graphic photos on 6/4/08, so we know he exaggerated or lied about her stalking behavior.
What else was Travis ?
Jodi minimized Travis' deviancy by calling it "his issues", but we know that if the Jury heard that Travis' deviancy was crucial on the day he died on 6/4/08 ( details below) could the outcome have been different ?
Jodi did not want to say in court, what she said to Travis once he body slammed her on 6/4/08.
Could it be because she tried her best to be a disciple of the law of attraction and so did not want to reveal in court that she threatened to tell on Travis' deviancy when he body slammed her on 6/4/08.
The bias in court against Jodi was clearly shown by all: the Judge, the prosecutor, the proseuction witnesses and even the defense team and defense witnesses.
We know that the Jury was constantly reminded by the Judge, the prosecutor, the defense witnesses, the prosecution witnesses and even the defense team that called what Jodi did , "a killing" and Travis' bathroom was a "crime scene" implying that Jodi was the criminal.
Instead of using the words "deceased" or "Mr Alexander", the Judge chose to use the word "victim".
When the jurors are constantly reminded by the Judge that Travis was the victim and
when the jurors are constantly reminded by prosecution witnesses, defense witnesses, the prosecutor, the Judge and even the defense team that a killing had taken place, a crime was committed and Travis is the victim
when the jurors are reminded that a killing or murder had taken place
when jurors are constantly reminded that a crime had taken place at the crime scene and that Jodi is the killer, the murderer, the perpetrator and the assailant while
Travis was always referred to the victim, is it surprising that the Jury had already made up their minds before deliberating the case ?
while not once was Jodi referred to as the survivor and
while Travis was constantly referred to as the victim, not once was Travis referred to as the attacker who not only attacked Jodi but also confessed to Sky Hughes that
he was a sociopath.
A sociopath which Travis said he was ( admitting it to Sky Hughes ) has one main characteristic: predatory behavior (confirmed by Sky Hughes) in emotionally abusing women by being unfaithful to them.
Did this predatory behavior bother Jodi ? it did and that is why she gave up the idea of marriage in the fall of 2007 and gave up on romance when she saw him masturbate to a picture of a child on 1/21/08.
After 1/21/08, Jodi's relationship with Travis was that of a "sex therapist", helping him cope with his deviancy by role-playing an 18 year old school girl in February 2008 so that Travis would look at her and not at a real school girl.
Where did Jodi get the idea of role-playing a school girl ?
Travis asked Jodi to dress up as a school girl and go to the store in the fall of 2007 and that is how Jodi got the idea that Travis was into school girls.
We also know that the graphic photos of Jodi that Travis took on 6/4/08 did not stop the rage he built up against Jodi on 5/26/08.
Travis was the only one with a violent past (as mentioned by his close church friend), and during the most important month, May of 2008, who was the one out of control ? : Travis admitted to wanting to beat up Abe (5/10/08) and implying Jodi did not deserve to live (5/26/08) and Jodi during the month of May 2008 was trying to calm down Travis, saying that he is a light to the world and she does not compare.
The prosecutor made it sound like Travis was trying to get away from Jodi.
Are we to assume that Travis with his huge ego was just running away from Jodi and thus depositing his blood all over the place from the bath tub area, to the toilet area to the weighing scale area to the sink area and all the way down the hallway ? and
if he was running away, why not run away into the bedroom and exit ? After the first shot, even if Travis was walking and not running, it would have taken him 275 feet to cover in one minute, so he could have easily made it out the front door in one minute and easily to the neighbor's house but he chose to stay in the bathroom for 62 seconds due to his huge ego in trying to get back at Jodi for accidentally shooting him so
we know that Travis was the one attacking and that is why Travis did not exit the bedroom and down the stairs to safety.
For details regarding Travis' attack on Jodi, read the entire post, thanks.
Compared to Travis, Jodi had many good attributes:
(1) Jodi is emotional and vulnerable unlike Travis who described himself as a sociopath to Sky Hughes.
(2) Jodi gets stressed but not once did she show any out of control behavior towards the corrupt Juan "who got disbarred " Martinez who was doing his best to rage against Jodi in order to get her to lose her temper compared to Travis who took out his financial stress on Jodi in January 2008, accidentally breaking her finger when she had already lent him money at least twice in January 2008 but did not have the money to lend him on 1/22/08.
