Sunday, February 17, 2013



The US government was interested in peace with the North Vietnamese after many years in Vietnam.

The US government is trying to make peace with the Taliban after after many years in Afghanistan.

So the US government is interested in peace ?

Off course, the US government is interested in peace but

 only after having satisfied the profit agenda of their friends and supporters in the warfare corporations and institutions

and only after public outcry (due to 

 the trillions spent on the unnecessary war and unnecessary blood spilt)

 does the US government finally

 start talking about peace,

especially when the cost/benefit analysis says its time to pullout

as in the case of Vietnam and Afghanistan.

The US government will first spend trillions:

 in order to

satisfy the profit agenda of their friends and supporters in the warfare corporations and institutions

before spending billions in order to actually solve the problem,

as when the US government inexpensively tracked down Osama Bin Laden only after

 spending trillions on the unnecessary wars in Afghanistan and Iraq even when

 the Taliban clearly indicated they were willing to arrest Bin Laden in 2001( when found, since Bin Laden fled to the mountains of Tora Bora after the attacks on 9/11/01)

and the Taliban were willing  to put Bin Laden on trial in a court of law in a neutral country:

The US government could have easily co-opted the Taliban in 2001 and got their cooperation in tracking down and arresting Bin Laden

but instead the US government chose to help its friends and supporters in the warfare corporations and institutions

in launching unnecessary trillion dollar wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Its laughable to say politicians are partisan and to say nothing gets done in Washington because

 when it comes to spending up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year of hard earned taxpayers money on the warfare corporations and institutions, politicians (Democrats and Republicans ) are very bipartisan, except for

 a very very tiny minority of politicians like Ron Paul who oppose spending trillions on the warfare corporations and institutions.

The US government pretends to be scared of every little thing, almost like a helpless little girl who is not able to reason with the "big bad wolf"

but we know precisely why the US government makes people think the "enemy" is some kind of scary, unreasonable bogeyman

even though all past enemies have always ended up being friends of the US government ( so they are human after all )

and all humans share this extremely tiny and vulnerable blue planet in the vast eternal void of space,

the very space from which an existential threat could come, not from a human being but

 from a planet destroying asteroid

( Since the US government has not spent enough resources on preventing earth destroying asteroids,

NASA chief Charles Bolden says we might only have a three week warning of an earth destroying asteroid

and the only choice is to pray:  )

and yet pro-war and pro-conflict politicians spend all their time thinking about how to

 keep the people in constant fear of the "human enemy"

in order to keep looting the treasury in order to help their friends and supporters in the warfare corporations and institutions:

The CIA is capable of preventing a conflict from flourishing ( example : in Syria ) because

it takes years or even decades for conflicts to evolve into violence

and yet, the Department of Defense ( the Pentagon ) is not interested in preventing conflicts because

 since conflicts can be prevented through various relatively inexpensive means,

the Pentagon is not interested in spending less but

rather spending more for the benefit of their contractor friends in the warfare corporations and institutions

and that is the reason the Pentagon is not in the business of prevention but

rather in the business of either




joining a conflict,

 or allowing a conflict to flourish

which sometimes leads to  the horror that people call war.

There is ample evidence that

 the US government is more interested in

helping the profit agenda of its friends and political supporters in the warfare corporations and institutions by

 spending as much as 1.4 trillion dollars of hard earned taxpayers money every year :

and up to $ 6 trillion spent unnecessarily on the most recent Iraq war ( much of it not accounted for due to emergency supplements  ) :

then trying to save your life or the lives of your loved ones or the lives of millions of children around the world who die from preventable diseases.

Even though over a million Americans are dying from cancer alone every two years, the US government is cutting back on funding cancer research:

Even though millions of little kids die every year from preventable causes:

 the US government which is more than capable of preventing those deaths with a minuscule amount of help (compared to its military budget) 

instead, the US government  chooses to keep pouring trillions into the warfare corporations and institutions in order to

 help the profit agenda of its friends and political supporters in the warfare corporations and institutions.

The above are two of numerous examples that show

the US government is more interested in helping the profit agenda of its friends and political supporters in the warfare corporations and institutions

ALSO : Even though the Civil War showed that

over half the patients in mental institutions were veterans,

the US government continues to send our soldiers deliberately  into war or harm's way in order to

support those who profit from war or conflict.

In August 1943, General Patton slapped a young soldier who was hospitalized with nervous exhaustion.

