Sunday, February 17, 2013



War is the worst of all immoral acts in the history of mankind and its depravity is hidden by the language of patriotism, honor, duty, freedom and country
Ever since the rich and powerful found out that vulnerable poor people can be easily manipulated  in order to be sent deliberately into harm's way to kill other poor people, war has been the worst immoral instrument used by the rich and powerful in order to profit from.
The poor need to realize that they are fighting, not to protect our freedoms but rather to protect the bank accounts of those who profit from war.
Follow the money and you will see the ones who profit most from conflicts are the ones who are the most to oppose any peace deal while they have no problems sending the young and vulnerable deliberately into harm's way while they "laugh all the way to the bank".
What if tomorrow, the young lay down their weapons, how will the rich, powerful, old men take that news ?

The main aim of the US government is to

support the corporate welfare system of their friends and supporters in the warfare corporations and institutions

but the American people are not going to support a war or engage in conflict in order to

 support the profit agenda of the warfare corporations and institutions.

So how does the US government get the support of the people for war or conflict ?

There is always a certain level of deception or propaganda involved in

 getting the people to be so fearful, so that

they do not question the trillions of dollars going to the friends and the supporters of the pro-war politicians in the warfare complex, corporations and insitutions.

The following documentary "War Made Easy" gives an idea of how the US government creates fear among the people through the media:

The US government gets the support of the gullible American people for war or conflict through the  following steps :

(1) The US government tries to either start, instigate, prolong or allows a conflict to flourish even though

 the US government knows conflicts can be prevented since conflicts take years or decades to develop

(2) The enemy reacts adversely to the instigations and conflicts in which the US government  refrains from being a Peacemaker

(3) The US government points the American people to the adverse actions of the enemy as an existential threat

(4) The fearful American people in turn do not question pro-war polticians helping the profit agenda of the pro-war politician friends in the warfare corporations and institutions

(5) The US government assures the American  people the war will be short in duration

(6) The US government assures the American people the war will not cost that much

and in the case of the Iraq war, reconstruction expenses will be borne by oil revenue from Iraq

(7) The US government assures the American people that it is making the world safer for Americans to live in.

According to Professor Neta Crawford of Brown University,  co-ordinator of the war costs studies project,

nearly every government that goes to war

underestimates its duration,

 neglects to tally all the costs

and overestimates the political objectives that will be accomplished by war's violence:

Nazi leader, Hermann Goering, states how easy it is to get people behind any war :  He stated : "Why of course the people don't want war.

Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece?

Naturally, the common people don't want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood.

 But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.

 That is easy.

All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."

: end of quote from Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II.

The reason why war should be avoided or prevented is because

while supporting the war profiteering agenda of the warfare corporations and institutions,

the horror that people call "war " is all about

 targeting the "enemy" with weapons of terror

which always results in

collateral damage, which means,

sacrificing innocent lives ( mostly the poorest in society )

 in order to

save other lives  ( mostly the richest in society who are allied with the US government )


either have more value or

better serve the cost/benefit analysis conducted by the warfare corporations and institutions.

In other words, the horror that people call war is all about sacrificing the lives of the innocent for the "greater good"

and the "greater good" results in supporting those who profit from war.

In the most recent major war ( Iraq) more than 70 percent of those who died of direct war violence in Iraq were civilians, or an estimated 134,000 people.

 A small number of the 190,000 dead were U.S. casualties: 4,488 U.S. military members :

Every war results in

millions of civilians either fleeing in terror as refugees (shortening their life spans due to extremely unsanitary/toxic conditions that were created due to infrastructure damage )  or

flee due to not having enough food,


shelter or

medical care

and the people adversely affected most by war are

the poor,

the destitute,

the handicapped,

the blind,

the elderly,

the poor children and babies in war zones,

because most of the unarmed civilians who die in war are

the poor,

the sick,

the hungry,

the destitute,

the handicapped,

the blind,

the elderly,

the paralyzed,

the poor children and babies.

Jesus said, if we help the least of these,

we are helping Jesus

and that cannot be done through war approved by the Geneva convention.

