The reason we created this community blog is because
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger because
since up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year is being spent on the warfare corporations and institutions :
there is not much money left in the budget to do all the other necessary things to make life healthier, safer and easier for the average American .
Examples of inadequate funding that has led to tragedy :
(1) Not adequate funds or personnel to regulate and monitor fertilizer plants which led to the tragic explosion in West, Texas in April 2013 killing or seriously injuring scores of people.
(2) Not adequate funds in mental health services to help troubled children and two of those children, the Tsarnaev brothers grew up to become home-grown terrorists involved in the Boston Marathon bombings on 4/15/13.
If there was adequate mental health funding, all children could be evaluated annually concerning their mental health
and we would prevent a tiny number of children growing up to be mass killers (example : Adam Lanza )
or home-grown terrorists ( example : Timothy McVeigh, Tsarnaev brothers )
Also, the wait times,
and inconvenience we experience at airports
and during traffic congestion on the roads is all due to
inadequate funding and inadequate personnel to solve our infrastructure problems
due to up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year being spent on the warfare complex, corporations and institutions.
Also, students are in deep financial trouble due to
huge student loans because
the government was not able to give students interest free loans
and the reason the government is not able to help students with interest free loans is because
up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year is being spent on the warfare complex, corporations and institutions.
Also, the US government is not able to keep the American public healthy resulting in
over a million Americans dying from cancer alone, every two years.
Why is the US government not able to keep the American public healthy
and thereby dramatically reducing health care insurance premiums ?
Since up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year is being spent on the warfare complex, corporations and institutions
there are not enough resources for the FDA to monitor and regulate our food system :
(example : Inadequate inspections of manufacturers, noting that foodmakers, for example, are inspected about once every 10 years. )
and also there are not enough resources to
establish community health and education centers that have the services (stated below ) to
cater to the physical health, mental health, education and well being of all Americans
( according to income level, the following services at the community health and education centers will be either free to the poor or subsidized/discounted to those who can afford to pay the discounted prices) :
(1) Provide government subsidized/free organic foods, fruits and vegetables that are free of cancer causing chemicals, preservatives, additives, pesticides, herbicides, hormones or antibiotics
(2) Provide government subsidized/free exercise and weight rooms
(3) Provide free preventive medical tests and free/subsidized basic health care
(4) Provide free/subsidized preventive and basic dental care
(5) Free mental health counselling and psychiatric services to greatly reduce the crime and/or suicide rate in the community
(6) Free transportation to the community health center ( school buses that are idle during school hours can be used to transport poor people to the community health centers )
(7) Free/subsidized computerized programs that teach from the basic to advanced levels in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math ) areas
If all the above are done, we will have an educated people that are not burdened by student loans
and can afford health insurance since we will have a healthy population.
But the government cannot afford the community health and education centers, doing all the above services because
up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year is being spent on the warfare complex, corporations and institutions.
Another way to dramatically reduce health insurance premiums is making sure violent crime is dramatically reduced.
Gun violence alone endangers over a 100,000 people a year, 10,000 of whom die due to their gun injuries.
The injuries due to violent crime results in the public having to share the cost through high insurance premiums.
Since the government spends up to 1.4 trillion dollars every year on the warfare complex, corporations and institutions
the government does not have the resources to have a comprehensive study on how to drastically reduce violent crime.
A comprehensive study could involve scanning the brains ( using fMRI) of every violent criminal in the US and looking for commonalities:
and using those findings in developing comprehensive laws that mandate all citizens to undergo free annual brain scans
before renewing drivers license or car tags etc.
Free brain scans can also detect tumors early :
Those citizens who have commonalities with criminals will be subject to
further free psychological testing and free psychiatric services to see whether further action is needed
to help those who have criminal tendencies.
The goal is to help and not to punish anybody who shares commonalities with criminals because
a person can only be punished when a crime is committed, not before
(example: woman who shot both her young children dead and critically wounded her husband could have received free psychiatric services , if a mandatory annual brain scan showed commonalities with violent criminals, and thus the crime could have been prevented : )
If we have both community health and education centers
and mandatory mental health testing,
we not only can dramatically bring down the cost of health insurance premiums
we will not have to keep looking over our shoulders in fear of being a victim of a violent crime
but we can only have a peaceful and healthy environment
if we push the government to give up its extremely expensive and unnecessary world wide military empire,
40% of its maintenance being borrowed from places like China.