(3) Jodi is positive since Jodi is a disciple of the law of attraction unlike Travis who said some people did not have souls.
(4) Jodi is embarrassed in public regarding the sex tape compared to Travis who was bold in public and not embarrassed about rubbing his nipples or "tonguing" a total stranger and giving her a "pelvic thrust" in public.
(5) Jodi inspires loyalty in people since she is loyal to people and we know she is loyal since she tried twice before 2013 to go straight to prison (for accidentally shooting Travis) instead of going to trial and telling the truth about Travis attacking her.
She wanted to go straight to prison without a trial due to her loyalty to Travis and his legacy that she so much wanted to preserve but the corrupt Juan "who got disbarred " Martinez needed to feed his ego and his thirst for fame and fortune and so he pushed for a show trial because he did not care to preserve Travis' legacy or good reputation.
(6) Jodi was abused but still maintained her loyalty to Travis for two long years before telling the truth about Travis and tried twice before 2013 to go straight to prison (for accidentally shooting Travis) instead of going to trial and telling the truth about Travis abusing her due to her loyalty to Travis and his legacy that she so much wanted to preserve but the corrupt Juan "who got disbarred " Martinez needed to feed his ego and his thirst for fame and fortune and so he pushed for a show trial because he did not care to preserve Travis' legacy or good reputation.
(7) Jodi is a great and amazing girl who never joked about beating up people unlike Travis who joked about beating a woman to death and beating up women to keep them in line.
Travis joking about beating a woman to death or beating women to keep them in line is art that depicts violence, just like in violent movies.
((8)) Jodi never was in trouble (before 6/4/08) ever since her parents called the police on her when she was 13 and ever since she was 13 Jodi played it safe in everything she did, taking gas cans and water on trips, even taking two jobs (at a time) to maintain financial security even saving up $12000 before she met Mr Brewer compared to Travis who lived beyond his means (according to Chris Hughes) and took grave risks ( according to his brother ) and wrecked several cars.
(9) Jodi is not obsessed with boyfriends and has left them after doing her best to be loyal and the only thing she is obsessed about is her looks and would never do anything risky to jeopardize her looks, especially going after a powerful travis with a knife or a "toy gun".
Remember, Travis was into weight lifting, boxing, punching bags, relentless workouts, MMA ( Mixed Martial Arts) and wrestling, so why would a weak Jodi go after a powerful Travis with a knife or "toy gun" knowing that the looks she obsesses over can be altered forever for the worse.
(10) Jodi is easily scared, scared of Travis' temper, scared of Travis' rage, scared of Travis' choke hold and easily scared about life itself, confirmed by her mom who said that jodi would freak out as a teen and the state's own psychologist stated that Jodi has the mind of a teen. Having the mind of a teen, Jodi was scared about going to the police on 6/4/08 and ruining Travis' reputation and legacy.
(11) If you meet Jodi in person, you will realize how great and good she really is and as the state psychologist read in Jodi's email of 2/14/2007 that Jodi says she strives to be Christ-like and we also know that Jodi is a disciple of the law of attraction and in the email of 2/14/07, Jodi was saying that Travis' anger intimidated her and to make Travis feel better about himself, she told Travis she had anger issues too but we know from May 2008, Jodi was the one trying to calm down Travis by saying that Travis was a light to the world and she could not compare, while Travis was raging against Jodi, implying that she did not deserve to live.
(12) Jodi has a big heart and we know this from Mr Brewer who said that when he could not afford expenses, Jodi helped him out with her $12000 savings account and Jodi helped out her first boyfriend bobby, when he was unemployed and her mom said that she would always help the less fortunate.
(13) Jodi is talented and we know for a fact that all her artwork does not depict any form of evil or violence compared to Travis' art as a comedian who depicted a very violent and vile character.
If 1% of Americans (3 million Americans) have sociopathic tendencies ( not at the clinical level) and love comedians who portray vile and violent characters, it does not speak to the 99% of Americans who are mostly decent people who don't go for comedians like Travis who joked about beating a woman to death or who joked about beating women to keep them in line.
Even though Travis was mostly not a good person, this posting will show that there was no motive or plan to kill Travis.