Also, on our side,

war affects soldiers and their families in numerous ways that are tragic.

Former US government drone operator says he's haunted by his part in more than 1,600 deaths:

Every time a person is killed, not in self defense, the killer suffers PTSD that

can last a lifetime

and that is why executioners on death row suffer mental illness when they execute death row inmates:

Prisoners on death row  are  the worst of the worst criminals

and yet executioners in death row are adversely affected mentally,

because they are killing prisoners not in self defense but

 performing an execution on behalf of the state.

If executioners on death row who conduct a very bloodless execution, suffer from PTSD,

one can imagine what happens to the mental health  of our soldiers who

legally kill in free fire zones:

where the enemy does not pose an imminent threat

( example: its legal to kill somebody in a war zone who drops his weapon and  is running away  or is sleeping ):

The US government knows, at least since the civil war, that soldiers suffer from PTSD from what they experience or do in war zones and yet

Pro-war politicians keep sending our soldiers deliberately into harm's way even though according to the HBO documentary "Wartorn" over half the people in mental institutions after the Civil War were veterans

and knowing every war causes PTSD especially to

 those on the front lines,

pro-war politicians have no problems sending the poor and powerless deliberately into harm's way since

 the poor and powerless are not the children of pro-war politicians.

Our poor soldiers who survive wars have a huge problem when they get home.
The government currently has nearly 900,000 (soldier/veteran ) claims backlogged in its system and an expected 1.3 million new claims to be filed by the end of 2012.
About 65% of the 900,000 claims have been pending for more than 125 days and have an accuracy rate of 84%.
In addition, there are 250,000 claims under appeal, with wait times as long as three years for adjudication:
The fact that pro-war politicians have no problems sending our poor soldiers deliberately into harm's way but
at the same time there is a tremendous backlog of claims against the government by soldiers
shows that the primary interest of the government is looking after the profit agenda of the rich and powerful in the warfare complex and corporations.

Another indication that the US government is more interested in supporting the  profit agenda of the warfare complex and corporations ( than the welfare of our soldiers )

can be seen in the abandonment of thousands of US soldiers who were POWs during WW2 who were

 taken by the Soviets to cruel work/concentration camps in the Soviet Union:

Watch the video below where Jenny, the wife of the only living recipient of

the medal of honor talks about not wanting her husband to go back to the

front lines because of the

regular trauma she experienced during her husband's deployment,
not knowing whether he was ok or not :

Families of soldiers go through emotional trauma throughout the deployment,

especially if that deployment is on the front lines.

Wives and children go through

daily emotional trauma wondering whether

their husbands and dads are alright and not suffering or worse.

War can lead to depression,

drug addiction,



psychotic illness,


and eventually homelessness

or even suicide;
A 2009 U.S. Army report indicates military veterans have double the suicide rate of non-veterans:

Children of soldiers have been known to wet their beds due to anxiety attacks and

being worried and anxious about whether they will receive news about their fathers being horribly killed in war: (regarding suicide ) (regarding homeless veterans )

The movie " Born on the Fourth of July" (1989) is a vivid reminder of the

propaganda by the US government that results in

young vulnerable boys being sold the idea that war can be honorable and "just"

but in reality,

war is horrifying and traumatic, not only for our soldiers but for

soldiers' families and innocent civilians, children and babies,

while those who profit from war are the politicians and the owners of the

corporate welfare system of the

warfare corporations and institutions,

as the rich and powerful send the poor and powerless deliberately into harm's way,

soothing and pacifying them with words like




and patriotism.”

Soldiers on the front lines live tragic lives becoming

pawns in a dangerous power game played by the rich and powerful

and their pro-war politician friends in the US government

and when those poor soldiers come home,

there is a good chance that the veterans who experienced front line action will suffer from mental health problems

which the government is not adequately addressing since

the government’s main priority is supporting their war/conflict profiteering friends in the warfare corporations and institutions.

