Sunday, December 5, 2021

The Jodi Arias Case Review

SEQUENCING UPDATE AS OF 1/15/22: This is one of several updates on the 62 second sequencing and all sequencing details will be LISTED after the announcement below : ANNOUNCEMENT : This post is mostly for the opponents of Jodi since we learn more from the opponents of Jodi than Jodi supporters. Any input regarding the second by second sequencing of events in the bathroom adding up to 62 seconds, would be appreciated. We are saving this post and welcome all input so we can keep updating it accordingly : since we are about to contact Jodi for the very first time but we need to finish the 62 second sequencing of events in the bathroom so we can add that to the blog and send it to her in order to begin the long multi-year process of creating a final legally reviewed document for clemency. SEQUENCING UPDATE AS OF 1/15/22: Before we get to 5:31:14pm ( zero mark) do you notice the last picture of Travis' face when he was alive ? what does this face show you in the light of Travis' rage on 5/26/08 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive and Jodi was trying to calm him down by saying he is a light to the world. What does this photo show you in light of the Travis' rage on 5/26/08 ? would it be possible to say that Travis' rage starts at 5:29:20pm ? and why ? is it about Travis accusing Jodi of tire slashing ? In our opinion, the tire was slashed by one of the many relatives of the girls that Travis "gutted". "Gutted" is the term used by Chris Hughes describing the girls as "gutted" by Travis when he "wrecked" the lives of several girls and is why Travis could not identify the tire slasher to the police in February 2008. In this photo at 5:29:20pm, is Travis thinking of teaching Jodi a lesson ? when he implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive ? At 5:30:30 we are before the zero mark (5:31:14pm) when the accidental photo of the ceiling is taken. At the 5:30:30 pm, we believe an argument has started which caused Jodi to take an accidental photo of Travis in the shower stall. Remember, Travis rage has been building up ever since 5/26/08 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to alive while Jodi was trying to calm him down. What was the argument about ? When Travis accused Jodi of slashing his tire and then after denying that she slashed his tire, did Jodi finally tell Travis that their sexual therapy sessions to help Travis with his "issues" might have to come to an end since she was going to start seeing Ryan Burns ? We finally arrive at the zero mark (6/4/08, 5:31:14pm) which begins the 62 second time to when the accidental photo of Travis was taken with his neck area bleeding. What happened at the zero mark (5:31:14pm) ? According to the forensics expert, the accidental photo of the ceiling was taken about 3 feet off the ground which confirms what Jodi said when she said that she was trying to catch a falling camera. Remember, Travis' rage against Jodi started a few days ago on May 26, 2008 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive so it was easy for Travis to shout at Jodi on 6/4/08 at 5:31:14pm Did Travis at 5:31:14pm shout at Jodi when she revealed that their sexual therapy sessions would have to end since she was going on with her life with Ryan Burns ? which caused Jodi to fumble with the camera and try to catch it as it was falling ? We believe the attack from Travis started a second after Travis shouted at Jodi which resulted in Jodi fumbling with a falling camera and that attack started at 5:31:15pm. Was Travis capable of attacking Jodi when she tried catching a falling camera ? as indicated by the forensics expert who said the camera took an accidental photo of the ceiling, three feet off the ground. We believe that Travis was very capable of attacking Jodi for the fallen camera and here is why : (1) Just a few days ago, Travis implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive while Jodi was trying to calm Travis by saying he is a light to the world. (2) In our opinion, any guy who says "its like corking the pot of a little girl" is capable of abuse or even an attack. (3) Travis loved to see people beaten up and he loved bloody sports like UFC (4) Travis had a violent past as a teen and is it possible that violent past went "underground" as an adult until the day he saw a weakling like Jodi that he could bully or even attack without repercussions since Jodi always hid what travis did and hid it well for two long years and would have gone to prison for as long as 25 years, protecting Travis' legacy ? (5) Travis joked about beating a woman to death (6) Travis joked about beating women to keep them in line (7) Travis admitted in May 2008 ( the most crucial month ) that he wanted to beat up Abe

What did Travis mean by his worst is worse ? or that his fury cannot be stopped ?

Did Travis (being severely abused as a child) make him into a "monster who was asleep" to almost everybody except

 that "monster" came out in full force since Jodi was an unique individual who could bring out the worst in Travis when she told the detective that she could get Travis mad in 5 seconds ?

So knowing all the above and looking at what Travis was thinking of recently on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive, is it possible for Travis to have attacked Jodi when she accidentally dropped the camera ? Did Travis want to teach Jodi a lesson for dropping the camera since his rage against Jodi started a few days back on 5/26/08 ? We believe so and we believe the attack on Jodi by Travis started at the zero plus one second mark at 5:31:15pm

At the three second mark (5:31:17pm) Travis has completed the body-slam of Jodi.

The only way Jodi could have survived the body-slam is by doing two crucial things:

 (1) hanging onto Travis as he picked her up

(2) making sure her butt and head were off the floor as her feet touched the floor first (at the end of the body-slam)

making for a successful break of the body-slam.

 Why the body-slam ? could it be because he was building for this moment ever since Travis implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive and Jodi dropping his camera, set him off and he wanted to teach Jodi a lesson.

We are now at the three second mark (5:31:17pm) and Jodi is on the floor surviving a body-slam and as Travis went to examine the camera, what did Jodi tell him after the body-slam ?

Why would travis chase her instead of just making sure the camera was ok, so it must be because she told him something horrific ( amounting to blackmail or worse ) because he body-slammed her and i highly doubt she would have threatened to tell on him if he did not body-slam her.

Did she tell him that she was going to tell on him about all the deviant things he said to her about little girls ? ( saying " it's like corking the pot of a little girl ") 

We are now at the six second mark (5:31:20pm).

As the rageful Travis puts down the camera on the floor, Jodi takes off knowing that she is going to have to escape since he is now beyond mad since

he now thinks she is going to blackmail him or worse, she is actually going to tell the church about his deviancy.

We are now at the seven second mark (5:31:21pm) as a rageful Travis pursues Jodi down the hallway.

Why did Jodi turn and run into the closet instead of out of the bedroom ? Could it because she heard Travis' footsteps catching up with her and she felt she could not get to the bedroom exit door in time, so she turned into the closet since she could quickly shut the door giving her another second of time ? An average person takes 1 second to cover 15 feet if running straight and we have to take into account that Jodi was not running straight but she turned direction twice, once into the closet and once after getting the gun in the closet plus one second to get the gun. Notice in the closet, Jodi could have momentarily, stepped on the second or third shelf without disturbing anything in order to quickly grab the gun. The round trip ( from the shower area, down the hallway, into the closet and back to the middle of the bathroom plus adding 3 seconds in turning directions and in getting the gun ) would have been 5 seconds bringing us to the 12 second mark (5:31:26pm) Jodi did not know whether the gun was loaded or not (we believe) since, according to Jodi anybody would stop even if the gun was not loaded implying a gun represents "law enforcement" to most people. We believe Jodi's intention was to fire the gun towards the ceiling in order to stop Travis but since he was lunging at her at the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm) Jodi probably decided to aim for Travi's shoulder to stop him.

At the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm) we believe in order for the "linebacker pose" to be initiated, Travis might have slipped on the wet floor and almost got down on his knees and hands before lunging at Jodi. What made Jodi pull the trigger in panic ? aiming for Travis' shoulder in order to stop him since his rage had started on 5/26/08 and had been building up to this moment on 6/4/08. We believe that Jodi was terrified of Travis' chokehold which in the past resulted in her passing out momentarily and since she threatened to tell on Travis' deviancy, Travis was beyond mad and since Travis was into loving the sight of people being beat up and bloodied ( so he hosted UFC parties ), an incredible punch as witnessed by Daniel Freeman, punching the "crap out of his punching bag", intense cycling, weight lifting, able to lift a woman bigger than him, off the ground (nearly four feet ), mixed martial arts, wrestling, unrelenting workouts, joked about beating a woman to death, joked about beating women to keep them in line, admitted to being a sociopath, admitted in the most crucial month of May 2008 that he to wanted to beat up Abe and since Jodi was terrified of his chokehold and Travis implied on 5/26/08 (just a few days ago) that Jodi did not deserve to be alive, could Jodi have pulled the trigger (aiming for his shoulder) in order to stop Travis from altering her looks (which she cherished ) forever ? Jodi's intention was not to shoot but we do not know about human reflex actions that override the brain's thinking abilities, so the reflex action could very well be aiming for the shoulder and firing. We believe the shot was at the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm)

Could the defense have brought in behavioral scientists who have done research on bullets not entering the brain and how it affects a person like travis who had a huge ego and who implied on 5/26/08 that jodi did not deserve to be alive ?

At the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm) we believe that the bullet entered Travis' skull (which was not Jodi's intention but her reflexes overrode her brain and her reflexes aimed for Travis' shoulder, but accidentally hit his forehead) but the bullet was too weak to penetrate the thick membrane ( dura mater ) protecting the brain as evidenced by the original autopsy report created in June of 2008. On page 4 of the original autopsy report Dr Horn says "the wound track perforates the ....skull...without gross evidence of ....cerebral injury " "the left cheek reveals the presence of a deformed ...small caliber projectile" Comment : if the bullet is deformed, it must have been made of very weak material that could not penetrate the entire skull since Travis had a very thick skull and was deflected towards his cheek and the fact it did not exit the cheek shows how weak it was. On page 7 Dr Horn states that the dura mater is intact and that the brain does not reveal......apparent trauma. Comment : The outermost layer of the meninges is the dura mater, which literally means "hard mother." The dura is thick and tough; one side of it attaches to the skull and the other adheres to the next meningeal layer, the arachnoid mater. The dura provides the brain and spinal cord with an extra protective layer:,blood%20can%20leave%20the%20brain We believe the bullet finally rested in Travis' cheek at the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm) and the momentary shock of being shot caused Travis to basically fall on Jodi grabbing Jodi around the knee area as she fell backwards and the gun was either knocked out of her hand or she threw it and the gun was flung towards the toilet area at the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm).

We are at the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm). The trajectory of the bullet shows no planning and here is why : Planning would involve having the bullet going from either (1) back to front as in an ambush situation where Jodi shoots travis in the back of the head (2) or a few inches from the head, creating stippling (3) or at an angle that is more towards the brain than the cheek (4) or using grandpa's gun instead of travis' gun (grandpa's bullets were hollow points but bullet in Travis' cheek looks like a regular bullet ) We know that none of the above happened and why not ? because Jodi did not plan to kill Travis. Notice the shape of the bullet in Travis' cheek, it does not look like grandpa's hollow point since a hollow point would have either shattered or mushroomed out but the projectile in Travis' cheek shows a regular bullet with no mushrooming or shattering effect anywhere on its path at the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm).

The bullet entering his cheek at the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm) caused Travis to go into shock for at least a second as he grabbed Jodi around the knee as Jodi either flung the gun towards the toilet area or the gun was knocked out of her hand (when she tried hitting travis with it ) at the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm).

Travis’  brain experienced shock at the 13 second mark (5:31:27pm).which lasted to the 14 second mark (5:31:28pm)


The incompetent defense did not bring in an expert to testify to what happens when a rageful Travis (who said his fury cannot be stopped) is shot without injury to the brain. 


 Is it possible for such a rageful furious person to become irrational in his thinking ?


We believe, due to the shock of being shot, Travis was not able to think straight and started looking for the gun in Jodi's hand instead of


beating up Jodi with his fists when he told her " I'm going to f* kill y* b*", at the 14 second mark (5:31:28pm)


The shock of being shot, wrestling with Jodi and looking for the gun in Jodi's hand takes us to the 16 second mark (5:31:30pm).


At the 16 second mark (5:31:30pm), when the raging, furious and now irrational Travis found out that Jodi did not have the gun, he let go of Jodi and saw the gun was at the entrance to the toilet room. 



As he was trying to get the gun from the slippery floor (blood from his nose spattered onto the toilet door frame) 



We are now at the 16 second mark (5:31:30pm). To be continued (2/20/22)


Bill Funderburk seems to imply that a flower petal shape would not be formed when a 25 caliber hollow point ( grandpa's bullet ) entered travis skull but

 I have already shown at least two 25 caliber videos where the distinct flower petal shape appears even after

 just hitting gel and not bone and in this video its shown that after hitting gel, the flower petal shape starts forming and

 the narrator clearly states that if it had hit bone, the flower petal shape would be even more distinct

Also, below is a picture of hollow points shot from over 3 to 4 feet away, in fact about 20 or 30 feet away and

 they all  had the distinct flower petal shape going into wood confirming that

 the bullet in Travis' cheek was a regular bullet if you compare the hollow points in the picture with the xray of the bullet in Travis' cheek  which in turn 

raises reasonable doubt that the gun belonged to jodi's grandpa that only had hollow points, according to the police report

In the video below again, the corrupt prosecutor ( who got disbarred) is so bent on winning and feeding his ego and wanting fame, he says the finger is not bent (photo in video taken on May 15, 2008.)  but

if you look carefully and count from her thumb as the first finger, the fourth finger is bent since the tips of the fourth fingers in the general population will reach almost the same length of the third finger ( as seen in the "Jodi Aris is innocent" photo album on  this page)


 in the video below, you can see that the tip of her fourth finger hardly goes beyond the bottom of the nail of her third finger.

Did Travis want Jodi to visit him on 6/4/08 ?

Here are reasons he might have wanted her to visit on 6/4/08

(1) It is clear that Jodi told Ryan Burns that she will be seeing him in about 12 hours and if the intention was to see Travis why

tell Ryan that she is on the way and not tell Ryan that she will be delayed ?

Could it be that at the time of the call, her intention was either to visit Travis for about an hour or

was it that she was still not decided whether she wanted to visit Travis ?

She made another call to Travis (after telling Ryan Burns she is on the way ), why ?

could it be that he wanted her to call her or

did she want to tell him its going to be a very short visit if she was going to make it to Utah in time.

The call to Ryan Burns and then to Travis tells us that there was no concrete plan to either visit with Travis or if there was a plan it was going to be a very short visit.

And so, if it was going to be a very short visit with Travis in order to keep her promise to Ryan Burns, why did she spend almost 15 hours at Travis' house unless he wanted her there, right ?

(2) Lets assume that Travis did not know that Jodi was coming,

would jodi have risked showing up knowing that the door might be locked ? and

would Travis have his door unlocked at 3am knowing that his tires were slashed a few months ago ?

The fact that the door was not locked at about the time of Jodi's arrival shows that Travis was expecting her

(3) Lets assume again, that Travis was not expecting Jodi at 3a,m on 6/4/08, why was he awake ? and

if he was awake for an important reason, why was he watching entertainment shows according to the forensics expert, wouldnt he be doing important work related to PPL at 3am ? unless

he was expecting Jodi and that explains the shows for entertainment, right ?

(4) If he did not want her there, would he be wanting to sleep beside her for about 8 hours ?

(5) If he did not want her there, why the sex, especially when his thoughts were about Mimi and Lisa, right ?

(6) We know that Travis said he wanted Jodi to be his whore and to please him in anyway he chose and is that the reason for the explicit photos of Jodi on 6/4/08 which is another indication that he wanted her there at his house

(7) If he did not want her there, could he have found a way to leave during those 15 hours ?

(8) If he did not want her there, could he have found a way to call somebody to come over ?

(9) If he did not want her there, could he have sent an email/ online message/text message to his housemate alerting them that he did not want jodi to visit ?

(10) If he did not want her there, could he have sent an email/online message/text message to his neighbors alerting them that he did not want jodi to visit ?

(11) If he did not want her there, could he have sent an email/online message/text message to his friends alerting them that he did not want jodi to visit ?

(12) Just a few days before on 5/26/08 he told Jodi that he was addicted to her and is this also another indication that he wanted her to visit on 6/4/08 ?

All the above shows that Travis was wanting Jodi to visit on 6/4/08 or he would have found a way to avoid the visit from her, right ?

This definitive government funded study of a hollow point penetrating bone (link below )  shows the entrance wound is larger than a regular bullet and 

the place in which the bullet comes to a stop will show a flower petal shape that is even much larger than during entry :

All the above shows that the bullet in travis' cheek could not possibly be from grandpa's gun since

 the xray clearly shows a regular bullet and not the distinct flower petal shape of a hollow point

Travis had a police report in the first week of February 2008, just after Jodi had lent him about a thousand dollars in January 2008.

Jodi lends him money to help him out and then slashes his tire to not help him out, does that make any sense ?

When Jodi said she did not slash his tires, who did slash Travis' tires ?

If Travis truly believed Jodi slashed his tires, why did he not tell the police ?

could it be because around the time his tire was slashed he evicted a housemate after a huge quarrel and

did he have suspicions about the girls he "gutted", a term used by the Hughes.

Could one of the relatives or the friends of several of the girls he "gutted" have slashed his tire or could it even be Deanna ?

Juan could have either affirmed or denied the burglary as related to the gun and the jurors would have heard it if the defense made it their point to clarify the issue.
Jodi was charged with 2nd degree burglary ( AZ law) which includes theft and was Juan thinking of travis' gun ? and did the defense team clarify ? and as usual they did not, again showing their lack of competency

Yes, the Travis Jodi knew could not have done the things Travis did on 6/4/08 and so

the Travis on 6/4/08 was not Travis Jodi knew

but Travis the Ninja Tdawg who attacked her, so she was not able to "recognize" him as the Travis she knew and

any smart psychologist could have figured that out so how smart is Dr DeMarte or is she not smart at all 

Combine a rush of adrenaline ( to numb the pain ) that

the egocentric Travis the Tdawg experienced in going after Jodi while

telling her f* kill y* b* and

admitting in the past that he was

a sociopath,

his fury cannot be stopped and that

his worst is worse and

being called a predator who "gutted" girls by his good friends the Hughes and

implying just a few days that Jodi did not deserve to be alive while Jodi was trying to calm him down

and so people,

62 seconds (most of it was spent mitigating the situation as Jodi always does in trying to calm down Travis) is not a long time and

points more towards self defense than a slaughter, people

People talk about trial evidence but evidence is only as good as the people delivering it or the people admitting it as evidence, right ?

what if the following happened, would we have better trial evidence ? :

(1) The defense team asking the right questions, for example :

Jodi saying she did not mean to shoot him, so what would a good defense team ask of Jodi ?

what did she mean by not meaning to shoot him ?

, was it, not meaning to shoot him in the head ?

but some other body part since she was terrified of Travis after the horrific thing she told him ( Travis' sexual interest in children ) after he body slammed her ?

(2) The defense team bringing in the right experts to tell us about

the bullet (hollow point that belonged to grandpa or regular bullet that could have raised reasonable doubt it was grandpa's gun),

why Jodi did not call 911 ( due to her state of mind, thinking like a teen, running away from her problems, wanting to keep her promise to Travis in order to make sure everybody thought he was still a good Mormon and not an attacker or lascivious etc etc )

, why Jodi did not suffer injuries ( due to Travis not thinking straight after being shot and not using his fists etc etc)

, why travis had stabs in the back ( because he was going for the gun and jodi did not think she had enough time to escape before being shot ) ? etc etc

(3) The defense team establishing with the courts ( in both pre-trial conferences and pre-trial motions ) that all of Travis' life as presented by Travis himself and described by friends of Travis should be admitted as evidence, including all videos showing Travis ( example: the entire Eddie Snell series of videos )

(4) The defense team establishing with the courts ( in both pre-trial conferences and pre-trial motions ) that highly prejudicial language should be excluded since the case was so highly media driven

(5) Since the jury was not made of professionals trained in the science of objectivity, the jury should have been sequestered throughout the trial due to the immense media driven aspect of the trial

These are some of the numerous examples of lack of representation which I believe is cause for an appeal and eventual clemency :

(1) Why didnt the defense team bring in an expert to look at the bullet.

(2) Why didnt the defense team bring in an expert to tell us what happened to travis and why jodi did not suffer injuries.

(3) Why didnt the defense team bring in an expert to testify to why jodi did not call 911

(4) Why didnt the defense team bring in an expert to go over the autopsy report

(5) Why didnt the defense team bring in an expert to testify to what happened in the bathroom and the sequencing of events.

(6) Why didnt the defense team have either pre-trial conferences or motions to establish what language can be used to court and to exclude highly prejudicial words directed at jodi since the case was media driven

The notion that it was a torturous death is not borne by the evidence which shows that when Travis attacked Jodi,
the whole self defense scenario was only for 62 seconds and
Travis was most probably unconscious for a few more seconds after that and so
it does not seem like a torture when
most of the 62 seconds was spent by jodi mitigating the situation because
just as jodi tried to calm down Travis on 5/26/08, Jodi was most probably trying to get Travis help but
his huge ego and
his predatory lifestyle and
his rage ( saying F* kill y* b* ) and
his fury ( saying his fury cannot be stopped ) and
admitting that his worst is worse
and admitting he was sociopath
prevented him from allowing Jodi to mitigate the situation since his huge ego would not let a girl win

Why did Travis have wounds in the back ?

and why would Travis show his back to Jodi ?

was he running away ?

According to our sequencing update:

the shot took place at the 13 second mark and so

he had 49 seconds to get away (since the whole self defense scenario happened in 62 seconds ) and even

if he was walking, he could have covered about 4 feet in a second if he was covering distance below the average person and so

in 49 seconds if he was truly trying to get away, Travis could have covered almost 200 feet, enough time to

get to the neighbor’s house and why did that scenario not happen ? we believe that Travis’ huge ego and rage when he said

His worst is worse,

His fury cannot be stopped,

And we believe he did say “f* kill you b*” and so

the self-described sociopath, egocentric Travis did not want to run away or walk away but chose to attack Jodi after she had accidentally shot him ( in his head ) aiming for his shoulder when he was lunging at her.

Evidence does not show Travis running away since the blood is not in one direction but all over the bathroom and the fact that

all wounds in the back were shallow shows that Travis was moving fast.

So what was Travis doing showing his back ?

why would Travis show his back unless he was doing something very important, right ?

and what was that important thing ? I believe it was to get the gun knocked out of Jodi’s hand and

that is the only logical reason why Travis would show his back and

Jodi started stabbing Travis in the back in a state of panic since

she did not know whether she had enough time to escape down the hallway before being shot

Jodi would have continued telling the good things Travis did even if it meant going to prison for up to 25 years without a trial since

Jodi is a protector who tells stories to protect those she admires and

she admired 90% of what Travis was but was terrified of the 10% she thought she could change and

like some teens who are too optimistic, she learned the hard way on 6/4/08 that Travis horrific childhood abuse could not change the 10% within him,

the Tdawg who had a violent past,

who said his worst is worse,

the predator,

the sociopath,

the furious who said his fury cannot be stopped

the rageful who said Jodi was a carcass ( a dead animal) and that she was breathing air that belonged to other people ( paraphrasing his words ) implying she should be dead,

the "gutter" of girls ( all the above characteristics are either self described or attributed to him by the Hughes or by his messages)

People call it lies but I call it protecting people and I am sure during Nazi times if Jodi was hiding Jews, she would protect them from the Nazis by telling stories of protection just as

she protected Travis by not saying he was the attacker and was willing to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial to continue protecting Travis.

Since Jodi had to overcome too many steps in order to get Grandpa's gun ( if planning was on her mind ) it was so much easier getting Travis' gun and

 the unreliability of the gun is the main reason, we believe it was Travis' gun and planning was not on Jodi's mind

The reason Travis' housemate or the previous house  owner has not come forward since he left an old unreliable 25 caliber at Travis' house could be due to numerous reasons:

(1) Still feeling Jodi is guilty even though she used the gun left behind and not wanting to help Jodi

(2) Fear of the public, so he feels its not worth saving Jodi since the overwhelming majority hate her

(3) Even her own grandpa could not come forward to say anything since everybody knew where he lived

(4) Being mormon, could be a missionary and travelling the world and not knowing about the case

(5) Same reason Jodi threw the gun away, does it make sense ? unless her public image was more important to her than her freedom. 

What does that mean, public image ?

Jodi rather have two ninjas in the story and not tell anything about her or travis' involvement in the tragedy on 6/4/08 even if it meant 

going to prison for up to 25 years (without a trial ) in order to preserve both travis' and her image in front of the public.
Numerous people have mentioned her hyperconsciousness when it comes to presenting her best self to the public ( deleting hundreds of photos and only keeping the ones she feels is presentable etc ).

I believe, to most people, public image is way more important than trying to save a girl's life.

(6) could himself have been incarcerated and not interested in helping Jodi

(7) could be somebody who does not watch tv and does not know about the case

(8) Could have been too sick to watch tv during the time of the case

(9) could have had a tragic accident and lost the ability to hear etc, so again, not able to watch the news or tv

(10) passed away before the trial began

Here people, Sheli Denos is implying that Jodi's demonstration of the attack by Travis ( in court ) lacked aggression.

Off course the demonstration will lack aggression since

Jodi scores below the general population for violence, hostility or aggression, according to the tests conducted by the state's own psychologist.

How could a non-violent person like Jodi with no pattern of violence, demonstrate the kind of aggression showed by Travis on 6/4/08 ?

Ego was what brought down Travis, and
hubris , is what comes to mind when Travis said he wanted to be on TIME magazine so
for a person with such a huge ego, is it surprising that
he would want to attack Jodi after she shot him accidentally, probably aiming for his shoulder to stop him from attacking her after
she told him the most horrific thing imaginable ( after being body-slammed)
the most horrific thing which Travis did not want revealed to his church or his future wife Mimi (regarding his sexual interest in children ) and so
is it a self defense case ? we believe so since
62 seconds is a short enough time to qualify as a self defense case
since we believe that Travis was a danger to Jodi at least for 62 seconds, so again, no planning but more
like a girl in panic for 62 seconds and most of it was used in mitigating the situation or helping Travis to get out but
Travis could not help attack Jodi even when she tried to help him, since he could not let a girl beat him and his huge egocentric, Tdawg personality
May be an image of 1 person

According to Mike, Jodi practiced with the gun and here are the problems with that scenario
1. She would have known how reliable the gun actually was, right ? and if the gun was reliable,
she told the detective, what she would have done if planning was on her mind and that is to shoot Travis repeatedly in the shower stall, right ?
What was the implication of repeatedly shooting Travis in the shower stall if planning was on Jodi’s mind ?
its to prevent Travis from getting out of the shower stall so that he could not get to Jodi and
have blood imprinted with Jodi’s hair or bloody fingerprints, right ?
So people, why wasnt Travis shot repeatedly in the shower stall ?
could it be that Jodi never did practice with the gun and never did know the reliability of the gun since the gun was not Grandpa’s but Travis’ ?
2. Lets assume she found that the gun was not reliable, why would she go after a
powerful ( Travis who weighed about 200 pounds while she weighed about 120 )
sociopath and
egocentric Travis ( all characteristics either self-described or tagged to him by good friends) with an
unreliable gun or
a knife ? does that make sense ?
3. Mike has to assume that Grandpa had regular bullets for his 25 caliber even though
Grandpa only had hollow points for his 25 caliber that was stolen.
Why would grandpa have regular bullets when he clearly preferred the more lethal hollow points ?
does that make sense to anybody ?
4. Even the prosecutor did not know for sure that the gun was Grandpa's and so charged Jodi with burglary ( taking Travis' gun)
So again people, we have reasonable doubt as to Jodi taking grandpa’s gun and
the bullet in the xray shows clearly a regular bullet since
a hollow point at close range (3 to 4 feet and shot into wood ) always
has the distinct flower petal shape and once again, showing, it was not grandpa's gun but Travis'.

We do not believe Jodi killed Travis, he died attacking her, big difference,

one denotes intention to the "man on the street" and the other denotes an act out of sheer terror.

She feels guilty because everybody is saying she "killed" Travis but

she was aiming for his shoulder when he attacked her and missed the shoulder and she feels enormous guilt because of that

Travis needed help (which Jodi attempted to do) help that he did not get from anybody else since
he only showed the 90% of himself ( his public persona ) which was great since he was also a disciple of the law of attraction but
the 10% that terrified Jodi (due to his horrific childhood abuse) he hid from everybody except Jodi which ended in tragedy on 6/4/08 when he chose to teach Jodi a lesson due to
the issues he brought up in his rage on 5/26/08 when he implied she did not deserve to be alive,
saying she was a carcass ( a dead animal ) and
she was breathing air that belonged to other people (paraphrasing here ) and
calling her satan,
hitler and
all manner of despicable names

Dissociative amnesia ( Dr Samuels diagnosis ) under sworn testimony plus

the media pundits clearly indicating a hyperconscious Jodi regarding her public image ( her looks ) and

I believe highly conscious about her and Travis' public image and

that is why she did not call 911 on 6/4/08 in order to

protect travis' and her image in front of the public plus numerous other reasons ( in previous postings ).

jodi wanted to protect both her and travis' image in front of the public and

willing to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial to continue to protect both their images,

clearly shows why the fog happened even if,

I believe, her memories were mostly restored once the threat from Travis was over and definitely after five years and

that is why she reluctantly told the judge that she remembered the knife going into a conscious Travis as he was attacking her and

we believe the slashing was from below Travis (he was on top of her ) and Jodi was not behind Travis ( details in previous postings )

i believe her fog lifted soon after the attack from travis was over but

due to her hyperconsciousness about her and travis' image in front of the public,

she was too embarrassed to admit what she had to do to defend herself which also indicates

her deep desire to protect travis' public image and we know that since

she was willing to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial to continue protecting travis' and her image in front of the public

This looks like another slip up when Mike LeBlanc admits he does not know what Jodi is thinking, implying she could be innocent in her actions and at the same time,
he implies very clearly her thoughts when he said " Jodi was thinking about using the gun to kill travis"

Can opponents of Jodi have it both ways ?

implying jodi could be innocent since they do not know exactly what she is thinking and then

at the same time she is guilty since they know exactly what she is thinking ? does this defy logic at the legal level ? anybody ?

Mike, you said you dont know what jodi was thinking and then you implied she wanted to use the gun on travis so does that mean you know what she was thinking ?

Notice below Mike first said he does not know what she is thinking and then he implies very clearly her thoughts when he said " Jodi was thinking about using the gun to kill travis"

Both Travis and Jodi were the disciples of the law of attraction

( Jodi admired the 90% good that was in Travis and was willing to help him with his "issues" but could not marry him because of it , as stated emphatically in her journal entry)


sadly, due to the horrific nature of Travis' childhood abuse, the 10% (bad ) inside of Travis came out on both 5/26/08 and 6/4/08 and

you can see a glimpse of it in the sex tape where

he basically implied he was in charge of their friendship with benefits,

centered around his rape fantasies and telling her what he was going to do her sexually

and a glimpse of that 10% ( bad ) can be seen in his attitude in the sex tape, saying that

some people had no souls,

admitting to wanting to beat up Abe and

putting Jodi in her place whenever she showed indications of independence, except

the sex parts where he let jodi voice her desires.

Mike has a posting : What Really Happened in That Bathroom

Thanks Mike for being serious enough to come up with your version of what happened on 6/4/08 while others wait for me to read Jodi’s mind according to the evidence presented.

Here is Mike LeBlanc’s version of what happened and
yes people, opponents of Jodi do interpret facts and also read Jodi’s mind just like I do.

Mike LeBlanc stated :
Now this fits the evidence in the bathroom very well. Yes, I'm interpreting the facts and evidence here. This is what I believe happened in the bathroom that day.
Jodi’s plan was to shoot Travis in the shower so there would be no blood mess.

My comment : Mike says plan but behind every plan, there is a motive , right ?

Let’s examine the motive,

What motive did Jodi have to murder Travis.

Notice in the journals after January 2008, was there any indication that Jodi wanted to be more than friends with benefits ?

and even Travis admitted in May 2008 that it was all about sex for Jodi and we know why.

It was mainly to help him with his “issues” while off course, Jodi was very sexually attracted to Travis but

she clearly stated in her journals that she could not marry him and we know why, right ? his issues ( his sexual attraction to children ) prevented her from wanting to marry him.

Why would Jodi want to kill a deviant whom she was trying to help solve his deviant behavior ?

So why try to help a deviant ? because Travis was a unique deviant.

He was 90% a really good guy and why ? because he tried his best to also be a disciple of the law of attraction but

his horrific childhood abuse prevented him from being a totally good guy.

The 10% of Travis showed up in May 26 of 2008 when his rage against Jodi resulted in him calling Jodi a carcass ( a dead animal ) and

he said (paraphrasing here) that Jodi was breathing the air that belonged to other people, while calling her satan, hitler and all manner of despicable names.

So what did Jodi do on May 26, 2008 ? she tried to calm him down as usual and she said that he was light to the world.

So where is the motive ?

The sex tape in May 2008 shows a Jodi who was moving on , not mentioning Ryan Burns, not trying to get Travis jealous.

Even Ryan Burns was surprised that Jodi was keeping in touch with Travis since

he was talking to her about four to five times a week for about an hour or more each time.

So in the most crucial month of May 2008 this is what happened :

  1. Jodi talking to Ryan Burns about four or five times a week for about an hour or more every time.

How can an obsessed person be talking to anybody else other than the object of that obsession, right ?

2. In May 2008, not a hint of jealousy in the sex tape,

not a hint of wanting to go to Cancun,

not an hint of out of control behavior while

Travis was in charge in that sex tape,

even putting Jodi in place when she had an independent thought and

saying some people did not have souls and

he admitted in that tape that he wanted to beat up Abe

3. When Travis was raging against Jodi on May 26., 2008, did Jodi exhibit any out of control behavior ?

in fact, she was trying to calm him down by saying he was a light to the world

4. Travis clearly stated it was all about sex with Jodi and all she wanted him was for sex and

Jodi not once said it was more than just sex, right ?

Where in May 2008 did Jodi ever hint that she wanted more than just a sexual relationship ?

5. Even when raging, Travis clearly stated he was addicted to Jodi and Jodi could have him anytime for sex proven by the sex on 6/4/08

6. Juan Martinez, inadvertently stated that Jodi was wanting to marry Ryan Burns.

Can an obsessed person talk about marrying somebody else ?

So going into June 2008, we have Jodi

  1. Not jealous since she was thinking of Ryan Burns.

2.. Not wanting to marry a deviant but since travis was 90% good, wanting to help him with his "issues".

3. Not wanting to go to Cancun since she was wanting to spend time with Ryan Burns

4. Wanting to help Travis with his issues and that is all it was since Travis was a person worth helping, according to Jodi

5. Knowing that she could have Travis at anytime sexually speaking, proven by the sex on 6/4/08

6. Wanting to marry Ryan Burns ( inadvertently admitted to by Juan Martinez )

7. Clearly stating in her journal after January 2008 that she did not want to marry Travis

8. Always calming Travis down even when he was raging, so Jodi showed great self control

9. Talking to Ryan Burns at least four to five times a week, for about an hour or more each time, showing that her mind was occupied with Ryan and not Travis

10. Tests conducted by Dr DeMarte ( the state’s psychologist ) showed below normal tendencies for aggression and violence compared to the general population.

While Jodi had no motive to murder Travis going into June, what was Travis doing in June 2008

  1. We believe Travis was waiting for an opportunity to teach Jodi a lesson as indicated by his raging against Jodi on 5/26/08

2. Travis was devastated that his relationship with Lisa had ended and his relationship with Mimi was going nowhere and we believe he blamed it all on Jodi

3. Even though Jodi clearly said that she would never slash his tires did Travis actually think Jodi slashed his tries or was it yet another excuse to wait for an opportunity to teach Jodi a lesson ?

3. Travis talked about killing himself. Was that his way of blaming Jodi for all his problem

4. Travis was under financial stress and is it possible he also blamed Jodi for his financial problems

5. Since Travis was raging on 5/26/08, was he capable of teaching Jodi a lesson during June 2008 ? we definitely think so due to the following:

having a violent past ( as told by his good friend )

punching the crap out of a punching bag (stated by jodi) and

having a powerful punch ( as testified by Daniel Freeman),

a person who depicted himself as

furious ( who said his fury cannot be stopped )

raging (who said his worst is worse )

a self proclaimed sociopath

who had fantasies of raping Jodi

who wanted to victimize jodi by

making sure she was his whore and to please him in anyway he wanted

who joked about beating at least one woman to death

who joked about beating women to keep them in line

who had strange behaviors like

rubbing his nipples in public,

telling a stranger he wanted to get her pregnant,

who was warned by a parent not to contact the parent’s 9 year old daughter,

who went out of his way to meet a girl who he thought was 13 years old,

who told a friend that there is no such thing as being too young,

Telling a total stranger to touch his butt,

Thinking of a 12 year old

Talking about a 12 year old having an orgasm

Thinking of a little girl

Thinking of a little girl’s pot

Thinking of c* the p* of a little girl

Described as “gutting” several girls ( by his good friend the Hughes)

and a predator ( as described by his good friend Sky )and

in our opinion, a deviant too and

an egocentric T-Dawg (who often referred to himself in the third person)

who at least three witnesses on the stand witnessed a temper

who Juan said threw a phone right across the room ( again, showing his temper )

a sworn affidavit read by Dr. Geffner stated that travis held down deanna, shouting at her and using profanity saying that he was not going to marry her ( again, showing his temper )

admitted to wanting to beat up Abe in the most crucial month of May 2008 ?

