Your existence by conventional science is a mathematical impossibility since zero = zero since something does not come from nothing, right ? Science says that life came from nothing. Scientists say that the first atom came from nothing, but how is that possible ?
I say God came from nothing, while atheists say the first atom came from nothing.
Both are belief systems, but I rather believe in mine.
It does not matter what you believe in God or whether you hate Jesus or not.
God is always on your side.
That is why Jesus managed to cry out through excruciating pain " Father, forgive them for they know not what they do " and with that agonizing utterance on the cross, mankind is forgiven in this lifetime and the next lifetime to come, for all people (both good and bad ) in Jesus Name.
All the evil we will do tomorrow is forgiven and that is what makes our God amazing.
You and all mankind are saved in this lifetime and through eternity .
I realized that God is always on my side long time ago because no matter the evil I did on a regular basis, I kept getting blessed, so remember, no matter what evil you will do tomorrow and the rest of your life, God is always on your side in Jesus Name and that is what makes our God amazing for I am convinced that
neither death
nor life,
neither angels,
nor demons,
neither the present
nor the future,
nor any powers,
neither height,
nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen. (Romans 8:38-39)
nor life,
neither angels,
nor demons,
neither the present
nor the future,
nor any powers,
neither height,
nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen. (Romans 8:38-39)
Jesus said to forgive, not one time but seventy seven times and so all are forgiven, including Travis, Jodi, Satan and Hitler, according to how soon they realize that Jesus is the way to God due to Jesus managing to cry out on the cross " Father , forgive them, for they know not what they are doing".
Every person is good , given enough time and that is how God created us, to be good eventually, if not in this lifetime, in the next for sure and that is what makes our God amazing, as He keeps blessing us, knowing the evil we will do tomorrow and that is why #JodiArias sings this song every day .
God knew even before we were born, the evil we will do in our lives and knowing the evil we were going to do, God still wanted you and I and Travis and #JodiArias to be born. Why ?
because of His amazing love we will never ever understand but for us to exist, He had to give up His life.
Every thorn and every nail we put into Him, through excruciating pain He managed to say "Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing".
Because God will never give up on us no matter what we do or say and that is why I believe Jodi is overwhelmed by God's love when she sings this song every day:
God knew before Jodi or Travis even existed or Hitler or Satan existed ( at the "big bang", the beginning of our present creation about 14 billion years ago ) that Jodi, Travis, Hitler and Satan would sin and even commit unbelievable evil and yet
God wanted to sacrifice His very life through a torturous and horrifying death in sacrificing His very life through Jesus Christ, so that
Jodi, Travis, Hitler and Satan could eventually find their way back to God and that is why God's love for all of us is so amazing and no matter how people curse God on a daily basis and the evil people do, He loves us all with an undying love and wanted us to exist no matter how much evil we do in our lifetimes and as the Word states :
in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death
nor life,
neither angels
nor demons,
neither the present
nor the future,
nor any powers,
neither height
nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord Amen.
And so 15 years ago,
its 4:28 pm in Arizona and 15 years ago today on June 4, 2008, Travis had less than two hours to humble himself and not let the rage on 5/26/08 take over when he implied Jodi did not deserve to be alive and
that rage took over when Jodi accidentally dropped his camera and Jodi on her part today knows that
Travis would still be alive today if she had not told him the most horrific thing after he had body-slammed her and
I am sure in prison #JodiArias is thanking Jesus for saving Travis and as she looks up to the heavens, she dedicates this song to Travis and asks for his forgiveness in accidentally shooting him.
that rage took over when Jodi accidentally dropped his camera and Jodi on her part today knows that
Travis would still be alive today if she had not told him the most horrific thing after he had body-slammed her and
I am sure in prison #JodiArias is thanking Jesus for saving Travis and as she looks up to the heavens, she dedicates this song to Travis and asks for his forgiveness in accidentally shooting him.
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