It is still taking about eight months to process the average health, educational or pension claim, two months longer than a decade ago:



Out of 2 million troops who have served the corporate welfare and war profiteering interests of

the warfare corporations and institutions in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars,

about a quarter or 250,000 troops have asked for mental health treatment

due to the traumas of the horror that people call war:;contentBody

More US soldiers died in 2012 by suicide than were killed in combat :



Decades after a war, even men in their 70s and 80s break down and cry, especially those involved in front line action.

Why would grown men, even fifty years after a war, break down and cry ?

When loved ones die, people usually do not cry for them decades after the death, but that is not the case with front line veterans..

why would front line veterans cry like that when none of their loved ones died during the war ?

Is it because of the horrors that they see that no ordinary civilian sees ?

In the HBO documentary movie "war torn" an old veteran starts crying thinking about what he saw during war even though it has been decades since the war ended for him.

So what makes an old man cry, decades after the war had ended for him ?

Its because there is nothing honorable or decent about the horror that people call war.


No wonder our soldiers suffer from




drug addiction,


homelessness and suicide due to the horror that they see and experience due to war.

Every 80 minutes, a US veteran commits suicide :

Only 17% of soldiers stay in the military for 20 years or more,

which shows that,

even with generous retirement benefits for those who stay at least for 20 years, soldiers choose not to stay for the 20 year period.


Why do soldiers choose to leave before the minimum 20 year period in order to qualify for retirement benefits ?

Could it be because soldiers are promised “the world” when they join but

they finally wake up to the fact that they are pawns in a dangerous power game played by politicians who support

the corporate welfare system and the profit agenda of the warfare corporations and institutions.


How does the Pentagon entice young people to join the military ?

the pentagon entices potential recruits by

promising them enlistment bonuses of up to $40,000

plus free college education,

0% down payments on home purchases,

an opportunity to see the world,

extremely low cost and/or free medical care for life,

shiny new uniforms etc.

The image the Pentagon tries to give to the world is that Americans are eager to join the military

and if that is the case, why the enticements ?


In the movie “Avatar”, Jake says

“ I was a warrior who dreamed that he could bring peace; but sooner or later you have to wake up.”

What a profound statement.

Whether the “Avatar” script writer realized it or not, what he was actually saying is

our soldiers think they are protecting our freedoms and bringing peace

but our poor soldiers do not realize that they have to wake up to the fact that

they are actually protecting, not our freedoms

but rather they are protecting the bank accounts of the rich and powerful who profit from war.


Soldiers on the front lines live tragic lives

becoming pawns in a power game played by

the rich and powerful in the corporate welfare system of the warfare corporations and institutions

and their pro-war politician friends in the US government.


There is no honor or glory in the horror that people call war, so the best thing is to avoid or prevent war in the first place.


What did General Patton say about soldiers fleeing from the horror that people call war ?


Quote from General Patton :

" Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him.

We don't want yellow cowards in this Army.

They should be killed off like rats.

If not, they will go home after this war and breed more cowards.

The brave men will breed more brave men.

Kill off the G**d*** cowards

and we will have a nation of brave men."

(end of quote by U.S. General George S. Patton, June 5th, 1944 )


Generals, Pro-war politicians and the Pentagon know that they are deliberately sending the poor and powerless into harm's way

and they know that their pro-war actions will result in tens of thousands of veterans being 70% disabled because of their pro-war actions;


the horrifying permanent injuries they suffered during the horror that people call war:

Number of veterans with a service-connected disability rating - 3.4 million.

Of this number, 588,000 have a rating of 70 percent or higher.