Loved to watch people being beat up and bloodied in his weekly UFC fight parties

who said that some people have no souls,

and who days ago ( before his death ) raged against Jodi,

saying she is a carcass ( a dead animal ) and

that she was taking up the air that belonged to other people ( I am paraphrasing here but definitely implying she did not deserve to be alive ) and

that she was satan, hilter and all manner of despicable names,

Can such a rageful, furious, powerful, predatory and self-proclaimed sociopath, the T-Dawg be capable of teaching Jodi a lesson on 6/4/08 compared to

no motive at all from Jodi on 6/4/08 ?



Here are the issues brought up by Deborah Maran and since she says she is serious, I will attempt to answer them, thanks Deborah.

Deborah Maran stated :
1. How is she remembering if she was in a fugue state such as she presented at trial? It was supposed to be impossible, right?

Comment : We know for a fact ( as extensively witnessed by numerous media pundits and others ) that

Jodi is hyper-conscious about her public image (deleting hundreds of photos, always wanting to present the best image of herself to the public ) so

whatever Jodi does or says is with that in mind and might interfere with her genuine ability to want to remember things.

You stated the term " fugue state ".

By defintion a fugue is a sudden, unexpected travel away from one's home with an inability to recall some or all of one's past. and lasts the most months, so we know Jodi did not suffer from fugue.

What Jodi, in our opinion, suffered from is what we call dissociative amnesia ( which was Dr Samuels diagnosis ) similar to

what soldiers experience on the battlefield and the trauma of an attack from her "best friend with benefits" pushed her into dissociating from the event and

after five years I am pretty sure remembered most of the things that happened but

due to her hyper-consciousness of wanting to be liked by Travis's siblings and the public at large made her not want to reveal what Travis actually did on 6/4/08 beyond the "f* k* you b* and

she could not bring herself to say what she had to do to defend herself once Travis became a "monster" after being shot, a shot that she meant to take, aiming for his shoulder, to stop him from attacking her.

How do we know the above ? its the interpretation of the evidence,
all of the evidence, both from Travis' viewpoint of Jodi and Jodi's attitude towards travis and the world at large.

If you have a better explanation, let me know, thanks Deborah.

Deborah Maran stated :
2. How is someone with the injuries and blood loss Travis had such a threat to someone without any injuries that she had to slash his throat.

My comment :
You will notice that none of the veterans of this group (especially the infamous five ) are willing to help you since they know my answers to the questions you pose.

All your questions have been answered in one fashion or other throughout the postings in this group and if you need to, you can use the search function for the topics you are interested in.

When Jodi could not even look at blood without crying five years later, it would have been impossible for Jodi to have taken a knife to Travis, unless

Travis was going for the gun ( after the gun was knocked out of Jodi’s hand ) and

Jodi did not think she had enough time to escape down the hallway before being shot.

Travis would be alive today if he had not gone for the gun knocked out of Jodi’s hand since

Jodi would never have gone after a powerful, raging Travis with a knife knowing how hyper-conscious she is about her looks being altered forever.

The wound to the neck could only be done if Jodi was below Travis and

for a more detailed explanation on why we know Jodi was below Travis here are the details :

Deborah Maran stated :
3. Jodi wasn't injured by Travis despite all the injuries she gave him. Shouldn't that be a cue to her that her safety wasn't at risk?

My comment :
You will notice that none of the veterans of this group (especially the infamous five ) are willing to help you since they know my answers to the questions you pose.

All your questions have been answered in one fashion or other throughout the postings in this group and if you need to, you can use the search function for the topics you are interested in.

The incompetence of the defense team is why opponents of Jodi ( like you ) still have questions since

the defense team did not bring in an expert to testify as to what happens to man such as Travis who was shot in the head but

did not suffer brain damage ( as clearly stated in the original autopsy report ).

So what happened on 6/4/08 has much to do with Travis’ state of mind after being shot and Jodi being just one second quicker than Travis.

Basically, Travis had turned into a “monster” and not human at all after being shot and that is one reason he used profanity and said “f* k* you b*” and

his rage blinded him to logic and so

instead of using his fists, he tried going for the gun and

when the gun did not work, he tried going for the knife and

in 62 seconds a weak Jodi managed to inflict enough damage to finally stop the monster but

remember, most of the 62 seconds was spent trying to help travis.

How do we know this ?

when Travis was raging at Jodi on 5/26/08 calling her a carcass ( a dead animal ) and

saying she is taking up air that belonged to other people ( paraphrasing here ) implying that

she did not deserve to be alive and

spewing all kinds of despicable names, what was Jodi doing ?

trying to calm down Travis by even saying he is a light to the world.

So we know, even in the midst of Travis rage after being shot, Jodi was doing her best to mitigate the situation to no avail when Travis’ huge ego did not want to let a girl win.

Everything happened in 62 seconds and most of that time was spent by Jodi trying to get help for Travis but

he took his time, probably because of the state he was in and

that is why he stopped at the sink to look at himself while

Jodi was on his right, urging him that time was short and

he needed help but

Travis did not want to be beat by a girl, so he lunged at the knife which jodi had thrown down the hallway and

it took a three second struggle for the knife before jodi struck from below travis slashing his throat .

If jodi actually planned anything, she clearly told the detective what she would have done (wearing gloves and repeatedly shooting Travis in the shower stall )

if she actually planned anything and by implication, repeated shooting would have involved practice with the gun to ensure its reliability but

we know this did not happen since

she did not plan anything and did not know how reliable travis gun really was and

that is why she went for the knife when travis went for the unreliable gun.

If she had planned anything, Ryan Burns would not have witnessed her wearing long sleeves ( apparently to cover bruises ) and
she would not have had bandages to her fingers if planning was on her mind since

planning would have prevented Travis from getting out of the shower stall due to the repeated shooting and

Travis would not have had the opportunity to have jodi's palm print and hair stuck in blood and her fingers would not have been cut.

Deborah Maran stated :
4. If Travis was too slow to leave injury on Jodi while she was quick enough to stab and get out of his reach, why didn't she just run away and out of the room once out of his reach?
My comment :
For a breakdown of the scenario go to :

As explained earlier, most of the 62 seconds was spent helping Travis to get out to get help.

Why would she run away when she still cared about Travis even though he had become a monster in parts of those 62 seconds.

Deborah Maran stated :
5. Given Travis' status due to the injuries and blood loss, how is he able to stop Jodi from escaping so she needed to slash his throat instead?

My comment : as stated earlier, if the infamous five in this group truly wanted to help you ,they could have told you either where to look or

they could have at least given you their version of what i was telling them on numerous occasions.

As I said before, nothing you presented has not been discussed extensively in the past and

all you have to do is go through all our past postings or

do a search, thanks Deborah for your concerns regarding this case which only helps us improve our blog with the goal of getting clemency for Jodi, thanks again

If jurors are professionally trained in the science of objectivity (at the baccalaureate level) I would have no problems even saying that it does not matter how media driven this case was and

it would not matter if even secret proceedings or

pre-trial conferences or

bench conferences were broadcast to the nation but

we know jurors look at legal language through the "eyes of the person on the street".

Do jurors actually care about the legal definition of victim or the popular definition of victim ?

I believe jurors are not sophisticated enough to look at the legal definition of the word 'victim" and

when they hear the word "victim the tendency is to look at the defendant as guilty as seen by

the many members of this group who see Jodi as guilty, partly due to the use of the word "victim" when referring to Travis.

 why did Jodi only pull the trigger once ?

 could it be because she did not intend to shoot Travis but probably was aiming for his shoulder to stop him from attacking her ?

with such a powerful man and

 a weak girl, he continued attacking her and 

her feeble attempts at defense paid off in 62 seconds, that is not a long time and

 falls within the timeline of a self defense case

Sadly the defense did not bring in experts to testify regarding

the autopsy,

the bullet which we believe was not grandpa's hollow point and

what happens to a raging travis who got shot but

according to the original autopsy, his brain was not penetrated as implied by

an intact dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain).

Does such a person who depicted himself as

having a violent past ( as told by his good friend )

punching the crap out of a punching bag (stated by jodi) and

having a powerful punch ( as testified by Daniel Freeman),

Does such a person who depicted himself as

furious ( who said his fury cannot be stopped )

raging (who said his worst is worse )

a self proclaimed sociopath

who had fantasies of raping Jodi

who wanted to victimize jodi by

making sure she was his whore and to please him in anyway he wanted

who joked about beating at least one woman to death

who joked about beating women to keep them in line

who had strange behaviors like

rubbing his nipples in public,

telling a stranger he wanted to get her pregnant,

who was warned by a parent not to contact the parent’s 9 year old daughter,

who went out of his way to meet a girl who he thought was 13 years old,

who told a friend that there is no such thing as being too young,

Telling a total stranger to touch his butt,

Thinking of a 12 year old

Talking about a 12 year old having an orgasm

Thinking of a little girl

Thinking of a little girl’s pot

Thinking of c* the p* of a little girl

Described as “gutting” several girls ( by his good friend the Hughes)

and a predator ( as described by his good friend Sky )and

in our opinion, a deviant too and

an egocentric T-Dawg (who often referred to himself in the third person)

who at least three witnesses on the stand witnessed a temper

who Juan said threw a phone right across the room ( again, showing his temper )

who a sworn affidavit stated that travis held down deanna, shouted and used profanity saying that he was not going to marry her ( again, showing his temper )

 admitted to wanting to beat up Abe in the most crucial month of May 2008 ?

who said that some people have no souls,

and who days ago ( before his death ) raged against Jodi,

saying she is a carcass ( a dead animal ) and

that she was taking up the air that belonged to other people ( implying she did not deserve to be alive ) and

that she was satan, hilter and all manner of despicable names,

Can such a rageful, furious, powerful T-Dawg

lose all rational thought ? after being shot ?

So instead of using his fists, tried going for the gun and

instead of using his fists tried going for the knife when the gun did not work, due to

the one second shock of being shot ?

Sadly, the defense was not competent enough to bring in the right experts to testify to all of the above and

as to why Jodi did not suffer major injuries since

she was just one second quicker than the hulking, raging, irrational but powerful T-Dawg but

Ryan Burns did see her wearing long sleeves ( apparently covering bruises) and bandages to her fingers.

Travis said his fury cannot be stopped and

that his worst is worse and

he also admitted to being a sociopath and had fantasies of raping Jodi and basically victimizing her when he said she was his whore to please him anyway he wished and just a few days before (his death) told her in a rage that she was a carcass and that she was taking up other people's air and called her all kinds of despicable names and i believe he was wanting an excuse to attack her and that opportunity came when she dropped his camera on 6/4/08 and why would she ever go after such a furious powerful man with a knife (since she is so hyperconscious about her looks being altered forever), unless he had the gun that he had knocked out of her hand and she thought she did not have enough time to escape down the hallway before being shot

I cannot believe the defense could not say that the biggest mitigating factor is travis attacked jodi, so she had every right to defend herself

The incompetent defense should have had this chart out everyday of the trial ( in front of the Jury ) to make sure the Jury understood that the burden of the proof lies with the prosecution:

 If he had not gone for the gun, he would be alive today since jodi would have escaped down the hallway. No way would she have used a knife against a powerful travis knowing how hyperconscious she is about her looks being altered forever

Instead of using the words,







Mr Alexander and


throughout the trial, Travis was referred to as the victim and when they showed Travis' business card on the stand, I almost thought they were going to read the card as "Victim Travis Alexander".

The entire trial depicted Travis as the

victim or

killed or

murdered, even by at least two expert defense witnesses ( Dr Samuels and Alyce the therapist ) and

the scene was depicted as the crime scene, even by Jodi's own incompetent attorneys while

Jodi was portrayed as the

victimizer, the killer,

the murderer ,

the assailant, and

the criminal,

all before the jury got to deliberate the case.

While even the Judge called Travis the victim, how would the Judge have liked it if Jodi was referred to as the survivor or the victim ?

Another cause for clemency :
throughout Dr Horn's testimony the only wounds Travis suffered according to Dr Horn were defensive wounds, meaning Jodi was the attacker and
this scenario was portrayed by Dr Horn before the Jury got to deliberate.
This in my opinion is another cause for clemency

Mike LeBlanc has made another list and as I said previously, he is the most concerned and

the most serious among Jodi’s opponents and so I take my time looking at his concerns and issues.

I agree with Dr DeMarte to the extent that I do strongly believe that Jodi does act like a teen but as far as out of control behavior is concerned, i dont see it and

the best time to have seen out of control behavior is when Juan, Sky Hughes, Travis and even one reporter did their best to get Jodi to act in an out of control fashion but

Jodi was calm under attack and in fact, with Travis, tried to calm him down saying he was a light to the world while

Travis was raging on 5/26/08 telling Jodi she was a carcass ( a dead animal ) implying also that

she did not deserve to be alive when he said she was taking up air and other people deserved the air jodi was breathing and

calling jodi satan and hitler among other despicable names.

Even Dr DeMarte could only point to out of control behavior in one journal entry ( when jodi said she broke things and never had a violent past, unlike travis who had a violent past ) and

Dr DeMarte could not point to any other journal entries among tens of thousands where there was no hint of being violent to inanimate objects while

travis was either physically beating up other kids or talked about violence or even joked about killing at least one woman due to

his horrific childhood abuse which Jodi never did experience at the scale that Travis did.

And now to Mike’s list :

Mike LeBlanc stated :
Yes, smart and stupid people make mistakes. There is no reason why Jodi couldn't make mistakes in her plan, smart or stupid. So what David Qman says about this makes no sense.
Some of the mistakes Jodi made with her murder plan.
1. Didn't spend enough time planning this murder.

My comment : Again Mike is interpreting the evidence here, saying it was a plan.

why would she spend any time ? since nothing was planned.

She is a teen who acts impulsively and
whenever she plans something, she acts like an adult (for example, making sure to ask her employer in advance , probably two weeks in advance before taking the trip )

but since there was no planning, her entire trip was mostly taken as a teen, not as an adult,

so again, no planning people.

Mike LeBlanc stated :

2. Thinking all she need was that little .25cal gun to kill.

My comment : Again, Mike is interpreting the evidence here, saying it was a plan to use a toy gun even when grandpa said it was a toy gun.

As I said previously, even if she wanted to use a toy gun,

any plan would have involved some kind of practice to make sure the toy gun worked since

when did a thinking, intelligent and much weaker person go after a powerful, raging, hulking man with a toy gun unless

there was some kind of practice involved to make sure it was reliable, right ?

so again people, there was no plan.

Mike LeBlanc stated :
3. Borrowing gas cans.

My comment : how do we know this ?

because jodi did not tell Brewer to keep the gas cans a secret and
such an easy request since

nobody bothered to ask Brewer about the gas cans.

Brewer volunteered the borrowing of the gas cans information without being asked

So again people, no planning.

Mike LeBlanc stated :
4. Purchasing a gas can.

My comment : how do we know this ?

she saved the cash receipts, right ?

Does that look like a plan when a receipt is saved for all to see ?

again people, no planning here.

Mike LeBlanc stated :
5. Not getting an attorney right off the bat. Might not have all those stupid stories.

My comment :
why would an innocent person get an attorney ? unless she planned it, right ? so again people, no planning

Mike LeBlanc stated :
6. Taking pictures at the crime scene, and not taking the camera with her.

My comment :
Here is the most clear evidence that Jodi is not a psychopath since
all psychopaths would have taken the camera with them in order to cherish their handiwork later, especially if the camera contained pictures of the deceased.

Since we now know through this clear evidence that Jodi is not a psychopath, again,

where is the plan here ?

how could planning involve taking pictures ?

if she wanted travis in position, she could have easily used the gun to make travis do her bidding while

keeping her distance, just in case he lunged at her, so again people, where is the plan ?

And she has been seen with a camera ever since she was 10 and

was the only one around Travis with a camera often, so even if the camera was damaged,

why leave it behind since a damaged camera would have still “pointed the finger” at her since

she was the only one around Travis with a camera, so again people, where is the plan ?

. The only explanation for the camera being left behind is that it was done in a state of panic and not as part of a plan

Mike LeBlanc stated :
7. Leaving her palm print at the crime scene.

My comment : again, where is the plan ? she clearly told the detective if planning was on her mind, she would wear gloves and

would have shot travis repeatedly in the shower and by implication would have had a reliable gun.

And how would she know if she had a reliable gun unless she practiced with it, right ?

And so if she actually planned anything, would there be a palm print at the scene ?

especially is she repeatedly shot travis with gloved hands in order to

prevent travis form getting out of the shower and preventing him from getting her palm print being stuck in blood.

so again, where is the plan Mike ?

Mike LeBlanc stated :
8. Calling Flores too many times after the murder. Criminals really like to help, you see that in other cases.

My comment : as usual Mike is interpreting the evidence by saying, calling equals guilt and guilt means murder, right Mike ?

Calling a lot can only mean that she was not willing to run but

believed in her innocence and so wanted to know how she can protect travis and her reputation in front of the public due to

her hyper consciousness about projecting a good public image for herself and travis.

Mike LeBlanc stated :
9. Keeping all the receipts that show her trip, but no AZ. Should have used cash.

My comment : receipts show enough mileage to go through AZ, so what was she hiding ? nothing

when she could have paid with cash if she truly wanted to hide her AZ trip and

not rented a car since the car showed enough mileage to go through AZ,

so again people, where is the plan ?

Mike LeBlanc stated :
10. Turning her phone back on before she was even out of AZ.

My comment : Again, where is the plan ?

if AZ was such a secret why turn the phone on near Kingman AZ ?

so again people, where is the plan ?

Mike LeBlanc stated :
11. Using the gun she took from where she lived.

My comment : here again, Mike is interpreting the evidence.

Reasons it was not Jodi's gun
(1) Why would jodi stage an elaborate burglary when at any moment,
visitors can come by,
relatives can come by,
friends can come by,
neighbors could spot her,
passersby could spot her,
police could go by,
does any of this make sense when she could have just taken the gun and grandpa would not have missed it.

(2) Yreke police said there were a rash of burglaries during that time and they are probably looking for drugs

(3) Grandpa said it looked like a toy gun and so

if planning was on Jodi's mind, why go after a powerful, furious, rageful, predatory Travis, who admitted he was a sociopath and admitted his fury cannot be stopped and that his worst is worse and who was the T-dawg who "gutted" girls,

why go after such a powerful, rageful and furious man with a toy gun, does that make any sense ?

(4) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, jodi could only have exchanged the bullets if she knew the difference between hollow points and regular bullets

(5) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, why would she want a police report tied to a gun when Travis was shot with a gun

(6) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, Jodi could have easily taken grandpa’s gun without grandpa knowing about it

(7) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, Jodi could have easily asked grandpa for the gun since her grandpa cared about jodi and would feel assured for her safety if she had a gun on her (over) 1000 mile trip

((8)) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, grandpa could have trained her to use the gun and probably found out that its reliable since grandpa was not going to give jodi an unreliable gun.

Here are the facts :
(1) grandpa had hollow points

(2) grandpa's gun was fully loaded

(3) grandpa's gun had hollow points

(4) the xray shows a distinctive pattern that can only be attributed to a regular bullet (this is 100% proof) while

grandpa's hollow point would have produced a distinctive flower petal shape which the xray did not show.

All hollow points shot at close range ( 3 to 4 feet ) through wood, have the distinctive flower petal shape or would shatter along its path.

(5) travis had numerous housemates over the years, even as many as 9 housemates at one time

(6) travis was familiar with guns

(7) travis was seen in a video imitating the shooting of a handgun and now

And now for the interpretation of the facts:

(1) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, jodi could only have exchanged the bullets if she knew the difference between hollow points and regular bullets

(2) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, why would she want a police report tied to a gun when Travis was shot with a gun

(3) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, Jodi could have easily taken grandpa’s gun without grandpa knowing about it

(4) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, Jodi could have easily asked grandpa for the gun since her grandpa cared about jodi and would feel assured if she had a gun on her over 1000 mile trip

(5) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, grandpa could have trained her to use the gun and probably found out that its reliable since grandpa was not going to give jodi an unreliable gun.

(6) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, ,jodi already told the detective that she would have shot Travis repeatedly in the shower with the implication that travis would not be able to get out of the shower to try to get jodi’s hair or fingerprints anywhere in the bathroom.

(7) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, grandpa’s gun would most probably have done the job since grandpa would have made sure he gave her a reliable gun

((8)) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, she would never have thought of using travis’ gun since she did not know whether it was reliable and she would not have practiced with travis’ gun

(9) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, the shot would have come from behind, ambush style instead of in front

(10) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, the shot would have been inches from the head instead of a few feet away, in order to make sure the bullet penetrated the brain

(11) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, the shot would have been directed more towards the brain instead of towards travis’ cheek

Reasons that it was possibly Travis’ gun:

(1) Travis had numerous housemates over the years and as many as 9 housemates at one time and any of them could have abandoned an unreliable gun and Travis might have found it and kept it in his closet for safekeeping

(2) Since planning was not on Jodi’s mind, she grabbed the gun thinking Travis might stop attacking her since a gun symbolized “law enforcement”

(3) Since planning was not on Jodi’s mind, the gun produced one shot to ward him off or was shot by accident

(4) Being hyper conscious of her public image and to protect Travis’ reputation she took the gun with her without thinking that Travis’ gun is evidence that she did not take grandpa’s gun

(5) The bullet in Travis cheek was deformed like a regular bullet without the telltale signs of a flower petal shape that only comes from a hollow point, in other words, its not grandpa's bullet.

(6) Travis was seen in at least one video imitating the shooting of a handgun while jodi has never been seen either holding or handling or shooting any kind of gun

(7) Travis was familiar with guns while jodi has never been seen either holding or handling or shooting any kind of gun

((8)) Juan Martinez himself was not sure that Jodi had grandpa’s gun and so charged Jodi with stealing Travis’ gun (felony murder ) and Juan Martinez’s move raises the possibility of Travis having a gun

Mike LeBlanc stated :
Some things Jodi did right.
1. Turn the phone off before entering AZ

My comment : here again Miike is interpreting evidence by implying that jodi purposely turned off the phone to avoid detection and not because she could not find her charger.

If she truly wanted to not be detected in AZ why the following:

(1) her rental car having mileage for the 400 miles extra that she put on her car when she could have easily hidden her trip to AZ by

exchanging her car with a neighbor or friend or relative instead of renting a car that showed her presence in AZ

(2) Not telling Brewer tp keep the gas cans a secret, an easy request since nobody bothered to ask Brewer about gas cans and Brewer volunteered the information without being asked.

(3) Paper trail on her receipts showing mileage for her trip into AZ when she could have paid with cash for her trip into AZ.

(4) Spending almost 15 hours with Travis, basically not minding that the
neighbors ,
might spot at anytime during those 15 hours, especially when she was in the kitchen, laundry room and Travis’ office

(5) Packing her car in broad daylight so that
police passing by would spot her in broad daylight

All the above shows, she was not trying to hide her presence in Arizona
Mike LeBlanc stated :
2. Not telling anyone she was going to Travis's
My comment : Under sworn testimony Mr Brewer stated that Jodi was going to Mesa AZ, so i dont know whether you watched that part of the trial Mike ? so again, where is the plan ?

Mike LeBlanc stated :
3. Not purchasing anything in AZ.

My comment : she did not have to purchase anything in AZ since her receipts showed she had enough mileage to go through AZ, right Mike ?

so again, where is the plan ?

Mike LeBlanc stated :
4. Tossing the gun.

My comment : if she actually planned anything, even if it was grandpa’s gun, all she had to do was to have the dead travis hold the gun and then

gently lift it off his hand with tissue and

plant it near the toilet area and then

tell the police that travis had the gun and

she had no choice but to use the knife since

she did not know whether she had enough time to escape down the hallway.

Tossing the gun is the worse thing Jodi could have done and

in her teen mind she did it without thinking since

the gun was used and

she felt terrible about not being able to hit his shoulder or the ceiling to ward him off

So again people, where is the plan ?

Mike LeBlanc stated :
5. Taking the front plate off. AZ doesn't require front plates. Wouldn't stand out as an outsider.

My comment : wouldn’t stand out ?

you mean she hid her presence in AZ since her car had no front license plate ?

and either had an upside down back license plate or no license plates and nobody would notice ?

anybody agree ?

Again people, no planning since when would a person want to have a missing back license plate or

an upside license plate in order to avoid detection from cops or anybody else ?

Mike LeBlanc stated :
I'll add more as I think of them.

My comment : thanks Mike and looking forward to your next list

Travis wanted to be great (90% good on the outside) but

due to his horrific childhood abuse, jodi did not reveal to the world the 10% inside travis that terrified her till it was too late on 6/4/08, sad but true.

 the main reason i believe it was self defense is due to the actions of travis himself, 

calling jodi a carcass and saying she was taking up air and 

why would he not want to teach jodi a lesson on 6/4, especially 

when the accidental photo of the ceiling confirms that she was trying to catch a falling camera ?

2 weapons shows no planning since a reliable gun could have done the job but


 the gun was not reliable and 


since planning would have involved practice with the gun, 


why would jodi take an unreliable gun against a hulking raging powerful travis unless nothing was planned, right ?

Mike LeBlanc says that Jodi took a pea shooter to the alleged killing.
Does it make sense to go after a powerful 200 pound man who was into
relentless workouts,
weight lifting,
having 16 inch biceps,
intense cycling,
MMA ( mixed martial arts )
able to lift a woman bigger than him, at least four feet off the ground,
boxing and punching the crap out of a punching bag and whom Daniel Freeman had a powerful punch
and who Jodi was terrified of due to his chokehold and
who was called the T-Dawg, a predator who "gutted" girls as described by his own good friends the Hughes,
and who admitted to being a sociopath
who said his fury cannot be stopped
who said his worst is worse
who admitted to wanting to be beat up Abe in May 2008,
who joked about beating a woman to death
who joked about beating women to keep them in line
who had a violent past as described one of his good friends,
who mentioned the corking the pot of little girl in adult conversation ( meaning, he is capable of doing things normal people do not do )
who was raging against Jodi just a few days ago, saying she was a carcass ( a dead animal ) and implied she did not deserve to be alive since she was satan and hitler.
Would any sensible intelligent person which the state psychologist said Jodi was, go after an immensely powerful man ( 80 pounds heavier than her ) who was waiting for the opportunity to teach Jodi a lesson ( in our opinion ),
would a much weaker person like Jodi go after Travis the raging, powerful man with a pea shooter ? does this make sense to anybody ?
unless there was no plan at all to shoot travis with a peashooter, right people ?

Mike LeBlanc seems to imply that Jodi allegedly did not realize she had pea shooter that belonged to grandpa, once again

interpreting the evidence and here are the problems with that interpretation if jodi had planning on her mind :

(1) She would have to not believe her grandpa when he said the gun was a "toy gun"

(2) Lets assume she wanted to use a "toy gun", wouldnt she at least practice with the "toy gun" to see whether it would do its job ?

(3) Lets assume she did practice with the "toy gun" and found it to be reliable

(4) if she actually planned anything, wouldnt she use the gun repeatedly on Travis since

she did say to the detective that if planning was on her mind, she would have repeatedly shot travis in the shower and

by implication, the intention was to make sure Travis stayed in the shower stall so that he would not get out of the shower resulting in jodi’s hair and palm print getting stuck in blood.

(5) if she actually planned anything, wouldnt she use the gun by pointing it to the back of Travis head, ambush style

(6) if she actually planned anything wouldnt she have pointed the gun and shot the gun a few inches from Travis’ head, ambush style

(7) if she actually planned anything wouldnt she have pointed the gun in such a way as to aim more for his brain than towards the cheek area ?

(8) and the most obvious clue that it was not grandpa’s toy gun is the bullet found in Travis’ cheek that

did not have the distinct flower petal shape of a hollow point (all hollow points have a distinct flower petal shape after being shot at short range ( 3 to 4 feet away into wood )) because

we believe all grandpa had were hollow points for his 25 caliber since the police report shows a fully loaded gun with 7 hollow points

None of the above happened since Jodi did not plan on using a pea shooter on Travis and the only reason we believe a knife was used is because

after Travis' gun was knocked out of Jodi's hand, she had no choice but to

use the knife since she did not know whether she had time to escape down the hallway before being shot by Travis since

she did not know how reliable the gun was since

it was Travis' gun and she had not practiced with Travis' gun in order to

know whether it was reliable or not after the first accidental shot

Bill Funderburk has interpreted the evidence and is suggesting that Jodi had to walk to her car and and at the same time allegedly trying to avoid contact and here are the scenarios that jodi was facing allegedly:

(1) Jodi had at least three pieces of luggage/items to haul to the car and so we have to assume it was not a fast walk while jodi allegedly was avoiding being seen by
housemates returning to the house after 5:30pm
neighbors returning to their houses after 5:30pm
police going by
visitors to Travis' home
friends to Travis' home
people coming back from work at the time (after 5:30pm)

(2) Jodi allegedly had to find the time to put the luggage/items away, get the tool in order to put on the license plate and then the process of putting the license plate on while trying to avoid being seen by
housemate returning to the house,
neighbors returning to their houses after 5:30pm
police going by
visitors to Travis' home
friends to Travis' home
people coming back from work at the time (after 5:30pm)

(3) And Jodi allegedly had to avoid the car being seen without a license plate during all the daylight hours from morning to 5:30pm by
housemates noticing a car without a license plate
neighbors noticing a car without a license plate
passers-by noticing a car without a license plate
police going by noticing a car without a license plate
visitors to Travis' home noticing a car without a license plate
friends to Travis' home noticing a car without a license plate

(4) And all the above does not take into consideration the 15 hours Jodi spent in the house when
at any time during those 15 hours when she was in the kitchen or laundry room or Travis office she could have been spotted by
housemates and Travis telling them that jodi just came by to pick up something, implying that they were not breaking serious church laws

Travis opening the door to visitors and introducing jodi as just another visitor, implying that they were not breaking serious church laws

Travis opening the door to friends and telling them that jodi just came by to pick up something, implying that they were not breaking serious church laws
Are all the above scenarios possible ? we do not believe so since if jodi was planning anything, the above scenarios would not have taken place since

an intelligent jodi would have planned everything while people were sleeping at 3 or 4am in the morning and got out by 5am at the latest

but since she got out after 5:30pm. the more likely scenario is nothing was planned and everything that happened was in a state of panic as evidenced in past postings

Since Mike LeBlanc seems to be the most serious in this group among Jodi's opponents,

I decided to take time to address the issues he brought up, thanks Mike LeBlanc for your concern regarding this case which

helps us improve our blog greatly which in turn helps Jodi, thanks again Mike.
Mike LeBlanc stated : That Jodi's license plate is upside down and one missing in the front. My comment : so we are to believe that Jodi purposely put the license plate upside down in order to hide from the police and passers-by and neighbors and visitors to Travis’ house and Travis’ housemates ? If that is not stupid, i do not know what is. So if she was hiding her car, how did she get stopped then by the police ? Let’s assume she tried putting on the license plate just before she left, she did not mind the following people seeing her put on an upside down license plate in broad daylight ? neighbors passers-by police passing by housemates returning home and visitors to Travis’ home ?
Mike LeBlanc stated : That Jodi's phone goes dead just as she enters AZ My comment : you don't believe her when she said she could not find the charger ? and why did she turn the phone on, well within AZ, near Kingman ?
Mike LeBlanc stated :That Jodi finds her charger just as she is leaving AZ My comment : so Jodi did turn on her phone well within AZ, right ?
Mike LeBlanc stated :That Jodi doesn't purchase anything in AZ
My comment : She announced her presence in AZ by (1) her rental car having mileage for the 400 miles extra that she put on her car when she could have easily hidden her trip to AZ by

exchanging her car with a neighbor or friend or relative instead of renting a car that showed her presence in AZ
(2) Not telling Brewer tp keep the gas cans a secret, an easy request since nobody bothered to ask Brewer about gas cans and Brewer volunteered the information without being asked (3) Paper trail on her receipts showing mileage for her trip into AZ when she could have paid with cash for her trip into AZ
(4) Spending almost 15 hours with Travis, basically not minding that the neighbors , housemates visitors might spot at anytime during those 15 hours, especially when she was in the kitchen, laundry room and Travis’ office (5) Packing her car in broad daylight so that neighbors visitors housemates passers-by police passing by would spot her in broad daylight All the above shows, she was not trying to hide her presence in Arizona
Mike LeBlanc stated :That a .25 cal gun went missing, the same cal gun that shoots Travis in the head. My comment : how do we know this ? could it be because there was a police report attached to that missing gun ? and why would Jodi purposely want a police report attached to a gun, when a gun was used on travis ? Plus stage an elaborate burglary when at any time, visitors could come by,

friends could come by,
neighbors could spot the house being broken into
passers-by could spot being broken into police going by and spotting the house being broken into when she could have either (1) easily taken the gun without grandpa missing it and putting the gun back days later without grandpa knowing about it (2) Told grandpa, she would feel safer with a gun on a 1000 mile trip and grandpa cares about Jodi and would have even trained her to use the gun (3) Known how reliable the gun was by having her grandpa train her And all the above would not have a police report attached to the gun, right ?
Mike LeBlanc stated :That a DVD player goes missing, and Jodi gives Darryl a remote to a DVD player.
My comment : Since Darryl volunteered the information about the gas cans without being asked, we believe Darryl is an honest man and so Juan could have easily asked Darryl whether Jodi gave him a DVD but why did Juan not ask him that question ? could it be because Juan is not interested in the truth but wanted the jury to think Jodi gave Darryl a dvd. This piece of information was crucial and yet was not asked because Juan knew the answer, and the answer is, Jodi never did give Darryl a dvd. so sad that prosecutors are not interested in the truth but more interested in winning a case for the gratification of their ego.
Mike LeBlanc stated :That Jodi has CD's that belong to Travis in her rental care. My comment : CDs could be for both Travis and Ryan Burns and if Jodi was actually on a mission, why the CDs, why the happy mood with Darryl why the singing happy songs with McCartney why get her nails or hair done why even the visit to see Ryan when McCartney or Brewer would have been a better alibi.
Mike LeBlanc stated :That Jodi has enough gas in her trunk to drive across AZ. My comment : how do we know this ? could it be because jodi was not trying to hide her trip through AZ by showing enough mileage on her gas receipts when she could have easily paid with cash and thrown away the receipts, right ?
Mike LeBlanc stated :That Walmart doesn't have record of a returned gas can. My comment :
The defense team could have hired an independent expert to look through walmart records but never did due to their incompetence. The walmart employee could have easily been biased against Jodi due to the immense publicity of the case against jodi and not bothered to properly look through the hundreds of records, of returns, return records that could have been easily missed due to the digital upload from servers to the new store, the store that was physically moved from the original store.
Mike LeBlanc stated :That skate borders remover her license plates right before she enters AZ My comment : so she was driving without a license plate in the middle of the night through AZ ? or she thought she could hide the car by just removing license plates so that neighbors, visitors, housemates passers-by or the police passing by could not spot a car that was missing license plates ?
Mike LeBlanc stated :That she happen to bring 3 gas can on this trip. My comment : how do we know this ? could it be because Jodi did not tell Darryl to keep the gas cans a secret, an easy request since nobody bothered to ask Darryl about gas cans and Darryl volunteered the information to the investigator.
Mike LeBlanc stated :That she changed her hair color in the middle of this trip.
My comment : how do we know this ? could it be because the car rental owner was going by the drivers license where her hair was blonde and how does he remember her hair color from five years ago. I don't remember any girl i knew five years ago whether her hair was blonde or brown, do you ?
Mike LeBlanc stated :That Jodi rushes off to AZ just days after bad Gchat with Travis. My comment : rush ? she had to give at least a two weeks notice to her employer to get time off for the trip, right ? and she had to make sure that Ryan would be at home right ? so she had to have planned the trip at least two weeks before 5/26/08, right ?
Mike LeBlanc stated :That a .25 cal gun goes goes missing just a few days be for Jodi's trip to AZ. My comment : how do we know this ? could it be because there was a police report attached to that missing gun ? and why would Jodi purposely want a police report attached to a gun, when a gun was used on travis ? Plus stage an elaborate burglary when at any time, visitors could come by,

friends could come by,
neighbors could spot the house being broken into
passers-by could spot the house being broken into
police going by and spotting the house being broken into
when she could have either (1) easily taken the gun without grandpa missing it and putting the gun back days later without grandpa knowing about it (2) Told grandpa that she would feel safer with a gun on a 1000 mile trip and grandpa cares about Jodi and would have even trained her to use the gun (3) Known how reliable the gun was by having her grandpa train her And all the above would not have a police report attached to the gun, right ?
Mike LeBlanc stated : That Jodi turns down a red car for a white car. My comment : so jodi chose a white car ( which eventually had an upside down license plate ) because it could not be spotted by the police going by or neighbors spotting it or visitors spotting it or passers-by spotting it or Housemates spotting it, does that make sense ? All the above does not make any sense since only a very stupid person could have done the above and we know that according to the state’s own psychologist, Jodi is highly intelligent and all the above was not due to stupidity but rather a girl who did not plan anything

Here are the facts :
(1) a blurred photo of the ceiling was taken by the camera

(2) The forensics expert said the photo was taken about three feet off the ground

(3) Jodi was into photography ever since she was 10

(4) No record of Jodi ever taking blurred photos of a ceiling in her entire life

(5) Travis was raging against Jodi on 5/26/08

(7) photo of Travis’ lower torso when Jodi has never taken a picture of Travis without showing his face

and now for the interpretation of the facts :

Was there an argument which caused Jodi to take an accidental photo of Travis’ lower torso ?

what was the argument about ?

did Jodi reveal to Travis that she was going to be seeing Ryan and that their sex therapy sessions to curb his “issues” might be over ?