Dr Samuels came to the conclusion that the scene in Travis' bathroom did not indicate planning and we know there was no plan for numerous reasons and here are some of them :
(2) Jodi asking for gas cans but not asking to keep it a secret and we know this since Mr Brewer said Jodi was honest regarding the gas cans
(6) Telling Mr Brewer that she was going to Arizona.
(7) Numerous calls to Travis on the trip creating an electronic trail just before the death of travis.
(8) Allegedly showing up in a car with either no license plates or an upside-down license plate that neighbors would have noticed over a 14-15 hour period.
(7) Showing up in a car that is tied to her name due to the credit card paper trail.
(8) Spending about 15 hours with Travis, knowing her fingerprints were all over the place.
((9)) Travis' back was towards Jodi at 3am when he was watching youtube videos and nothing happened.
((10)) Travis' back was towards Jodi between 5am - 1pm when he was sleeping and nothing happened.
(11) Travis' back was towards Jodi at around 5:22pm in the shower for a few minutes and nothing happened.
(12) Spending about 15 hours with Travis knowing that at any time especially when she is using the kitchen, his office and the laundry room, that she could be spotted by housemates.
(13) Loading the car in broad daylight knowing that neighbors could spot her.
(18) Not shooting Travis repeatedly in the shower which she told the detective she would have done if planning was on her mind
(21) Putting the camera in the washing machine ? even if damaged does not denote a plan when she has been a photographer since the age of 10 and police could easily connect the camera to Jodi since only Jodi was the one often seen with a camera in hand around Travis.
The Jury was never reminded that Jodi was the survivor and was never reminded that Travis was the one who was out of control during May 2008.
Always look at the most crucial month, May 2008 in both the lives of Jodi and Travis and while Jodi tested according to the state's own expert as not only being below clinical levels but below the average for the general population for violence and aggression and yes
we need to also look at Travis violent past too in order to understand whether he was a changed man in May 2008 but we find he is the same old Travis, prone to the violence he had as a youth when he admitted on 5/10/08 that he wanted to beat up Abe and he raged against Jodi on 5/26/08 implying that she did not deserve to live while
Jodi was trying to calm him down by saying he is the light to the world and that she does not compare.
So on 6/4/08, who do you think was more prone to attack the other, we believe it was Travis.
Did Travis' deviancy play a crucial part on 6/4/08 in Travis' rage attack against Jodi ?
Since Jodi was a disciple of the law of attraction, she minimized Travis' deviancy by calling them "his issues" but we also know she threatened Travis at one time (about telling his church) about his deviancy since she got fed up with his bullying tactics.
What was Travis thinking about when he said "it's like corking the pot of a little girl" ? was he thinking of a particular little girl or a little girl he saw at one time ?
In court, Jodi interpreted the above statement as the statutory anal rape of a 12 year old.
Jodi knows that most people do not believe her when she saw Travis masturbating to a picture of child on 1/21/08 and since the prosecutor needed corroboration, she was compelled to interpret the words that Travis said about a little girl in the sex tape as "anally raping a 12 year old".
Did Jodi again threaten to tell on Travis on 6/4/08 about his deviancy when he body slammed her for dropping the camera ?
Three main reasons why we believe that Travis was the one attacking Jodi :
(1) We know that Travis was a ticking time bomb ever since 5/26/08 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to live and so when Jodi accidentally dropped the camera, did that set Travis off on a trajectory of no return ?
especially when Jodi might have threatened to tell on his deviancy after he body slammed her for dropping the camera on 6/4/08.
(2) This point is confirmed by the forensics expert when he said the accidental photo of the ceiling was taken about 3 feet off the ground, implying that Jodi was trying to catch the camera.
If Jodi was the one attacking, why was she trying to catch the camera, why not just let it fall ?
(3) Jodi verbalized the importance of looking her best in front of the camera, so for a person who values her appearance to that extent, why would she risk losing her looks by going after a powerful man with a knife or "toy" gun ?
It is clear that evidence can be reinterpreted in favor of Jodi when in the first trial 4 jurors did not give her death and in the second trial, even though jurors were not allowed to reinterpret the evidence, one juror did not give her death even when the defense team said in court that Jodi planned the killing.
Evidence that can be reinterpreted is all over this case.