Source: 2008 American Community Survey

Citation: Disabled World News (2009-10-13) - U.S. Census Bureau facts and statistics relating to United States Veterans:

Since 2001, up to 400,000 veterans suffer from the psychological effects of war called PTSD

On average, why do 22 veterans commit suicide every day ( over 8000 a year ) ?:





Other reasons why war should be prevented or avoided :


(1) Due to the use of heavy weapons from great distances, every war has the military killing its own members, called "friendly fire":

Example One :  Napalm was used by the US goverment to accidentally burn alive US soldiers in Vietnam

Example Two: More than 20,000 Allied POW's died at sea,

most of them when the transport ships carrying them were attacked by U.S. submarines and aircraft.
Although Allied headquarters often knew of the presence of POW's aboard vessels targeted for attack through radio interception and code breaking,

the general policy was to sink the ships anyway,

evidently on the basis that the interdiction of critical strategic materials was more important in the long run than the deaths of prisoners-of-war:


(2) Another reason why war should be avoided or prevented :

war first starts of as corporate welfare to

the supporters of the government in the warfare corporations and institutions but

as the war proceeds, whatever humanity is left starts eroding

Example :

From 1932 to the early years of World War II, the United States repeatedly criticized the bombing of cities.

President Franklin Roosevelt appealed to the warring nations in 1939 on the first day of World War II, “under no circumstances [to] undertake the bombardment from the air of civilian populations or of unfortified cities.”

After Pearl Harbor, the US continued to claim the moral high ground by abjuring civilian bombing.

BUT AS THE WAR DRAGGED ON , the US government gave up its high moral ground;

the US collaborated with Britain in indiscriminate bombing at Casablanca in 1943.

On February 13-14, 1945, British bombers followed by US government planes destroyed Dresden, a historic cultural center with no significant military industry or bases.

By conservative estimate, 35,000 people were incinerated in that single raid.


But it was in Japan, in the final six months of the war, that the US government deployed air power in a campaign to burn whole cities to the ground and terrorize, incapacitate, and kill their largely defenseless residents, in order to force surrender :


even though the Japanese were defeated as early as May of 1942 :

and after May 1942 the Japanese were mainly fighting a defensive war,

leading to Tojo's resignation in July of 1944

and the Japanese finally giving the Russians concessions

with the hope that the Russians would broker a peace deal with the US government that was allied with the mass murdering Stalin.

but FDR/Truman were not interested in a cease fire or a negotiated peace settlement but

rather FDR/Truman were only interested in unconditional surrender or the utter destruction of Japan

even though FDR's ally the communist Stalin and also FDR's left-leaning nationalist Chinese ally, Chiang Kai-Shek were killing tens of millions of civilians.

Rummel estimates that Chiang Kai-Shek alone committed a total of 10,214,000 democides from 1921 to 1948:

War can also turn good soldiers into being less than human due to the inhumanity of war itself :

Photos of an American “kill squad” smiling as the soldiers pose with the bodies of murdered Afghan civilians reveal horrific evidence of what can go wrong on the field of battle.

Read more at :

Here is video of one example of terrorism in which the US government was not able to see the victims of its crime but

 rather only seeing its strategic or tactical goals :


(3) Another reason why war should be avoided or prevented :

rape and sexual harassment of females,

both in the US government’s military and women in the countries occupied.

Right now, sexual assaults is a symptom of an unmanageable world wide military empire and 40% of its maintenance is borrowed from places like China.

Giving up the US government's extremely expensive and unaffordable worldwide military empire will result in

a dramatic reduction in sexual assaults since

a US government that gives up its worldwide empire will result in

a military that is confined within the borders of the US resulting in a dramatically smaller military

that is able to maintain ethical standards regarding sexual propriety:

Examples of sexual assaults :

(a) The Mahmudiyah "terror" killings of a two year old girl, her parents and

gang-rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl by U.S.  government troops occurred on March 12, 2006:

(b) Following the war with Japan, there were 1,336 reported rapes during the first 10 days of the occupation of

Kanagawa prefecture that accused the US government's military of the crimes:

(c) 20% of females in the US government's military have reported being sexually assaulted :



(4) another reason to avoid or prevent war is because the enemy is either forced to fight or

listens to the propaganda that results in looking at the other side as less than human or

economic circumstances forces them to join the military or

the enemy joins for revenge purposes since their family members and loved ones were horribly killed by US government bombs.

(5) Another reason why war should be prevented or avoided is because

both sides accuse each other of using "human shields" in order to purposely put civilians in harm's way.