Since Jodi was into photography since she was 10 and never did take blurred photo of any ceiling ever,

what happened on 6/4/08 when the forensics expert said the photo was taken 3 feet off the ground ?

If anything was planned you would think any accidental photo would be taken from the ground since

Jodi would have let the camera fall to the ground, if she was planning anything, right ?

Could it be possible that Jodi was trying to catch the camera ? while it was falling and that is why it took an accidental photo of the ceiling, 3 feet off the ground.

And if she was trying to catch the camera, could it be because she was not planning anything since planning would mean, letting the camera fall without trying to catch it, right ?

From the facts presented in court, this is my interpretation :

What horrific thing did Jodi tell Travis after he body-slammed her ?

Jodi knows that Travis would be alive today if she did not threaten to tell on him after he body-slammed her and

that is one of the reasons she did not call 911,

the huge guilt that his death could have been avoided if she did not threaten to tell the church and Mimi about

his "issues' with little girls which sent him into a blinding rage and

she panicked by pointing the gun at him since she thought the gun represented "law enforcement" and

that he would stop but

the threat of telling on him made him not think straight as he lunged at her since

his rage prevented him from thinking that jodi might pull the trigger as a reflex action.

Jodi said she did not call 911 since she was ashamed of what happened

( my interpretation : So why did Jodi not call 911 on 6/4/08 ?) ;

(1) The promise to Travis that she will not tell anybody that she was there with him (especially Travis' future or potential future wife Mimi or the Mormon community) that they were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08

(2) Not wanting the public to see her all bloody on 6/4/08 due to her being hyper-conscious about her public image as seen by hundreds of selfie photos being deleted every year, only wanting to present her best self to the public

(3) Being hyper-conscious about what people think of her and the utter shame that her friendship with travis had failed and not wanting the public, especially Travis' grandma and the Hughes to hate her.

(4) Wanting to protect Travis' legacy which she knew was important to Travis

(5) a natural instinct to want to venerate the dead and veneration can also be seen by travis' friends not wanting to talk about Travis' bad side

(6) feeling guilty that travis would be a live today if she did not instigate the second attack from travis ( threatening to tell on his deviancies) after Travis body-slammed her

(7) Jodi has always had thoughts of suicide throughout her life and we know thoughts of suicide can lead to not caring about what happens to her life after the death of travis

((8)) Having the "mind of a teen" as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist which means her instinct to just "run away" from problems instead of facing them.

A teen that does not think of the consequences of what she was actually doing: "running away" and thus jeopardizing her future since most people do not believe the innocence of a person who runs away

Bill Funderburk talks about a "perry mason" moment regarding the gas purchases in Utah. Here are the problems with the so-called "perry mason" moment: (1) Jodi is careful about filling the gas cans and in Pasadena filled them up to 4.79 gallons since she is afraid of filling up to 5 gallons since she did not want spills in the trunk, so the purchase of 5.09 gallons does not make sense (2) If the alleged secrecy was for her mission through AZ showing people she was never in AZ, why fill up three gas cans in Utah, does that make sense ? why not just fill up the car in Utah and not the gas cans since allegedly the gas cans were only for AZ, right ? (3) Why would she want to create a paper trail for a third gas can if she did not want people to know she had 3 gas cans ? does that make sense ? she could have easily paid for a third gas can fill up with cash and thrown away the receipt , right ? (4) The entire trip could have been paid with cash ( if secrecy was on her mind ) since she had about $800 in cash which she deposited in a bank before the trip and she could have thrown away all the receipts with regards to (showing the mileage through AZ) and her trip to AZ (5) Why rent a car that shows enough mileage to take her right through AZ if secrecy was on her mind, why not borrow a car or take her own car, why rent ? does that make sense for a person on a secret mission (6) The so-called third gas purchase could be for non-gas items because the bank statement does not show a gas purchase

(7) Let's assume the third purchase was for gas, could it be because she only put in about 9 gallons in her car and wanted to fill up her car with another 5.09 gallons ? All the above shows no planning but a girl who wanted everybody to know ( through paper trails ) that she was going through Arizona before going to Utah

If Jodi truly cared more about her freedom than Travis' legacy, she would have had at every turn,

starting from the time she met Travis,

recorded or mentioned or documented the 10% of Travis that terrified her.

In her teen mind, she thought she could make Travis into being 100% good but

we know that was not possible due to

the horrific nature of his childhood abuse which

made him into a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality in our opinion and

even Jodi said something very mild when she said there is something “off” with Travis.

Why do we believe that the 10% of Travis was terrifying, a monster lying in wait,

just like he ,mentioned the evil lurking in the shadows to the Hughes when they were reprimanding him for his predatory behavior.

We know that Travis had a violent past admitted to by one his close friends and

we know Travis admitted as late as May 2008 that he wanted to beat up Abe but

does this constitute a "monster" lurking within ? lets dig deeper.

Travis himself implied he was "terrifying" when he said his fury cannot be stopped and

that his worst is worse and

he even joked about beating a woman to death and

beating women to keep them in line and

he admitted he was a psychopath while

his close friends, the Hughes said he was a predator who "gutted" girls.

In our opinion, any guy who mentions the corking of the pot of little girl is capable of horrendous actions and

we firmly believe this due to the horrific nature of his childhood abuse.

If Travis was a normal man would ever imply that Jodi did not deserve to be alive ?

what kind of man would wish another person dead ?

and one statement by itself does not mean much but if you take into account everything else that Travis said and

considering the fact of his horrific childhood abuse, what was Travis capable of ?

and Jodi had to pay the price because

she refused to reveal to the world the monster lurking within Travis and

was even willing to go to prison for up to 25 years (without a trial ) to protect Travis’ legacy

What did Jodi write in her journals after Travis died ?

Jodi used the words "dead" and "passing" and nowhere in her journals did she come close to saying that Travis was killed because

she could not bring herself to say that something bad happened to Travis and even

willing to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial because

at that point in her journal writing ( after the death of Travis), her dissociative amnesia only made her see Travis as a man who was 90% good and

she could not bring herself to even think about the 10% that terrified her,

the 10% that was lurking within Travis due to

the horrific abuse Travis experienced as a child and no matter how Jodi tried to help Travis, that 10% "monster " was always around.

You can see a very tiny bit of that 10% in the sex tape where Travis was mostly negative,

even admitting to wanting to beat up Abe ( even though Travis claims in his journal that Jodi is the negative one ) while

Jodi's negativity was calling her sister stupid but quickly qualified that by saying she loved her sister while

Travis' negativity had no qualifications saying that some people had no souls and

you can see a tiny bit of that 10% elsewhere when Travis joked about beating a woman to death and

you can see a tiny bit of that 10% elsewhere when Travis joked about beating women to keep them in line and

you can see a tiny bit of that 10% elsewhere when Travis said his fury could not be stopped and

you can see a tiny bit of that 10% elsewhere when Travis said his worst is worse and

you can see a tiny bit of that 10% elsewhere when Travis admitted to the Hughes that he is a sociopath.

you can see a tiny bit of that 10% elsewhere when Travis was raging against Jodi on 5/26/08 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive.

you can see a tiny bit of that 10% in his emotional abuse of girls for which he was called a predator by the Hughes.

Travis "gutted" girls as the Hughes said he did and

any guy who thinks about corking the pot of a little girl, in my opinion, is capable of a horrific attack under certain circumstances and what were those circumstances that brought out the 10% in Travis ?

What horrific thing did Jodi tell Travis after he body-slammed her ? in order to bring out the 10% in Travis ?

Did the camera fall on that fateful day ?

the forensic expert testified that the camera took an accidental photo of the ceiling 3 feet off the ground , meaning,

Jodi accidentally pushed the camera button as she was trying to catch the falling camera.

Travis was waiting to teach Jodi a lesson after 5/26/08 when

he was raging and implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive and

that opportunity was afforded to him when Jodi accidentally dropped the camera.

Jodi's own childhood was abusive which in turn led Jodi to threaten Travis by saying

she was going to tell on his issues after Travis body-slammed her for dropping the camera.

What horrific thing did Jodi tell Travis after he body-slammed her ? did she say she was going to tell Mimi and the church about his fantasies regarding little girls ? which

sent Travis into a rage that was building up since 5/26/08

which made Jodi point the gun at him since

just pointing a gun represents law enforcement but

when Travis lunged at Jodi thinking that she was not brave enough to shoot him,

she accidentally shot him and what happened after that ?

Did the 10% that was lurking in Travis come out in full force after Travis was accidentally shot, the rageful Travis had now become the "monster" that Jodi dreaded and

which told Jodi he was going to F* kill y* b*
why did Jodi not have major injuries when facing the "monster".

We believe it was because the "monster" could not think straight after being shot and

instead of using his fists on Jodi , tried to get the gun knocked out of Jodi's hand and

instead of using his fists on Jodi, tried to get the knife from Jodi when the gun did not work.

Does Jodi feel guilty for getting Travis mad within 5 seconds ( as she confessed to the detective ) on 6/4/08 and

that is one reason she did not call 911 since she could have prevented the attack from Travis and she felt responsible for the attack from Travis ?

She could have easily called 911 and said travis attacked her since she would have gently lifted the "planted" gun off travis' hands with tissue and

placed it near the toilet to make it look like he had the gun and so

she had to defend herself with the knife, that is if she planned anything but

she did not plan anything and acted like a scared teen who runs away from her problems.

So why did Jodi not call 911 :

What are the reasons that Jodi had for not calling 911 and wanting to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial ?

We believe Jodi is hyper conscious about what people think of her and that caused her to run on 6/4/08, wanting to protect both her public image and travis' public image while having the "mind of teen" (as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist) details below:

So why did Jodi not call 911 on 6/4/08 ? ;

(1) The promise to Travis that she will not tell anybody that she was there with him (especially Travis' future or potential future wife Mimi or the Mormon community) that they were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08

(2) Not wanting the public to see her all bloody on 6/4/08 due to her being hyper-conscious about her public image as seen by hundreds of selfie photos being deleted every year, only wanting to present her best self to the public

(3) Being hyper-conscious about what people think of her and the utter shame that her friendship with travis had failed and not wanting the public, especially Travis' grandma and the Hughes to hate her.

(4) Wanting to protect Travis' legacy which she knew was important to Travis

(5) a natural instinct to want to venerate the dead and veneration can also be seen by travis' friends not wanting to talk about Travis' bad side

(6) feeling guilty that travis would be alive today if she did not instigate the second attack from travis ( threatening to tell on his deviancies) after Travis body-slammed her

(7) Jodi has always had thoughts of suicide throughout her life and we know thoughts of suicide can lead to not caring about what happens to her life after the death of travis

((8)) Having the "mind of a teen" as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist which means her instinct to just "run away" from problems instead of facing them.

A teen that does not think of the consequences of what she was actually doing: "running away" and thus jeopardizing her future since most people do not believe the innocence of a person who runs away.

why not use the word, deceased, dead, death, dying, passed etc, why use the word killed unless the prosecutor used it on purpose , right ?

to keep reminding the jury that jodi is the killer, right ?

Every juror has to interpret the evidence as presented in court and

we can see the bias from jurors when they use the word "killing" implying Jodi is the killer or

use the word "crime" implying that Jodi is the criminal (as mentioned in the video below ) and

these words were used by jurors in their questioning, even before they got to deliberate the case, thanks to

the defense attorneys (and prosecution and defense witnesses ) who play a huge part in how that evidence is interpreted and

when defense attorneys do not object to Travis (either in pre-trial conferences held by the Judge or during the trial ) being called

the victim ( implying that Jodi is the victimizer) , or

murdered ( implying that Jodi is the murderer ) or

killed ( implying that Jodi is the killer ) or

the scene being referred to as the crime scene, meaning a crime was committed, implying that Jodi is the criminal and when

Jodi is being referred to as the assailant or killer and all this

before the jurors can deliberate the case and so

what would we expect from jurors who are not professionally trained in the science of objectivity ?

A preliminary examination of the autopsy report for our 62 second sequencing updates shows

no purposeful action on Jodi's part since

there were only two stabs that were lethal or purposeful since we believe Jodi knew her life was in danger and

the rest ( approximately 25 wounds done in about 8 seconds, about 3 shallow wounds per second ) were done,

in our opinion, not with purpose but in a state of panic

Thanks to Bren Kilmartin, we have insights into Travis not being able to see his negative side.

Was Travis able to see himself as having faults ?

Jodi I believe saw that Travis was 90% good and 10% terrifying and did Travis see that 10% and

I do understand in both journals, both Travis and Jodi try to be positive and not mention anything too negative but still,

Travis could have mentioned his faults at least in a constructive way but

nowhere in all of Bren Kilmartin's excerpts did Travis mention anything negative about himself while

Travis did mention the negativity outside of himself , for example claiming that Jodi was negative and we can see Travis' inability in seeing his shortcomings from the sex tape.

In the sex tape :

Jodi said her sister was stupid but qualified it by saying she loved her sister while

Travis without qualification said that some people had no souls and

he kept his negative attitude throughout the call, even at times putting Jodi in her place when she voiced some kind of independent thought

Due to her own childhood abuse and sometimes wanting negative attention,

does Jodi feel guilty for getting Travis mad within 5 seconds ( as she confessed to the detective ) on 6/4/08 and

that is one reason she did not call 911 since she could have prevented the attack from Travis and she felt responsible for the attack from Travis ?

She could have easily called 911 and said travis attacked her since she would have gently lifted the "planted" gun off travis' hands with tissue and

placed it near the toilet to make it look like he had the gun and so

she had to defend herself with the knife, that is if she planned anything but

she did not plan anything and acted like a scared teen who runs away from her problems.

So why did Jodi not call 911 :

What are the reasons that Jodi had for not calling 911 and wanting to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial ?

We believe Jodi is hyper conscious about what people think of her and that caused her to run on 6/4/08, wanting to protect both her public image and travis' public image while having the "mind of teen" (as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist) details below:

So why did Jodi not call 911 on 6/4/08 ? ;

(1) The promise to Travis that she will not tell anybody that she was there with him (especially Travis' future or potential future wife Mimi or the Mormon community) that they were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08

(2) Not wanting the public to see her all bloody on 6/4/08 due to her being hyper-conscious about her public image as seen by hundreds of selfie photos being deleted every year, only wanting to present her best self to the public

(3) Being hyper-conscious about what people think of her and the utter shame that her friendship with travis had failed and not wanting the public, especially Travis' grandma and the Hughes to hate her.

(4) Wanting to protect Travis' legacy which she knew was important to Travis

(5) a natural instinct to want to venerate the dead and veneration can also be seen by travis' friends not wanting to talk about Travis' bad side

(6) feeling guilty that travis would be a live today if she did not instigate the second attack from travis ( threatening to tell on his deviancies) after Travis body-slammed her

(7) Jodi has always had thoughts of suicide throughout her life and we know thoughts of suicide can lead to not caring about what happens to her life after the death of travis

((8)) Having the "mind of a teen" as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist which means her instinct to just "run away" from problems instead of facing them.

A teen that does not think of the consequences of what she was actually doing: "running away" and thus jeopardizing her future since most people do not believe the innocence of a person who runs away.

Does Jodi have to work hard at controlling herself ?
I dont believe so since she is hyper-conscious of what the public thinks of her and so
that is why, even though Sky and Juan and Travis did their best to get Jodi to lose control,
she did not lose control due to her hyper-consciousness in presenting a good public image and in
Travis' case she believed by being in control, she could make him into a better person as
she tried her best to avoid making Travis angry but
due to her own childhood abuse she could not help making travis mad within 5 seconds as she confessed to the detective which led to disaster on 6/4/08 .

Why was it important for Jodi to protect Travis, even to the point of avoiding trial and going to prison for up to 25 years ?

I believe that Jodi saw Travis has 90% good and 10% terrifying and I believe she wanted to be able to help him to get to being 100% good but we know

that was not possible due to the horrific nature of the abuse he faced as a child, so when

Jodi was also abused, her abuse led to her to making Travis mad within 5 seconds as she told the detective which is

a recipe for disaster when she threatened to tell on him after he body-slammed her on 6/4/08 for dropping his camera and why do we believe that Travis attacked Jodi ?

Was Travis capable of attacking Jodi when she tried catching a falling camera ? as indicated by the forensics expert who said the camera took an accidental photo of the ceiling, three feet off the ground. We believe that Travis was very capable of attacking Jodi for the fallen camera and here is why : (1) Just a few days ago, Travis implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive while Jodi was trying to calm Travis by saying he is a light to the world. (2) In our opinion, any guy who says "its like corking the pot of a little girl" is capable of abuse or even an attack. (3) Travis loved to see people beaten up and he loved bloody sports like UFC (4) Travis had a violent past as a teen and is it possible that violent past went "underground" as an adult until the day he saw a weakling like Jodi that he could bully or even attack without repercussions since Jodi always hid what travis did and hid it well for two long years and would have gone to prison for as long as 25 years, protecting Travis' legacy ? (5) Travis joked about beating a woman to death (6) Travis joked about beating women to keep them in line (7) Travis admitted in May 2008 ( the most crucial month ) that he wanted to beat up Abe

What did Travis mean by his worst is worse ? or that his fury cannot be stopped ?

Did Travis (being severely abused as a child) make him into a "monster who was asleep" to almost everybody except

 that "monster" came out in full force since Jodi was an unique individual who could bring out the worst in Travis when she told the detective that she could get Travis mad in 5 seconds ?

So knowing all the above and looking at what Travis was thinking of recently on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive, is it possible for Travis to have attacked Jodi when she accidentally dropped the camera ? Did Travis want to teach Jodi a lesson for dropping the camera since his rage against Jodi started a few days back on 5/26/08 ?

Here people, more evidence of jodi not being obsessed with Travis while juan inadvertently admitted that jodi wanted to marry Ryan Burns.
How can she be thinking so fondly of Ryan Burns in this entry on 5/27/08 and then the next day (5/28/08) stage an elaborate burglary in order to get a gun to kill Travis, the very guy who said he was addicted to her ? does that make any sense

Travis was just friends with benefits plus she wanted to help him with his "issues"

At least one opponent of Jodi admits there was rage from Travis towards Jodi during the most crucial month of May 2008 which
in our opinion made Travis want to teach Jodi a lesson and
that opportunity was afforded to him on 6/4/08 when jodi accidentally dropped the camera and
while trying to catch the camera, the camera took an accidental photo of the ceiling, three feet off the ground.
The forensics expert said the photo was taken three feet off the ground.
After being body-slammed, what horrific thing did Jodi say that sent Travis into a blinding rage that was building up since 5/26/08 ?
Could it be that jodi, after being body-slammed, threatened Travis by saying she was going to tell the church and mimi about his deviancy regarding little girls ?
which sent Travis to the point of no return resulting in Jodi accidentally shooting him as he lunged at her ?

Here are the facts for May 2008:

(1) Travis clearly admitted that he was addicted to Jodi.

(2) Travis told Jodi that she was on top of his list when he visits the west coast.

(3) While Jodi was trying to calm him down by saying he was a light to the world, Travis was raging against Jodi.

(4) Jodi was planning a trip to see Ryan Burns.

Interpretation of the facts :

(1) By now, Jodi was already talking to Ryan for at least an hour, four to five times a week, again,

no obsessed person would have time for another person in their lives so we know Jodi was clearly not obsessed with Travis except for

helping Travis with his 'issues" which was easy to do since she was sexually addicted to Travis.

(2) We believe that once Ryan and Jodi became a couple, the sex therapy with Travis would have stopped and so

did Travis have a feeling that Jodi was moving away from the master-slave relationship that Travis wanted with Jodi, since

he said that Jodi was his "whore" to please him in anyway he chose ?

(3) Some of the comments from Travis on 5/26/08 implied that Jodi was clearly moving away from Travis and

Travis did not want to let go of his master-slave relationship since he said Jodi was his "whore" to please him in anyway he wanted.

(4) Juan in his book inadvertently stated that Jodi was making plans to marry Ryan Burns and

did this contribute to Travis feeling that he was losing his master-slave relationship with Jodi ?

(5) A dangerous time for Jodi since Travis talked about killing himself while raging at Jodi and so what did this mean for Jodi ?

was the rage in part due to him sensing that he was losing the master-slave relationship over her ?

(6) I believe Travis was not serious about killing himself but he did want to teach Jodi a lesson

(7) That opportunity to teach Jodi a lesson was afforded to Travis on 6/4/08 when jodi accidentally dropped Travis' camera.

the forensics expert said that the accidental photo of the ceiling was taken 3 feet off the ground, meaning, it concurred with Jodi saying she was trying to catch the camera as it was falling and she hit the button which took an accidental photo of the ceiling

(8) After being body-slammed did Jodi say something horrific to Travis ?

to make Travis explode with blinding rage since

his rage was building up against jodi since 5/26/08 ?

could it be that Jodi told Travis that she was going to reveal to the church and Mimi his deviant thoughts about little girls ?

Remember when a person is raging and also contemplating suicide, it is just as likely they were going to take somebody with them if possible,

for example, many suicides and also murder-suicides.

May 2008 was a dangerous moment for Jodi as Travis blamed her for his suicidal thoughts , might be because he knew that jodi knew about his 'issues' and also

Travis revealed to a close friend his utter despair over losing lisa and not making any headway with mimi and

i strongly believe he blamed everything on jodi and

notice in the rage messages from Travis, jodi implied she once loved him but not anymore since

we believe she was already thinking of marrying Ryan Burns as inadvertently admitted to by juan in his book

It is so much easier to attack a person physically when the victim is reduced to a non-human as
Travis makes Jodi out to be throughout his rage on 5/26/08 implying she does not deserve to be alive since
she is worthless while Jodi was trying to calm Travis down by saying he is a light to the world.
The next step in the attack plan is to find an opportunity to teach Jodi a lesson and
that opportunity was afforded to Travis when
Jodi accidentally dropped the camera as indicated by the forensics expert who said
the accidental photo of the ceiling was taken three off the ground

throughout the trial, even Alyce LaViolette called it a murder and not a single objection from the defense team and the appeal team not once mentioned the pervasive language of calling jodi the assailant (by Dr Horn) also, the attacker, the victimizer, the criminal (by reference to the word "crime" being liberally used throughout) and also as the murderer ( by reference to the word "murder" used liberally throughout the trial) and also as the killer ( by reference to the word "killed" used liberally throughout the trial ) and all the above being referenced to Jodi, even before the jury got the case to deliberate while the judge kept calling travis the victim, meaning, jodi was the victimizer and even the defense team called the scene a crime scene, in other words, jodi was the criminal according to the defense team and the appeal team only talked about juan and not the incompetent way the defense team conducted the entire case, pitiful

not once did the appeal team object to Judge Stephens allowing incredibly prejudicial language throughout the trial and all the appeal team talked about is juan,


Kobe Bryant was successful in obtaining an order excluding the word “victim” at trial, in favor of “alleged victim” and the woman’s name:

some jury members said it was both planned and not planned, right there is cause for appeal because saying its planned and not planned, shows a great deal of subjectivity going into their decision making

If she did court the media it was to venerate travis and not to denigrate him and

if she courted the media after the media blitz against her, its to defend herself and to make sure that nobody thought travis was the attacker and all the while

she wanted to avoid trial and willing to go to prison for up to 25 years to continue protecting Travis' legacy

Reasons it was not Jodi's gun
(1) Why would jodi stage an elaborate burglary when at any moment,
visitors can come by,
relatives can come by,
friends can come by,
neighbors could spot her,
passersby could spot her,
police could go by,
does any of this make sense when she could have just taken the gun and grandpa would not have missed it.
(2) Yreke police said there were a rash of burglaries during that time and they are probably looking for drugs
(3) Grandpa said it looked like a toy gun and so if planning was on Jodi's mind, why go after a powerful furious rageful Travis with a toy gun, does that make any sense ?
(4) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, jodi could only have exchanged the bullets if she knew the difference between hollow points and regular bullets
(5) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, why would she want a police report tied to a gun when Travis was shot with a gun
(6) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, Jodi could have easily taken grandpa’s gun without grandpa knowing about it
(7) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, Jodi could have easily asked grandpa for the gun since her grandpa cared about jodi and would feel assured if she had a gun on her over 1000 mile trip
((8)) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, grandpa could have trained her to use the gun and probably found out that its reliable since grandpa was not going to give jodi an unreliable gun.
Here are the facts :
(1) grandpa had hollow points
(2) grandpa's gun was fully loaded
(3) grandpa's gun had hollow points
(4) the xray shows a distinctive pattern that can only be attributed to a regular bullet (this is 100% proof)
(5) travis had numerous housemates over the years, even as many as 9 housemates at one time
(6) travis was familiar with guns
(7) travis was seen in a video imitating the shooting of a handgun and now
And now for the interpretation of the facts:
(1) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, jodi could only have exchanged the bullets if she knew the difference between hollow points and regular bullets
(2) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, why would she want a police report tied to a gun when Travis was shot with a gun
(3) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, Jodi could have easily taken grandpa’s gun without grandpa knowing about it
(4) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, Jodi could have easily asked grandpa for the gun since her grandpa cared about jodi and would feel assured if she had a gun on her over 1000 mile trip
(5) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, grandpa could have trained her to use the gun and probably found out that its reliable since grandpa was not going to give jodi an unreliable gun.
(6) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, ,jodi already told the detective that she would have shot Travis repeatedly in the shower with the implication that travis would not be able to get out of the shower to try to get jodi’s hair or fingerprints anywhere in the bathroom.
(7) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, grandpa’s gun would most probably have done the job since grandpa would have made sure he gave her a reliable gun
((8)) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, she would never have thought of using travis’ gun since she did not know whether it was reliable and she would not have practiced with travis’ gun
(9) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, the shot would have come from behind, ambush style instead of in front
(10) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, the shot would have been inches from the head instead of a few feet away, in order to make sure the bullet penetrated the brain
(11) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, the shot would have been directed more towards the brain instead of towards travis’ cheek
Reasons that it was possibly Travis’ gun:
(1) Travis had numerous housemates over the years and as many as 9 housemates at one time and any of them could have abandoned an unreliable gun and Travis might have found it and kept it in his closet for safekeeping
(2) Since planning was not on Jodi’s mind, she grabbed the gun thinking Travis might stop attacking her since a gun symbolized “law enforcement”
(3) Since planning was not on Jodi’s mind, the gun produced one shot to ward him off or was shot by accident
(4) Being hyper conscious of her public image and to protect Travis’ reputation she took the gun with her without thinking that Travis’ gun is evidence that she did not take grandpa’s gun
(5) The bullet in Travis cheek was deformed like a regular bullet without the telltale signs of a flower petal shape that only comes from a hollow point, in other words, its not grandpa's bullet.
(6) Travis was seen in at least one video imitating the shooting of a handgun while jodi has never been seen either holding or handling or shooting any kind of gun
(7) Travis was familiar with guns while jodi has never been seen either holding or handling or shooting any kind of gun
((8)) Juan Martinez himself was not sure that Jodi had grandpa’s gun and so charged Jodi with stealing Travis’ gun (felony murder ) and Juan Martinez’s move raises the possibility of Travis having a gun

Sheli Denos seems to be interested in legal language and so I decided to study the way Sheli uses legal language.

Sheli stated : fact, knowing the brand of dvr/remote is meaningless.
Fact: Darryl did NOT exchange the borrowed gas cans for the dvd

My comment : in legal language, a fact is an actual thing or happening which must be proved at trial by presentation of evidence and which is evaluated by the finder of fact (a jury in a jury trial,)
In other words, it only becomes a fact after it has been proven through evidence which in turn has to be evaluated by the finder of fact ( the jury ).

When Sheli says fact, it still needs to be proved by presentation of evidence (example : the direct testimony of Darryl Brewer )
and the question is , was there a dvd involved in Jodi’s visit to Darryl and if so,

why did Juan not bring it up in trial by asking Darryl whether a dvd was given to him , right ?

The fact that Juan only mentioned the remote and not

the brand of the remote or

the dvd itself, shows that Juan is not interested in the truth but rather

wants the jury to think that the remote was from the dvd stolen from grandpa's house

Sheli Denos stated : “ 4) circumstantial evidence : JA stole the dvd from her grandparents and gave it to Darryl as a gift
My comment : what is circumstantial evidence ?

Circumstantial evidence consists of a fact or set of facts which, if proven, will support the creation of an inference that the matter asserted is true.

In other words, it only becomes a circumstantial evidence when the assertion can be proven by a set of facts which themselves have to be proven through evidence, so what sheli is saying has to be proven before

it can become circumstantial evidence and she needs a set of facts or at least one fact which in itself has to be proven through the evidence presented.

Notce that Sheli stated “ ja stole the dvd”, so is what Sheli stating circumstantial evidence ? not by legal standards.

Notice also Sheli stated : “ gave it (dvd) to Darryl as a gift”, so is what Sheli stating circumstantial evidence ? not by legal standards.

There is no proof of either Jodi stealing the dvd or

that Darryl got a dvd from Jodi, the first cannot be proven and as for the second assertion by Sheli,

all Juan had to do is ask Mr Brewer whether he received a dvd from Jodi, right ? but

Juan did not since Juan probably did not want the Jurors to hear the truth, that Jodi did not give a dvd to Mr Brewer.

Some questions for Jodi from Mike LeBlanc and my comments follow:

Mike stated : 1. What was Jodi doing, or where did she go when Travis was lying on the floor not attacking Jodi by the toilet bleeding left a blood pool there, when Jodi said she got away, Jodi says she was in mortal fear for her life after the gun shot? Why is she not leaving or getting help?

My comment : this was addressed in my comment on your 45 factual statements posting.

Do you want me to clarify again or can you read that comment, let me know

Mike stated : 2. What was Jodi doing, or where did she go when Travis went to and stood at the sink for that moment bleeding into the sink, not attacking Jodi? Why is she not leaving or getting help?

My comment : this was addressed in my comment on your 45 factual statements posting.

Do you want me to clarify again or can you read that comment, let me know

Mike stated : 3. What was Jodi doing, or where did she go when Travis was on the floor not attacking, leaving blood pools near the linen closet? Why is she not leaving or getting help?

Here is where Tavis is already dead and she rested for a while by the linen closet before

dragging the body back to the shower to wash it off in order to preserve his legacy with the church as a virginal mormon and

her hyper-conscious sensitivity to both her and travis’ public image, even willing to

go to the extreme measure of going to prison for up to 25 years without a trial in order to preserve Travis’ legacy.

Here is a list of reasons why Jodi did not call 911:

So why did Jodi not call 911 on 6/4/08 ? ;

(1) The promise to Travis that she will not tell anybody that she was there with him (especially Travis' future or potential future wife Mimi or the Mormon community) that they were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08

(2) Not wanting the public to see her all bloody on 6/4/08 due to her being hyper-conscious about her public image as seen by hundreds of selfie photos being deleted every year, only wanting to present her best self to the public

(3) Being hyper-conscious about what people think of her and the utter shame that her friendship with travis had failed and not wanting the public, especially Travis' grandma and the Hughes to hate her.

(4) Wanting to protect Travis' legacy which she knew was important to Travis

(5) a natural instinct to want to venerate the dead and veneration can also be seen by travis' friends not wanting to talk about Travis' bad side

(6) feeling guilty that travis would be a live today if she did not instigate the second attack from travis ( threatening to tell on his deviancies) after Travis body-slammed her

(7) Jodi has always had thoughts of suicide throughout her life and we know thoughts of suicide can lead to not caring about what happens to her life after the death of travis

((8)) Having the "mind of a teen" as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist which means her instinct to just "run away" from problems instead of facing them.

A teen that does not think of the consequences of what she was actually doing: "running away" and thus jeopardizing her future since most people do not believe the innocence of a person who runs away

Mike stated : 4. Why is Jodi not leaving in the foot photo, Travis on the floor, not attacking, throat not cut yet, the door to the outside is maybe 5 feet away? Why is she not leaving or getting help before she cut his throat?

My comment : His throat is most possibly cut here and he is dying or dead and so she is about to drag his body first to bed but changed her mind since he weighed too much, so he bled out on the carpet and wanting to clean off the body, dragged the body back to the shower to wash it off in order to preserve his legacy with the church as a virginal mormon and her hyper-conscious sensitivity to both her and travis’ public image, even willing to go to the extreme measure of going to prison for up to 25 years without a trial in order to preserve Travis’ legacy.

Mike stated :5. How is Travis constantly attacking Jodi, what is he doing to her to leave no injuries?
It appears Jodi had many opportunities to escape, but chose not to.
Self-defense justifies the use or threat of deadly physical force only while the apparent danger continues, and it ends when the apparent danger ends. The force used may not be greater than reasonably necessary to defend against the apparent danger.

My comment : Everything happened in 62 seconds: all stab wounds could have been inflicted (most of whom were very shallow ) within 10 seconds.
If you were following the updates, the sequencing stopped at the 16 second mark.
Most of the 62 seconds was spent helping Travis to get out to get help but

he chose a circuitous route since

he was probably in a daze while

being helped by Jodi so he basically took a circuitous route from the toilet area to the weighing scale area and instead of

letting Jodi help him down the hallway, probably wanted to see what happened to him at the bathroom sink mirrors,

so from the time Travis stopped attacking Jodi so she was able to get out from under him and to the time Travis was at the sink with Jodi’s help, it probably took about a total of 32 seconds bringing up the totals to 57 seconds

The last photo of Travis bleeding is when he lunged at the knife thrown down the hallway by Jodi due to

his ego taking over since he did not want a girl beating him, even though jodi helped him to the silk,

and his rage that was building up from 5/26/08 (when he implied Jodi did not deserve to be alive )

that rage also took over as he lunged for the knife and

the three second struggle culminated in Jodi managing to slash Travis’ throat from below him at the 61 second mark and

it took Jodi one second to get up and accidentally press the button on the camera with her feet at the 62 second mark.

Since Mike took his time to list all the facts related to the Jodi Arias Case in a calm fashion and since Kerri says he is sensible, I have decided to invite Mike to be a moderator

Here is my response to Mike LeBlanc:

Mike stated : 5/26/ 08 – Gchat, Travis says you are the worst thing that ever happened to me.

My comment : no motivation since she was trying to calm him down
Mike stated : 3. 5/28/08 Robbery at grand patents home where Jodi is staying a few days before Alexander was killed. A few items were taken. Items missing $20 bill, $10 bill from Jodi’s dresser, 25 cal automatic pistol, Magnavox DVD player, cd player.

My comment : exactly, if planning was on her mind, why would she want a police report tied to a gun when

a gun was going to be used on travis a few days later, does that make any sense at all ?

Yreke police said there were a rash of burglaries during that time and they are probably looking for drugs.

Grandpa said it looked like a toy gun and so

if planning was on Jodi's mind, why go after a powerful furious rageful Travis with a toy gun, does that make any sense ?

Mike stated : 4. Jodi was the last one in the grandparents house before the robbery. She says she left the house at 1:00 pm

My comment : they were not robbers but burglars and the burglars probably saw jodi leaving and did not know how much time they had, so it was a quick in and out
Mike stated : 5. Robbery at grandparents home was between 10:00am and 3:00pm

My comment : again, why would jodi stage an elaborate burglary when at any moment,

visitors can come by,

relatives can come by,

friends can come by,

neighbors could spot her,

passersby could spot her,

police could go by,

does any of this make sense when

(1) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, jodi could only have exchanged the bullets if she knew the difference between hollow points and regular bullets

(2) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, why would she want a police report tied to a gun when Travis was shot with a gun

(3) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, Jodi could have easily taken grandpa’s gun without grandpa knowing about it

(4) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, Jodi could have easily asked grandpa for the gun since her grandpa cared about jodi and would feel assured if she had a gun on her over 1000 mile trip

(5) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, grandpa could have trained her to use the gun and probably found out that its reliable since grandpa was not going to give jodi an unreliable gun.

Mike stated : 6 . Jodi claims she has been abused by Travis and he is a pedophile, but travels over 1000 miles to see him.

My comment: At the time, Jodi did not know what abuse was since Travis only harmed her physically so rarely and

the deviant behavior was only one time, so she wanted to help him with his "issues"
Mike stated : 7. On June 2, 2008 Arias rented a car in Redding, California, approximately 100 miles south of her home.