Dr Horn said that his report had an error and that the bullet did penetrate the dura mater, the thick membrane that protects the brain.
Are we to believe Dr Horn when he put it in writing near the time of death in June of 2008 or do we believe him five years later when he said it was an error ?
Whatever Dr Horn states five years later should be viewed with suspicion and we should only rely on the original autopsy report which was written in June of 2008 during the same month Travis died.
The autopsy report showed that the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain ) was not penetrated at all by a 25 caliber bullet.
What does it mean for Travis ?
It means, when Jodi accidentally shot Travis, his skull was too thick for the 25 caliber to enter his brain which is confirmed by the original autopsy report where the dura mater, the thick membrane protecting the skull is not penetrated and
the thick skull diverted the weak bullet into Travis' cheek.
It was an accident because there was just one shot since
if there was an intention to kill,
there would have been multiple shots and Jodi said, that is what she would have done if planning was her intention.
According to all the evidence, we can conclude that nothing was planned.
If anything was planned, Jodi clearly told the detective what she would have done if planning was involved and for those details read Jodi's idea of a plan detailed below.
Why did Travis attack Jodi on 6/4/08 ?
Even though Jodi was doing her best to protect Travis' reputation due to Jodi being a disciple of the law of attraction, did Jodi threaten to tell on Travis ?
Before Jodi accidentally shot Travis and when he body slammed her, did Jodi threaten to tell on him and his deviancy, giving Travis the motive to attack Jodi ?
Not only was Travis a deviant,
we have corroboration from the DV expert that Travis had a pattern of lying which clinically speaking, makes him a liar.
Travis told Jodi that his legacy was very important to him.
Could Jodi take the risk of exposing Travis and ruining his reputation ?
Jodi is not a risk taker and valued Travis' legacy.
Why did Jodi take 2 gas cans and plenty of water on her trips, especially through desert areas ?
when there was water and gas in every place she went ?
Jodi is not a risk taker due to what happened to her when she was 13 years old.
Ever since her parents called the cops on her when she was 13 years old, she decided to not take risks anymore and led a very secretive life in fear of the cops and
that is why ever since she was 13, cops were never called on Jodi.
She did not get in trouble with the cops between the ages of 13 and 27 since Jodi never wanted to take risks again.
The following 15 points shows that there was an accidental shooting and that there is reasonable doubt that Jodi either took grandpa's gun or planned to kill Travis.
Since Jodi is not a risk-taker due to her childhood fears and being afraid of the police,
here is why she could not have stolen grandpa's gun or planned a killing or shot Travis on purpose :
(1) Ever since she was 13, Jodi was not a risk-taker, so why stage a burglary with the risk of being arrested by the police.
(2) Why would Jodi want to stage a burglary and have a police report on the gun
(3) she could have just taken the gun and grandpa would not have missed it.
(4) she could have asked grandpa for the gun with the excuse that its a long trip and she would feel safer having a gun.
(5) In order for her to use a regular bullet, she would have had to know grandpa had hollow points
(6) According to the police report, grandpa's gun was fully loaded with 7 hollow points and according to the autopsy report a hollow point was not used since a hollow point would have fragmented inside travis' brain and the autopsy report shows no fragments.
(7) on 5/28/08 there is every indication that Jodi thought grandpa had a "toy gun". So why would she take a "toy gun" against a powerful man like Travis (who was into relentless workouts, weight lifting, boxing, wrestling and MMA) when Jodi is not a risk-taker and greatly values her looks in public which could have been drastically changed if she took the risk of going after a powerful man.
((8)) why change the bullets ? since hollow points are more lethal
(9) if she did take the gun, why did she just want to use one bullet on travis ? when she told the detective that she would have repeatedly used the gun ( in an ambush situation) if planning was on her mind.
(10) if she did practice with the gun and purchased regular bullets after having used all 7 hollow points, why did she just use one bullet on travis ?
(11) After practicing with the gun and if the gun was malfunctioning, why did she not wait to get a reliable gun instead of using a knife which is very dangerous to her since she said travis was powerful and was into relentless workouts, weight lifting, boxing, wrestling and MMA plus she valued her looks and attacking a powerful man with a knife had the enormous risk of altering her cherished looks forever..