Even the Israeli government has been accused of using "human shields":


(6) Another reason why war should be avoided or prevented :

The cost of taking care of veterans after a war :

In the 2011

Costs of War report from Brown University,

researchers projected that the cost of caring for veterans of the War on Terror would peak 30–40 years

after the end of combat operations.

They also predicted that medical and disability costs would ultimately total between $600 billion and $1 trillion for the hundreds of thousands treated by the Department of Veterans Affairs:


You would think that returning veterans would be taken care of but

because the US government's priorities is supporting the profiteering agenda of the warfare corporations and institutions

the returning veterans find themselves facing up to 40% unemployment,

25% are regarded as disabled

and due to a tremendous backlog, it takes months for a veteran to get the care he needs:

Also, About 20 percent of active-duty service members reported they engaged in heavy drinking in 2008, the latest year for which data was available.

- Binge drinking increased from 35 percent in 1998 to 47 percent in 2008.

- The rate of medication misuse by soldiers is rising:

(7) Another reason why war should be prevented or avoided is the real possibility of epidemics due to the unbelievable unsanitary conditions created by the destruction of infrastructure .

 example: small pox during the revolutionary war and the deadly flu killing 100 million people due to WW1 soldiers carrying the disease : )

(8) Another reason why war should be prevented or avoided is because the invader almost always does not care about the well being of the innocent ( the same way that terrorists do not care about the well being of the innocent ) :

example : The inhumanity of the horror that people call war made the US government not care about researching the health effects of weapons being used  in war

and the use of weapons affected the health and well being of innocent human beings, children and babies in war zones:

 The U.S. government's use of agent orange in  Vietnam resulted in  400,000 people  killed or maimed, and 500,000 children born with birth defects as a result of its use.

The Red Cross of Vietnam estimates that up to 1 million people are disabled or have health problems due to Agent Orange.
example 2 : Another indication that the US government, just as terrorists, does not care about civilian populations in war zones can be seen by the extensive use of nuclear materials in ammunition.

During the gulf war , extensive use of depleted uranium resulted in a sharp increase in the incidence of child leukemia and genetic malformation among babies born in the decade following the Gulf War.

In a three week period of conflict in Iraq during 2003, it was estimated over 1000 tons of depleted uranium munitions were used mostly in cities.

The U.S. Department of Defense studies using cultured cells and laboratory rodents continue to suggest the possibility of leukemogenic, genetic, reproductive, and neurological effects from chronic exposure to depleted uranium.

The fact that Belgium has banned the use of depleted uranium shows that at least one country has the conscience to care about children and babies in war zones where radioactivity from ammunition is clearly present

while governments such as in the US, Israel, Britain and France (who do not care about the well being of children and babies in war zones ) have voted against restricting the use of depleted uranium.

A year ago, the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health published an epidemiological study, “Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005-2009,” which found that the Iraqi city, shattered by two U.S. invasions in 2004, is experiencing higher rates of cancer, leukemia and infant mortality than Hiroshima and Nagasaki did in 1945. Birth defects abound.

In this video :

the narrator says that just one depleted uranium shell emits 1,000 times the normal radiation in the atmosphere

and knowing this, the US government still keeps using depleted uranium shells, not caring about the long term health risks posed to children and babies in war zones

and just as terrorists think, the US government is more concerned about its strategic goals than the long term health and well being of children and babies in war zones .

Example 3 : Another example of the US government not caring about the welfare of civilians and children in war zones can be seen in the use of cluster bombs that are

known to not explode and

 millions of the cluster bombs do not explode

and are subject to children picking them up due to being mistaken for colorful toys

and yet the US government chose to use millions of cluster bombs in Vietnam,

once again showing the US government's  disregard for the well being of innocent civilians and children  :

(9) Another reason why war should be prevented or avoided is war is not just

and the laws of war cannot be applied in a court of law

example : US soldiers were terrorized to death by the US government when the US government knew that the actions of the US government will result in US soldiers being terrorized to death.

More than 20,000 Allied POW's died at sea,

most of them when the transport ships carrying them were attacked by U.S. submarines and aircraft.