My comment: again, where is the planning since she is leaving another trail,

renting a car and not borrowing a car since

borrowing would be a lot more secretive especially if

she told the lender not to tell that her mileage on the car would be sufficient to cover the entire state of Arizona.

By taking a rental car she was basically telling the world that

she was going to have over 2800 miles on it when she returned it,

enough for a round trip from Yreka, to Mesa to Utah and back to Yreka plus

an extra 300 miles since

she was in a daze and wandering around after travis death for about five hours and 300 miles.

Mike stated : 8. Jodi didn’t want a red car for a rental, but wanted a white car.

My comment : so she could hide with a white car ?

does that sound logical ?

so people wont be able to tell police that they saw a white car ? or

police would not notice a white car speeding ?

Mike stated :9. Arias told the rental company staff that she would only be driving the car locally,

My comment she was not sure if the rental car owner would rent her the car if she told him she was going to put over 2500 miles on the car but

in actuality she put over 2800 miles on the car since

she was wandering about in a daze for about 300 miles and 5 hours after travis died.:
Mike stated : 10. Jodi leaves Darryl’s. Jodi returned to Darryl’s home around 10:00 o’clock on the morning of June 3, 2008, and gives Darryl the remote she left in the car for a DVD player. There was a Magnavox DVD player taken from the grandparents home.

My comment : So without being prompted or asked, Darryl volunteers the fact that Jodi took gas cans but

hides the dvd player given to him, does that make sense ?

unless the remote was for his player and not grandpa’s dvd , right ?
Mike stated :11. Jodi purchase a gas can from Walmart.

My comment : again, could have purchased with a cash receipt and thrown it away but

she did not throw away the receipt, did she ? why ? could it be because there was no planning

Mike stated :12. Jodi says she returned the gas can, Wal-Mart says there was no return

My comment : .I cant remember what I did five years ago plus

what is the point in lying, does that make sense ?

she probably returned it, maybe to a different walmart and

you expect one employee to go through hundred of records about five years old to look for one transaction that

might or might not have been uploaded when the store moved to a different location
Mike stated :13. Az doesn’t require a front license plate

My comment : why would jodi take the time to remove a license plate when police can easily locate the car through her credit card account, right ? if neighbors say they saw a white car
Mike stated :14. No front license plate, rear plate was on upside down on Jodi’s rental car. Jodi was stopped in Utah for having license plate upside down.

My comment : For a girl who did not want to be detected, would she try to bring attention to her car with a upside down license plate?, does that make sense ? unless

she told the truth about the skaters playing a prank on her

Mike stated :15. Used many gas transactions to fill car and gas cans in Pasadena.

My comment : again, why leave a paper trail to show gas purchases that would take her through the entire state of arizona,

why not purchase with cash and throw away the receipts, right ?

Mike stated :16. Jodi claims Travis guilted Jodi to come see him while in the middle of the trip to see Ryan.

My comment : the fact that there were several calls between them shows that travis wanted her to come since he was addicted to her no matter how he was raging against her just a few days ago and

Jodi was still addicted to him sexually while still wanting to help hiim with his “issues”
Mike stated :17. Jodi brought CD’s of images into her rental car to give to Travis.

My comment : she could be taking it to Travis or Ryan or both

Mike stated :18. Jodi turned cell phone off before entering the state of AZ. Jodi says she lost her phone charger, then said she found it after she left AZ or near the border.

My comment : she turned it off to preserve the charge since she could not find the charger.

And she found it and called Ryan well within Arizona, near Kingman, again where is the planning if Arizona was to be a secret mission.

Mike stated :19. June 4, 2008, Jodi shot Travis Alexander in the head with a 25 cal automatic pistol. Stabbed him 27 times, cut his throat.

My comment : Here are the facts we have regarding Travis attacking Jodi ( my interpretation of the facts follow in parenthesis ) :
(1) His rage was building up starting on 5/26/08 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive
( my interpretation : he was waiting for an opportunity to teach Jodi a lesson )

(2) We have an accidental photo of the ceiling
( my interpretation : this accidental photo shows that Jodi was trying to catch the falling camera and

the forensics expert concurred when he said the camera took the photo while being 3 feet off the ground)

(3) Jodi said she failed to catch the falling camera, under sworn testimony
(and my interpretation is, Travis’ rage that was building up on 5/26/08 exploded when Jodi dropped his camera)

(4) Jodi said, Travis body-slammed her, under sworn testimony
( my interpretation : Jodi broke the fall by hanging onto Travis and making sure her feet hit the floor first while
her butt and head were off the floor, making for a successful break of the fall)

(5) Jodi does not remember what she said to Travis after he body-slammed her, said under sworn testimony
( my interpretation : she must have said something so horrific that made Travis want to continue to attack her and
we believe she threatened to tell on him regarding his deviancy and
Traivs did not want Mimi Hall hearing about it,or the church.)

(6) Jodi said under sworn testimony that Travis continued to attack her which made her get the gun in Travis’ closet
( my interpretation : Travis was beyond mad at this time. He wanted to teach her a lesson on 5/26/08 and now
Jodi saying that she was going to tell on him, especially to the church and Mimi Hall , made him go into a blinding rage )

(7) Jodi does not remember pulling the trigger but she does remember him lunging at her like a line-backer when the gun went off
( my interpretation : To Jodi it might have looked like a real gun but to Travis it might have looked like a toy gun and
combine that with his blinding rage, made him lunge at Jodi)

(8) Travis was shot in the forehead
( my interpretation: this does not look like an ambush but rather an accident since only one shot was fired and
the shot was not to the back of his head ( ambush style) or
inches from his head ( ambush style) but it was at least a few feet away )).

(9) Travis after being shot, said “F* k* you b*”, said under sworn testimony
( my interpretation : this is the moment of no return since Jodi after having threatened him and
after having shot him accidentally, really thought he was going to kill her and
her hysteria at this point was also brought upon by her hyper-conscious anxiety that Travis might alter her looks forever )

(10) Jodi said she did not have the gun after one shot, under sworn testimony
( my interpretation : if she did not have the gun, who did ?
most probably Travis tried to get it and
Jodi had to get the knife since she did not know if she had time to escape down the hallway before being shot)

(11) Travis suffered stabs to the back and head
( my interpretation : why would Travis show his back to Jodi unless he was doing something important( to his irrational mind) after being shot, right ? and
I believe that important thing was trying to get the gun after the gun was knocked out of Jodi’s hand))

(12) There is a pool of blood right by the toilet door
( my interpretation: here is where Travis turned around with the gun and
Jodi got lucky and stabbed him near his heart, penetrating a vein which resulted in another struggle as Travis was bleeding out badly )
(13) There is blood all around, from
the toilet door area,
to the weighing scale area and
to the bathroom sink
( my interpretation: here is the point where Travis is getting weaker and had stopped attacking Jodi and
Jodi had time to get away from Travis but
feeling sorry for him and seeing him on all fours,
told him to go with her to the hospital and so,
got him up but
he did not go straight down the hallway but
feeling groggy, took a circuitous route ( to the weighing scale area ) and
stopped at the bathroom sink.

(14) There is blood on the left side of the sink
( my interpretation: why the left side ? because Jodi was on the right side trying to convince him to go with her to the hospital.
Dr Horn testified that it was possible for a person to have held up Travis at the sink )

(15) There is blood all the way down the hallway
( my interpretation: Travis must have spotted the knife down the hallway, thrown there by Jodi and so
with one last effort since his ego was huge and
he could not allow a girl to beat him a girl who he implied just a few days ago did not deserve to be alive,
he lunged at the knife but by
God's help Jodi managed to wrestle the knife out of his hand and
as he wrestled with her to get the knife, Jodi found herself below and pushed up and slashed his throat )

(16) Large patch of blood on the carpet
( my interpretation : Jodi must have initially wanted to get Travis to bed and
she rested at the carpet area since the body was too heavy and
thinking she needed to wash off any evidence from the body,
decided to drag the body back to the shower to wash it off )

Mike stated :20. There are blood pools where Travis was close to the floor and bled onto the floor in 3 locations, toilet area, linen closet area, carpet.

My comment see previous comment for an explanation.:
Mike stated :21. Travis stood at the sink and bled into the sink.

My comment : see previous comment for an explanation
Mike stated :22 . Jodi dragged Travis’s body back to the shower.

My comment : see previous comment for an explanation
Mike stated :23 . Jodi cleaned up the bathroom some what, scale was placed neatly over blood.

My comment : There was a little cup in the shower
( my interpretation: another indication that nothing was planned since
Jodi used a little cup to wash away the scene while
leaving all the blood on the bathroom sink (which had available water) , again showing no planning)).

Mike stated :24. Jodi deleted the images taken that day from the camera right after the murder.
My comment : if the killing was planned, an obsessive or psychopathic person would never have deleted images and
would have taken the camera with her as a prized possession but
the fact she left it behind shows no planning but
a girl who was in a state of panic and
even if the camera was damaged, everyone would have pointed a finger at her (since she was the only one who was seen with a camera around Travis) and
so why leave the camera behind, does any of it make any sense ? unless there was no planning and she panicked without thinking.

Mike stated :25. Jodi somehow put camera in the clothes washing machine right after the murder.

My comment : see previous comment
Mike stated :26. Jodi locked the bedroom door before she left.

My comment : again, trying to preserve her and travis’ public image as best as she could, even willing to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial to preserve both their images in the public
Mike stated :27. Jodi put up the dog gate
My comment : Jodi probably knew what she was doing as soon as Travis died since Jodi told the judge that memories have come back and she remembers the knife going into travis throat while he was attacking her
Mike stated :28. Jodi sent a friendly voice mail to Travis hours after the murder, Jodi sounded very cheerful like nothing ever happened to Travis.

My comment : It’s called dissociation from a traumatic event. The call is part of her plan to protect Travis. Jodi did everything possible to make sure nobody knew that Travis attacked her and was even willing to go to prison for up to 25 years.
Mike stated :29. Jodi used all the gas from the gas cans in Arizona, even though there was no emergency of running out of gas.

My comment : Again, no planning. she basically told everyone through the paper trail that she was going to Arizona with the purchases since

she could have easily made those purchases with cash and thrown away the cash receipts
Mike stated :30. No receipts for any purchase’s in Arizona.
My comment : Again, no planning. she basically told everyone through the paper trail that she was going to Arizona with the purchases since she could have easily made those purchases with cash and thrown away the cash receipts
Mike stated :31. Jodi pumped enough gas to fill three gas cans and the car in SLC.

My comment : if she was hiding the third gas can, why leave a paper trail ? does that make any sense. Why not purchase with cash.

After all, she had $800 in cash for the trip which she deposited into the bank instead of carrying cash for her so-called secret mission, right ?
Mike stated :32. Jodi told Flores, Travis did not have a gun.

My comment : Being hyper-conscious about her public image, she was embarrassed she took the gun and since her public image was so important to her, she said travis did not have a gun
Mike stated :33. Jodi Arias told 3 different stories. Jodi said she was never there at Travis’s in AZ. Jodi later told police that two intruders had broken into Alexander’s home, murdering him and attacking her. Two years after her arrest, Jodi told police that she killed Alexander in self-defense

My comment : she would have been willing to go to prison for up to 25 years with the Ninja story in order to preserve her and travis’ public image but Juan wanted fame and fortune ( read his book on how he pushed for this trial )
Mike stated :34. There were no other guns or gun accessories found in Travis home.
My comment : probably an old unreliable gun left by one of Travis’ numerous housemates when he had as many as 9 housemates at one time
Mike stated :35. Jodi said she was at Travis’ house helping him store his boxes of Christmas decorations in the attic in January 2008.
My comment : did you want to tie this to point 36 below ?
Mike stated :36. There was never any Christmas decorations or anything at all found in the attic.
My comment : I find that hard to believe since didnt somebody say Jodi slept under the christmas tree ?
Mike stated :37. There is no evidence that Jodi was physically abused by Travis. Just her word
My comment : Travis did not abuse Jodi physically on a continuous basis or

she would have left for sure and

the few times he did abuse her, she gave him excuses and wanted to help him in the end with his “issues’ since both Travis and Jodi were addicted to each other sexually.
Mike stated :38. There is no evidence that Travis was a pedophile. Just her word

My comment : I highly doubt Jodi thinks of Travis as a pedophile but he definitely had deviant thoughts regarding little girls
Mike stated :39. Jodi told several stories of how she cut her finger. Jodi said Travis kicked her finger. Says intruder cut her finger. Jodi told Ryan she had cut her hands on broken glass while working at a restaurant called Margaretville. Jodi did testify there was no Margaretville restaurant.

My comment : Travis accidentally broke her finger and she was too embarrassed to admit it to anybody that somebody she cared about would resort to violence and her stories about her fingers were her continued interest in protecting Travis
Mike stated :40. Ryan testified Jodi had bandages on her finger after the murder.

My comment : If planning was on her mind and knowing how hyper-conscious she is about her looks, she would have made preparations not to get cut in anyway, possibly practicing with a reliable gun so that

she could shoot travis repeatedly in the shower (this is what she told the detective if planning was on her mind) so that he would not get out of the shower resulting in her hair and palm prints stuck in blood.
Mike stated :41. Ryan testified that Jodi told him she ran out of gas.
My comment : yes, instead of saying travis attacked her
Mike stated :42. On the stand Jodi claimed as soon as she dropped the camera, Travis immediately flew into a rage and picked her up and slammed her to the ground.

.My comment : i think you wanted the above to be part of 43 below

Mike stated :43. In a post-verdict interview, she corrects the reporter and claims he didn’t fly into a rage immediately after that “it build over several minutes

My comment : both can be true plus the reporter asked her whether Travis wanted to kill her for dropping the camera which was only in Travis’ mind after she shot him.

, Travis rage was building up since 5/26/08 and it was not full blown until Jodi probably threatened Travis that she was going to tell on him, after he had body-slammed her for dropping his camera.
Mike stated :44. Jodi Said Travis used a kitchen knife to cut the soft decorative rope.

My comment : i think you wanted 44 above to be part of 45 below
Mike stated :45. There was also a scissors in the knife block in the kitchen with the rest of the knives.
My comment : a knife to cut rope would be better especially when the rope was probably thick
Mike stated :46. Jodi said she was body slammed and line backer tackled in the bathroom, but had no injuries.

My comment : Jodi had a successful break of the fall by hanging onto travis and making sure her feet touched the floor first instead of her head or butt.

It also could not have been a full body-slam since i am sure that was Travis intention but she managed to not let him do a full body-slam
Mike stated :47. Jodi said she didn’t go out the door to the out side, because in august of 07 there was a similar incident, Travis chased her down grabbed her wrist, and said he was sorry and said he loved her. In June 4, Jodi says Travis did the same thing, but she felt the need to grab a gun this time.

My comment : yes the need to grab the gun was because she threatened to tell on him about his “issues” after the body-slam and in a previous encounter he had choked her and that terrified her
Mike stated :45. The car was missing its floor mats and had red stains on its front and rear seats.
My comment : again showing no planning ,since planning would have involved no stains on the seats or mats.

If planning was on her mind and knowing how hyper-conscious she is about her looks, she would have made preparations not to get cut in anyway, possibly practicing with a reliable gun so that

she could shoot travis repeatedly in the shower (this is what she told the detective if planning was on her mind) so that he would not get out of the shower resulting in her hair and palm prints stuck in blood
Here are the facts :

(1) grandpa had hollow points

(2) grandpa's gun was fully loaded

(3) grandpa's gun had hollow points

(4) the xray shows a distinctive pattern that can only be attributed to a regular bullet (this is 100% proof)

(5) travis had numerous housemates over the years, even as many as 9 housemates at one time

(6) travis was familiar with guns

(7) travis was seen in a video imitating the shooting of a handgun and now

And now for the interpretation of the facts:

(1) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, jodi could only have exchanged the bullets if she knew the difference between hollow points and regular bullets

(2) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, why would she want a police report tied to a gun when Travis was shot with a gun

(3) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, Jodi could have easily taken grandpa’s gun without grandpa knowing about it

(4) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, Jodi could have easily asked grandpa for the gun since her grandpa cared about jodi and would feel assured if she had a gun on her over 1000 mile trip

(5) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, grandpa could have trained her to use the gun and probably found out that its reliable since grandpa was not going to give jodi an unreliable gun.

(6) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, ,jodi already told the detective that she would have shot Travis repeatedly in the shower with the implication that travis would not be able to get out of the shower to try to get jodi’s hair or fingerprints anywhere in the bathroom.

(7) If planning was on Jodi’s mind,, grandpa’s gun would most probably have done the job since grandpa would have made sure he gave her a reliable gun

(8) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, she would never have thought of using travis’ gun since she did not know whether it was reliable and she would not have practiced with travis’ gun

(9) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, the shot would have come from behind, ambush style instead of in front

(10) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, the shot would have been inches from the head instead of a few feet away, in order to make sure the bullet penetrated the brain

(11) If planning was on Jodi’s mind, the shot would have been directed more towards the brain instead of towards travis’ cheek

Reasons that it was possibly Travis’ gun:

(1) Travis had numerous housemates over the years and as many as 9 housemates at one time and any of them could have abandoned an unreliable gun and Travis might have found it and kept it in his closet for safekeeping

(2) Since planning was not on Jodi’s mind, she grabbed the gun thinking Travis might stop attacking her since a gun symbolized “law enforcement”

(3) Since planning was not on Jodi’s mind, the gun produced one shot to ward him off or was shot by accident

(4) Being hyper conscious of her public image and to protect Travis’ reputation she took the gun with her without thinking that Travis’ gun is evidence that she did not take grandpa’s gun

(5) The bullet in Travis cheek was deformed like a regular bullet without the telltale signs of a flower petal shape that only comes from a hollow point, in other words, its not grandpa's bullet.

(6) Travis was seen in at least one video imitating the shooting of a handgun while jodi has never been seen either holding or handling or shooting any kind of gun

(7) Travis was familiar with guns while jodi has never been seen either holding or handling or shooting any kind of gun

(8) Juan Martinez himself was not sure that Jodi had grandpa’s gun and so charged Jodi with stealing Travis’ gun (felony murder ) and Juan Martinez’s move raises the possibility of Travis having a gun

Grandpa's hollow point bullet would have shattered into pieces or had a flower petal shape ( after penetrating bone )

as shown in this video but

if you look at the bullet in the xray, it hardly has that flower petal shape indicating

it was a regular bullet raising reasonable doubt that

Jodi used grandpa's gun but rather used

Travis' gun an unreliable gun (most probably) left behind by Travis' numerous housemates ( he had at one time as many as 9 housemates ) and Travis probably took the gun and put it in his closet for safekeeping

What makes the Travis-Jodi relationship unique in the sense that neither had relationships in the past that ended in extreme physical abuse or violence.

Is it possible that both Travis and Jodi were normal people until they met each other and

 in meeting each other, brought out the worst in each other, Jodi's worst being her ability to get Travis mad within 5 seconds ( as stated in the interrogation tapes ) and 

Travis' worst being his ability to look at Jodi as the ultimate victim and to exploit it to the fullest  ( as stated by Travis himself who wanted to make Jodi his personal whore to please him in anyway he chose )

Here are the facts we have regarding Travis attacking Jodi ( my interpretation of the facts follow in parenthesis ) :

(1) His rage was building up starting on 5/26/08 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive

( my interpretation : he was waiting for an opportunity to teach Jodi a lesson )

(2) We have an accidental photo of the ceiling

( my interpretation : this accidental photo shows that Jodi was trying to catch the falling camera and

the forensics expert concurred when he said the camera took the photo while being 3 feet off the ground)

(3) Jodi said she failed to catch the falling camera, under sworn testimony

(and my interpretation is, Travis’ rage that was building up on 5/26/08 exploded when Jodi dropped his camera)

(4) Jodi said, Travis body-slammed her, under sworn testimony

( my interpretation : Jodi broke the fall by hanging onto Travis and making sure her feet hit the floor first while

her butt and head were off the floor, making for a successful break of the fall)

(5) Jodi does not remember what she said to Travis after he body-slammed her, said under sworn testimony

( my interpretation : she must have said something so horrific that made Travis want to continue to attack her and

we believe she threatened to tell on him regarding his deviancy and

Traivs did not want Mimi Hall hearing about it,or the church.)

(6) Jodi said under sworn testimony that Travis continued to attack her which made her get the gun in Travis’ closet

( my interpretation : Travis was beyond mad at this time. He wanted to teach her a lesson on 5/26/08 and now

Jodi saying that she was going to tell on him, especially to the church and Mimi Hall , made him go into a blinding rage )

(7) Jodi does not remember pulling the trigger but she does remember him lunging at her like a line-backer when the gun went off

( my interpretation : To Jodi it might have looked like a real gun but to Travis it might have looked like a toy gun and

combine that with his blinding rage, made him lunge at Jodi)

(8) Travis was shot in the forehead

( my interpretation: this does not look like an ambush but rather an accident since only one shot was fired and

the shot was not to the back of his head ( ambush style) or

inches from his head ( ambush style) but it was at least a few feet away )).

(9) Travis after being shot, said “F* k* you b*”, said under sworn testimony

( my interpretation : this is the moment of no return since Jodi after having threatened him and

after having shot him accidentally, really thought he was going to kill her and

her hysteria at this point was also brought upon by her hyper-conscious anxiety that Travis might alter her looks forever )

(10) Jodi said she did not have the gun after one shot, under sworn testimony

( my interpretation : if she did not have the gun, who did ?

most probably Travis tried to get it and

Jodi had to get the knife since she did not know if she had time to escape down the hallway before being shot)

(11) Travis suffered stabs to the back and head

( my interpretation : why would Travis show his back to Jodi unless he was doing something important( to his irrational mind) after being shot, right ? and

I believe that important thing was trying to get the gun after the gun was knocked out of Jodi’s hand))

(12) There is a pool of blood right by the toilet door

( my interpretation: here is where Travis turned around with the gun and

Jodi got lucky and stabbed him near his heart, penetrating a vein which resulted in another struggle as Travis was bleeding out badly )

(13) There is blood all around, from

the toilet door area,

to the weighing scale area and

to the bathroom sink

( my interpretation: here is the point where Travis is getting weaker and had stopped attacking Jodi and

Jodi had time to get away from Travis but

feeling sorry for him and seeing him on all fours,

told him to go with her to the hospital and so,

got him up but

he did not go straight down the hallway but

feeling groggy, took a circuitous route ( to the weighing scale area ) and

stopped at the bathroom sink.

(14) There is blood on the left side of the sink

( my interpretation: why the left side ? because Jodi was on the right side trying to convince him to go with her to the hospital.

Dr Horn testified that it was possible for a person to have held up Travis at the sink )

(15) There is blood all the way down the hallway

( my interpretation: Travis must have spotted the knife down the hallway, thrown there by Jodi and so

with one last effort since his ego was huge and

he could not allow a girl to beat him a girl who he implied just a few days ago did not deserve to be alive,

he lunged at the knife but by

God;s help Jodi managed to wrestle the knife out of his hand and

as he wrestled with her to get the knife, Jodi found herself below and pushed up and slashed his throat )

(16) Large patch of blood on the carpet

( my interpretation : Jodi must have initially wanted to get Travis to bed and

she rested at the carpet area since the body was too heavy and

thinking she needed to wash off any evidence from the body,

decided to drag the body back to the shower to wash it off )

(17) There was a little cup in the shower

( my interpretation: another indication that nothing was planned since

Jodi used a little cup to wash away the scene while

leaving all the blood on the bathroom sink (which had available water) , again showing no planning)).

(18) camera was found in the washing machine

( my interpretation : another indication of no planning, since

planning would have involved saving the camera since

a obsessed killer would always want to cherish the photos of the deceased but

the fact that the camera was left behind (damaged or not ) .

Jodi would have known the camera would “ point the finger at her” since

she is the only one seen around Travis with a camera but

the fact the camera was left behind, again shows no planning but rather a girl in a state of panic)).

(19) Jodi said she did not call 911 since she was ashamed of what happened

( my interpretation : So why did Jodi not call 911 on 6/4/08 ? ;
(1) The promise to Travis that she will not tell anybody that she was there with him (especially Travis' future or potential future wife Mimi or the Mormon community) that they were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08

(2) Not wanting the public to see her all bloody on 6/4/08 due to her being hyper-conscious about her public image as seen by hundreds of selfie photos being deleted every year, only wanting to present her best self to the public

(3) Being hyper-conscious about what people think of her and the utter shame that her friendship with travis had failed and not wanting the public, especially Travis' grandma and the Hughes to hate her.

(4) Wanting to protect Travis' legacy which she knew was important to Travis

(5) a natural instinct to want to venerate the dead and veneration can also be seen by travis' friends not wanting to talk about Travis' bad side

(6) feeling guilty that travis would be a live today if she did not instigate the second attack from travis ( threatening to tell on his deviancies) after Travis body-slammed her

(7) Jodi has always had thoughts of suicide throughout her life and we know thoughts of suicide can lead to not caring about what happens to her life after the death of travis

((8)) Having the "mind of a teen" as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist which means her instinct to just "run away" from problems instead of facing them.

A teen that does not think of the consequences of what she was actually doing: "running away" and thus jeopardizing her future since most people do not believe the innocence of a person who runs away

(19) Testified in court, Jodi said she was heading west for a while but she did exactly know where she was going resulting in the rental car having over 2800 miles and Detective Flores noted 20 hours were not accounted for.

(my interpretation: the round trip from Yreka to Mesa to Utah and back to Yreka would have been 2500 miles and so

about 300 miles was not accounted for and

after having spent about 15 hours with Travis, still Jodi had to account for five hours, so between the

extra 300 miles and

the extra 5 hours,

Jodi must have been wandering about in a daze for about 5 hours and 300 miles,

so again, where is the planning )



Trial does have the testimony of numerous witnesses, none of whom said Jodi wanted to marry Travis after January 2008, right ?

If Jodi was a psychopath, the first thing she would have done is save that camera and cherished those photos just like numerous killers do :

But the fact that Jodi deleted photos and left the camera behind is a classic example of lack of psychopathy but

rather a girl in a state of panic and not able to call the police for the following reasons :

What are the reasons that Jodi had for not calling 911 and wanting to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial ?

We believe Jodi is hyper conscious about what people think of her and that

caused her to run on 6/4/08, wanting to protect both her public image and travis' public image while

having the "mind of teen" (as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist) details below:

So why did Jodi not call 911 on 6/4/08 ? ;

(1) The promise to Travis that she will not tell anybody that she was there with him (especially Travis' future or potential future wife Mimi or the Mormon community) that they were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08

(2) Not wanting the public to see her all bloody on 6/4/08 due to her being hyper-conscious about her public image as seen by hundreds of selfie photos being deleted every year, only wanting to present her best self to the public

(3) Being hyper-conscious about what people think of her and the utter shame that her friendship with travis had failed and not wanting the public, especially Travis' grandma and the Hughes to hate her.

(4) Wanting to protect Travis' legacy which she knew was important to Travis

(5) a natural instinct to want to venerate the dead and veneration can also be seen by travis' friends not wanting to talk about Travis' bad side

(6) feeling guilty that travis would be a live today if she did not instigate the second attack from travis ( threatening to tell on his deviancies) after Travis body-slammed her

(7) Jodi has always had thoughts of suicide throughout her life and we know thoughts of suicide can lead to not caring about what happens to her life after the death of travis

((8)) Having the "mind of a teen" as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist which means her instinct to just "run away" from problems instead of facing them.

A teen that does not think of the consequences of what she was actually doing: "running away" and thus jeopardizing her future since most people do not believe the innocence of a person who runs away.

Did Travis abuse Jodi ? emotionally yes but physically only on rare occasions which is why she continued being his friend, a friend with benefits while trying to help him with his "issues".


Travis did break her finger by accident and Jodi being hyper-conscious about her looks made her put a great deal of significance to that event which resulted in her thinking that Travis was abusive.


In Jodi's mind Travis was capable of altering her looks forever especially on 6/4/08 which is also why  Jodi thinks he was abusive.


The physical and emotional abuse itself would be significant if Jodi was obsessed with Travis but she was not and


since there was no obsession and Juan inadvertently admitted in his book that Jodi was planning to marry Ryan Burns and


so we know there was no motive to kill Travis.


Why kill a sex partner who was addicted to her ? and who was even willing to have sex with her ( on 6/4/08) while raging at her just a few days ago (5/26/08).


People say that planning would have taken seconds and if that is that is the case, why did the forensics expert say that the accidental photo of the ceiling was taken about 3 feet off the ground with the implication that Jodi was trying to catch the camera which resulted in the accidental photo of the ceiling about 3 feet off the ground.


If planning was on Jodi's mind, why try to catch the camera, why not just let it fall, right ?

What does Jodi do when she feels the relationship has ended and she is not willing to be used or abused or be a sex slave anymore as Travis wanted her to be as his whore and to please him in anyway he wanted including fantasies of raping Jodi ( heard in court )

What does Jodi do ?

she moves away since obsession would have made her stay and take three jobs in Mesa if that is what it takes to be near Travis but

she moved away, which again proves, no motive.

Notice, between Travis and Jodi, Jodi is the only one who said in the entire relationship span, she is not violent when she said "she could be many things but violent is not one of them " .

Did Travis ever say he was non-violent like Jodi did ?

not once did he ever say he is a non-violent person and look at the people he admired :

, UFC bloody fighters and

Alexander the Great, another bloody fighter and

Abraham Lincoln who was willing to sacrifice 600000 of his country men for the so-called greater good.

In the most crucial month of May 2008, was this the Travis who implied that Jodi did not deserve to live and

whose rage against her was building to the point when Jodi accidentally dropped the camera (as evidenced by Jodi trying to catch that camera so it took an accidental photo of the ceiling),

and that rage exploded and then

when he body slammed her, what horrific thing did she say to him in order for Travis to want to continue attacking her ?

could it be his deviancy revealed in the sex tape ? that he exhibited in January with the picture of a little boy that

made Jodi look to Ryan Burns as a husband (inadvertently admitted by Juan in his book ) while
Jodi looked at Travis as somebody she was addicted to sexually and at the same time helping Travis with his "issues" which made Travis conclude that Jodi only wanted him for sex, so again, where is the motive, people ?

Ryan Burns in this video only saw Jodi as kind and sweet since according to Juan Martinez who admitted in his book,

Jodi was already making plans to marry Ryan Burns, again, showing no motive plus

where is the planning when Jodi was in a daze for five hours after Travis died.

Any planning would have involved a quick in and out of Mesa (not the 15 hours in which she allowed herself to be detected by housemates or visitors or neighbors or passers-by or the police noticing her upside down license plate) or

at least a straight shot to Utah right after Travis died in order to establish some kind of alibi, if planning was on Jodi's mind but we see (below) an extra five hours unaccounted for pointing to a dazed and confused Jodi.

During the interrogation, detective Flores admitted that 20 hours could not be accounted for, so do the math.

Even if she arrived at Travis' house at 3am and left at 6pm, that is 15 hours, so what was she doing for the five extra hours before she finally showed up Ryan Burns house ?

could it be that she was in a daze for 5 hours which does add up to 20 hours plus

the rental car had a extra 300 miles on it when the round trip from Yreka to Mesa to Utah and back to Yreka should have only taken 2500 miles, so again, showing

no planning and not trying to get to Ryan Burns as soon as possible for a possible alibi, again, showing no planning but rather a confused and dazed Jodi.

The picture below is of a man who got shot in the head by police who had guns (not the weak 25 caliber gun that travis had ) that were capable of penetrating the brain but his skull was too thick for the bullet.

Travis, after being shot ( probably by accident, since only one bullet was used and not in an ambush style to the back of the head),

we know for a fact that Travis was moving fast in 62 seconds (all over the bathroom ) and

we believe he had a purpose in moving fast, to take revenge on Jodi whom he implied just a few days ago that she did not deserve to be alive and he admitted his fury cannot be stopped,

so why would jodi attack travis with a knife if the gun was knocked out of her hand and Travis was trying to get it ?

was she willing to risk her looks being altered forever ?

does not make sense for her to use a knife since

she is hyper-conscious about her looks unless she thought she could not escape in time down the hallway before being shot, right ?

If Jodi was in an actual rage, how could Travis suffer only two deep wounds ( one 3 1/2 inches and one 1 and unless it was not rage but intense panic due to her hyper-conscious sensitivity regarding her looks being altered forever.

Due to her intense panic, all the wounds except for two were around 1 inch or less in depth,
and even the neck wound was only about 1 and 1/2 inch in depth, exasperated by the decomposition which made it look deeper.

Remember, we are talking about 62 seconds where all 25 wounds could have been done in about 8 seconds ( approximately 3 shallow stabs per second ) and the two deep wounds could have taken 1 second each, so a total of 10 seconds in a state of panic does not point to rage while a

number of factors contributed to Jodi only having bruises to her arms and cuts to her fingers with no major injuries which was the result of

a major attack from Travis as evidenced by blood all over the bathroom since Travis was moving fast in the 62 seconds it took for jodi to mount an effective defense.

So with such a vicious attack from Travis, how did Jodi escape with minor injuries ?

(1) Being hyper-conscious about her looks ( as pointed out by numerous opponents of Jodi ) Jodi gained superhuman strength since she was beyond terrified that her looks that she was hyper-conscious about would be altered forever by travis who said his fury cannot be stopped.

(2) The incompetent defense should have brought in an expert to testify to what happens to the mind of an admitted sociopath who was termed a predator by good friends, the Hughes and who after being shot said F* kill you B*, when just a few days ago (5/26/08) implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive, so what happens to such a person's mind ?

What happens to a rageful, furious, egotistical, predatory sociopath like Travis when he got shot with no injury to his brain ( as detailed in the original autopsy report ) ?

Could the shock of being shot (and the rage that was building up against Jodi when he implied a few days ago that Jodi did not deserve to be alive) cause Travis to go into an irrational rampage ? and

(3) instead of using his fists, Travis tried to get the gun knocked out of Jodi's hand and instead of using his fists, Travis tried to get the knife from Jodi when the gun went "click" in his hand.

So a combination of super human strength brought about by Jodi's hyper-conscious sensitivity to the possibility of her looks being altered for the worse and forever and Travis' irrational steps that he took in his furious attack on Jodi contributed to Jodi escaping with minor injuries.

Again, this autopsy picture proves that Jodi was below Travis since this cut to Travis is pointing towards his chin and not towards his spine.
If she was behind him, the cut would be pointing towards his spine but since Jodi was below Travis, the blade was pointed towards his chin:

Chris Hearfield as moderator and his group, either were involved in me being kicked out or indirectly involved in me being kicked out of several groups since I interpreted the evidence in favor of Jodi and

especially Daisy Niper could not stand for me to talk anything bad about Travis since Daisy only looked at the good side of Travis and not

the hidden bad side which we firmly believed Travis had because no truly good guy dies under any circumstances that could easily have been avoided.

Evidence or facts by themselves do not prove anything and

its up to juries to hear the inferences or interpretation of facts/evidence in order to either have reasonable doubt ( in the case of a well presented defense ) or no doubt, in favor of the prosecution.

We only go by the evidence and nothing more, just as

Juan went by the evidence and came up with

interpretations like Travis was standing there while being stabbed in the back, a very ridiculous interpretation of the evidence but

nevertheless its an interpretation and

its up to the jury to either have reasonable doubt regarding the interpretation of the evidence or no doubt about their interpretation.

Thanks to the incompetent defense, the prosecution, with all their ridiculous interpretation of the evidence was still able to persuade the jury in their favor.

As far as interpreting the evidence which is what we have done from the very beginning, just as Juan did,
I must thank Chris Hearfield and his group for all the help they have given us over the year because

we could never have improved our blog without their help.

For example:

In the beginning we really thought jodi was on a secret mission but thanks to Chris and his group we started to think after numerous discussions that that secret mission was no secret at all but

a girl taking steps without thought or motive or planning because a highly intelligent person like Jodi could not possibly make the most stupid mistakes, even a stupid person will not make unless

those were no mistakes but rather steps taken without thought or motive or planning or it never happened the way the prosecution said it happened.

If Jodi was in a rage and not in a state of panic, why are all the wounds except for two, around 1 inch or less in depth ?
and even the neck wound was only about 1 and 1/2 inch in depth, exasperated by the decomposition which made it look deeper.
So opponents of Jodi, where is the rage ?
More like a state of panic where she did not know what was happening (similar to my corvette accident where my reflex mind took over since I dont remember anything except I survived the accident )
Remember, we are talking about 62 seconds where all 25 wounds could have been done in about 8 seconds ( approximately 3 shallow stabs per second ) and the two deep wounds could have taken 1 second each, so a total of 10 seconds

Not sure why this keeps being brought up :
Jodi was a kid and kicked her unruly dog one time and being a kid, the kick was so weak, the dog ran away and did not limp away and to Annette Dailey this is animal abuse ?