(12) The autopsy report shows a regular bullet entered Travis's skull but could not penetrate the dura mater, the hard membrane surrounding the brain and due to the angle of entry, was deflected by travis' thick skull into Travis's cheek.
(13) According to Kevin Friedman, a police officer with the Yreka, Calif. Police Department, there was a rash of burglaries during the May 2008 period in Yreka so somebody (a petty thief) other than Jodi might have taken the gun to purchase drugs etc.
(14) In court, Jodi testified that she finally realized after 6/4/08 what a man is capable of and so jodi did finally purchase a gun; so we know she could afford to buy a gun
Also, since Jodi is not a risk-taker, Jodi did not want to take the risk of running to the neighbors and calling 911 since Jodi did not want to take the risk of Travis reputation being destroyed and so
why was it important for Jodi to protect Travis ?
(15) In any photo, Travis is the only one holding a gun, so its reasonable to assume that the gun involved in the accidental shooting was Travis' and the reason Jodi said to the detective that Travis did not have a gun is because (a) She was horrified at what the gun did, accidentally shooting Travis (b) She took the gun after the accidental shooting but there was no plan to take the gun, just as there was no plan to leave the camera behind. Everything happened in a state of panic.
Travis talked about his legacy and it was important to him and so it was important to Jodi plus Travis was addicted to her so there was no motive to kill him.
Travis himself admitted on 5/26/08 that even though he was raging against Jodi, he was still addicted to her and
Travis implied that Jodi had no intentions of marrying him or having him as a boyfriend and her only interest in him was for sex, so
where is Jodi's motive to attack ?
Between Travis and Jodi, only Travis is the one who said he was addicted to Jodi and jodi not once said in May 2008 that she was obsessed or addicted or jealous of anything regarding Travis; the relationship was based on being "friends with benefits",
since her only interest in Travis was sex which she could get anytime since he was addicted to her even when he was raging against her on 5/26/08.
Travis' anger towards Jodi started growing after she saw him masturbating to a picture of child on 1/21/08 due to his fear of possible blackmail.
But because Jodi was a disciple of the law of attraction, Jodi minimized the deviancy of Travis calling it "his issues" and exalted his good deeds in other areas which means
she put Travis "on a pedestal" even when Travis' anger towards Jodi was growing like a ticking bomb.
Travis' anger towards Jodi started building up on 5/26 like a ticking time bomb when he said she did not deserve to live and his anger exploded on 6/4 when she accidentally dropped the camera and Travis' huge ego in attacking Jodi, resulted in Jodi accidentally shooting him.
Knowing about Travis' huge ego, he was not going to let a girl beat him, so we believe he did his best to attack her as seen by him moving fast during the 62 seconds (seen by the blood all over the place) but
the reason Jodi did not suffer any major injuries is because
(1) God was on her side
(2) if you take a girl who is in a state of terror and if you take a powerful man who has been shot accidentally and is full of rage but not able to think straight due to the shot, you have a recipe for disaster especially for the man since it only takes a little more speed to defeat a raging, uncontrollable monster who instead of using his fists, tried to go for the gun which kept clicking and instead of using his fists, tried to go for the knife which he could not get from the quicker girl and the result sadly was : putting down a "rabid dog" or putting down the "Tdawg" who would not stop attacking and thankfully no injuries to the panicked girl.
After being accidentally shot, he could have saved his life by walking to the neighbors but
Travis the Tdawg chose to attack the girl due to his huge ego and his fury for being shot ( remember, just a few days earlier he implied that Jodi did not deserve to live ).
Everything points to self-defense: its not Jodi's fault (just because she did not have any injuries) if travis was not thinking straight after he got shot since he was in attack mode like a tdawg or a "rabid dog" and she was just a second faster than the Tdawg.
Before Jodi accidentally shot Travis and when he body slammed her, did Jodi threaten to tell on him and his deviancy, giving Travis the motive to attack Jodi ?
After the death of Travis, everything Jodi did was to stay loyal to Travis because Travis probably asked her to promise him that she will not tell anybody that she was there with Travis on 6/4/08 breaking very serious church laws and that is the main reason Jodi did not run to the neighbors on 6/4/08 to report that Travis attacked her due to her loyalty to Travis and his legacy which were important to both Travis and Jodi.