Although Allied headquarters often knew of the presence of US POW's aboard vessels targeted for attack through radio interception and code breaking,

the general US government policy was to sink the ships anyway ( with US soldiers inside them ) ,

evidently on the basis that the interdiction of critical strategic materials was more important in the long run than the deaths of US prisoners-of-war:

(10) Another reason why war should be avoided or prevented is due to the very "killer" training that goes into getting the poor and powerless ready for war.

The US government knows that it is training good people to become "killing machines"

and when the poor and powerless are trained to be killers, a tiny minority of them will find an awesome power in killing 

 and they feel powerful in the orgy of killing,

and that killing instinct sometimes translates into committing atrocities

and that is why atrocities and massacres have been committed by US government personnel over the centuries in every war,

from the time the  US government began its imperial expansion across North America

US government personnel have been committing atrocities

during the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

Examples of 21st century atrocities (not a comprehensive list ):

(a)  the terror rape of a 14 year old Iraqi girl and the terror murder of her two year old sister and her parents:

(b) Below is another  example of the US government's "killer" training turning a tiny minority of good soldiers into terrorists during the 21st century :

In the video below, you will see

many unarmed civilians being gunned down in broad daylight including the children who can be clearly seen in the van

( watch at the 16:00 timeline in the video link below where the children can be clearly seen in the van  )

The above classified video was leaked to the public and this is the reality of war because

the inhumanity of the horror that people call war turns regular human beings into less than human or terrorists.

 So what else  is war about ?

Pro-war politicians will say war is all about the "greater good" but

pro-war politicians will never tell you that the "laws of war" allow for

soldiers to kill basically anybody in a war zone that

the soldier thinks might have a weapon,

is carrying a weapon ( for self defense of his family ) but is not using the weapon or aiming it

or is running away after having dropped a weapon

or is sleeping beside a weapon.

So according to the "laws of war" it was legal for President Truman to drop an atom bomb on

a defenseless city like Hiroshima and Nagasaki that

resulted in burning alive hundreds of thousands of civilians, children and babies

and the reason the "laws of war" made it legal for President Truman to drop an atom bomb on Hiroshima or Nagasaki

is because as long as Hiroshima and Nagasaki had enemy soldiers in them, it was legal to destroy the entire city.

In other words, the "laws of war" are not noble laws

and "laws of war" do not make heroes of our soldiers

or heroes of the pilots who dropped the atom bombs but

rather make our soldiers vulnerable to PTSD since

one of the causes of PTSD is witnessing the killing of a human being who does not pose an imminent threat but

might possibly pose a threat some time in the future to some other human being

even though the enemy who drops his weapon and runs away might change his mind and become peaceful in the future.

The following link is an example of legal killing in a war zone where

a US government helicopter pilot is shooting at unarmed people,

two of them he thinks is carrying a weapon but the weapon turns out to be a camera:

In the video you can see that the US government helicopter pilot had the capability to

see inside the van where the children were looking out the window.

( watch at the 16:00 timeline in the video link above where the children can be clearly seen in the van )

So you might ask, why shoot at unarmed people and a van with children in it ?

Because according to the laws of war, if a "alleged combatant" is in a war zone, anybody close by are what are called "collateral damage" so

even if children are close by,

the soldier is authorized to shoot at the area even if

children are in the area

or in this case a van in which an injured "unarmed combatant" is being taken into.

That is why the US government's military is not allowed to operate within the US since

the "laws of war" state that if a soldier thinks you have a weapon, you are subject to be killed

(even though the weapon turns out to be a camera).







US President Dwight D Eisenhower stated the following on 4/16/53 in his speech, “The Chance for Peace,” given to the American Society of Newspaper Editors :

"Every gun that is made,

every warship launched,

every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense,

a theft from those who hunger and are not fed,

those who are cold and are not clothed.

This world in arms is not spending money alone.

It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.

The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this:

a modern brick school in more than 30 cities.

It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population.

It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals.

It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement.

We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat.

We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people." 

(end of quote  from President Eisenhower)








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