What is important is what Jodi did as an adult, right ? :

(1) Saved a spider when Ryan Burns wanted to kill it

(2) Cried over the dog 15 years later. What cold-hearted person will cry over an unruly animal 15 years later

(3) Asked her attorney to take care of her cat even though the cat was fond of scratching Jodi, leaving marks on her arms.

Jodi was willing to pay for everything she did to her unruly dog as a kid, to her abusive mom who had dangerous nails and a wooden spoon that left marks on Jodi and in order to protect Travis legacy, she was willing to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial to continue to protect Travis and to pay for all she did to her unruly dog as a kid and to her abusive mom as a kid. Unlike Travis who did not cry over his violent past ( hurting several kids possibly ) Jodi cried over her dog 15 years later (that she kicked as a kid ). Imagine Jodi crying over her dog 15 years later. Would a cold-hearted person cry over a unruly dog she kicked about 15 years ago as a kid, a dog that not only strewed dirty diapers but tore into them and strewed dirty diapers all over the yard and was healthy enough to run away and not limp away since the kick from a little kid was too weak to hurt the dog. According to Ryan Burns she saved a spider while Ryan wanted to kill it. In the interrogation tape, Jodi said something important which we believe brought out the worst in Travis. She said she could make Travis mad in 5 seconds. Since we know due to the contents of this post, that Travis had mental issues, it was dangerous of Jodi to provoke Travis but

we believe she did not realize how mentally unstable Travis since he gave the impression to the world that he was really a good person which we also believe he was trying to be . Was there something about Jodi that brought out the worst in Travis ? especially in May 2008. Due to her own history of being abused, we believe she had the capability of provoking Travis to intense anger within 5 seconds ( as she admitted in the interrogation tape) We know that both were abused as children. Travis was severely abused as a child compared to jodi whose abuse did not compare. So as abused as Travis was, did he ever get any therapy for that abuse ? I believe that Travis knew his abuse did affect him as he revealed to his friend that he had a violent past. Did that severe abuse create mental issues ? did Travis try hiding his true self from the public by working so hard to be a good person ? Did Travis adopt his comedy skit character because that character was who he really was in private, especially to non-Mormon girls and a victim like Jodi ?

Did him being severely abused as a child turn him into an adult who "gutted" several girls ( a term used by the Hughes) leading him to become a predator ( another term used by the Hughes). Did his mental issues (due to him being severely abused as a child) give rise to unusual behavior ? Besides his violent past, what mental issues contributed to his unusual behavior ? Are the following behaviors normal for an adult ? with no mental issues: (1) rubbing his nipples in public (2) Using his "tongue" on a total stranger in public (3) Giving a total stranger a "pelvic thrust" (4) Telling a total stranger that she can touch his butt (5) Telling a total stranger that he wants to get her pregnant (6) Approaching a girl whom he thought was 13 years old (7) Parent warning him about emailing his 9 year old daughter (8) Thinking of a 12 year old when he hears another adult having an orgasm (9) Thinking of the "pot" of a little girl (10) Thinking of a little girl while being with another adult (11) Fantasizing about "corking" the "pot" of a little girl. Did Jodi bring out the "real" Travis in May 2008 ? due her capability of provoking Travis to intense anger within 5 seconds. Was Travis capable of violence on 6/4/08 ? when we know the following: (1) He implied he had a huge ego ( and possibly not going to let a girl beat him ) (2) He admitted to being a sociopath ( are sociopath's more prone to violence, if they do not get their way ?) (3) Joked about beating a woman to death (4) Joked about beating women to keep them in line (5) had a violent past (6) believed that some people did not have souls ( its easier to commit violence when one sees the other as non-human ) (7) Admitted during the most crucial month of May 2008 that he wanted to beat up Abe (8) Implied, in the most crucial month of May 2008 that he could see Jodi as non-human ( without a soul ) so its easier to attack a non-human (9) Implied, in the most crucial month of May 2008 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive ( while Jodi was trying to calm him down by saying he is a light to the world ) (10) Admitted that his fury cannot be stopped Jodi did not realize the extent of Travis' mental state since he covered it really well ( revealing some of it in his comedy skit ) and with Jodi's capability of provoking Travis within 5 seconds, was Travis looking for an opportunity to teach Jodi a lesson and that opportunity was afforded to him on June 4, 2008 when she accidentally dropped his camera and then after being body-slammed did Jodi say something so horrific ( regarding telling on him about his deviancies ) that it made Travis lose it ? and continue the attack on Jodi which resulted in the tragedy on June 4, 2008.

So we always go back to that crucial month of May 2008 in order to see who was out of control and whether Travis was capable of wanting to hurt Jodi on 6/4/08.

Remember she told the detective, "there is just no reason". That sentence made by her was so sincere, that is how we got to take up this case as our project for the next several years

Jodi said that Travis' gun looked like a real gun and Grandpa told Jodi his gun looked like a toy, so again,

if Jodi actually thought Travis had the same kind of gun her grandpa had, a toy gun, why would she run into the closet for a toy gun to against a raging, powerful Travis who said his fury could not be stopped, unless

Travis' gun looked more like a real gun and grandpa's gun looked like a toy gun, so another case for reasonable doubt that the gun in Jodi's hand was grandpa's

Any intelligent plan, no matter how intelligent, would have unforeseen mistakes ( ask any genius and they will tell you the same ). If Jodi actually planned a murder, as highly intelligent as she is (according to the state's own psychologist ) would she make unforeseen mistakes or mistakes a below average intelligent or stupid person would make ? A reasonable person would say a highly intelligent Jodi ( as certified by the state's own psychologist ) would make unforeseen mistakes and not mistakes made by a below average intelligent person or stupid person, right ? So would a highly intelligent Jodi make the following stupid mistakes ( only stupid people would make ) unless the following were not mistakes at all but steps taken by Jodi either out of panic or without thinking or it never did happen since planning was not on her mind: (1) Staging a burglary, knowing that a police report will be on the gun she is taking and knowing that a gun would be used on travis and the gun used and the burglary could be tied together by the police. (2) Being hyper-conscious about her looks and yet still taking a "toy gun" with the risk of altering her looks forever in going after a powerful, rageful Travis who said his fury cannot be stopped. (3) Being hyper-conscious about her looks and yet still taking a knife ( according to the prosecutor) with the risk of altering her looks forever in going after a powerful, rageful Travis who said his fury cannot be stopped when that powerful man Jodi knew was into craving bloody sports like UFC, boxing the crap out of a punching bag, relentless workouts, weightlifting, intense cycling, mixed martial arts, wrestling and whose chokehold she was terrified of and the same man who had a huge ego and just days before implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive and in the recent past admitted to being a sociopath and said his fury cannot be stopped and the same man who had a violent past as a teen, repeatedly getting into fights and joked about beating a woman to death and joked about beating women to keep them in line and admitted in the most crucial month of May 2008 that he wanted to beat up Abe and who loved to see people being beat up when he hosted weekly UFC parties. In light of the above, why would Jodi take the risk of going to Arizona with a "toy gun" or a knife when she valued her physical looks so much and those looks would be in jeopardy of being altered forever if she went against a powerful Travis whom she was terrified of especially Travis' chokehold. Why would she take the risk of altering her looks by taking a "toy gun" or a knife against a powerful, rageful Travis who said his fury cannot be stopped ? how stupid is that ? unless planning was not involved and she never did burglarize her grandpa's house. Would a highly intelligent Jodi make the following mistakes only stupid people make or were they not mistakes at all but rather shows no planning : (1) Tell Mr Brewer that she was going to Arizona ( obtained under sworn testimony ) (2) not tell Mr Brewer not to mention the gas cans to anybody ( an easy request since nobody would have bothered to ask that question regarding the gas cans) (3) Leave a paper trail for gas cans showing mileage that covers the entire state of Arizona (4) Could have used her own car or exchanged her car for her friend's or relative's or parent's car instead of renting a car that would show mileage that showed she covered the entire state of Arizona. (5) why was she happy and jovial with Mr Brewer and even had fun singing with Mr McCartney at a karoake bar; would a person on a killing mission be so normal acting ? (6) she even had her nails done for Mr Burns and probably had her hair colored for the date with Mr Burns; would a person on a killing mission be preparing for a date ? (7) Made sure that people knew she was heading south towards Pasadena (and probably Mesa) and not heading east towards Utah by saying she was heading to Pasadena which was west of Mesa. ((8)) Spend almost 15 hours at Travis' house on 6/4/08 and risk being detected by numerous people ( housemates, visitors, neighbors, passers-by, police going by and seeing her upside down license plate ) (9) would a person on a killing mission want to have sex on the day of the killing? (10) not wearing gloves when she told the detective that wearing gloves is what she would have done if planning was on her mind (which would have resulted in not leaving bloody finger prints behind) (11) not repeatedly shootingTravis in the shower ( which she told the detective that she would have done if planning was on her mind) so he would not get out of the shower stall(which resulted in her hair being attached to blood) (12) Washing away the "scene" with a little cup (13) leave the camera behind in the washing machine and even if damaged would have "pointed the finger" at her since she was the only one seen with a camera around Travis (14) Call Ryan from Kingman, Arizona ( well within Arizona) (15) Kingman shows a route that can probably be taken from Mesa, Arizona and not from Pasadena California. (16) Chose Ryan as an alibi when a better alibi would have been McCartney or Brewer (17) Put on a license plate upside down in broad daylight knowing that neighbors, visitors, Travis housemates, passers-by and police would notice it ? (18) Telling Ryan she would see him in 12 hours but showing up over 30 hours later giving the suspicion that she had enough time to visit Travis. (19) Over 2800 miles were put on her car when the round trip from Yreka to Mesa to Utah and back to Yreka should only have been around 2500 miles, showing she was wandering around in a daze for about 300 miles (20) She spent about four or five hours after Travis' death, just wandering around since the time she called Ryan (after Travis' death) she was still about 12 hours away from Ryan's place in Utah indicating she was in a daze for hours after Travis' died. Yes, intelligent people make unforseen mistakes for sure but not stupid mistakes only stupid people make unless they were not mistakes at all but indicate no plan at all.

Both Travis and Jodi did not get help for their mental issues,
and in Travis' case
due to his childhood abuse, Travis faced much more dangerous issues as he was out of control during the most crucial month of May 2008 implying that Jodi did not deserve to be alive (while Jodi was saying he is a light to the world, trying to calm him down ) but
sadly due to his childhood abuse Travis
ended up as a predator and an attacker looking for a victim like Jodi and leashing out his fury only to her ( he even messaged her that his fury cannot be stopped) while as a predator he "gutted"( term used by Chris Hughes) several non-mormon girls
while also putting mormon girls on a pedestal and
while Jodi has the mind of a teen, running scared at every turn due to her hyper-conscious personality and not getting treatment for it,
the Admin's mental state has been brought up time and time again.
I think everybody at some level has mental issues and by God's grace, mine are very manageable since

i am able to develop some very important business relationships outside this group since

I discipline myself through practice to follow all 8 rules inside this group and outside this group but as far as medication is concerned i follow this strictly and it helps :

Unlike Travis who clearly was thinking of a 12 year old when he said " its like c* the p* of a little girl" since he mentioned the number 12,
here is one of many songs that refer to a little girl and the picture in the video is clearly a girl who is at least 18 years old and so we have enough evidence that Jodi was role-playing an 18 year old girl since Jodi was seen in at least one picture with pigtails when she was 18 years old:

What are the reasons that Jodi had for not calling 911 and wanting to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial ?

We believe Jodi is hyper conscious about what people think of her and that caused her to run on 6/4/08, wanting to protect both her public image and travis' public image while having the "mind of teen" (as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist) details below:

So why did Jodi not call 911 on 6/4/08 ? ;

(1) The promise to Travis that she will not tell anybody that she was there with him (especially Travis' future or potential future wife Mimi or the Mormon community) that they were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08

(2) Not wanting the public to see her all bloody on 6/4/08 due to her being hyper-conscious about her public image as seen by hundreds of selfie photos being deleted every year, only wanting to present her best self to the public

(3) Being hyper-conscious about what people think of her and the utter shame that her friendship with travis had failed and not wanting the public, especially Travis' grandma and the Hughes to hate her.

(4) Wanting to protect Travis' legacy which she knew was important to Travis

(5) a natural instinct to want to venerate the dead and veneration can also be seen by travis' friends not wanting to talk about Travis' bad side

(6) feeling guilty that travis would be a live today if she did not instigate the second attack from travis ( threatening to tell on his deviancies) after Travis body-slammed her

(7) Jodi has always had thoughts of suicide throughout her life and we know thoughts of suicide can lead to not caring about what happens to her life after the death of travis

((8)) Having the "mind of a teen" as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist which means her instinct to just "run away" from problems instead of facing them.

A teen that does not think of the consequences of what she was actually doing: "running away" and thus jeopardizing her future since most people do not believe the innocence of a person who runs away.

Juan knew it was hard to get a conviction on premeditation alone, so he had to add burglary to the charge to at least have the jurors considering that it was murder without premeditation which Jodi herself was willing to plead to without a trial but Juan wanted fame and fortune and pushed for a trial not caring about Travis' reputation

hyper conscious about what people think of her caused her to run on 6/4/08 wanting to protect both her public image and travis' public image while having the "mind of teen" (as rightfully diagnosed by the state's own psychologist) a teen that does not think of the consequences of what she is actually was doing "running away" and thus jeopardizing her future since most people do not believe the innocence of a person who runs away:

you cannot find any evidence of pistol whipping ( which travis could not accomplish) while i cannot find any evidence of travis being stabbed in the shower, so its our interpretation of the evidence, both I and Juan and its up to reasonable people to see which is more reasonable, right ?

Why did Travis die ?
he did not follow his own good rules and if you don't follow rules, I am pretty sure you will not end up being an attacker like Travis but
at the same time, will you succeed in life ?
Why did Jodi not die at the hands of Travis the attacker ?
and in the end, two juries did not put her to death.
Even though God was on the side of Travis and Jodi on 6/4/08 we firmly believe that God had a choice to save both Travis and Jodi on 6/4/08 but
He chose Jodi since Travis was out of control and could not be stopped since Travis himself said, his fury cannot be stopped.
The above illustrates that just being "good" to people is just not good enough since
being good has to be consistent, every hour and every day.
Why do I follow all 8 group rules ?
in one word "practice".
I understand that practicing self-control is hard and that is why practice is important.
This group affords you the opportunity to practice.
So why is practice important ?
in life when you discipline yourself to behave the same way to everybody whether online or offline, you find that life is so much easier and
relationship building contributes to your success in the real world but sadly,
Travis being abused himself as a little kid, grew up not being able to consistently practice what he himself believed in.
Practice involves self-control and the more self-control you have the more success you will have in life.
One of the rules to practice in this group is constructive criticism which involves the practice of presenting the facts as you see it without calling anybody a liar or saying they are lying or saying its a lie unless
in the case of Bill Funderburk and Chris Hearfield, I have 100% proof that they lied about the Admin wanting to see a picture of Travis' penis.
How do I know Bill Funderburk and Chris Hearfield were lying ?
because Travis' penis or for that matter Jodi's vagina has nothing to do with the issues in this case.
To better illustrate the above: I know Janet Hosein and Ashley Sparkles are lying about Jodi abusing little boys but
I cannot punish them or even call them liars since
I do not have 100% proof that they are lying like I have proof about Bill Funderburk and Chris Hearfield lying.
I can only use the word "lie" or "lying" or "liar" if i have 100% proof that the person is knowingly telling a lie when that person knows the actual facts.
But some members liberally use the word "lie" or "lying" or "liar" when they are not 100% sure that the person they are referring to is actually deceptive.
Also, the definition of lying or a lie or a liar has been interpreted by some members as any evidence that in their opinion is being interpreted wrongly and
by that definition, if i do not agree with Juan when he said Travis was stabbed in the shower ( no proof of that happening ) does that mean I have the right to call Juan a liar ? I don't think so.
Not agreeing with the interpretation of the evidence does not make the person interpreting the evidence a liar.
If Travis followed his own rules, he would be alive today since
he would not have attacked Jodi on 6/4/08 and
likewise, its so very important for everybody to realize the importance of practicing self control by following the rules in this group in order to
succeed in this world and
if you do not know how to do it , just follow the way I handle comments and postings, thanks everybody.

When Travis turned around with the gun (that was knocked out of Jodi's hand, read our latest sequencing update) , it went "click" and so not thinking straight (since he was shot) and instead of just dropping the gun and using his fists, he decided to slap jodi with the gun ( pistol whip )

Another problem for the opponents of Jodi. The casing found in Travis' bathroom can be used by different types of guns, so again, reasonable doubt arises that the gun belonged to Jodi's grandpa

As you can see, the projectile in Travis' cheek looks like a regular bullet while

a hollow point (grandpa's bullet) has a distinct flower petal shape after going through bone or

it would have shattered along its path.

So opponents of Jodi have to say Grandpa:

(1) had regular bullets for his 25 caliber ( no specific photos of ammo box that indicates regular bullets )

(2) had no preference for either regular or hollow points but we say since police report indicated a fully loaded gun with hollow points, why would grandpa prefer a less lethal regular bullet ?

(3) told Jodi that the gun had hollow points and why would he say that to Jodi ? ( there is no evidence that grandpa told Jodi that the gun had hollow points )

(4) told Jodi it was a powerful weapon but he told Jodi it was like a "toy gun", so why would Jodi go after a powerful and rageful Travis (who said his fury cannot be stopped ) with a "toy gun" ? and

opponents of Jodi would have Jodi do the following ( if planning was on her mind ):

(1) know the difference between hollow points and regular bullets ( no evidence of Jodi having that knowledge )

(2) prefer a less powerful regular bullet to what was already in grandpa's gun ( hollow points )

(3) have the knowledge on how to take bullets out ( no evidence that jodi was familiar with guns while we have evidence that Travis was very familiar with guns)

(4) have the knowledge on how to load a gun ( no evidence that jodi was familiar with guns while we have evidence that Travis was very familiar with guns)

(5) took the box of 25 caliber ammo and if she did that, opponents of jodi have to tell us why she did not do the same with the gun since

apparently grandpa would not have missed either the missing box of ammo ( assuming it had regular bullets ) or the gun, right ?

Jodi could have either taken the gun or asked grandpa for the gun since she could have easily told grandpa that she would feel safer travelling over a 1000 miles with a gun.

Why would Jodi want to tie a police report to a gun ? when a gun was used against Travis a few days later

All the above raises reasonable doubt that the bullet in Travis' cheek belonged to grandpa while

it raises the possibility that one of the numerous housemates of Travis might have left a 25 caliber gun behind ( with regular bullets ) and Travis put it in his closet for safekeeping.

Is it reasonable to assume that Jodi did not have grandpa's gun ? and if so, why ?

(1) Is it reasonable to assume that if Jodi actually wanted the gun, she could have either easily asked her grandpa since she could have told grandpa its a long trip and she would feel safer with a gun or she could have just taken the gun without grandpa missing it.

(2) Is it reasonable to assume that if Jodi actually wanted to use a gun on Travis, why would she want to have a police report tied to that gun ?

(3) Is it reasonable to assume that Jodi had no idea that grandpa only had hollow point bullets (according to the police report ) ?

(4) Is it reasonable to assume that Travis was more familiar with guns (according to videos showing travis shooting guns) compared to Jodi where there is no evidence of her ever using a gun before 6/4/08.

(5) Is it reasonable to assume that Travis had numerous housemates who might have left a gun behind and Travis took that gun into his closet for safekeeping

(6) Is it reasonable to assume that the bullet inside Travis' cheek looked more like a regular bullet since grandpa's hollow point bullet would have either shattered along its path or mushroomed out before ending up in his cheek

When opponents of Jodi look at the x-ray autopsy of Travis, they will see the projectile has not mushroomed out or shattered along its path which are all characteristics of a hollow point. So opponents of Jodi have to explain how the gun taken from grandpa ( as alleged by opponents of Jodi) went from being loaded with hollow points ( according to the police report ) to being loaded with regular bullets.

Here are the problems opponents of Jodi have to overcome in order for grandpa's gun to end up having regular bullets ( as alleged by opponents of Jodi ).

(1) Instead of just asking grandpa for the gun since she was taking a 1000 mile trip and would feel safer with a gun

 or, instead of just taking the gun which grandpa probably would not have missed, 

opponents of Jodi say she staged an elaborate burglary which tied the gun to a police report and

 opponents of Jodi have to explain why Jodi would want a gun  tied to a police report if planning a shooting with the same caliber gun was on her mind ?

(2) If grandpa had many guns, why take a "toy gun" against a powerful, rageful and furious Travis who said his fury cannot be stopped ?

(3) Is there evidence that Jodi practiced with the gun ? or for that matter practiced with any gun like Travis did before 6/4/08 and if so, can opponents of Jodi show evidence of Jodi practicing with guns like Travis did before 6/4/08 ?

(4) Is there evidence that Jodi was familiar with hollow point bullets versus regular bullets and if so, can opponents of Jodi produce such evidence ?

(5) Is there evidence that grandpa had both hollow points and regular bullets for his 25 caliber gun and if so, can opponents of Jodi produce such evidence ?

(6) Is there evidence that Jodi went back to grandpa's cabinet in order to look for regular bullets ? and if so, can opponents of Jodi produce such evidence ?

(7) If Jodi went back to grandpa's cabinet in order to exchange hollow points for regular bullets, was a second burglary staged and if so, can opponents of Jodi produce such evidence ?

(8) Is there evidence that Jodi knew how to remove bullets from grandpa's gun in order to reload it with regular bullets and if so, can opponents of Jodi produce such evidence 

As long as the opponents of Jodi cannot produce the evidence of how regular bullets ended up in grandpa's gun, we have to give the benefit of the doubt to Jodi and that is the only gun she did have is Travis' gun and not grandpa's gun.

Is it more likely that Travis had a gun ? We believe so since Travis not only was familiar with guns before 6/4/08, Travis also had numerous housemates and one of them might have left behind a gun which travis took to his closet for safekeeping

Is abusive dad capable of thinking the worst of Jodi ? and yet, instead of saying " I can believe she would did this" what did he say ? " I just can't believe that she would do this".
Why didn't the abusive dad think the worst of Jodi ?
Could it be that the worst of Jodi ( in abusive dad's mind ) does not involve the kind of out of control behavior that could lead to murder or
a so-called killing since we believe that jodi did not kill travis but rather
travis died attacking Jodi, thanks to an incompetent defense that convinced jodi that she killed travis in self defense instead of
convincing jodi that she did not kill in self defense but rather travis died, attacking her.

The comments to Mike LeBlanc below are very preliminary since we are busy with the sequencing details of what happened on 6/4/08.

We can go into more detail with Mike after 6/28/22 when the blog goes through the legal review.

We are still working on the sequencing details in order to complete the first stage of our blog so that we can send it to Jodi, whom we will be contacting for the first time in order to facilitate the multi-year review process by Jodi and finally the legally reviewed document to be presented to the clemency board but

meantime if time allows we will address some issues brought up by seriously minded members and one of them is Mike LeBlanc.

Since Mike LeBlanc seems to be the most serious about this case, we decided to address the issues he brought up

Mike LeBlanc stated :
Let see if we can help David Qman put his puzzle together. The puzzle where he has all the pieces crammed in the wrong place, missing pieces that are on the floor, pieces from different puzzles, so he can see the picture, what we see. Lets cut out all the crazy speculation, fantasies, BS
We cant really use what Jodi says as fact unless it can be backed up, because Jodi is a liar.
Some facts in this case.
1. Jodi killed Travis.

Comment : Jodi did not kill Travis since the word "kill" or "killed" denotes planning to many peoole. We want to say Travis died attacking Jodi and the incompetent defense did not have the wisdom to see that and to advise Jodi accordingly.

Mike LeBlanc stated :
No doubt about that. No who done it there. We know she was there. At least David Qman agrees with that.

Comment: Since we have non-professional jurors we cannot use subjective language so the more objective language is, Travis died attacking Jodi, so here we do not quite agree with Mike since he uses the more subjective language "killed Travis" while we say " Travis died attacking Jodi".

Mike LeBlanc stated :
2. There was a 25 cal gun taken from the home where Jodi was living.

Comment : according to the Yreka police, there were a rash of burglaries and the burglars were probably looking for drugs and not for guns and so it was easy to take a 25 caliber and not the long guns grandpa had

Mike LeBlanc stated :
3. The gun was taken between 10:00am and 3:00 pm.
4. Jodi left the house at 1:00 pm

Comment : Burglars probably saw Jodi leave at 1pm but did not know how much time they had so it was a quick burglary.

Mike LeBlanc stated :

5. There was 25 cal ammo found at the grandparents home.
6. There was 25 cal ammo found at the parents home.

Comment : According to the police report, the gun taken was fully loaded with 7 hollow points and there is no indication that grandpa had any other kind of bullets for his 25 caliber gun while

the bullet in Travis was a regular bullet ( watch our previous videos)

No evidence of Jodi either practicing with guns or

knowing what a hollow point looks like or

why she would go to her parent's house for bullets when grandpa had bullets if planning was on her mind.

Mike LeBlanc stated :

7. Jodi brought 3 gas cans full poof gas on this trip.

Comment : how would anybody know about the above information ? unless the following happened

(1) Not telling Mr Brewer to keep it a secret since we know that keeping it a secret would have been a very easy request, since nobody would have thought to ask Mr Brewer about gas cans ( again,showing no planning)

(2) purchasing enough gas with credit in Pasadena to show she was going through AZ (again, showing no planning)

(3) purchasing the third gas can with cash and returning it and not throwing away the receipt (again, showing no planning)

(4) If the 3rd gas can was to go through AZ without detection, why show gas credit purchases to indicate she went through AZ ? does that make sense when she could have made that purchase with cash unless she was not planning anything

Mike LeBlanc stated :
8. Jodi use all that gas to get out of AZ, because she filled up those gas cans again in Utah

Comment : If secrecy was the goal, why purchase gas in Utah indicating 3 gas cans ? does that make sense ? why not purchase with cash ? ( again, shows no planning)

9. Jodi purchased nothing in AZ.

Comment : Two points here: She did show purchases for AZ in Pasadena because she did not hide those gas purchases for AZ with cash ( again, showing no planning ) and also,

she could have thrown away the receipts for AZ after Travis died.

Mike LeBlanc stated :

10. Jodi took photos of Travis in the shower.

Comment : if the intention of the photos was to lure travis into the shower stall, that again does not make sense since when did killers ever lure anybody with a camera ? all they would do is to show the gun and make the victim do their bidding, either move to a secluded area or into a closet etc etc

Again, the photos show no planning, since planning would have only involved a gun without a camera involved.

Mike LeBlanc stated :

11. Jodi deleted all those photos that were taken that day she killed Travis.

Comment: Again, shows no planning since planning would have involved just taking the camera with her, just as she took the gun and the rope. Why delete photos ? why ? looks more like panic than planning

Mike LeBlanc stated :

12. The camera was down the hallway during the attack, not next to the tub.

Comment : Camera could have been picked up by Travis after body-slamming Jodi and whatever she said to him after being body-slammed was so horrific that he probably put the camera back down near the closet entrance and chased jodi which in turn resulted in the camera being kicked (by either jodi or travis as they emerged from the closet) towards the sink area and then eventually kicked again down the hallway ( sequencing available later in our posts )

Mike LeBlanc stated :
13. Jodi shot Travis in the head with a 25 cal gun.

Comment : again, shows no planning for the following ( details in previous posts)

since planning would have involved

(1) ordering him to the shower with gun in hand and having him face the back of the shower and shooting at his head from behind

(2) no stippling showing again, no planning since planning would have involved the gun being a few inches from the head

(3) angle of the shot again, shows no planing, since the angle is more towards the cheek and not the brain

(4) no multiple shots, again shows no planning since planning would involved a reliable gun that jodi practiced on and could deliver multiple shots but only one shot which indicates an accidental shooting or one shot in a state of panic

(5) the bullet in the autopsy report shows a regular bullet which probably belonged to travis since grandpa's hollow point would have either mushroomed or shattered along its path ( neither were present in the autopsy x-ray photos )

Mike LeBlanc stated :
14. Jodi stabbed 27 times with a knife.

Comment : again, shows no planning. why go after a powerful and rageful travis with a knife. Does that make any sense ?

the only scenario that makes sense is Jodi thought she could not escape out of the hallway in time before getting shot and so she had no choice but to grab the knife and fight for her life since Travis must have had the gun in his hand ( we are still working on the sequencing of the bathroom scene, stayed tuned )

Mike LeBlanc stated :
15. Jodi cut Travis's throat.

Comment : We have a post on how the throat cut happened with jodi below travis since the angle of the cut can only be made from below while travis was on top of jodi ( details in our previous post )

Mike LeBlanc stated :
16. There was a blood pool near the toilet area. Travis would need to be stationary to leave the blood pool there.

Comment : This is one of two times travis paused in attacking Jodi, at this juncture, Jodi managed to get out of being under travis since he had stopped attacking her momentarily and once Jodi got up travis was still on all fours bleeding out. Jodi feeling sorry for Travis, pulled on him, telling him that she was going to take him to the hospital

Mike LeBlanc stated :
17. There is blood in the sink. Travis would need to be stationary to leave the blood in the sink.

Comment : As Jodi helped travis up, he made a circuitous route as he was in a daze to the weighing scale area and instead of letting jodi help him down the hallway, travis stopped at the sink ( read the sink area posting for details )

Mike LeBlanc stated :
18. There was a blood pool near the linen closet. Travis would need to be stationary to leave the blood pool there.

Comment : the blood pool near the linen closet was probably when jodi was dragging travis back to the shower stall and she stopped for a moment near the linen closet

Mike LeBlanc stated :
19. There was a blood pool on the carpet. Travis would need to be stationary to leave the blood pool there.

Comment : Jodi's initially intention was to drag travis to the bed but decided against it since the body was huge and heavy so she rested a while at the carpet area before heading back into the bathroom.

Mike LeBlanc stated :
20. Jodi moved Travis's body back to the shower after she killed him.

Comment : Jodi had to clean the body, in order to make sure no traces of herself were on it but it was not part of a plan since planning would have involved cleaning everything, including all areas where there was blood, like the sink area which would have been easy to clean since she could have used the water from the bathroom faucet and the fact that she did not shows no planning since she was in a state of panic

Mike LeBlanc stated :
21. Jodi threw stuff in the washer after she killed Travis.

Comment : again, shows no planning when she could have taken everything but she only took the gun, the rope and possibly the knife

Mike LeBlanc stated :
22. Jodi made efforts to clean up after she killed Travis. Scales placed over blood.

Comment : scales placed over blood and not cleaning the sink when sink water was readily available ? what kind of planning is that unless it was no plan at all but steps were taken in a state of panic

Mike LeBlanc stated :
23. Jodi put up a doggie gate after she killed Travis.

Comment : again, no planning since a doggie gate would not have prevented anybody from going to travis' bedroom

Mike LeBlanc stated :
24 Jodi left a friendly message for Travis after she killed him like she was never there.

Comment : read our post on why jodi acted the way she did right after travis died. Not calling 911 and the friendly call was all part of why she did not call 911 and wanted everybody to think travis was such a great guy

Mike LeBlanc stated :
25. Jodi lied in her journal after she killed Travis.

Comment : lied or protected travis' reputation ? even willing to go to prison for up to 25 years to protect Travis' reputation

Mike LeBlanc stated :
26. Jodi lied to law enforcement after she killed Travis.

Comment : lied or protected travis' reputation ? even willing to go to prison for up to 25 years to protect Travis' reputation

Mike LeBlanc stated :
27. Jodi led, lied, lied after she killed Travis.

Comment : lied or protected travis' reputation ? even willing to go to prison for up to 25 years to protect Travis' reputation

Mike LeBlanc stated :
28. Jodi turned off her phone before entering AZ.

Comment : She did turn on her phone way inside Arizona, near Kingman AZ so where is the planning ?

this was jodi's first over 1000 mile trip and probably thought she had the charger with her but she could not find it, so that is why she turned off her phone in Pasadena

Mike LeBlanc stated :
29. Jodi had missing license plate in front and upside down one in the back.

Comment : Upside down license plate would mean a car that cannot be identified ? does that make sense to anybody when it was a rental car with a paper trail attached to it .

Again, no planning since why would jodi want to draw attention to her car from the police, passers-by, visitors to Travis' home, Travis' housemates and Travis' neighbors during the nearly 15 hours the car was parked at Travis' house or even down the street.

Does Jodi qualify as a liar ? we highly doubt it since in our opinion a liar is a person who wants to hurt another person through lies or like Travis who glorified lying.

If you were protecting Jews during Nazi times, would you be considered a liar if lying about harboring Jews or would you be considered a protector ?

Jodi told stories , not lies, to protect Travis.

Jodi did everything within her power to protect Travis' reputation, even willing to go to prison for up to 25 years so that nobody would know either about him attacking her on 6/4/08 or his deviancies.

Once Jodi found out that the "Ninja story" was not believed by detective Flores in July 2008, why did she wait nearly 17500 hours to confess that Travis was the attacker or the male "ninja " whose gun clicked when trying to shoot her ?

and even when she confessed, she still did not want to go public with that confession and was willing to continue protecting Travis' reputation by going to prison for up to 25 years without a trial.

What are the reasons that Jodi had for not calling 911 on 6/4/08 to confess that Travis was the attacker and eventually wanting to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial ?

(1) The promise to Travis that she will not tell anybody that she was there with him (especially Travis' future or potential future wife Mimi or the Mormon community) that they were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08

(2) Not wanting the public to see her all bloody on 6/4/08 due to her being hyper-conscious about her public image as seen by hundreds of selfie photos being deleted every year since she only wanted to present her best self to the public

(3) Being hyper-conscious about what people think of her and the utter shame that her friendship with travis had failed and not wanting the public, especially Travis' grandma and the Hughes to hate her.

(4) Wanting to protect Travis' legacy which she knew was important to Travis

(5) a natural instinct to want to venerate the dead and veneration can also be seen by travis' friends not wanting to talk about Travis' bad side 

(6) feeling guilty that travis would be alive today if she did not instigate the second attack from travis ( threatening to tell on his deviancies)  after Travis body-slammed her

(7) Jodi has always had thoughts of suicide throughout her life and we know thoughts of suicide can lead to not caring about what happens to her life after the death of travis

Jodi said "two monsters took Travis".
So who are these two monsters ?
I believe Jodi is referring to herself as a monster since she knows that she did a monstrous thing and
Travis would be alive today if
she did not instigate the final attack by telling him that she was going to tell on him regarding his deviancies after he body slammed her.
Who is the other monster ?
Its the side of Travis she has seldom seen before and so to her Travis did become a monster, especially after
being shot and he was not able to think straight and literally became inhuman or a raging monster

If Jodi actually planned a killing, she clearly told the detective that she would have taken gloves. Isnt it odd that she would stage an elaborate burglary but not take gloves ? unless there was no staging and no planning involved, right ?

The artist reveals at least part of his or her character in the works that are produced.
Jodi reveals her character through her artwork at :
and while Travis revealed his character through his art as a comedian, portraying a character that was violent (even murderous), adulterous and a fornicator and abuser of women who glorified lying,
we believe Travis was able to fully show his predatory lifestyle to women who were not Mormon and
to Jodi whom Travis saw as his victim (rather than his equal ) when he said to Jodi that her whole purpose in life was to be his whore and sex slave and to please him any way he desired.

The state was not even sure that Jodi had grandpa's gun so they charged her with the burglary of Travis' gun while even saying that premeditation was not a certainty.:

A number of points in this video which shows both what Travis' gun would have done and what grandpa's bullet would have done to Travis.

(1) Since we believe Jodi used Travis' gun, the gun seemed to look like a real gun to Jodi (in court testimony) and so she thought Travis would stop if a gun is pointed at him but he did not stop since he was too mad  with jodi to think straight since we believe she said something so horrific (after being body-slammed by Travis, details in our blog), it made Travis go ballistic since we know his rage against Jodi was building since 5/26/08 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive.

(2) the casing in this video ejected to the left which conforms with what Jodi said when she said the shot took place in the middle of the bathroom and the casing was ejected to the left of Jodi and we believe either (a) landed on the sink counter and when travis and jodi stood at the sink momentarily (details in our blog) travis or jodi might have pushed it over the sink, landing on blood or (b) Jodi used her little cup of water and inadvertently poured water on the casing (mentioned in court) and that is why the casing showed no blood on top.

(3) We believe that Travis' skull was very thick and if Jodi had used grandpa's gun, almost all of the hollow point bullets (in the video) mushroomed out quite a bit and the autopsy report would have shown  a very good possibility of  shattering of the bullet on the thick membrane ( dura mater) protecting travis' brain or we would have found at least a  mushroomed bullet inside Travis' cheek and none of the above were found, according to the autopsy report, again confirming Jodi did not use grandpa's gun which only had hollow point bullets.