Also, Jodi tried to keep Travis' deviancy away from the public but the prosecutor insisted on a show trial even though Jodi was willing to go to prison for 25 years for accidentally shooting Travis and her desperate need to protect Travis' reputation.
Jodi tried twice before 2013 to settle the case out of court and go to prison for 25 years but the corrupt Juan "who got disbarred" Martinez insisted on a show trial in order to quench his ego driven need for fame.
Jodi in her desperate attempt to protect Travis' reputation told two different stories which she herself in the end told the detective was not believable.
If she only wanted to protect herself, she did not have to wait over 17500 hours to change her story to self defense, right ? knowing that her intruder story was not believable since she admitted to the detective it was not believable
and why tell stories that she herself did not believe in ?
that is because
she was not trying to protect herself but she was protecting travis' reputation because if she was only thinking of herself, she would have said travis was the attacker, as soon as she got arrested or at least after telling the intruder story which she herself said is not believable to the detective.
In July 2008, intruder story is not believable, even admitted by Jodi herself and as smart as Jodi is according to the state's own psychologist, August 2008 would have been the right time to say Travis attacked her instead of waiting over 17500 hours to say it, unless Travis' legacy was important to Jodi and she waited over 17500 hours, right ?
she could not bring herself to say Travis was the attacker on 6/4/08.
Why did Jodi refuse for two long years ( over 17500 hours ) to implicate Travis as a criminal for attacking her ?
Since Jodi is not a risk taker, she did not want to take the risk of Travis' reputation being destroyed.
Why was it important for Jodi to protect Travis' reputation for at least 17520 hours after her arrest ? when she could have easily said Travis attacked her, soon after her arrest . Because
Travis' reputation and his legacy was extremely important to her and she knew Travis' reputation was very important to his community and church and family too.
Jodi had no motive to kill,
confirmed by the sex tape on 5/10/08 and
confirmed by Travis saying he is addicted to her on 5/26/08 even though he was raging against her and
confirmed by Travis having sex with Jodi on 6/4/08.
Travis' sexual addiction to Jodi is important because it shows that there was no motivation to kill.
Why would Jodi kill Travis ?
who clearly did not want her out of his life due to his sexual addiction to her.
We also know from the accidental photos, there was no planned attack from either Travis or Jodi since planning would involve what Jodi told the detectives.
how do we know Travis attacked Jodi ?
the forensics expert said that the camera took a picture of the ceiling 3 feet off the ground, conforming to what Jodi said about trying to catch the camera.
If Jodi was in attack mode, why try to catch the camera ? why not just let it fall , right ?
From what Jodi told the detectives, we can be sure that if she planned the attack, at a minimum, the following would have taken place
(1) Logically, putting the camera away so it would not be taking accidental photos.
(2) Wearing gloves ( Jodi said she had plenty of gloves if planning was on her mind ).
(3) Logically, using a gun that she had training or practice on
(4) Repeatedly shooting Travis in the shower ( this is what she told the detective, if planning was on her mind )
So if the death of Travis was not planned, what happened ?
Jodi herself told the detective that if planning was on her mind, she would have shot Travis repeatedly till he died but we know it was an accident since there was only one shot due to a "hair trigger" or other malfunction on guns which results in over 27,000 individuals annually being admitted to the emergency department for unintentional firearm discharges:
The accidental photos show a sudden turn of events with Jodi accidentally dropping the camera due to probably an argument and then
the body slam from Travis since we know he started to rage against Jodi on 5/26/08 when he said she did not deserve to live, calling her all manner of despicable names.
After the body slam near the shower stall, did Jodi threaten to tell on Travis regarding his sexual deviancy ?