General Patton stated " I won't have the hospitals cluttered up with these sons of bitches who haven't got the guts to fight...........

send that yellow son of a bitch back to the front line." (end of quote)

The reason why Generals (who are part of the government and part of the warfare corporations and institutions)

are never on the front lines is because

they know that there is a very good chance of themselves being killed,

so Generals feel its better to send the poor and powerless to their deaths then put themselves into harm's way.


The Generals eventually cash in and move to become part of the defense contractor establishment:

William Hartung who directs the New America Foundation’s Arms and Security Initiative shows in detail in

 his book ( Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex ) the influence that

 the warfare complex has on the US government :

One must ask whether the so-called “War on Terror” is really about keeping us safe,

or as retired Lieutenant Colonel William Astore writes,

about feeding the “web of crony corporations, lobbyists, politicians and retired military types who

pass through Washington’s revolving door … engorged by

untold trillions devoted to a national security

and intelligence complex that dominates Washington.”

The only people who benefit from war are the pro-war politicians,


owners of the warfare corporations and institutions

and their employees because

the greater the destruction,

the more lucrative the profit opportunities to rebuild the country since

a war torn country needs everything from basic necessities to rebuilding the infrastructure.

Also, since

the Pentagon cannot account for trillions of hard earned tax
dollars that have been stolen and/or wasted,

the Pentagon is the primary driver of war or conflict since


only during a war or conflict is the scrutiny of the Pentagon at its lowest

and so

it can keep pushing off the financial audit which the Pentagon has never passed :

Despite the accountability clause of the Constitution,

the General Accounting Act of 1921,

 and the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990,

the Pentagon has maintained itself in a state where it cannot be audited.

A short history of the corruption within the US government :

A Pentagon inspector general finds $2.3 trillion (five hundred thousand million times about five times that amount) in unsupported accounting entries on the Defense Department's books.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld declares that financial reform at the Pentagon is essential to national security.

Congress indefinitely suspends the requirement for annual audits of the Defense Department:

For the first three quarters of 2007,

 $1.1 trillion in Army accounting entries hadn't been properly reviewed and substantiated,

according to the Department of Defense's inspector general.

 In 2006, $258.2 billion of recorded withdrawals and payments from the Army's main account were unsupported.

 It's as if the Army had submitted multibillion-dollar expense reports without any receipts:

The lobbyists from the warfare corporations and institutions will keep reminding Congress that

trillions of dollars of hard earned taxpayers money need to go to the warfare corporations and institutions

 (even though no proper auditing of the money is taking place)

 in order for the warfare corporations and institutions to keep financially supporting the re-election campaigns of Congress.

Reiterating :

Why is the Pentagon in the business of creating war or conflict ?

because only during a war or conflict is the scrutiny of the Pentagon at its lowest,

so that

the Pentagon's defense contractors can keep looting the treasury

and their friends at the Pentagon can keep pushing off the audit date that it has never passed.

What happens when the Pentagon keeps itself in an unauditable state , this is what happens :

The Times says

  $12 billion in cash was flown into Iraq in 21 separate flights by May 2004, all of which has disappeared:


How does the Pentagon “manufacture fear” in order to loot the treasury of trillions of dollars of hard earned taxpayers money ?

The Pentagon instigates the enemy by conducting operations that end up collaterally killing or directly killing the enemy or civilians in enemy territory

The enemy reacts adversely by either killing US government’ personnel or American civilians

The Pentagon, through the US government, points the American public to those adverse reactions, exaggerating the attacks as an existential threat to our very existence

The fearful American public in turn does not question the trillions of hard earned tax dollars that end up in the hands of the rich and powerful supporters of the US government

Whether “manufactured fear” results in war or not, the rich and powerful in the warfare corporations are not bothered with that question, as long as

the US government supports the profit agenda of the corporate welfare system of the warfare corporations and institutions

To solve a problem, the Pentagon prefers spending trillions first

( )

before solving the problem with millions:

The "war on terror" or the "terror of war" should never have started in the first place since our CIA could have easily tracked down Bin Laden as did happen in 2010

or negotiated for Bin Laden’s arrest by co-opting the Taliban.


But the problem is the government will first spend trillions to satisfy the profit agenda of their supporters in the warfare corporations and institutions

before spending millions to actually solve the problem.


 (CBS) On Sept. 10, 2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared war.

Not on foreign terrorists,

"the adversary's closer to home.

It's the Pentagon bureaucracy," Rumsfeld said.