(4) Grandpa told Jodi that the gun that was stolen looked like a "toy gun" and this video shows what a "toy gun" looks like. Would planning involve a "toy gun" especially against a powerful travis that was quick to rage ? a powerful, rageful travis that was into

having a violent past,

punching the crap out of a punching bag,

bloody sports when he loved to see people being beat up and bloody,

 joking about beating a woman to death,

joking about beating women to keep them in line,

giving powerful punches as witnessed by Daniel Freeman,

lifting a woman bigger than him, about four feet off the ground,

intense cycling,

weight lifting,

relentless workouts,

mixed martial arts,

wrestling and 

since Travis was into terrifying chokeholds that Jodi was terrified of, why would Jodi choose a "toy gun" (as shown in the video and described by grandpa) if 

she planned to go after Travis ? unless 

there was no planning at all and in a momentary state of panic grabbed Travis' gun and pointed it at him so that he would stop attacking her.

Why are opponents of Jodi so sure that she took grandpa's gun ? when the state itself was not sure and that is why they charged Jodi with a felony : stealing Travis' gun in addition to premeditated murder.

Not sure why Mike LeBlanc wants to quote a person saying the most stupid thing we have heard in a while.

The statement made by Jodi below could only have been made by a stupid person but

we know Jodi is highly intelligent and not stupid, so the only reason Jodi made such a stupid statement to Sandra, her mom is because

there was no planning and she had to say something sounding smart to her mom.

This is what Mike LeBlanc stated :
David Qman why is this comment so hard for you to understand???
And that`s the first thing I asked her. I said, Did you go to Arizona? And she said, No, I was nowhere near Arizona, and I have gas receipts and everything to prove it. And that`s all she would say is she swore she did not go to Arizona. So of course, I believed her, you know, but I questioned her about it. (end of quote).

Comment :
The above statement by Jodi clearly shows she did not plan anything and here is why.

If Jodi actually planned a secret mission to Arizona, she could have easily told her mom Sandra,

"here mom, look at my receipts from Pasadena. I had only enough gas to get to Utah so how could I have gone to Arizona " but she could not tell her mom that since

she had enough gas to go right through Arizona and onto Utah, so the only thing she could have said is something stupid which no planner as smart as Jodi would have done and that is to say

"hey mom, i have receipts to prove i was not in Arizona" which again shows no planning since the receipts clearly showed she was capable of going all the way through Arizona before getting to Utah

While some try to imply that the bullet in Travis' cheek cannot be identified as either a regular or a hollow point since he says the hollow point would not have mushroomed out,

we believe that if the defense team had called in an expert, we would have been able to identify the bullet in travis' cheek as not being owned by jodi's grandpa and so was a regular bullet raising the probability that Jodi was telling the truth that the gun belonged to Travis.

We believe that the bullet that ended up inside Travis' cheek was a regular bullet and if it was a hollow point that grandpa owned, it would have at least mushroomed out but sadly, the defense did not call in an expert to examine the bullet .

Since Bill Funderburk seems to be obsessed with perversions that are not crucial to what happened on 6/4/08 (unlike Travis' perversions that played a huge part on 6/4/08, details in our updates ) I am pretty sure Bill is going to bring this up again. Bill insists that Jodi played a 12 year old girl when Jodi sent a message to Travis saying that she wanted to role-play a little girl but just as the song below talks about a little girl who we are sure is 18 years old, why do we believe that Jodi was role-playing an 18 year old ? for the following reasons: (1) Jodi literally meant little, size-wise, since Travis was huge and powerful compared to her little size. (2) Jodi was seen in pigtails, at least in one picture when she was 18 years old (3) no record of Jodi role-playing a 12 year old in any of her previous relationships Here is yet another song about a little girl, proving once again that Jodi was role-playing an 18 year old in February 2008: Unlike Travis who clearly was thinking of a 12 year old when he said " its like c* the p* of a little girl" since he mentioned the number 12, we have enough evidence that Jodi was role-playing an 18 year old girl since Jodi was seen in at least one picture with pigtails when she was 18 years old: Why is it that Travis "gets a pass" when he mentions a 12 year old in adult conversation but Jodi does not get the benefit of the doubt when she mentions role-playing a school girl ? when Jodi not once mentioned the number 12 but Travis did mention the number 12 plus Jodi has been seen as an 18 year old in pigtails which is evidence enough that she was thinking of an 18 year old girl when she role-played in February of 2008 ( the reason is detailed below )and yet people insist she was role-playing a 12 year old, why is that ? Some bring up the February 2008 Jodi's role-play ( without context ) but we don't find it crucial for what happened on 6/4/08 other than the fantasies around 12 year olds that was in Travis' mind to which we believe Jodi threatened to tell on him (about his fantasies and his deviancies) after she got body-slammed for accidentally dropping his camera. Why did Jodi's sexual therapy regarding Travis "issues" start ? At the end of two very important incidents, Jodi gave up the idea of Travis being marriage material and so she looked for somebody else ( as evidenced by the sex tape in May 2008 ) and found Ryan Burns as her potential future husband and any so-called obsession of Travis disappeared after January 2008 which ended in Jodi moving away over 1000 miles in April 2008. If Jodi was truly obsessed with Travis, it would have been impossible for her to have moved over a 1000 miles away. Any obsessed person would have ended up working as a stripper or sex worker just so she could be near to the object of her obsession and so we believe Jodi's so-called obsession disappeared at the end of two very important incidents ( one in the fall of 2007 and one in January 2008). What were the two incidents that made Jodi change her mind about Travis as a boyfriend and future husband. The first incident took place in the fall of 2007 when Travis told Jodi to go to the store dressed as a school girl. In Travis' mind, do we know what age he wanted Jodi to role-play ? From the May 2008 sex tape, we know he was thinking of a 12 year old when he said that Jodi sounded like a 12 year old having her first orgasm. What age was Jodi thinking of when she was asked to go to the store dressed like a school girl. We believe she was thinking of an 18 year old school girl since there is no record of Jodi ever in her past life or with Travis, mentioning the number 12 as the age of any girl she was role-playing. So was Travis role-playing the pedophile when he asked Jodi to go to the store dressed as a school girl in the fall of 2007 . We firmly believe he was a role-playing a pedophile and we have the May 2008 sex tape to prove it. Did Jodi know that Travis was asking her to role-play a 12 year old ? We highly doubt that since Travis did not mention the age of the girl that he wanted Jodi to role-play in the fall of 2007. What was the second incident that totally made Jodi change her mind about Travis and started her thinking of helping him with his "issues". That incident happened in January of 2008 when Jodi saw Travis masturbate to a picture of a child which shocked her into reality that Travis indeed had "issues" and because she cared about him, Jodi decided to help him with his issues. So now we come to February 2008 when Jodi messaged Travis that she wanted to role-play a school girl. When Jodi said, a school girl, what age was Travis thinking of ? we firmly believe he was thinking of jodi role-playing a 12 year old girl (due to the May 2008 sex tape) which again, makes Travis a role-playing pedophile while Jodi most probably was thinking of a 18 year old since we have no record of Jodi ever role-playing a 12 year old girl. Why did Jodi want to role-play a school girl in February 2008 ? We firmly believe it was to help Travis with his issues since (1) Jodi was addicted to Travis sexually and for no other reason other than sex since Travis himself admitted that Jodi only wanted him for sex in May 2008 (2) Jodi wanted to help Travis with his "issues" and in Jodi's mind, if she role-played a 18 year old school girl, Travis might not go after a real school girl who in Travis' mind was 12 years old.

Can a person hide behind his jokes ?

We know Travis was very good at hiding his true hyper-sexual self from the public, even living a lie all his adult life, "telling" people he is a virgin, so what else was Travis hiding behind his jokes ?

When Travis jokes about beating women to keep them in line or beating a woman to death, is he hiding his true character ? and when does a person's dark side show up in real life ?

what was Travis hiding from the public ? and was he only showing his dark side to a person like Jodi whom he sees as a person who can easily be victimized.

The following case shows a person is actually hiding (his real character) behind his jokes :

This is an excerpt from an actual case, "His lawyers contend he never intended actual violence and was merely sounding off during a dark period of his life." :

How dangerous was Travis ? I believe he was a danger to somebody who can easily be victimized like Jodi and so Travis' jokes shows he was hiding his dark side from everybody.

Nobody in this group has explained to me why she would tell Mr Brewer that she is going to Arizona when the Arizona trip was to be a secret, unless it was not a secret at all, right ?
If secrecy was so important to Jodi, she could have easily made all her gas purchases with cash, right ? why show enough gas to take her through the entire state of Arizona, unless she was not trying to keep anything a secret.

We highly doubt Jodi lied about the 3rd gas can. Why ? because she is smart, not stupid and
purposely lying about a 3rd gas can would indicate stupidity beyond the normal range of stupidity that a lot of people exhibit on a daily basis.

All of Juan's book can be summed up as "gas cans convicted Jodi".
Juan does not realize that Jodi did not want the gas cans to be a secret since no planning was involved.
Simple request by jodi would have been easy to keep as a secret by Mr Brewer ( if secrecy was on jodi's mind) since

nobody would have bothered to ask Mr brewer about the gas cans and the only reason it was brought up in court was because

Mr Brewer volunteered the information to the investigator and that is how juan came to know about the gas cans.

if jodi actually wanted the gas cans to be a secret, she could have easily asked mr brewer not to tell anybody. 

Such a easy request since no investigator would know anything or bothered to ask Mr Brewer, unless Mr Brewer volunteered the information, showing jodi did not want it to be a secret

The tendency of most people is to venerate the dead and its probably the main reason that even Jodi supporters do not want to talk about the deviancy of Travis Alexander.

So we have added the fourth reason (above) to the list of reasons why Jodi did not call 911 on 6/4/08 ( the rest of the reasons are in this blog ),

since Jodi had an intense desire to not only to preserve Travis' legacy ( even willing to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial in order to not reveal Travis' deviancies ) but also

Jodi's tendency (like most people) to venerate the dead Travis.

Just as Travis loved seeing people being beaten up and bloodied for the so-called "greater good" which for Travis was the UFC parties he hosted on weekends and so we believe
Travis was capable of resorting to violence, especially on a weaker victim for the so-called greater good, teaching Jodi a lesson which I am sure Travis wanted to teach Jodi after 5/.26/08 and wanted an opportunity to teach her a lesson and that opportunity was afforded to him when Jodi accidentally dropped his camera on 6/4/08.

Sky Hughes in her book said that Travis was far from perfect, why is that ?
why did she not say that Travis was almost perfect or even perfect since its human nature to venerate the dead, right ?
could it be that Travis was so flawed that Sky Hughes knew (without telling us) what Travis was capable of ?

Was Travis so flawed that Chris Hughes used the term "gutted" when describing the "wreckage" that Travis left behind in his relationships with girls

From what Sky Hughes said about Travis being far from perfect, was Travis capable of attacking Jodi on 6/4/08 since just a few days ago on 5/26/08 he implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive and so flawed that
in the light of his violent past as a teen,
and him admitting that his fury cannot be stopped
admitting that he was a sociopath.
and so flawed that he will not let a girl beat him since he had such a huge ego and so flawed that he
had "thoughts" about abusing little kids as implied by the sex tape on 5/10/08 and so flawed that he
joked about beating a woman to death,

joked about beating women to keep them in line,

and so flawed that he admitted in the most crucial month of May 2008 that he wanted to beat up Abe.

So in light of the above, is it surprising that Sky Hughes was not willing to venerate the dead by saying Travis was perfect or near perfect ?

When Travis told Jodi to go to the store in the fall of 2007 dressed like a school girl, was he thinking of a 12 year old or a 18 year old ?

We firmly believe that Travis was thinking of a 12 year old since it came out of his own mouth when he implied in May 2008 that he was thinking of a 12 year old.

How did Jodi get the idea of role-playing an 18 year old school girl in order to help Travis with his deviant thoughts about 12 year olds and why was Jodi willing to role-play a 18 year old school girl?

 Jodi thought that in role-playing an 18 year old school girl, Travis would not go after a real 12 year old school girl.

So how did Jodi get the idea of role-playing an 18 year old school girl in February of 2008, could it be because Travis told her to go the store in the Fall of 2007, dressed as a school girl ?

Another blunder on the part of the defense :
knowing that even a self defense claim by Jodi was an embarrassment for Jodi since she is hyper-vigilant about her public image and looks but the defense did not emphasize the fact that Jodi's hyper-vigilance about her public image and looks should be:

(1) Rising to the level of (Jodi ) not being motivated enough to carry out a plan since when did a hyper-vigilant person who worried about her looks (being altered permanently) ever go against a powerful, egotistical, rageful man with a very bad strategy in using a "toy gun" or knife ?

(2) Jodi's hyper-vigilance about her public image should have been a mitigating factor in why she did not call 911 on the day Travis died plus all the other points covered in this blog regarding why Jodi did not call 911.

Dr Horn said that it could be possible for somebody to have held Travis over the sink and we agree.

This case is about jodi's state of mind ( motive) and she had no motive since she cared about her looks much more ( almost every expert on tv can testify to that ) than trying to use a dangerous strategy (like a "toy gun" or knife ) to kill a powerful, rageful and and an egotistical person who will not stand for a girl to beat him

Notice the blood pattern is to the left of the sink, could it be possible that Jodi was on Travis' right hand side for about 15 seconds (within the 62 second time frame ), trying to get him ( to go with her) out of the bathroom so she could get him to the hospital ?

But Travis did not want to be beat by a girl so Travis' huge ego came into play when he spotted the knife on the floor down the hallway ( thrown there by Jodi when Travis had stopped his attack momentarily ) and Travis tried one last time (to get the knife) to take revenge on Jodi for shooting him accidentally.

If you were protecting Jews from the Nazis and lied about it, would you be considered a protector of the Jews or a liar ? I would say you would be referred to as a protector and not a liar.

Similarly, when Jodi protected Travis' legacy for over 17500 hours after her arrest in July 2008 and Jodi was willing to go to prison for up to 25 years to continue to protect Travis' legacy, should Jodi be called a protector or a liar ?

The only reason the truth about Travis being the attacker (and also a deviant) came out is because

the corrupt Juan "who got disbarred" Martinez was more interested in fame and fortune than trying to protect Travis' legacy and Travis' reputation and so

instead of accepting the plea deal that would have sent Jodi to prison for up to 25 years, Juan wanted a trial, not caring about Travis' name being tarnished.

I know what obsession looks like (because I was obsessed for 7 years while Jodi's' so-called obsession lasted just months ) and no way would I have moved over a 1000 miles away from the object of my obsession, its just not possible.

In fact, its impossible unless you can show me a case where the obsessed person moved away even a hundred miles from the object of their obsession.

The incompetent defense did not call in an independent expert to testify to the type of bullet in Travis' cheek, which we firmly believe was a regular bullet and that is why

it did not do any damage to Travis' brain and did not leave fragments on the thick membrane ( dura mater) protecting the brain while a hollow point (grandpa's bullet) would have left fragments on the dura mater and possibly inside Travis' brain.

In the second trial, it was revealed that Jodi's grandpa only had hollow point bullets which makes sense since the police report on the stolen gun showed a fully loaded gun with hollow point bullets

Two major blunders the defense team did in the Jodi Arias case :

(1) Why did Jodi not receive any injuries ? an expert could have testified as to why Travis acted irrationally, almost like a "raging monster", after being shot and thus enabling Jodi to escape without injuries and so

the first big blunder the defense made was that they did not bring in at least one expert to testify to what happens to

a powerful,


self-admitted sociopath who was

raging and implying a few days ago that Jodi did not deserve to be alive,

and who had a violent past as a teen

who joked about beating a woman to death,

who joked about beating women to keep them in line,

who admitted in the most crucial month of May 2008 that he wanted to beat up Abe and so

what happens to such a man who gets shot when he irrationally attacked a much weaker Jodi (before and after being shot ? and

when the bullet is too weak to penetrate the dura mater (the brain) and ends up in the cheek.

(2) Defense did not bring in at least one expert to testify that the bullet inside Travis' cheek was a regular bullet since

a hollow point would have at least left fragments on the dura mater or

even penetrated it since grandpa only had hollow points and

the stolen gun report showed a fully loaded gun with hollow points

When did Jodi's so-called obsession with Travis change to only being just friends with benefits ?

was it in January 2008 when Jodi realized that Travis had "issues" and Ryan Burns was marriage-material?
Travis himself implied in May 2008 that Jodi was not obsessed with him since
Travis did clearly state that Jodi only wanted him for sex and
we know this to be true since Jodi was already starting a relationship with Ryan Burns in May of 2008

Was Travis telling the truth when he said that Jodi only wanted him for sex and nothing else in May 2008 and if so,

all the so-called obsession of Travis disappeared after January 2008 when Jodi saw him with a picture of a child, so

out of Travis' own mouth we have evidence that Jodi only wanted him for sex but in our opinion wanted to also help him with his "issues":

As long as we have a non-professional jury system in the world, justice is almost always going to be subjective as seen in the jodi arias first trial where 8 wanted death and in the second trial ( the number subjectively changed ) to 11 wanting death :

When Jodi is hyper-vigilant about her looks and so afraid that it might be altered permanently, would she dare go after a powerful man whose fury cannot be stopped with a knife ?

does that make any sense to anybody ?

unless she had no choice but to use the knife since she did not know whether she could escape down the hallway before being shot by Travis who had the gun knocked out of her hand

A police weapon is supposed to penetrate the brain but even a police weapon could not penetrate this man's brain and so

we can assume that Travis' "toy gun" did not penetrate Travis' brain but

instead the deformed bullet ended up in his cheek which in turn turned travis into a "raging monster" not able to think like a normal human being when he went after Jodi with the gun (after having knocked it out of her hand ) and

Jodi had no choice but to use the knife that Travis most probably placed in the bathroom after having cut the rope:

So in Jodi's mind, a gun did not stop travis, so she went after a powerful man whose fury cannot be stopped and she went after such a man with a knife, when a gun could not stop Travis ? does that make any sense ? unless the knife was used in a state of panic when travis had the gun in his hand and she thought she could not escape down the hallway in time

Before we get to the so-called planning, the question is, why did Jodi not tell the detective that Travis had a gun ? Remember, all three points mentioned in our blog come into play every time Jodi is asked about anything concerning travis or her image in front of the public or her state of mind regarding her lack of concern for her own freedom. In the light of the above (details in this blog) Jodi told the detective that Travis did not have a gun since Travis attacked Jodi and Jodi did not want to reveal that Travis was the attacker plus, she used his gun and in a state of panic shot him, not intentionally and that is why only one bullet was used before the gun was knocked off her hand. Let's assume that highly intelligent Jodi (according to the state's own psychologist ) for some illogical reason wanted to stage a burglary with a police report tying the stolen gun to a gun being used on travis when Jodi could have easily taken the gun without grandpa missing it and Grandpa (protecting his granddaughter ) would not have mentioned to police his gun was taken since the gun was not registered. Let's assume all the above and also let us assume that Jodi needed to know whether the gun was loaded and would have at least shot one time to see whether it worked, right ? Next question, would she have assumed the gun only had regular bullets ? yes, that is a logical assumption since remember, she is planning a killing according to the prosecutor and in her state of mind, would have assumed the gun only had regular bullets. Here is where the incompetent defense of Jodi comes in. The defense team could have easily brought in an independent expert to examine the bullet in Travis' cheek and we are sure that that bullet in Travis' cheek was a regular bullet and not grandpa's hollow point bullet and it would show that Travis died on the day he attacked Jodi and she used Travis' gun and not grandpa's gun.

It could not have been grandpa's gun since a hollow point would probably have left fragments inside Travis' brain and even five years later Dr Horn testified according to his original autopsy report in 2008 that there were no fragments inside Travis' brain. Are we to take Dr Horn seriously at trial five years later (from the date of the autopsy) or do we take him seriously as soon as the autopsy was done in 2008 ? I say we take Dr Horn's original autopsy report seriously because that is the report that is least subject to bias which Dr Horn clearly showed five years later at trial. Dr Horn cannot be taken seriously (five years later) since during the trial, he said the brain could not be examined because it was in liquid form and then
changed his mind after looking at the report and then
he said he examined the body 10 years ago and then
he changed his mind when the attorney reminded him it was five years ago and then
at trial he said the bullet had entered the brain but his report clearly indicated that there was no cerebral damage.
On page 4 (in the video) Dr Horn says "the wound track perforates the ....skull...without gross evidence of ....cerebral injury "
"the left cheek reveals the presence of a deformed ...small caliber projectile"
Comment : if the bullet is deformed, it must have been made of very weak material that could not penetrate the entire skull since Travis had a very thick skull and was deflected towards his cheek and the fact it did not exit the cheek shows how weak it was.
On page 7 Dr Horn states that the dura mater is intact and that the brain does not reveal......apparent trauma.
Comment : The outermost layer of the meninges is the dura mater, which literally means "hard mother." The dura is thick and tough; one side of it attaches to the skull and the other adheres to the next meningeal layer, the arachnoid mater. The dura provides the brain and spinal cord with an extra protective layer:

Jodi (during her teen years) never once punched anybody, unlike Travis who was constantly into fights but we have to look at the most crucial month, May 2008 to see who was actually out of control just before Travis died and all evidence points to Travis being out of control when he clearly implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive while Jodi was in control and tried calming Travis by saying he was a light to the world

After 14 years (since 2008) and this is what we got:
July 27th, 2009 Disciplinary Action Report:
Fight With Cellmate
Jodi claims self-defense, cellmate pushes Arias against wall and kicks her.
Cellmate Pleads Guilty

Comment: Why did the cellmate of Jodi plead guilty ? didn't Jodi go after her with a knife ? and why not ? could it be because Jodi is afraid of knives and only used it against a powerful Travis since Travis had the gun ?

We know that Jodi is not a risk-taker when it comes to her looks and her public image (( everything else, she has shown signs of suicidal behavior, for example, not calling 911 after Travis attacked her since she did not care about her life (willing to go prison without a trial for up to 25 years) but was more interested in preserving Travis' legacy and that is one of three reasons why she did not call 911)). If Jodi planned to kill Travis and she did not want the risk of losing her looks forever or the image that she presented to the public, she told the detective what she would have done if planning was on her mind and

according to that plan, Travis could not have got out of the shower stall since he would have been repeatedly shot with a reliable gun while Jodi wore gloves to make sure her prints were not to be found anywhere in the bathroom area. The fact that only one bullet was used and
a knife was used showed no planning since if Jodi actually planned to kill Travis, why take an unreliable gun and a knife ?

against a man who had a huge ego,
who implied just a few days ago (5/26/08) that Jodi did not deserve to be alive
who enjoyed seeing people being beat up in UFC fights
who enjoyed bloody sports like UFC
who said he was a sociopath
who joked about beating women to keep them in line
who joked about beating a woman to death
who admitted in the most crucial month ( May 2008) that he wanted to beat up Abe
and who said his fury cannot be stopped
and who was powerful enough to
lift a woman bigger than him nearly four feet off the floor and who was into unrelenting workouts, who punched the crap out of a punching bag, witnessed by Daniel Freeman who said Travis had a powerful punch, Travis was also into intense cycling, who lifted weights regularly, who was into Mixed Martial Arts who was into wrestling and whose chokehold, Jodi was terrified of. So in the light of all the above, why would Jodi go after a



egotistical sociopath who was very powerful ?

with a "toy gun" or an unreliable gun or a knife ?

does not make sense unless the use of the unreliable gun or the knife was not part of a plan to kill Travis

Even the state's own psychologist stated that Jodi was highly intelligent and knowing how she cherished her looks greatly and would not jeopardize altering her looks forever, would she have gone after Travis without a good plan, if planning was on her mind ? So why all the silly mistakes in going after a powerful man who could alter her looks forever ? Let us think like Jodi's opponents and let us assume that Jodi planned to kill Travis: here are the list of silly mistakes a highly intelligent person like Jodi made: (1) Staging a burglary, knowing that a police report will be on the gun she is taking and knowing that a gun would be used on travis and the gun used and the burglary could be tied together by the police. (2) Taking a "toy gun" with the risk of altering her looks forever since the gun was not reliable and how do we know the gun was not reliable ? she took a knife too, according to the prosecutor. Why would she take a knife if the gun was reliable ? (3) Taking a knife, knowing the gun was unreliable and willing to take the risk of her looks being altered forever in going after a powerful man with a knife ? when that powerful man Jodi knew was into craving bloody sports like UFC, boxing the crap out of a punching bag, relentless workouts, weightlifting, intense cycling, mixed martial arts, wrestling and whose chokehold she was terrified of and the same man who had a huge ego and just days before implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive and in the recent past admitted to being a sociopath, said his fury cannot be stopped and the same man who had a violent past as a teen, repeatedly getting into fights and joked about beating a woman to death and joked about beating women to keep them in line and admitted in the most crucial month of May 2008 that he wanted to beat up Abe and who loved to see people being beat up when he hosted weekly UFC parties. In light of the above, why would Jodi take the risk of going to Arizona with a "toy gun" or a knife when she valued her physical looks so much and those looks would be in jeopardy of being altered forever if she went against a powerful Travis whom she was terrified of especially Travis' chokehold. Why would she take the risk of altering her looks by taking a "toy gun" or a knife against Travis who was into bloody sports, intense cycling, wrestling, weight lifting, boxing the "crap out of his punching bag" and Mixed Martial Arts ? At the same time, lets say Jodi for some illogical reason, completely forgot all of the above and she wanted to hide her presence in Arizona; why did she make the following silly mistakes, if planning was on her mind ? (1) Tell Mr Brewer that she was going to Arizona ( obtained under sworn testimony ) (2) not tell Mr Brewer not to mention the gas cans to anybody ( an easy request since nobody would have bothered to ask that question regarding the gas cans) (3) Leave a paper trail for gas cans showing mileage to cover the entire state of Arizona (4) Could have used her own car or exchanged her car for her friend's or relative's or parent's car instead of

renting a car that would show mileage that would cover the entire state of Arizona. (5) why was she happy and jovial with Mr Brewer and even had fun singing with Mr McCartney at a karoake bar; would a person on a killing mission be so normal acting ? (6) she even had her nails done for Mr Burns and probably had her hair colored for the date with Mr Burns; would a person on a killing mission be preparing for a date ?

(7) Made sure that people knew she was heading south towards Pasadena (and probably Mesa) and not heading east towards Utah ((8)) Spend almost 15 hours at Travis' house on 6/4/08 and risk being detected by numerous people ( housemates, visitors, neighbors, passers-by, police going by and seeing her upside down license plate ) (9) would a person on a killing mission want to have sex on the day of the killing? (10) not wearing gloves when she told the detective that wearing gloves is what she would have done if planning was on her mind (which would have resulted in not leaving bloody finger prints behind) (11) not repeatedly shootingTravis in the shower ( which she told the detective that she would have done if planning was on her mind) so he would not get out of the shower stall(which resulted in her hair being attached to blood)

(12) Washing away the "scene" with a little cup (13) leave the camera behind in the washing machine and even if damaged would have "pointed the finger" at her since she was the only one seen with a camera around Travis (9) Call Ryan from Kingman, Arizona ( well within Arizona) (10) Kingman shows a route that can probably be taken from Mesa, Arizona and not from Pasadena California.

(11) Chose Ryan as an alibi when a better alibi would have been McCartney or Brewer

(12) Put on a license plate upside down in broad daylight knowing that neighbors, visitors, Travis housemates, passers-by and police would notice it ?

(13) Telling Ryan she would see him in 12 hours but showing up over 30 hours later giving the suspicion that she had enough time to visit Travis.

(14) Over 2800 miles were put on her car when the round trip from Yreka to Mesa to Utah and back to Yreka should only have been around 2500 miles, showing she was wandering around in a daze for about 300 miles

(15) She spent about four or five hours after Travis' death, just wandering around since when she called Ryan (after Travis' death) she was still about 12 hours away from Ryan's place in Utah indicating she was in a daze for hours after Travis died.

Were all the above actual silly mistakes in planning a killing by a highly intelligent Jodi or were they no mistakes at all since there was no plan to kill Travis ?

Every step of the way from day one ( when she asked Mr Brewer for gas cans) points to so-called mistakes but we do not believe Jodi makes mistakes and why do we believe this ?
We do not believe that Jodi made mistakes since according to the state's own psychologist, Jodi has high intelligence and since
Jodi is highly intelligent, any so-called mistakes done were not mistakes at all but "things she did" that indicate no planning.

Almost every opponent of Jodi points to her mistakes and yet at the same time seem to say she planned to kill Travis. how is that possible ? for a highly intelligent person like Jodi (confirmed by the state's own psychologist) how is it possible for Jodi to make silly mistakes ? every step of the way unless those silly mistakes were not mistakes at all but shows a person who did not plan to kill Travis.

When Jodi was not planning to kill Travis, off course, she is going to do things that does not show any kind of planning, meaning, the whole trip is going to be full of so-called silly mistakes, right ?

We do not believe that Jodi lies unlike Travis whose whole life was a lie (claiming he is a virgin ) plus Travis glorified lying
Jodi tells stories (not lies ) to protect a person's legacy like Travis' legacy.
Due to the trauma of being attacked by Travis, she suffered from dissociative amnesia and so cannot remember details of what happened five years ago
In your non-traumatic life, do you remember what you did five years ago ?
Jodi could have returned the gas can to a Walmart on her way to Pasadena and she thought she returned it in Salina. or
she could have returned the gas can in Yreka and so we do not know what dissociative amnesia can do to a person.

If the so-called third gas can was to be a secret, why would Jodi want to fill it up in Utah ?

why not just fill up two gas cans since there are gas stations everywhere from Utah to Yreka, so again, no planning plus

if she did fill up 3 gas cans in Utah, that is what is required to go from Utah to Yreka ( about 700 miles ) without stopping at any gas station, so

was she on a secret mission again, from Utah to Yreka ? so again, the gas cans do not indicate any kind of plan either from Utah to Yreka or from Pasadena to Mesa Arizona.

Please remember people, between Jodi and Travis, Travis is the only one who glorified lying (plus Travis' whole life was a lie, pretending to be a virgin) while
Jodi was protecting Travis for two long years (over 17500 hours ) with stories (not lies) to divert people's attention away from Travis the attacker , in order to
preserve his legacy and she would have continued to preserve his legacy by avoiding a trial and going to prison for up to 25 years and not reveal Travis' deviancy until
Juan the killer did not want to settle for a plea deal of 25 years in prison but rather
wanted fame and fortune and Juan, instead of hiding Travis' deviancy by accepting Jodi's plea deal of a prison sentence of up to 25 years, chose fame and fortune over Travis' legacy which Jodi very much wanted to protect:

If gas cans were to be a secret, why create a trail ? why not pay for all 3 gas cans by cash and then return them and throw away the receipts.

The third gas can has been brought up time and time again.
If Jodi actually wanted to keep it a secret, she could have easily thrown away the cash receipt, right ?

People expect Jodi to remember details five years ago, after a traumatic event in which a loved one attacked her causing her to dissociate from the event, called dissociative amnesia.

Plus in your normal untraumatic life,

Do you remember returning anything five years ago ?

and if so, do you know when you returned it ?

and which walmart you returned it to (if there were more than one in your town ) ?

and whether you returned it the same day or the next day or the next week ? and

whether walmart's one employee can go through hundreds of records, just to look for your one return ? or

whether walmart is 100% accurate in transferring return records through their servers every night ? or

whether walmart is 100% accurate about transferring records to a new Walmart store years later ?

Did Jodi care more about Travis' legacy than her own freedom ?, the short answer is yes but here is the long answer on why she did not call 911 soon after Travis died: (1) On 6/4/08, Travis told her to promise that she would not tell anybody that she was with Travis on 6/4/08 since both of them were breaking extremely serious church laws.

How do we know that Travis was concerned about church laws ?

He made sure everybody knew that he was a 30 year old virgin.

(2) Jodi is hyper-vigilant about what the public thinks of her and would go out of her way to present the best image to the public.

Jodi literally would delete hundreds of photos of herself every year, just to present the best pictures to the public.

So would Jodi actually call 911, drenched in blood ? and show the public what she looked like after Travis attacked her ? (3) Jodi has talked about suicide throughout her teen years and so did not care about her life after Travis had died and was willing to go to prison for 25 years for accidentally shooting Travis whom she cared about (helping Travis with his deviancies by role-playing an 18-year-old school girl )
but when the corrupt Juan "who got disbarred" Martinez did not care about hiding Travis' deviancies but cared more about fame and fortune by wanting to kill Jodi and not settling for 25 years as a plea deal, that is when

Jodi decided after about 17520 hours ( two long years ) to come out with the truth that Travis was the attacker. Let us think like Travis' supporters and assume that Jodi was planning something:

The following scenarios assume two things that Travis supporters have brought up :

(1) Jodi did not practice with the gun and so did not know how reliable it was and so when it did not work properly, she had to go searching for a knife (downstairs in the kitchen) and all within 62 seconds from the time the accidental photo of the ceiling was taken.

Travis supporters do not tell you what Travis was doing during the 62 seconds while Jodi was searching for the knife downstairs in the kitchen.

If Jodi was searching for the knife in the kitchen downstairs, Travis could have got out of the house during the 62 seconds since in 62 seconds by just walking slowly Travis could have got to his neighbor's house for help.

(2) Jodi did practice with the gun and found it unreliable and so took the knife.

If the gun was actually unreliable, why would Jodi who values her looks so much, want to take the risk of forever altering her looks in an attack from a powerful man by taking a knife and knowing the gun would not work ? or was not reliable ?

At the same time, Travis' supporters will tell you that Jodi did not think logically before 6/4/08 but somehow was thinking logically after 6/4/08 and that is how she told the detective what she would have done if planning was on her mind.

Does this sound logical to you ? a smart girl like Jodi was not thinking before 6/4/08 but only started thinking after 6/4/08 ?

So the question to Travis' supporters still remains.

Why not take gloves when Jodi herself talked about gloves to the detective (if planning was on her mind ) can Travis supporters answer that ?

Since Jodi valued her looks greatly and would do anything to make sure those looks are not altered forever, she told the detective what she would have done if planning was on her mind and that was to shoot Travis repeatedly in the shower stall. Did that happen ? and what explanation do Travis supporters have ?

Would Jodi take a "toy gun" knowing it did not work properly ? and how would she know it did not work properly, unless she practiced with it, right ? and if she did practice with it and it did not work properly

would she actually take a knife too knowing that she is terrified of Travis' chokehold and his immense strength?

and knowing that if the gun did not work, her looks that she cherishes so much could be permanently altered forever, would she risk taking an unreliable gun ?

and if the gun did not work, how sure was she the knife would work against a man who was

80 pounds heavier than her, who was into

unrelenting workouts,

weight lifting,

boxing the crap out of punching bag,

intense cycling,


mixed martial arts,

and whose chokehold she was terrified of.

So Travis supporters have to assume that Jodi did not care that her looks could be altered forever ( against all logic ) by going after a powerful man with a "toy gun" and a knife ?

Let's assume the "toy gun" worked properly, how did Jodi know that ? did she practice with the gun ?

Let's assume Jodi practiced with the gun, would she have reloaded it with the hollow points that grandpa had ? and if so, could the defense team have had an expert opinion on the bullet recovered from Travis' cheek ? and found out the bullet in Travis' cheek was a regular bullet and not a hollow point ?

If planning was on Jodi's mind, she told the detective what planning would have involved :

(1) the use of gloves

(2) Repeatedly shooting Travis in the shower stall

Did any of the above happen ? no and why not ? because nothing was planned.

The fact that Jodi used a knife showed that nothing was planned because

no girl who weighs at least 80 pounds less and who plans a murder against a powerful man takes a knife when they have practiced with a gun and

if the gun was not reliable, or a "toy gun", why plan a murder against a powerful man ? who loved bloody sports, who was into

mixed martial arts,

intense cycling,

intense workouts,

weight lifting and

boxing the crap out of his punching bag,

wrestling and

whose chokehold Jodi was terrified of.

Since Jodi valued her looks greatly ( as shown by various media outlets emphasizing her priorities in looking the best in public ) why would she risk permanent altering her looks by going after a powerful man with a "toy gun" or a knife unless

nothing was planned and she panicked since Travis attacked her and ended up with his gun in his hand.

A knife shows no planning and shows that Travis had the gun and Jodi had no choice but to use the knife because she did not know whether she had enough time to escape down the hallway before being shot.

Was Travis thinking in May 2008 that Jodi might blackmail him ? regarding his perversions and that is why he implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive and that is why Travis attacked Jodi for dropping the camera which was confirmed by the forensics expert when he said the accidental photo of the ceiling was taken three feet off the ground.

Why would Jodi be trying to catch a camera, if planning was on her mind ?

if she planned anything, wouldnt she let the camera just fall to the floor without trying to catch it ?

Is this man, who had a huge ego, be capable of attacking a much weaker individual, when a gun is pointed at him by a girl who threatened to tell on his perversions? after he body-slammed her (this blog answers that question):

Travis made statements that depicted a man who was capable of violence and that capacity only increased during the month of May 2008 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to be alive probably due to the fact that he thought Jodi might blackmail him.