Jodi could be free today, if only she ran to the neighbors on 6/4/08 to report the attack but
she could not bring herself to saying that Travis was the attacker and abuser,
the same Travis
who told a total stranger to touch his butt,
who was thinking about a minor when meeting an adult,
who said his fury is scary,
who was described as a master of deception,
who lived a reckless life (wrecking cars ) as implied by his brother,
who admitted to Sky Hughes that he was a sociopath,
who says he is being depicted by his friends ( the Hughes ) as an evil person,
who says he is being depicted by his friends ( the Hughes ) as an evil person who will someday surface,
who says he is being depicted by his friends ( the Hughes ) as an evil person lurking in the shadows,
who was sexually aggressive,
who said his fury cannot be stopped,
who liked touching his nipples in public,
who liked using his "tongue" and his pelvic thrust on a total stranger in public,
who a friend said was not a gentle guy,
who wanted to punish Jodi,
who was verbally abusive of Jodi,
who was described as being harsh especially with a weaker victim like Jodi,
who wanted Jodi to feel his wrath,
who had rape fantasies,
who was prone to raging for hours especially with a weaker victim like Jodi,
who role-played a pedophile,
who was the T-Dawg,
who was described as deceptive,
who called people soulless,
who wanted to dominate people like an alpha male,
who was aggressive,
who had a huge ego,
who had a violent past,
who had a powerful punch as described by Daniel Freeman,
who wanted to beat up Abe,
who said that Jodi does not deserve to live,
who said he was on the verge of seeking revenge on Jodi,
who had a scary temper,
who rants for at least two hours,
who lived beyond his means (resulting in financial stress that he took out on Jodi, accidentally breaking her finger),
who joked about beating a woman to death,
who laughs at what he can get away with,
who joked about getting a total stranger pregnant,
who wanted a total stranger to touch his butt,
who joked that women should be beaten in order to keep them in line,
who threw a phone across the room,
who beat the crap out of a punching bag,
who hosted UFC fight parties and loved to see people being beaten up and bloody in UFC fights,
who loved to hunt animals for sport,
who shot massive guns,
who worked out relentlessly (overwhelming a weaker victim like Jodi)
who lifted weights (overwhelming a weaker victim like Jodi) ,
who was into MMA (Mixed Martial Arts, overwhelming a weaker victim like Jodi),
who was into wrestling (overwhelming a weaker victim like Jodi),
who had a pattern of lying,
who was diagnosed to be a liar,
who was physically aggressive ( in comedy routines) ,
who was powerful enough to lift a woman his size right off the ground to his waist level (overwhelming a weaker victim like Jodi),
who was highly critical of people,
who called people names ( inside and outside his comedy routines),
who joked about encouraging men to be unfaithful and thereby emotionally abusing women,
who joked about exploiting people,
who lied multiple times,
who was described as deceptive,
who was called a predator by Sky Hughes,
who was called the T-Dawg, emotionally abusing women he was unfaithful to,
who encouraged people to exploit others ( in his comedy routine),
who mentioned a 12 year old girl in adult conversation,
who knew what a 12 year old sounds like having an orgasm,
who said a 12 year old is hot,
who mentioned a little girl in adult conversation,
who mentioned the "pot" of a little girl,
who said having sex with Jodi was like corking the pot of a little girl,
who downloaded thousands of files of teen porn,
who was warned by a parent to stop emailing his 9 year old daughter
who do you think was out of control after being accidentally shot and
started raging like a monster on 6/4/08 ?
As bad as Travis was, we can also confirm that Jodi had no motive to kill, since she was so into Ryan in May of 2008, talking to Ryan Burns at least for an hour, 4-5 times a week before going to visit him in June.
We can also confirm that in Travis' rage messages to Jodi on 5/26/08 that he clearly stated that he was addicted to her no matter how he was raging against her.
Where is the motive to kill ?
especially when Travis confirmed on 5/10/08 and on
5/26/08 and on
6/4/08 that he was sexually addicted to Jodi, unless it was self-defense by a panicked girl.
On 5/26/08, Travis started calling Jodi all manner of names while raging on 5/26
telling (implying that ) Jodi she did not deserve to live,
which resulted in Travis body slamming Jodi after she accidentally dropped the camera on 6/4 and then
Jodi after being body-slammed, did Jodi threaten to tell on Travis regarding his deviancy ? which sent Travis into another dangerous rage which resulted in the "Tdawg" being accidentally shot.
Did the "Tdawg" become a "monster" after being accidentally shot ? did he become so enraged and irrational due to the shock of being shot ?
Did the "Tdawg" actually become a monster ? or animal and not human at all ( due to becoming shot accidentally) and that is why he could not think straight like a human being and so instead of using his fists, he tried to use the gun on Jodi but it only clicked and instead of using his fists he tried getting the knife from Jodi which he failed to do, so he had to be put down, just like a rabid dog or "Tdawg" that would not stop attacking.