Rumsfeld said “money wasted by the military poses a serious threat.”

In fact, it could be said it's a matter of life and death," he said.

More money for the Pentagon,

CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales reports,

while its own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.

"According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in DOD transactions," Rumsfeld admitted.

$2.3 trillion — that's $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America.

To understand how the Pentagon can lose track of trillions, consider the case of one military accountant who tried to find out what happened to a mere $300 million.

"We know it's gone. But we don't know what they spent it on," said Jim Minnery, Defense Finance and Accounting Service.

Minnery, a former Marine turned whistle-blower, is risking his job by

speaking out for the first time about the millions he noticed were missing from one defense agency's balance sheets.

Minnery tried to follow the money trail, even crisscrossing the country looking for records.

"The director looked at me and said 'Why do you care about this stuff?'

It took me aback, you know?

My supervisor asking me why I care about doing a good job," said Minnery.

He was reassigned and says officials then covered up the problem by just writing it off.

"They have to cover it up," he said.

"That's where the corruption comes in.

They have to cover up the fact that they can't do the job."

The Pentagon's Inspector General "partially substantiated" several of Minnery's allegations but

could not prove officials tried "to manipulate the financial statements."


Twenty years ago, Department of Defense Analyst Franklin C. Spinney made headlines exposing what he calls the "accounting games."

He's still there, and although he does not speak for the Pentagon, he believes the problem has gotten worse.

"Those numbers are pie in the sky. The books are cooked routinely year after year," he said:


Instead of covertly targeting Bin Laden as the US government did in 2011 through a relatively inexpensive covert operation,

the US government decided to launch trillion dollar wars on Afghanistan and Iraq.


It is clear that the declaration of war on Afghanistan and Iraq was pushed for by the Pentagon in order to cover up the missing trillions because

only during war or conflict is the scrutiny of the Pentagon suspended.

In order to cover up the looting of trillions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money its become clear the Pentagon has been pushing for war or conflict for every problem the US government faces;

so the continued looting of the treasury can continue without accountability.

And because the corruption is so great, the Defense Department has stated that the Pentagon can only be fully audited in 2017 almost 17 years after

Defense Secretary was brave enough to declare trillions of hard earned tax dollars was not accounted for or missing:


Franklin Spinney ( a former high-level Pentagon insider ) admits the yearly defense budget is as high as 1.2 trillion dollars which goes mostly to

support the corporate welfare system of the warfare corporations and institutions ( watch at the 6 minute timeline : )

Despite the accountability clause of the Constitution, the General Accounting Act of 1921, and the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990,

the Pentagon has maintained itself in a state where it cannot be audited:

Using war as a means to enrich the warfare corporations and institutions is well stated by

decorated US Major General Smedley Butler who

wrote a book in which he states war is a racket

and the US soldiers are actually not protecting our country but rather

protecting the bank accounts of the rich and powerful in the military/industrial complex and its associated corporations:

Another case of war profiteering :

the Nye Committee, the U.S. Senate subcommittee chaired by Gerald Nye in the 1930’s that investigated the financial interests which underlay America’s entry into World War I. :

The Pentagon is "controlled" by the financial supporters and friends of the government in the

"war/conflict profiteering" defense contractor establishment complex

and the US government knows that the best way to expand the US government's power is to

control the people by

constantly keeping the people in fear of an exaggerated "existential" threat

whether it be the exaggerated "existential" threat of the British "enemy" which gave birth to the revolution and an expanded government and much higher taxes compared to the tiny tea tax imposed by the British:

whether it be the "exaggerated existential threat" of the Southern Confederate States "enemy" which gave birth to the civil war and an expanded government,

whether it be the "exaggerated existential threat" of the Native American, Mexican or Spanish "enemy" which gave birth to an imperial empire and a Pacific/Caribbean power and an expanded government or

whether it be the "exaggerated existential threat" of the German, Japanese, North Korean, Chinese, North Vietnamese and Soviet "enemy"

which gave birth to the corporate welfare system of the warfare corporations and institutions in the military/industrial complex

and an expanded government that does not mind draining or bankrupting the US treasury

which will eventually lead to the bankruptcy of our government in the next 10-20 years

since interest alone on the debt will eventually pass a trillion dollars a year

as long as the government keeps spending up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year of hard earned taxpayers money on a unnecessary military empire:


A MILITARILY WEAK US GOVERNMENT, A BLESSING ?!/2013/02/part-five-militarily-weak-us-government.html





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