We know that Travis wanted Jodi to go to the store dressed like a school girl in the fall of 2007, what age is not specified by Travis but we are pretty sure that Travis was thinking of a 12 year old since that is the age he mentioned in his sex tape with Jodi in May of 2008. As far as Jodi is concerned, not once did she mention the age of the girl she was supposed to role-play in the fall of 2007, so we have to give Jodi the benefit of the doubt and we have to assume that Jodi was playing an 18 year old school girl.

Can a person act upon their perverted thoughts ? so could it be that Jodi was "helping" Travis before he acted on his perversions regarding the "pot of a little girl" and wanting to hear the "orgasm of a 12 year old" ? by acting like a 18 year old school girl ?

The perversions of Travis is crucial to what happened on 6/4/08 and if you read the entire blog, you will see why Travis' perversions played a crucial part in his death when he attacked Jodi

For two long years after Travis died, Jodi told stories to protect Travis' legacy until Juan Martinez did not want to settle for 25 years but wanted to kill Jodi so she had to tell the truth about Travis the attacker.

Jodi was honest according to Mr Brewer and did not have a history of lying, unlike Travis whose whole adult life was not only a lie ( pretending to be a virgin) but Travis glorified lying in his comedy skits:

Obsession is very different from what both Travis and Jodi admitted to to each other in May 2008 and that was that they were addicted to each other but it was all about sex and that is why

Jodi wanted to move on with Ryan because Ryan was marriage material while Travis himself admitted that Jodi only wanted him for sex but in our opinion,

it was also to help him with his "issues" while the sex was addicting to her too but

no way were either obsessed with each other and that is why Jodi could move away over a 1000 miles while helping Travis with his "issues".

The following shows that Travis said the worse possible thing imaginable and that is why every media outlet has censored Travis' own words because

its totally deviant and if its so totally deviant, is it surprising that Jodi completely changed her mind about Travis after seeing him with a picture of child and how do we know Travis was lusting after a child ?

anybody who says " its like c* the p* of a little girl" in our opinion is capable of lusting over a picture of a child and when Jodi saw that, she puked and whatever so-called obsession she had over Travis vanished and she made up her mind to move away from Travis, over a 1000 miles while still caring about him and trying to help him with his deviancy.
For the school girl fantasy, it was Travis who started it in the fall of 2007 while there is no evidence that Jodi wanted to play a 12 year old during the winter of 2008. Most probably Jodi wanted to play a 18 year old in order to keep Travis' attention on her and not go after a 12 year old which we know Travis was thinking of in the sex tape.
This case was never about sex, its about deviancy which Travis indulged in, which in turn became very crucial on 6/4/08, details of which are in this blog.

The so-called obsession by Jodi for Travis was before the masturbatory scene that Travis was involved in and after vomiting because she saw a picture of a child that Travis was lusting over, she decided to help him with his "issue" but was not obsessed anymore and hence Jodi moved away over 1000 miles since the so-called obsession had vanished after having seen Travis with a picture of a child.

In other words, where was the so-called obsession in the Spring of 2008 ? it did not exist due to the shock of seeing Travis masturbate to the picture of a child and how do we know that Travis was lusting over a child ? It came out of his own mouth, Travis said "its like corking the pot of a little girl" in May of 2008.

anybody who says " its like corking the pot of little girl" is capable in our opinion, of looking at a picture of child and lusting.

People label jodi as a slut with flimsy evidence and yet when it comes to Travis saying "corking the pot of a little girl" there is no label attached to that ? anybody who says " its like corking the pot of little girl" is capable in our opinion, of looking at a picture of a child and lusting which resulted in any so-called obsession vanishing after Jodi vomited and finally decided to move over 1000 miles to start a new relationship with Ryan Burns.

Let's assume travis was wrong about jodi being a slut and wanting sex from everybody and she wanted to be married, do you feel she still wanted to be romantic with travis after seeing him with a picture of a child and if so , why did she move away over a 1000 miles, could it be because her so-called obsession vanished after seeing travis with the picture of a child and that is the main reason she moved away over a 1000 miles but one of the excuses she gave the detective at the interrogation is not travis' deviancy but she wanted to be closer to Ryan.

The prosecutor admitted in his book that Jodi told her sister that she might be marrying Ryan Burns one day,

again showing no motive and backed by the evidence when Ryan himself said under sworn testimony that they were talking to each other almost every day ( 4-5 times a week for at least an hour ) so the question is,

how can an obsessed person even think of another human being and talk to them 4-5 times a week for at least an hour ? unless the so-called obsession quickly faded after Jodi saw something in January 2008 that made her vomit.

Was Travis capable of masturbating to a picture of a child ? yes, especially when he himself made the comment "its like corking the pot of a little girl"

After seeing what she saw in January 2008 , we know there was not a single piece of evidence regarding jealous motive in May 2008 as evidenced by the video below that showed Jodi had no inclination for a romantic relationship with a deviant but

since she cared about Travis, wanted to help Travis with his "issues' by even playing a 18 year old school girl in order to keep travis away from real school girls who were younger than 18:

This blog shows no planning but an event that escalated on 6/4/08 since we know Travis was raging against Jodi on 5/26/08, implying that Jodi did not deserve to be alive while Jodi tried her best to not escalate the situation by saying Travis was a "light to the world".

and we can pretty much confirm that Travis was capable of body-slamming Jodi on 6/4/08( for dropping the camera) since Travis either admitted to the following or was observed doing or saying the following :

(1) implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive

(2) being a sociopath

(3) his fury cannot be stopped

(4) having a huge ego

(5) had a violent past as a teen, repeatedly getting into fights

(6) anybody who says "its like corking the pot of a little girl" is , in our opinion, capable of abuse

(7) Joked about beating a woman to death

(8) Joked about beating women to keep them in line

(9) Admitted in May 2008 that he wanted to beat up Abe

(10) Loved to see people being beat up when he hosted weekly UFC parties

In light of the above, why would Jodi take the risk of going to Arizona with a "toy gun" or a knife when she valued her physical looks so much and those looks would be in jeopardy of being altered forever if she went against a powerful Travis whom she was terrified of

especially Travis' chokehold.

Why would she take the risk of altering her looks by taking a "toy gun" or a knife against Travis who was into bloody sports, intense cycling, wrestling, weight lifting, boxing the "crap out of his punching bag" and Mixed Martial ?

At the same time, lets say Jodi for some illogical reason, completely forgot all of the above and

she wanted to hide her presence in Arizona;

why did she :

(1) Tell Mr Brewer that she was going to Arizona ( obtained under sworn testimony )

(2) not tell Mr Brewer not to mention the gas cans to anybody ( an easy request since nobody would have bothered to ask that question regarding the gas cans)

(3) Leave a paper trail for gas cans showing mileage to cover the entire state of Arizona

(4) rent a car that would show mileage that would cover the entire state of Arizona.

(5) why was she happy and jovial with Mr Brewer and even had fun singing with Mr McCartney at a karoake bar; would a person on a killing mission be so normal acting ?

(6) she even had her nails done for Mr Burns and probably had her hair colored for the date with Mr Burns; would a person on a killing mission be preparing for a date ?

(4) Spend almost 15 hours at Travis' house on 6/4/08 and risk being detected by numerous people ( housemates, visitors, neighbors, passers-by, police going by and seeing her upside down license plate )

(5) would a person on a killing mission want to have sex on the day of the killing?

(6) not wear gloves when she told the detective that wearing gloves is what she would have done if planning was on her mind (which would have resulted in not leaving bloody finger prints behind)

(7) not repeatedly shoot Travis in the shower ( which she told the detective that she would have done if planning was on her mind) so he would not get out of the shower (which resulted in her hair being attached to blood)

(8) leave the camera behind in the washing machine and even if damaged would have "pointed the finger" at her since she was the only one seen with a camera around Travis

(9) Call Ryan from Kingman, Arizona ( well within Arizona)

(10) Kingman shows a route that can probably be taken from Mesa, Arizona and not from Pasadena California.

Taking gas cans on trips is not unusual in America and
why did Jodi take water too when there is water everywhere in America ?

If Jodi was planning anything, why did she tell Mr Brewer ( sworn testimony by Mr Brewer in court ) that she was going to Arizona ?

Did Jodi ask Mr Brewer to lie about the gas cans ? no reason to believe that since Mr Brewer had high praise for Jodi in this interview regarding Jodi's honesty and the gas cans:

If Jodi was actually planning a covert mission to Arizona, why turn on her cell phone well within Arizona ( outside Kingman ) since her car would have revealed total miles covered and

why save gas receipts that would show the total miles travelled and

why not pay in cash to hide the total miles covered and

why even take gas cans if gas was only paid with cash, so again, no planning was involved.

Gas purchases  could have all be done by cash and the receipts thrown away.

 She clearly told the detective what she would have done if it was planned ( read the details in this blog ) but we know nothing was planned and that is another reason she did not throw away the receipts, nothing was planned.

The gas cans reveal no planning since planning would have involved telling brewer not to mention the gas cans which would have been a very easy request because nobody would have bothered to ask brewer about any gas cans.

How did the corrupt Juan "who got disbarrred" Martinez know about the gas cans, unless Mr brewer told somebody and since Mr Brewer told somebody, Mr Brewer not once told anybody that Jodi asked him to keep it a secret, hence no planning involved.

No reason for Mr Brewer to reveal gas cans because nobody asked him about it. 

The gas can information was volunteered by Mr Brewer because Jodi did not ask him to keep it a secret.

If Jodi planned anything, the first thing she would have done is to tell Mr Brewer not to tell anybody about the gas cans and it would have been an easy request since

nobody would have bothered to ask Mr Brewer about the gas cans unless it was brought up by Mr Brewer himself .

If she wanted the gun and used the gun, she could have easily taken the gun without a burglary (involving a police report ) and then asked grandpa to cover for her since she could have told him a story that a gun of the same caliber was used to kill travis but we know that the fact that only one bullet was used shows no intention to kill since how many murders only involved one shot unless that shot was from a powerful gun.

If Jodi had called 911 after Travis died, Jodi would be free today and travis legacy would have been tarnished for being the attacker but

we know Jodi did not want that and was wanting to settle for 25 years without a trial but the prosecutor wanted death and so Jodi had no choice but to confess that Travis was the attacker.

The ninja story did not work in July 2008, so why did Jodi not tell the truth in August 2008.

Why did she wait two long years to tell the truth that Travis attacked her ?

Why did she wait over 17,500 hours before telling the truth ?

could it be because she valued Travis' legacy so much that she was willing to go to prison for up to 25 years without a trial ?

but the corrupt prosecutor Juan "who got disbarred" Martinez did not want to settle for a plea deal but wanted to kill her and so she had no choice but to confess that Travis was the attacker.

If jodi planned anything, she could have told Mr Brewer not to tell anybody about the gas cans and she would have taken the camera since a camera in the washing machine, even if damaged, would have "pointed the finger" straight at her since she is the only one around Travis with a camera in her hand.

Also, Jodi clearly told the detective that if she planned anything, she would have taken gloves and repeatedly shot Travis in the shower which to us would be a plan since that kind of plan would have resulted in

(1) no hair being attached to blood

(2) no bloody fingerprints

(3) 62 seconds in which Travis would have remained in the shower stall and not fighting Jodi and bruising her or having her cut her finger

(4) all injuries would be from bullets.

(5) no knives used since knives are not preferable to guns when the opponent is much stronger.

What would repeated shooting mean to Jodi ? it would mean practicing to shoot, meaning, she had a reliable gun and reloaded it with hollow points which is the only kind of bullets grandpa had and

if the defense team was competent, they would have got experts to testify that the bullet in Travis' cheek was a regular bullet and not a hollow point but in testimony it could not be determined what kind of bullet it was.

The very fact that a knife was used in this case shows very clearly that there was no planning since planning, as Jodi herself said, would have involved repeated shooting in the shower stall and if that was the case she would have had to practice with the gun, right ? and

if she actually practiced with the gun she would have either known the gun was reliable or not, right ? and

if the gun was reliable, than repeated shooting in the shower stall would have been the outcome but we know that is not what happened.

the knife was used since there was no reliable gun in the scenario which points to using Travis' gun which indicates no planning, again.

Plus a plan would have involved a better alibi, which means, not running to Ryan but running to McCartney or Brewer who (not knowing the details) would have told police that she was with them on 6/4/08 and

planning would have involved Mr Brewer not revealing to the private detective that Jodi took gas cans since Jodi would have told him to keep it a secret from everybody.
What actually happened ?

Jodi did not tell Mr Brewer to keep the gas cans a secret,

did not take gloves and

she used Travis' gun to defend herself and only one bullet was used since there was no intention to kill and

the only reason a knife was used is because a terrified Jodi saw Travis going for the gun on the slippery floor that he had knocked out of her hand and

thinking she had no time to escape down the hallway before being shot, she started stabbing Travis in the back while he was grabbing for the gun on the slippery floor.

Everybody involved in this case including the prosecutor Juan (who could not settle for a plea deal of 25 years) stated that Jodi is intelligent.

So an intelligent Jodi could plan an alibi with unreliable Ryan and not plan an alibi with reliable Brewer or McCartney

and in an intelligent Jodi would not plan gloves or

practice shooting with a reliable gun or

tell Mr Brewer not to mention gas cans to anybody ?

does that sound like a plan or an intelligent person not planning anything ?

You expect a self defense victim to immediately report the case ? and what if jodi did ? she would have had to say Travis attacked her when Travis made her promise not to tell anybody that she was there with him and both of them were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08.

You might not realize this but God talks to us through your criticism of Jodi and He offers us wisdom through your criticism of Jodi and we believe that we are all in Jodi's prayers and that is why all of us (enemies of Jodi and friends of Jodi) keep working on her case.

Can we justify Travis' death ? no. Can we justify Jodi's sentence ? no.

This case is based on tragedy of immense proportions but through it all, we believe in a God who will give us the wisdom in getting Jodi released in the next few years while others hope she gets released on the day she dies.

The main reason for this group is to gather information, information that has been scrutinized from every angle possible due to the heavy criticism involved which is appreciated by all our backers.

You might not realize it but we believe in a creator God who is only interested in creating and not once will God judge any of you so we do not believe in a hell, a hell which is created by man not God.

God creates no matter how ugly a person is in word or deed or looks and to God everything is beautiful, no matter how ugly since God only thinks about creation and not the ugliness within it.

Since God is only interested in creation , we believe that through all your criticisms of Jodi, we will finally get a God inspired solution to getting Jodi released in the next few years or at least in the next decade.

So keep your criticisms coming and the more constructive the criticism (which we believe is God inspired ) the faster we will get the solution to Jodi's release.

Nothing about this case is funny. One man is dead due to attacking a terrified girl and the girl is in prison for life for behaving like a teen and running away from the scene since she promised the attacker that she will not reveal to the world that both of them were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08.

If a man is capable of saying "its like corking the pot of a little girl" we believe he is capable of not only abuse but also deviant behavior..

Why do we believe Jodi ? it came out of Travis' own mouth : "its like corking the pot of a little girl", so if he can say that, its not surprising Jodi caught him masturbating to the picture of a child.

Any guy who says it's like corking the pot of a little girl has the potential of being abusive and I believe Jodi and what was Jodi's reaction to seeing Travis masturbate to a picture of a child ?

She first puked, and then she cried about when Travis himself might have been abused as a child, and then she made up her mind to help him with his "issues":

Anybody who admits to being a sociopath or

loves bloody sports or

who says, his fury cannot be stopped or

"it's like c* the p* of a little girl" and

who jokes about beating a woman to death or

beating women to keep them in line or

was constantly involved in fights as a teen or

admitted to wanting to beat up Abe in May 2008 is capable, in our opinion, of

being abusive to Jodi emotionally and abusive physically at least three times in their short relationship

People have defense mechanisms that help them cope with a horrific event like rape or abuse or having to defend themselves from a person who became a "monster" after being shot.
In Jodi's case, the defense mechanism is called dissociative amnesia.
Here is a girl (in the video below ) who had no emotion after being raped and she was 15 at the time of the rape when girls easily cry so we can understand why Jodi at a much older age could shut off the emotions associated with the horror of being attacked by a loved one like Travis and
having to defend herself with a knife since Travis probably had the gun after having knocked it out of Jodi's hand.
Plus, Jodi had true feelings for Ryan Burns so it was easy for her to not only shut off the emotions of being attacked by Travis but to show Ryan that she cared for him and felt safe with him.

The forensics expert confirmed in court that the accidental photo of the ceiling on 6/4/08 was taken three feet off the ground, meaning, Jodi was trying to catch the camera as it was falling, which shows no planning because
planning would have involved letting the camera fall without the need to try to catch it, right ? and

what was Travis' reaction ? the rage that was building up since 5/26/08 when Travis implied that Jodi did not deserve to live,.
Travis' built up rage from 5/26/08 exploded when Jodi accidentally dropped the camera which led to the body-slam.
Two vital things Jodi did to survive the body slam (1) she held on to travis (2) she made sure her head and butt were off the ground as her feet hit the floor, a successful break of the fall, in our opinion

Travis only became a monster after he was shot, so the defense team should have brought at least two experts to testify to that and to testify that he was not thinking rationally and after being shot, he became inhuman and did not stop attacking ( like a rabid dog) except for the time Jodi helped him to the sink, feeling sorry for him but travis spotted the knife on the floor down the hallway and lunged at it but jodi got to it and wrestled it out of Travis' hand since travis was getting weaker by the second and just before the 62 seconds was up, he was incapacitated and poor Jodi did not call the police since Travis made Jodi promise to not tell anybody she was there' since both of them were breaking very serious church laws on 6/4/08.

Travis' gun did work but apparently, it got knocked out of Jodi's hand so she in a state of terror thought she could not escape down the hallway since travis was going after the gun on the floor (resulting in travis being stabbed in the back while he went for the gun on the floor) and that is why she used the knife but Jodi cannot remember what exactly happened after Travis said "f...king kill you bitch".

We believe at one point Travis was on his hands and knees and that is when Jodi got out from under him and stood up and felt sorry for him at which point she tried to help him to the sink.

We know that Jodi helped Travis to the sink since (during the 62 seconds from the time the camera took an accidental photo of the ceiling) she felt sorry for him when he had stopped attacking her during those 62 seconds but at the sink he spotted the knife on the floor in the hallway and that is when he lunged one last time to attack Jodi with the knife but Jodi managed to get to the knife first which ended in Travis throat being slashed by a terrorized Jodi.

If his head was pulled back, it would take tremendous strength and the best jodi could have done is for the chin to be pointing slightly upwards and how would jodi be holding the knife ? the knife blade would be angled downwards, right? towards the base of his neck or at least towards his spine (still angled down), right ? Why would it be angled upwards towards his chin ? which is easier to make ? the downward angled cut or the upward angled cut ? if she was behind him.

Why do we say that it would take tremendous strength to pull Travis' head back ?

because he was alive at that moment and would have struggled to not get his head pulled back and so the logical scenario would have been for jodi to be struggling below travis with one hand against travis' head ( slightly pushing the head up) and the other hand with the knife, slashing upwards and horizontally at an angle pointed towards his chin

Why do we believe that Jodi was below Travis when the neck wound was inflicted ? and not behind Travis:

the slash was towards the chin at an angle meaning it could not have been inflicted from behind Travis since Jodi would have had to twist her hand upwards in order to inflict that wound which does not make sense.

Why would she want to twist her hand upwards when a straight slash from behind towards the spine would have done the job ?

so how do we know the slash was made from below Travis, towards his chin at an angle ?

If you look at the video (below) notice the wound makes a triangle and if she was behind travis, the 90 degree angle made at the base from the top of the triangle would have made a split that would be equidistant on either side ( an isosceles triangle) or divided the base exactly in half but the 90 degree angle made at the base ( from the apex) does not equally divide the base but rather the distant to the chin is shorter than the distant to the bottom of the neck wound, meaning, the cut was made an angle towards the chin and not towards the spine.

Conclusion: Why was the neck wound deep ? its because Jodi was below Travis. The best force is when a person is doing a bench press and that is when the weight is above you and not below. People can bench press hundreds of pounds if the weight is above them and not below.

When Jodi managed to wrestle the knife away from Travis, she found herself below Travis when Travis was on top of her on the floor and in sheer terror, Jodi made a slash on his neck towards Travis' chin with the force equivalent to a bench press and that is why the neck wound was deep

If Travis actually wanted to escape ( from a much weaker, weighing 80 pounds less and a crying Jodi ) Travis after being shot in the head with no stab wounds, had almost one full minute to get to the neighbor's house and

even if he walked, a minute would have covered a distance of 240 feet, enough to get to at least three houses from his house and if walked slowly, about 120 feet, enough to get to his neighbor's house and hopefully get help from a paramedic since

according to the original autopsy report the bullet did not enter his brain but ended up in the cheek, so he had plenty of time to survive a bullet inside his cheek without stab wounds if his first instinct was to escape.

But why did Travis have stab wounds after being shot ? could it be because Travis, instead of escaping from a shocked Jodi, chose to explode into a "raging monster" after being shot and started grabbing for the gun that he had knocked out of Jodi's hand ? which resulted in a terrified Jodi using the knife on his back ( while he grabbed for the gun on the slippery floor) since she thought she had no time to escape if Travis shot her while she was running down the hallway.

In our opinion, a very irrational move on Travis' part which resulted in the stab wounds since a terrified Jodi was just a second quicker and we can only guess why Travis became irrational since the incompetent defense team did not bring in experts to testify to what happens to a person with a huge ego, that gets shot but the bullet just grazes the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain) . Is it possible that Travis who had a huge ego became a irrational raging monster after being shot and instead of escaping or using his fists chose to get the gun and then the knife from Jodi ?

How was she going to protect Travis and his legacy if she left there with the gun in Travis' hand ? why would she want to make it look like Travis was the attacker ? she only came out with the truth when Juan the prosecutor did not want to settle for 25 years (which Jodi was willing to do for accidentally shooting Travis) but the prosecutor wanted to kill her

Why did Jodi not want to call the police on 6/4/08 ?

The state's own psychologist stated that Jodi has the mind of teen and so Jodi being in a state of shock on 6/4/08 went along with what Travis made her promise on 6/4/08 and that is to not tell people that she was at his home on 6/4/08 when both were breaking very serious church laws.

We believe three things prevented Jodi from calling 911

(1) Her promise to Travis to protect his legacy when Travis told her not to tell anybody that she was there on 6/4/08 and both of them were breaking very serious church laws

(2) Jodi has always valued what people think of her and would go out of her way to put the right makeup on and to keep deleting pictures on her camera in order to present the right image to the public

(3) Jodi at some level has been suicidal since her teen years and did not care about her life after Travis had died and so was willing to go to prison for 25 years without a trial in order to protect Travis reputation until Juan the killer wanted death for her and would not accept a plea deal

Jodi was poorly defended in this case.

The defense did not bring in an expert to explain what could have happened to travis when he was shot.

Was he able to think straight ?

was he capable of irrational rage after being shot ?

could jodi have inflicted damage since she was just a second quicker ?

can sheer terror cause jodi to inflict injuries while avoiding the punches coming from Travis ?

was travis thinking that he could get the gun instead of trying to use his fists ?

was travis trying to get the knife instead of using his fists ?

but sadly the defense was not competent enough to bring in an expert to testify regarding why jodi did not have the injuries and travis had.

Due to the "fog", Jodi cannot remember what she told Travis after Travis body- slammed her on 6/4/08 but we know its something so bad, it caused Travis to explode.

Its a fact that Travis wished on May 26, 2008 that Jodi should be dead (partly because he blamed her for his failing relationships with Lisa and Marie) and that wish kept growing in him and when

jodi accidentally dropped the camera, Travis body-slammed her and that is when (we believe) Jodi said she was going to tell on him regarding his "issues" ( his deviancy ) and

the rage that was building up since 5/26/08 exploded and Travis went out of control which resulted in jodi actually believing that she had "pushed his buttons beyond rationality" and that is when

she decided to protect herself with the gun (from the closet) but Travis' uncontrollable rage made him lunge at her and she (not meaning to) shot him in sheer terror since she thought he might use the gun on her.

Regarding Jodi's role-playing a school girl, we have to take the sequence of events before coming to a conclusion:

(1) Travis told Jodi to go to the store in the Fall of 2007 dressed as a school girl . Jodi probably assumed an 18 year old school girl because Travis did not specify,

(2) Jodi saw Travis masturbate to a picture of a child in January 2008

(3) In February 2008, in order to prevent him from being with an actual child, she offered to be a 18 year old school girl as a better alternative, a form of sex therapy because

she cared about his mental state of mind and off course we do not know exactly what age of child he was thinking of when jodi offered to be school girl in February 2008 and

he did not stop her, which shows he was well into a girl playing a school girl and we are not sure what age he was thinking of but we can guess he was into 12 year olds from the sex tapes.

Also remember in the May 2008 phone call, Jodi not once mentioned a school girl or the number 12 but Travis clearly was thinking of a 12 year old and a little girl and her pot.

This case is not about sex, its about deviancy which travis indulged in which in turn became very crucial on 6/4/08.

As far as lack of motive is concerned:

While Jodi was falling for Ryan, Travis was addicted to jodi ( in his rage messages on 5/26/08) and as Sheli and Daisy put it, jodi only wanted sex from travis as admitted also by Travis on 5/26/08 and also, Jodi wanted to help him with his "issues" as Jodi put it )

especially after seeing him with a picture of a child, so no motive again, to kill and that is why jodi kept repeating "there is just no reason" to the detective since she was moving on with Ryan while helping Travis with "his issues":

In the video below, the Mormon leadership believed that Jodi was sincere since she asked questions about Mormonism and she could only have asked those questions if she had done her homework and read the scriptures given to her.

We believe that initially, Travis was interested in making Jodi his Mormon wife but wanted to keep his hedonistic and predatory lifestyle secret while married to Jodi.

When Travis found out that Jodi wanted to please him in any way he wanted, he changed his mind about Jodi being his wife and instead wanted her to be his “whore to please him any way he wanted” in other words, he could continue his hedonistic and predatory lifestyle with her while married to a good Mormon girl.
And so, we believe that Travis did not want Jodi out of his life but rather as a mistress when he finally married a good Mormon girl like Mimi or Lisa.
We believe the above because Travis clearly said he was addicted to Jodi no matter how rageful he was, even when implying on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to be alive.
On 5/26/08 while raging at Jodi, Travis also said that he was addicted to her and Jodi knew this and that is why we believe she had no motive to attack Travis since she knew
she could have him any time she wanted and after seeing Travis masturbate to the picture of a child in January 2008, Jodi decided to just help him out by being his mistress so that Travis would not go after kids.

This is what we know so far about 6/4/08:

(1) Travis had almost a minute to act to save his life (2) if Travis was actually running away from Jodi then all the blood should be in just one place, from the site of the shooting and down the hallway, not all over the place (3) why did travis have injuries to his front ? if he was running away from Jodi.

The conclusion from the above was that Travis was in full attack mode once he was shot accidentally and was so full of rage when he had knocked the gun out of Jodi's hand telling her he was going to " kill her" and Jodi probably thought she did not have time to escape down the hallway before being shot and so she started stabbing him in the back while Travis was going for the gun on the wet slippery floor.

The only time Travis did not attack Jodi was when Jodi had managed to get up from under Travis while Travis was on the floor and that is when Jodi feeling sorry, helped Travis to get up and instead of letting Jodi help him down the hallway, he stopped at the sink.

Dr Horn did say it was possible for somebody to have helped Travis stand at the sink:

We have not come across a single case where a psychopath left pictures behind at a crime scene since psychopaths love to save pictures and to look at them later for their pleasure.
In the Jodi Arias' case, we know Jodi is not a psychopath and the act of leaving the camera behind was done in a state of panic for the following reasons:

(1) If she was thinking logically, she would have known that even a destroyed camera being left behind would "point the finger at her" since she is the only one who was seen with a camera around Travis.

(2) We also know that she knew about camera technology since she told detective Flores how to retrieve pictures from a destroyed camera

(3) we also know that Jodi had knowledge of cameras ever since she was 10 when she started taking pictures.

In the video below, Shanna Hogan who was pro-Travis wrote in her book about the abnormal behavior of Travis. Travis told a total stranger that he wanted to make her pregnant. Even Travis' good friend called his humor, "sick". We have not come across a person who tells a total stranger that he wants to get her pregnant. For the rest of the abnormal, strange, and even deviant behavior of Travis, read the rest of this update.

Also, in pro-Travis Shanna Hogan’s book, Sky Hughes threatens to break up Jodi and Travis and Sky also told Jodi that she is not welcome in her house anymore:

This would have been the best time for Jodi to explode and rage against Sky, just like Juan Martinez thought in court that he could get Jodi to explode by showing his anger but what did Jodi do? to Sky and Juan Martinez: Jodi was calm in responding to both Sky Hughes and Juan Martinez, showing that Jodi had a lot of control in her life but sadly Travis did not, which ended in tragedy for Travis.

Author Shanna Hogan who is a huge supporter of Travis has appeared on all major media programs

In Shanna Hogan’s book, another one of Travis’ strange behavior can be seen, and by strange we mean, unusual behavior that normal men do not do to total strangers.

Travis told a total stranger to touch his butt, an incident we have not come across where a normal person tells a total stranger to touch his butt.

In any self-defense case, you will find that the attacker who died had unusual or strange behaviors and in Travis the attacker’s case, Travis’ behavior could be classified as deviant.

Keep reading the entire post for a list of strange, abnormal and even deviant behavior that Travis exhibited.

One of the questions that keep being brought up is , why did Jodi not have any major injuries ? Jodi did sustain cuts and witnesses saw her on June 5, 2008 wearing long sleeves, apparently to cover bruises.

The details are in the weekly updates.

The main reasons on why Jodi did not suffer major injuries are

(1) Travis' state of mind after being shot and because he was not thinking straight due to the shock of the bullet probably grazing the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain ) and entering the cheek

(2) In a state of panic, Jodi was just quicker since she weighed about 120 pounds and the hulking Travis weighed almost 200 pounds

(3) Since Travis was not thinking straight due to shock, instead of using his fists, he went for the gun on the slippery floor when Jodi testified that Travis had knocked the gun out of her hand and instead of using his fists, Travis tried getting the knife from Jodi when the gun just clicked in his hand

(4) Being blinded by rage also contributed to Travis not thinking straight since his rage was building up since 5/26/08 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to live while Jodi was trying to calm him down by saying he is a light to the world

The reason Travis died is due to his huge ego.

He could not believe a "weakling" like Jodi shot him accidentally and instead of telling Jodi to help him, his rage which started on May 26, 2008, exploded on 6/4/08 when he was accidentally shot and he was not able to think straight like a normal human being but he actually became the Tdawg or a "rabid dog" that went into full attack mode and that is how we know

he attacked Jodi on 6/4/08 since he implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to live while Jodi tried to calm him down on 5/26/08 by saying he was a light to the world.

It takes two to escalate a situation and Jodi knew that she had no choice but to defend herself once she saw him going for the gun on the slippery floor ( she testified the gun was knocked out of her hand ) and Jodi probably thought she did not have time to escape thinking that Travis would have been able to shoot if she escaped, running down the hallway.

The defense team should have brought in an expert who would have testified that a person who is shot in the head would not be able to think straight initially due to shock, especially when the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain) is intact.

Dr Horn the medical examiner ( in the video below) admits in court that the original autopsy report of July 15, 2008 is correct, implying that the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting Travis’ brain) was intact and yet five minutes into his testimony ( almost five years later in 2013), he said the autopsy report was not accurate and it was an error in typing.

Are we to believe his original autopsy report (much closer to the death of Travis) that Dr. Horn affirmed in court in 2013 or what he said five minutes later (almost five years later) after affirming the autopsy report was correct ?

Does Dr Horn’s testimony rise to the level of reasonable doubt that the original autopsy report is wrong ?

The autopsy report is a thought process, its not mechanical, right ?

When Dr Horn wrote that the dura mater is intact, what was he thinking ?

Was he thinking intact or penetrated ? and if he was thinking “penetrated”, isnt that word so far removed from the word “intact” that no normal person would spell “penetrated” as “intact”, right ?

Any reasonable person would have to go by the original autopsy report (close to the death in July 2008) and not a correction made almost five years later, in court.

Had Dr. Horn known that Travis was unusual and could have been the attacker, would he have taken care about his statement ( made almost five years later) since Jodi’s life was on the line ?

Did Dr Horn know the extent of Travis’ abnormal life ?

In any self-defense case, you will find that the attacker who died had unusual or strange behaviors and in Travis the attacker’s case, Travis could be classified as deviant.

We have done (extensive) research on Travis’ unusual behavior and could not find anybody else doing what Travis did, in thinking about a 13 year old when approaching an adult (details below).

What else was strange or unusual about Travis ( read the entire post for details, thanks ).

In Shanna Hogan’s book, Michelle Lowrey met Travis in Mesa but when she first met him, the first thought on Travis’ mind was a 13 year old girl.. Why is that ?

Why think about a minor when Travis was meeting an adult and what was unusual about that comment about a 13 year old girl. It was the very first statement made by Travis even before he either introduced himself or saying hello or even before asking her for her name, he was already thinking about a 13 year old girl.

Do normal adults think about a minor when first approaching an adult ? and even if the adult looked like a minor, what business did Travis have in wanting to meet a 13 year old ? especially knowing that he told Jodi that he liked “corking the pot” of a little girl.

The case was also about defense witnesses who made mistakes that the prosecutor tried to exploit.

We find that “mistakes” were made by both sides and one example is the so-called mistake by Dr Horn, the medical examiner which we believe was a mistake that was made almost five years later and that the original autopsy report was accurate and no mistakes were made.

Dr Horn says he made several mistakes on the autopsy report but are we to believe that mistakes could be made closer to the death of Travis ? or could the mistake have been made on the stand, almost five years later in 2013.

Also. Dr Horn ( the medical examiner) said that he made a mistake and that Travis was actually not able to move after being shot and the only way he can explain Travis' blood all over the place is by saying Travis was stabbed first and the shot was after Travis had died, which is not logical since Jodi was much weaker than Travis and why would a weak Jodi go after a powerful Travis with a knife, to begin with, if a gun was at hand?

We know that the powerful Travis was into boxing, wrestling, , relentless workouts and MMA ( Mixed Martial Arts) and weight lifting (we have photo evidence that he could lift a woman much bigger than him, up to his waist level) plus

Travis craved bloody sports like UFC since he hosted UFC parties at his house and anybody who craves bloody sports has to have a personality that is not passive or soft but much more into attacking when provoked, in our opinion.

We believe that Dr Horn is trying to get the autopsy report to fit the case ( in 2013) instead of relying on the original autopsy report ( written on 7/15/08) and letting it speak for itself.

In the original autopsy report ( on 7/15/08, weeks after Travis died on 6/4/08), Dr Horn stated the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain ) was intact.

The word “intact” and the word “penetrated” are not even closely related in spelling, so when Dr Horn wrote “intact”, was he wanting to spell the word “penetrated” ? and he spelled “intact” wrongly ? or rightly ?

Are we to believe Dr Horns’ original autopsy report ( weeks after Travis died ) or the verbally amended autopsy report, five years after Travis died ?

We believe that we should rely much much more on the original autopsy report written weeks after Travis died, rather than relying on an amended autopsy report almost five years later.

The original autopsy report on 7/15/08 (weeks after Travis died on 6/4/08), showed that Travis was not attacked.

How do we know this ? There was only one bullet and not multiple bullet wounds, giving reasonable doubt that the death of Travis was planned.

Also, an ambush situation would have the bullet entering Travis' head from behind and not in front, another case for reasonable doubt that Travis was attacked.

Also, since the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain) was intact, we can be certain that there was no planning since planning would have involved using a much more powerful weapon (that would have been able to puncture the dura mater ) and not a “toy gun” which we assume that Travis had.

Also, Jodi considered Grandpa’s gun, a toy gun.

Did Jodi take grandpa’s gun ? To answer that question, read the rest of the post.

What happened when Travis attacked Jodi ? and how do we know that Travis attacked Jodi ? ( details in the post below).

How did Jodi get dissociative amnesia and could her dissociative amnesia explain her behavior after Travis died ?

Dissociative amnesia is not unusual, experienced by soldiers during war when they are attacked.

In Jodi’s case, the shock of being attacked by a loved one (Travis) who said, “ i am going to FKYB”, sent Jodi into dissociative amnesia in order to cope with the trauma of being attacked by somebody who she cared about.

What is the result of dissociative amnesia that Jodi experienced on 6/4/08 ? the inability to recall how Travis attacked her and how she defended herself.

The only thing that Jodi knew on 6/4/08 is that she did not murder Travis and that he had died attacking her but

she did not have any idea how that happened.

Why did Jodi act the way she did after Travis’ death ? because of her promise to Travis and the desire to preserve his legacy and to not reveal his deviancy by willing to go to prison for up to 25 years, without a trial.

Since she suffered from dissociative amnesia on 6/4/08, her promise to Travis was easy to keep and that is why she did run to the neighbors to report that Travis attacked her on 6/4/08, due to her promise to Travis and her desire to preserve his legacy.

What did Jodi promise Travis on 6/4/08 ?

Travis asked Jodi to promise not to tell anybody that she was at his house on 6/4/08 breaking very serious church laws and so all her actions on 6/4/08 was with the goal of keeping her promise to Travis, for example, the phone call to the dead Travis and her behavior towards Ryan Burns.

How do we know that Travis was the attacker ? The forensics expert on the stand stated the camera took an accidental shot of the ceiling 3 feet off the ground.

Why 3 feet off the ground ? unless Jodi was trying to catch it, right ?

And if Jodi was trying to catch a falling camera, why would she do that if she was planning an attack ?

How do we know that Travis was the one who initiated the attack ?

We know that Travis implied on 5/26/08 that Jodi did not deserve to live, so is it reasonable to assume that when the camera was accidentally dropped, it set off Travis into a rage that was building up from 5/26/08 ?

After Travis body-slammed Jodi ( which we can assume as being reasonably true due to Travis' rage building up from 5/26/08), did Jodi threaten to tell on Travis regarding his deviancy ?

In previous videos, we see Jodi crying when nobody is around regarding her remorse for accidentally shooting Travis.

Remorseful, not only for accidentally shooting Travis but also could it be because she knew that if she did not threaten Travis regarding his deviancy after he body-slammed her, Travis would not have continued to attack her and that he would be alive today.

In any self defense case, where the attacker dies, you will almost always find out that there was something very unusual about the attacker and in the Jodi Arias Case, what was unusual about the attacker Travis ?

How deviant was Travis ?

Was he deviant to the point of wanting to attack Jodi when she might have threatened him regarding his deviancy after he body-slammed her ?

We find something very unusual about the attacker Travis.

We have done extensive research on his unusual behavior and could not find anybody else doing what Travis did, even as a joke: saying that women have to be beat up in order to keep them in line.

What else was strange or unusual about Travis : "tonguing" a complete stranger in public, topping it off with a pelvic thrust but even as a joke, how many men do that to women in public, women whom they have never met.

What else was unusual about the attacker Travis ?

rubbing his nipples in public.

What else was unusual about the attacker Travis ?

downloading porn is common but what is unusual is downloading thousands of files of porn regarding teen girls when Travis was almost 30 years old

Travis clearly had an interest in teen girls (as he downloaded thousands of porn files) even though he was in his late 20s plus was he searching for child porn on the internet ?

Was Travis "lurking in the shadows" on the internet ?

Travis thought that the Hughes were accusing him of "lurking in the shadows" .

Did Travis think about his interest in kids as one who was "lurking in the shadows ? "

What else was unusual about Travis ?

Travis' huge ego resulted in him saying that his fury is scary and cannot be stopped.

What else was "lurking in the shadows" ?

We have never once said that Travis was a pedophile, but this article's author might refer to Travis as a pedophile :

Travis was warned by a parent not to email his 9 year old daughter, trying to get her interested in PPL.

Did Jodi threaten to tell on Travis ( after he body slammed her on 6/4/08 ) about his interest in little girls.

We know that Travis was capable of violence due to his violent past.

Also, Travis' comedy routine shows a very aggressive Travis.

We also know that Travis joked about beating a woman to death and joked about beating women to keep them in line.

Are we to assume that Travis, with his huge ego, never tried getting the gun from Jodi ?

if Travis was not going for the gun, can we assume that Jodi had the gun and if so, why was just one bullet used ?

it seems like an accident since only one bullet was used and the knife came into her hands since the gun was not in her hands, right ? and

if the gun was not in her hands. who had the gun or tried getting the gun ?

How violent was Travis outside his comedy routine ?

We know from his close church friend that Travis had a violent past and we also know that during the most crucial month, May 2008, Travis was the only one who admitted to wanting to beat up Abe ( 5/10/08) and

raged against Jodi (5/26/08) implying that she did not deserve to live while Jodi during the most crucial month, May 2008, was trying to calm down Travis, telling Travis that he is a light to the world and she did not compare.

What else was Travis ? according to the DV expert, Travis was diagnosed as a liar and we have proof that Travis lied about Jodi stalking him.

Where was Travis' fear of Jodi (stalking) when he said he was addicted to her on 5/26/08 and

where was his fear of Jodi when he was taking those graphic photos on 6/4/08, so we know he exaggerated or lied about her stalking behavior.

What else was Travis ?

Jodi minimized Travis' deviancy by calling it "his issues", but we know that if the Jury heard that Travis' deviancy was crucial on the day he died on 6/4/08 ( details below) could the outcome have been different ?

Jodi did not want to say in court, what she said to Travis once he body slammed her on 6/4/08.

Could it be because she tried her best to be a disciple of the law of attraction and so did not want to reveal in court that she threatened to tell on Travis' deviancy when he body slammed her on 6/4/08.

The bias in court against Jodi was clearly shown by all: the Judge, the prosecutor, the proseuction witnesses and even the defense team and defense witnesses.

We know that the Jury was constantly reminded by the Judge, the prosecutor, the defense witnesses, the prosecution witnesses and even the defense team that called what Jodi did , "a killing" and Travis' bathroom was a "crime scene" implying that Jodi was the criminal.

Instead of using the words "deceased" or "Mr Alexander", the Judge chose to use the word "victim".

When the jurors are constantly reminded by the Judge that Travis was the victim and

when the jurors are constantly reminded by prosecution witnesses, defense witnesses, the prosecutor, the Judge and even the defense team that a killing had taken place, a crime was committed and Travis is the victim


when the jurors are reminded that a killing or murder had taken place


when jurors are constantly reminded that a crime had taken place at the crime scene and that Jodi is the killer, the murderer, the perpetrator and the assailant while

Travis was always referred to the victim, is it surprising that the Jury had already made up their minds before deliberating the case ?

while not once was Jodi referred to as the survivor and

while Travis was constantly referred to as the victim, not once was Travis referred to as the attacker who not only attacked Jodi but also confessed to Sky Hughes that

he was a sociopath.

A sociopath which Travis said he was ( admitting it to Sky Hughes ) has one main characteristic: predatory behavior (confirmed by Sky Hughes) in emotionally abusing women by being unfaithful to them.

Did this predatory behavior bother Jodi ? it did and that is why she gave up the idea of marriage in the fall of 2007 and gave up on romance when she saw him masturbate to a picture of a child on 1/21/08.

After 1/21/08, Jodi's relationship with Travis was that of a "sex therapist", helping him cope with his deviancy by role-playing an 18 year old school girl in February 2008 so that Travis would look at her and not at a real school girl.

Where did Jodi get the idea of role-playing a school girl ?

Travis asked Jodi to dress up as a school girl and go to the store in the fall of 2007 and that is how Jodi got the idea that Travis was into school girls.

We also know that the graphic photos of Jodi that Travis took on 6/4/08 did not stop the rage he built up against Jodi on 5/26/08.

Travis was the only one with a violent past (as mentioned by his close church friend), and during the most important month, May of 2008, who was the one out of control ? : Travis admitted to wanting to beat up Abe (5/10/08) and implying Jodi did not deserve to live (5/26/08) and Jodi during the month of May 2008 was trying to calm down Travis, saying that he is a light to the world and she does not compare.

The prosecutor made it sound like Travis was trying to get away from Jodi.

Are we to assume that Travis with his huge ego was just running away from Jodi and thus depositing his blood all over the place from the bath tub area, to the toilet area to the weighing scale area to the sink area and all the way down the hallway ? and

if he was running away, why not run away into the bedroom and exit ? After the first shot, even if Travis was walking and not running, it would have taken him 275 feet to cover in one minute, so he could have easily made it out the front door in one minute and easily to the neighbor's house but he chose to stay in the bathroom for 62 seconds due to his huge ego in trying to get back at Jodi for accidentally shooting him so

we know that Travis was the one attacking and that is why Travis did not exit the bedroom and down the stairs to safety.

For details regarding Travis' attack on Jodi, read the entire post, thanks.

Compared to Travis, Jodi had many good attributes:

(1) Jodi is emotional and vulnerable unlike Travis who described himself as a sociopath to Sky Hughes.

(2) Jodi gets stressed but not once did she show any out of control behavior towards the corrupt Juan "who got disbarred " Martinez who was doing his best to rage against Jodi in order to get her to lose her temper compared to Travis who took out his financial stress on Jodi in January 2008, accidentally breaking her finger when she had already lent him money at least twice in January 2008 but did not have the money to lend him on 1/22/08.

(3) Jodi is positive since Jodi is a disciple of the law of attraction unlike Travis who said some people did not have souls.

(4) Jodi is embarrassed in public regarding the sex tape compared to Travis who was bold in public and not embarrassed about rubbing his nipples or "tonguing" a total stranger and giving her a "pelvic thrust" in public.

(5) Jodi inspires loyalty in people since she is loyal to people and we know she is loyal since she tried twice before 2013 to go straight to prison (for accidentally shooting Travis) instead of going to trial and telling the truth about Travis attacking her.

She wanted to go straight to prison without a trial due to her loyalty to Travis and his legacy that she so much wanted to preserve but the corrupt Juan "who got disbarred " Martinez needed to feed his ego and his thirst for fame and fortune and so he pushed for a show trial because he did not care to preserve Travis' legacy or good reputation.

(6) Jodi was abused but still maintained her loyalty to Travis for two long years before telling the truth about Travis and tried twice before 2013 to go straight to prison (for accidentally shooting Travis) instead of going to trial and telling the truth about Travis abusing her due to her loyalty to Travis and his legacy that she so much wanted to preserve but the corrupt Juan "who got disbarred " Martinez needed to feed his ego and his thirst for fame and fortune and so he pushed for a show trial because he did not care to preserve Travis' legacy or good reputation.

(7) Jodi is a great and amazing girl who never joked about beating up people unlike Travis who joked about beating a woman to death and beating up women to keep them in line.

Travis joking about beating a woman to death or beating women to keep them in line is art that depicts violence, just like in violent movies.

((8)) Jodi never was in trouble (before 6/4/08) ever since her parents called the police on her when she was 13 and ever since she was 13 Jodi played it safe in everything she did, taking gas cans and water on trips, even taking two jobs (at a time) to maintain financial security even saving up $12000 before she met Mr Brewer compared to Travis who lived beyond his means (according to Chris Hughes) and took grave risks ( according to his brother ) and wrecked several cars.

(9) Jodi is not obsessed with boyfriends and has left them after doing her best to be loyal and the only thing she is obsessed about is her looks and would never do anything risky to jeopardize her looks, especially going after a powerful travis with a knife or a "toy gun".

Remember, Travis was into weight lifting, boxing, punching bags, relentless workouts, MMA ( Mixed Martial Arts) and wrestling, so why would a weak Jodi go after a powerful Travis with a knife or "toy gun" knowing that the looks she obsesses over can be altered forever for the worse.

(10) Jodi is easily scared, scared of Travis' temper, scared of Travis' rage, scared of Travis' choke hold and easily scared about life itself, confirmed by her mom who said that jodi would freak out as a teen and the state's own psychologist stated that Jodi has the mind of a teen. Having the mind of a teen, Jodi was scared about going to the police on 6/4/08 and ruining Travis' reputation and legacy.

(11) If you meet Jodi in person, you will realize how great and good she really is and as the state psychologist read in Jodi's email of 2/14/2007 that Jodi says she strives to be Christ-like and we also know that Jodi is a disciple of the law of attraction and in the email of 2/14/07, Jodi was saying that Travis' anger intimidated her and to make Travis feel better about himself, she told Travis she had anger issues too but we know from May 2008, Jodi was the one trying to calm down Travis by saying that Travis was a light to the world and she could not compare, while Travis was raging against Jodi, implying that she did not deserve to live.

(12) Jodi has a big heart and we know this from Mr Brewer who said that when he could not afford expenses, Jodi helped him out with her $12000 savings account and Jodi helped out her first boyfriend bobby, when he was unemployed and her mom said that she would always help the less fortunate.

(13) Jodi is talented and we know for a fact that all her artwork does not depict any form of evil or violence compared to Travis' art as a comedian who depicted a very violent and vile character.

If 1% of Americans (3 million Americans) have sociopathic tendencies ( not at the clinical level) and love comedians who portray vile and violent characters, it does not speak to the 99% of Americans who are mostly decent people who don't go for comedians like Travis who joked about beating a woman to death or who joked about beating women to keep them in line.

Even though Travis was mostly not a good person, this posting will show that there was no motive or plan to kill Travis.

We know that Jodi was very concerned with her public image as seen by her intense devotion to looking her best in public and deleting hundreds of photos every year and saving only the best pictures and

knowing how particular she was with her public image, would she dare risk changing her public image and her very physical looks by taking a "toy gun" or knife against an egotistical powerful man like Travis who said his fury cannot be stopped and who was into weight lifting, intense cycling, boxing, relentless workouts, Mixed Martial Arts and wrestling and whose chokehold she was terrified off ?

Dr Samuels came to the conclusion that the scene in Travis' bathroom did not indicate planning and we know there was no plan for numerous reasons and here are some of them :

(1) Jodi did not take a gun and how do we know this ?

 because if she actually took a gun, she would have taken it without an elaborate burglary scheme and grandpa would not have missed it and there will not be a police report tying the gun eventually to Travis' death since

 all bullets at grandpa's house would have vanished and grandpa would have no obligation to admit he had an unregistered 25 caliber gun after Travis' death since we have evidence that grandpa was always supportive of Jodi.

(2) Jodi asking for gas cans but not asking to keep it a secret and we know this since Mr Brewer said Jodi was honest regarding the gas cans

(3) Jodi not taking gloves when she clearly told the detective she would have taken gloves if planning was on a mind

(4) Paper trail for gas cans  showing mileage that is enough to cover the entire state of Arizona.

(5) Paper trail for renting of the car showing mileage that is enough to cover the entire state of Arizona.

(6) Telling Mr Brewer that she was going to Arizona.

(7) Numerous calls to Travis on the trip creating an electronic trail just before the death of travis.

(8) Allegedly showing up in a car with either no license plates or an upside-down license plate that neighbors would have noticed over a 14-15 hour period.

(9) Allegedly showing up in a car with either no license plates or an upside-down license plate that  passers-by would have noticed over a 14-15 hour period.

(10) Allegedly showing up in a car with either no license plates or an upside-down license plate that visitors to Travis' house  would have noticed over a 14-15 hour period..

(9)Allegedly showing up in a car with either no license plates or an upside-down license plate that the police going by would have noticed over a 14-15 hour period.

(10) Allegedly showing up in a car with either no license plates or an upside-down license plate that housemates would have noticed over a 14-15 hour period.

(7) Showing up in a car that is tied to her name due to the credit card paper trail.

(8) Spending about 15 hours with Travis, knowing her fingerprints were all over the place.

((9)) Travis' back was towards Jodi at 3am when he was watching youtube videos and nothing happened.

((10)) Travis' back was towards Jodi between 5am - 1pm when he was sleeping and nothing happened.

(11) Travis' back was towards Jodi at around 5:22pm in the shower for a few minutes and nothing happened.

(12) Spending about 15 hours with Travis knowing that at any time especially when she is using the kitchen, his office and the laundry room, that she could be spotted by housemates.

(13) Spending about 15 hours with Travis knowing that at any time especially when she is using the kitchen, his office and the laundry room, that she could be spotted by  visitors.

(13) Loading the car in broad daylight knowing that neighbors could spot her.

 (14) Loading the car in broad daylight knowing that Travis housemates could spot her.

 (15) Loading the car in broad daylight knowing that  passers-by could spot her.

 (16) Loading the car in broad daylight knowing that visitors  could spot her.

 (17) Loading the car in broad daylight knowing that  police going by could spot her.

(18) Not shooting Travis repeatedly in the shower which she told the detective she would have done if planning was on her mind

(19) Why would a knife be used against a  powerful, egotistical man who said his fury cannot be stopped. Using the knife does not show planning since a knife shows the gun was in Travis' hand and how could the gun be in Travis' hand since planning would have involved shooting repeatedly with a reliable gun and so Travis would not have had the opportunity to knock it out of Jodi's hand.

(20) Using only one bullet and not several bullets showing it was an accident or a terrified move since Travis lunged at her.

 How do we know Travis lunged at her ?   Anybody who has a

huge ego and

admits to being a sociopath or

loves bloody sports or

who says, his fury cannot be stopped or

says "it's like corking the pot of a little girl" and

who jokes about beating a woman to death or

beating women to keep them in line or

was constantly involved in fights as a teen or

admitted in May 2008 that he wanted to beat up Abe, is capable in our opinion, of lunging at Jodi who pointed Travis' own gun at him.

Also, Travis' fury against jodi was building up since 5/26/08 when he implied that she did not deserve to live and that fury exploded on 6/4/08 when she threatened to tell on him regarding his deviancy after he body-slammed her

(21) Putting the camera in the washing machine ? even if damaged does not denote a plan when she has been a photographer since the age of 10 and police could easily connect the camera to Jodi since only Jodi was the one often seen with a camera in hand around Travis.

(22) Allegedly putting on a license plate upside down in broad daylight knowing that neighbors would have noticed.

(23) Allegedly putting on a license plate upside down in broad daylight knowing that travis' housemates would have noticed.

(24) Allegedly putting on a license plate upside down in broad daylight knowing that passers-by  would have noticed.

(25) Allegedly putting on a license plate upside down in broad daylight knowing that visitors   would have noticed.

(26) Allegedly putting on a license plate upside down in broad daylight knowing that police going by would have noticed.

(27) the cell phone was turned on well inside Arizona, near Kingman Arizona

The Jury was never reminded that Jodi was the survivor and was never reminded that Travis was the one who was out of control during May 2008.

Always look at the most crucial month, May 2008 in both the lives of Jodi and Travis and while Jodi tested according to the state's own expert as not only being below clinical levels but below the average for the general population for violence and aggression and yes

we need to also look at Travis violent past too in order to understand whether he was a changed man in May 2008 but we find he is the same old Travis, prone to the violence he had as a youth when he admitted on 5/10/08 that he wanted to beat up Abe and he raged against Jodi on 5/26/08 implying that she did not deserve to live while

Jodi was trying to calm him down by saying he is the light to the world and that she does not compare.

So on 6/4/08, who do you think was more prone to attack the other, we believe it was Travis.

Did Travis' deviancy play a crucial part on 6/4/08 in Travis' rage attack against Jodi ?

Since Jodi was a disciple of the law of attraction, she minimized Travis' deviancy by calling them "his issues" but we also know she threatened Travis at one time (about telling his church) about his deviancy since she got fed up with his bullying tactics.

What was Travis thinking about when he said "it's like corking the pot of a little girl" ? was he thinking of a particular little girl or a little girl he saw at one time ?

In court, Jodi interpreted the above statement as the statutory anal rape of a 12 year old.

Jodi knows that most people do not believe her when she saw Travis masturbating to a picture of child on 1/21/08 and since the prosecutor needed corroboration, she was compelled to interpret the words that Travis said about a little girl in the sex tape as "anally raping a 12 year old".

Did Jodi again threaten to tell on Travis on 6/4/08 about his deviancy when he body slammed her for dropping the camera ?

Three main reasons why we believe that Travis was the one attacking Jodi :

(1) We know that Travis was a ticking time bomb ever since 5/26/08 when he implied that Jodi did not deserve to live and so when Jodi accidentally dropped the camera, did that set Travis off on a trajectory of no return ?

especially when Jodi might have threatened to tell on his deviancy after he body slammed her for dropping the camera on 6/4/08.

(2) This point is confirmed by the forensics expert when he said the accidental photo of the ceiling was taken about 3 feet off the ground, implying that Jodi was trying to catch the camera.

If Jodi was the one attacking, why was she trying to catch the camera, why not just let it fall ?

(3) Jodi verbalized the importance of looking her best in front of the camera, so for a person who values her appearance to that extent, why would she risk losing her looks by going after a powerful man with a knife or "toy" gun ?

It is clear that evidence can be reinterpreted in favor of Jodi when in the first trial 4 jurors did not give her death and in the second trial, even though jurors were not allowed to reinterpret the evidence, one juror did not give her death even when the defense team said in court that Jodi planned the killing.

Evidence that can be reinterpreted is all over this case.

Dr Horn said that his report had an error and that the bullet did penetrate the dura mater, the thick membrane that protects the brain.

Are we to believe Dr Horn when he put it in writing near the time of death in June of 2008 or do we believe him five years later when he said it was an error ?

Whatever Dr Horn states five years later should be viewed with suspicion and we should only rely on the original autopsy report which was written in June of 2008 during the same month Travis died.

The autopsy report showed that the dura mater ( the thick membrane protecting the brain ) was not penetrated at all by a 25 caliber bullet.

What does it mean for Travis ?

It means, when Jodi accidentally shot Travis, his skull was too thick for the 25 caliber to enter his brain which is confirmed by the original autopsy report where the dura mater, the thick membrane protecting the skull is not penetrated and

the thick skull diverted the weak bullet into Travis' cheek.

It was an accident because there was just one shot since

if there was an intention to kill,

there would have been multiple shots and Jodi said, that is what she would have done if planning was her intention.

According to all the evidence, we can conclude that nothing was planned.

If anything was planned, Jodi clearly told the detective what she would have done if planning was involved and for those details read Jodi's idea of a plan detailed below.

Why did Travis attack Jodi on 6/4/08 ?

Even though Jodi was doing her best to protect Travis' reputation due to Jodi being a disciple of the law of attraction, did Jodi threaten to tell on Travis ?

Before Jodi accidentally shot Travis and when he body slammed her, did Jodi threaten to tell on him and his deviancy, giving Travis the motive to attack Jodi ?

Not only was Travis a deviant,

we have corroboration from the DV expert that Travis had a pattern of lying which clinically speaking, makes him a liar.

Travis told Jodi that his legacy was very important to him.

Could Jodi take the risk of exposing Travis and ruining his reputation ?

Jodi is not a risk taker and valued Travis' legacy.

Why did Jodi take 2 gas cans and plenty of water on her trips, especially through desert areas ?

when there was water and gas in every place she went ?

Jodi is not a risk taker due to what happened to her when she was 13 years old.

Ever since her parents called the cops on her when she was 13 years old, she decided to not take risks anymore and led a very secretive life in fear of the cops and

that is why ever since she was 13, cops were never called on Jodi.

She did not get in trouble with the cops between the ages of 13 and 27 since Jodi never wanted to take risks again.

The following 15 points shows that there was an accidental shooting and that there is reasonable doubt that Jodi either took grandpa's gun or planned to kill Travis.

Since Jodi is not a risk-taker due to her childhood fears and being afraid of the police,

here is why she could not have stolen grandpa's gun or planned a killing or shot Travis on purpose :

(1) Ever since she was 13, Jodi was not a risk-taker, so why stage a burglary with the risk of being arrested by the police.

(2) Why would Jodi want to stage a burglary and have a police report on the gun

(3) she could have just taken the gun and grandpa would not have missed it.

(4) she could have asked grandpa for the gun with the excuse that its a long trip and she would feel safer having a gun.

(5) In order for her to use a regular bullet, she would have had to know grandpa had hollow points

(6) According to the police report, grandpa's gun was fully loaded with 7 hollow points and according to the autopsy report a hollow point was not used since a hollow point would have fragmented inside travis' brain and the autopsy report shows no fragments.

(7) on 5/28/08 there is every indication that Jodi thought grandpa had a "toy gun". So why would she take a "toy gun" against a powerful man like Travis (who was into relentless workouts, weight lifting, boxing, wrestling and MMA) when Jodi is not a risk-taker and greatly values her looks in public which could have been drastically changed if she took the risk of going after a powerful man.

((8)) why change the bullets ? since hollow points are more lethal

(9) if she did take the gun, why did she just want to use one bullet on travis ? when she told the detective that she would have repeatedly used the gun ( in an ambush situation) if planning was on her mind.

(10) if she did practice with the gun and purchased regular bullets after having used all 7 hollow points, why did she just use one bullet on travis ?

(11) After practicing with the gun and if the gun was malfunctioning, why did she not wait to get a reliable gun instead of using a knife which is very dangerous to her since she said travis was powerful and was into relentless workouts, weight lifting, boxing, wrestling and MMA plus she valued her looks and attacking a powerful man with a knife had the enormous risk of altering her cherished looks forever..

(12) The autopsy report shows a regular bullet entered Travis's skull but could not penetrate the dura mater, the hard membrane surrounding the brain and due to the angle of entry, was deflected by travis' thick skull into Travis's cheek.

(13) According to Kevin Friedman, a police officer with the Yreka, Calif. Police Department, there was a rash of burglaries during the May 2008 period in Yreka so somebody (a petty thief) other than Jodi might have taken the gun to purchase drugs etc.

(14) In court, Jodi testified that she finally realized after 6/4/08 what a man is capable of and so jodi did finally purchase a gun; so we know she could afford to buy a gun

Also, since Jodi is not a risk-taker, Jodi did not want to take the risk of running to the neighbors and calling 911 since Jodi did not want to take the risk of Travis reputation being destroyed and so

why was it important for Jodi to protect Travis ?

(15) In any photo, Travis is the only one holding a gun, so its reasonable to assume that the gun involved in the accidental shooting was Travis' and the reason Jodi said to the detective that Travis did not have a gun is because (a) She was horrified at what the gun did, accidentally shooting Travis (b) She took the gun after the accidental shooting but there was no plan to take the gun, just as there was no plan to leave the camera behind. Everything happened in a state of panic.

Travis talked about his legacy and it was important to him and so it was important to Jodi plus Travis was addicted to her so there was no motive to kill him.

Travis himself admitted on 5/26/08 that even though he was raging against Jodi, he was still addicted to her and

Travis implied that Jodi had no intentions of marrying him or having him as a boyfriend and her only interest in him was for sex, so

where is Jodi's motive to attack ?

Between Travis and Jodi, only Travis is the one who said he was addicted to Jodi and jodi not once said in May 2008 that she was obsessed or addicted or jealous of anything regarding Travis; the relationship was based on being "friends with benefits",

since her only interest in Travis was sex which she could get anytime since he was addicted to her even when he was raging against her on 5/26/08.

Travis' anger towards Jodi started growing after she saw him masturbating to a picture of child on 1/21/08 due to his fear of possible blackmail.

But because Jodi was a disciple of the law of attraction, Jodi minimized the deviancy of Travis calling it "his issues" and exalted his good deeds in other areas which means

she put Travis "on a pedestal" even when Travis' anger towards Jodi was growing like a ticking bomb.

Travis' anger towards Jodi started building up on 5/26 like a ticking time bomb when he said she did not deserve to live and his anger exploded on 6/4 when she accidentally dropped the camera and Travis' huge ego in attacking Jodi, resulted in Jodi accidentally shooting him.

Knowing about Travis' huge ego, he was not going to let a girl beat him, so we believe he did his best to attack her as seen by him moving fast during the 62 seconds (seen by the blood all over the place) but

the reason Jodi did not suffer any major injuries is because

(1) God was on her side

(2) if you take a girl who is in a state of terror and if you take a powerful man who has been shot accidentally and is full of rage but not able to think straight due to the shot, you have a recipe for disaster especially for the man since it only takes a little more speed to defeat a raging, uncontrollable monster who instead of using his fists, tried to go for the gun which kept clicking and instead of using his fists, tried to go for the knife which he could not get from the quicker girl and the result sadly was : putting down a "rabid dog" or putting down the "Tdawg" who would not stop attacking and thankfully no injuries to the panicked girl.

After being accidentally shot, he could have saved his life by walking to the neighbors but

Travis the Tdawg chose to attack the girl due to his huge ego and his fury for being shot ( remember, just a few days earlier he implied that Jodi did not deserve to live ).

Everything points to self-defense: its not Jodi's fault (just because she did not have any injuries) if travis was not thinking straight after he got shot since he was in attack mode like a tdawg or a "rabid dog" and she was just a second faster than the Tdawg.

Before Jodi accidentally shot Travis and when he body slammed her, did Jodi threaten to tell on him and his deviancy, giving Travis the motive to attack Jodi ?

After the death of Travis, everything Jodi did was to stay loyal to Travis because Travis probably asked her to promise him that she will not tell anybody that she was there with Travis on 6/4/08 breaking very serious church laws and that is the main reason Jodi did not run to the neighbors on 6/4/08 to report that Travis attacked her due to her loyalty to Travis and his legacy which were important to both Travis and Jodi.

Also, Jodi tried to keep Travis' deviancy away from the public but the prosecutor insisted on a show trial even though Jodi was willing to go to prison for 25 years for accidentally shooting Travis and her desperate need to protect Travis' reputation.

Jodi tried twice before 2013 to settle the case out of court and go to prison for 25 years but the corrupt Juan "who got disbarred" Martinez insisted on a show trial in order to quench his ego driven need for fame.

Jodi in her desperate attempt to protect Travis' reputation told two different stories which she herself in the end told the detective was not believable.

If she only wanted to protect herself, she did not have to wait over 17500 hours to change her story to self defense, right ? knowing that her intruder story was not believable since she admitted to the detective it was not believable

and why tell stories that she herself did not believe in ?

that is because

she was not trying to protect herself but she was protecting travis' reputation because if she was only thinking of herself, she would have said travis was the attacker, as soon as she got arrested or at least after telling the intruder story which she herself said is not believable to the detective.

In July 2008, intruder story is not believable, even admitted by Jodi herself and as smart as Jodi is according to the state's own psychologist, August 2008 would have been the right time to say Travis attacked her instead of waiting over 17500 hours to say it, unless Travis' legacy was important to Jodi and she waited over 17500 hours, right ?

she could not bring herself to say Travis was the attacker on 6/4/08.

Why did Jodi refuse for two long years ( over 17500 hours ) to implicate Travis as a criminal for attacking her ?

Since Jodi is not a risk taker, she did not want to take the risk of Travis' reputation being destroyed.

Why was it important for Jodi to protect Travis' reputation for at least 17520 hours after her arrest ? when she could have easily said Travis attacked her, soon after her arrest . Because

Travis' reputation and his legacy was extremely important to her and she knew Travis' reputation was very important to his community and church and family too.

Jodi had no motive to kill,

confirmed by the sex tape on 5/10/08 and

confirmed by Travis saying he is addicted to her on 5/26/08 even though he was raging against her and

confirmed by Travis having sex with Jodi on 6/4/08.

Travis' sexual addiction to Jodi is important because it shows that there was no motivation to kill.

Why would Jodi kill Travis ?

who clearly did not want her out of his life due to his sexual addiction to her.

We also know from the accidental photos, there was no planned attack from either Travis or Jodi since planning would involve what Jodi told the detectives.

how do we know Travis attacked Jodi ?

the forensics expert said that the camera took a picture of the ceiling 3 feet off the ground, conforming to what Jodi said about trying to catch the camera.

If Jodi was in attack mode, why try to catch the camera ? why not just let it fall , right ?

From what Jodi told the detectives, we can be sure that if she planned the attack, at a minimum, the following would have taken place

(1) Logically, putting the camera away so it would not be taking accidental photos.

(2) Wearing gloves ( Jodi said she had plenty of gloves if planning was on her mind ).

(3) Logically, using a gun that she had training or practice on

(4) Repeatedly shooting Travis in the shower ( this is what she told the detective, if planning was on her mind )

So if the death of Travis was not planned, what happened ?

Jodi herself told the detective that if planning was on her mind, she would have shot Travis repeatedly till he died but we know it was an accident since there was only one shot due to a "hair trigger" or other malfunction on guns which results in over 27,000 individuals annually being admitted to the emergency department for unintentional firearm discharges:

The accidental photos show a sudden turn of events with Jodi accidentally dropping the camera due to probably an argument and then

the body slam from Travis since we know he started to rage against Jodi on 5/26/08 when he said she did not deserve to live, calling her all manner of despicable names.

After the body slam near the shower stall, did Jodi threaten to tell on Travis regarding his sexual deviancy ?

Jodi could be free today, if only she ran to the neighbors on 6/4/08 to report the attack but

she could not bring herself to saying that Travis was the attacker and abuser,

the same Travis

who told a total stranger to touch his butt,

who was thinking about a minor when meeting an adult,

who said his fury is scary,

who was described as a master of deception,

who lived a reckless life (wrecking cars ) as implied by his brother,

who admitted to Sky Hughes that he was a sociopath,

who says he is being depicted by his friends ( the Hughes ) as an evil person,

who says he is being depicted by his friends ( the Hughes ) as an evil person who will someday surface,

who says he is being depicted by his friends ( the Hughes ) as an evil person lurking in the shadows,

who was sexually aggressive,

who said his fury cannot be stopped,

who liked touching his nipples in public,

who liked using his "tongue" and his pelvic thrust on a total stranger in public,

who a friend said was not a gentle guy,

who wanted to punish Jodi,

who was verbally abusive of Jodi,

who was described as being harsh especially with a weaker victim like Jodi,

who wanted Jodi to feel his wrath,

who had rape fantasies,

who was prone to raging for hours especially with a weaker victim like Jodi,

who role-played a pedophile,

who was the T-Dawg,

who was described as deceptive,

who called people soulless,

who wanted to dominate people like an alpha male,

who was aggressive,

who had a huge ego,

who had a violent past,

who had a powerful punch as described by Daniel Freeman,

who wanted to beat up Abe,

who said that Jodi does not deserve to live,

who said he was on the verge of seeking revenge on Jodi,

who had a scary temper,

who rants for at least two hours,

who lived beyond his means (resulting in financial stress that he took out on Jodi, accidentally breaking her finger),

who joked about beating a woman to death,

who laughs at what he can get away with,

who joked about getting a total stranger pregnant,

who wanted a total stranger to touch his butt,

who joked that women should be beaten in order to keep them in line,

who threw a phone across the room,

who beat the crap out of a punching bag,

who hosted UFC fight parties and loved to see people being beaten up and bloody in UFC fights,

who loved to hunt animals for sport,

who shot massive guns,

who worked out relentlessly (overwhelming a weaker victim like Jodi)

who lifted weights (overwhelming a weaker victim like Jodi) ,

who was into MMA (Mixed Martial Arts, overwhelming a weaker victim like Jodi),

who was into wrestling (overwhelming a weaker victim like Jodi),

who had a pattern of lying,

who was diagnosed to be a liar,

who was physically aggressive ( in comedy routines) ,

who was powerful enough to lift a woman his size right off the ground to his waist level (overwhelming a weaker victim like Jodi),

who was highly critical of people,

who called people names ( inside and outside his comedy routines),

who joked about encouraging men to be unfaithful and thereby emotionally abusing women,

who joked about exploiting people,

who lied multiple times,

who was described as deceptive,

who was called a predator by Sky Hughes,

who was called the T-Dawg, emotionally abusing women he was unfaithful to,

who encouraged people to exploit others ( in his comedy routine),

who mentioned a 12 year old girl in adult conversation,

who knew what a 12 year old sounds like having an orgasm,

who said a 12 year old is hot,

who mentioned a little girl in adult conversation,

who mentioned the "pot" of a little girl,

who said having sex with Jodi was like corking the pot of a little girl,

who downloaded thousands of files of teen porn,

who was warned by a parent to stop emailing his 9 year old daughter


who do you think was out of control after being accidentally shot and

started raging like a monster on 6/4/08 ?

As bad as Travis was, we can also confirm that Jodi had no motive to kill, since she was so into Ryan in May of 2008, talking to Ryan Burns at least for an hour, 4-5 times a week before going to visit him in June.

We can also confirm that in Travis' rage messages to Jodi on 5/26/08 that he clearly stated that he was addicted to her no matter how he was raging against her.

Where is the motive to kill ?

especially when Travis confirmed on 5/10/08 and on

5/26/08 and on

6/4/08 that he was sexually addicted to Jodi, unless it was self-defense by a panicked girl.

On 5/26/08, Travis started calling Jodi all manner of names while raging on 5/26

telling (implying that ) Jodi she did not deserve to live,

which resulted in Travis body slamming Jodi after she accidentally dropped the camera on 6/4 and then

Jodi after being body-slammed, did Jodi threaten to tell on Travis regarding his deviancy ? which sent Travis into another dangerous rage which resulted in the "Tdawg" being accidentally shot.

Did the "Tdawg" become a "monster" after being accidentally shot ? did he become so enraged and irrational due to the shock of being shot ?

Did the "Tdawg" actually become a monster ? or animal and not human at all ( due to becoming shot accidentally) and that is why he could not think straight like a human being and so instead of using his fists, he tried to use the gun on Jodi but it only clicked and instead of using his fists he tried getting the knife from Jodi which he failed to do, so he had to be put down, just like a rabid dog or "Tdawg" that would not stop attacking.


  1. I don't believe I have ever seen this amount of false information before in any blog, website, or writings related to this case. What is the purpose of this misinformation?

  2. Lather, rinse, repeat.
    This junk will never change the truth. She's gonna die in there.

  3. Wow what a mess of lies. I can see you haven't even watched this trial, you have no clue what is going on with this case.