Also, since
up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year of hard earned tax dollars is being spent on the warfare complex, corporations and institutions
there are not enough resources to get adequate equipment and personnel to help with
and other natural disasters.
Example 1: any fire can be put out if the government had enough fire fighting planes flying in formation with flame retardant material.
Example 2: As of early morning on October 31, 2012 at least 6.2 million utility customers across the eastern United States were still without power
and most went without power for at least a week.
Four northern New Jersey towns were inundated with up to six feet of water when a levee failed.
Instead of the government wastefully spending up to 1.4 trillion dollars on the warfare complex, complex and institutions,
the government could have trained at least a million people who could have been trained for years in order to mobilize before and during a disaster
and restore power within hours, repair homes and disaster-proof the infrastructure before disaster strikes.
Instead of having a 1.4 million man active military force
we can have
a one million man militia force solely catered to defending the homeland like the Swiss do
and then have the million man militia force trained in
the health sciences,
and the technical sciences to be mobilized quickly to disaster prone areas ( during fire season ) or
disaster stricken areas ( after tornadoes ) or
areas of impending disaster ( hurricanes or floods approaching )
so that
people are quickly taken care of health wise
and the homes quickly repaired,
power restored
and infrastructure repaired.
In between disasters,
while training to defend the homeland following the Swiss self defense policies,
the million man militia can do the following in
saving our planet,
building infrastructure,
lowering gas prices
and creating tens of millions of permanent green jobs that
would eradicate poverty:
(1) One million man militia would install solar panels on every rooftop in America
and on the sides of every tall building in America ( economies of scale will make solar panels cheap and the government can recoup its expenses by charging the regular amount on each utility bill )
By having solar panels everywhere, we reduce the demand for gas and prices should come down dramatically
(2) One million man militia needs to install “wind farms” wherever possible
(3) One million man militia would install “bloom energy” boxes outside every residential and commercial building.
Bloom energy boxes can work on any form of energy without burning it ( burning is what causes pollution )
(4) One million man militia would help turn regular farming into non-factory, organic farming
and thus we get to eat food that is free from cancer causing pesticides and chemical additives
(5) One million man militia can be involved in regulating industrial farming in order to stop the cruel treatment of animals in factory farms which presently result in
the use of vaccines, hormones and antibiotics to keep the animals alive under torturous conditions.
According to Richard Conniff of Smithsonian Magazine,
over 63,000 people die every year due to
the presence of antibiotics in meat :
Also, meat would taste a lot better and be free of cancer causing substances,
if industrial farming is banned.
If everybody eats organic fruits, vegetables and meats,
the price will go down dramatically since
it will be combination of government subsidies
and economies of scale,
just as the first personal computer ( the IBM 610) in 1957 cost $55,000, (multiple times that amount in today’s dollars )
and today you can get a google chromebook computer for $200
because almost everybody has a computer,
so if everybody ate cancer free organic foods,
the price of organic foods would go down dramatically.
IF THE ABOVE IS DONE by the one million man militia it would result in :
Permanent “green jobs” in the tens of millions
which would create a fully employed economy which will
benefit all the other parts of the economy due to its “spin off “ effects.
Also, we would be able to eat fish again since
our rivers,
and oceans would not be polluted by mercury,
presently coming from coal and oil fired plants.
All the above can be done by
taking a tiny portion of the yearly 1.4 trillion the government now spends on the warfare corporations and institutions
and creating feasibility studies to see what works and what does not.
Feasibility studies need to be done whether the above programs would work but
right now, the studies are not a concern of the US government because
the US government's priorities are to support the profit agenda of the warfare corporations and institutions rather than
caring about the health, well being and financial security of the average American.
(6) One million man militia can be involved in improving, maintaining and building infrastructure.
It's pretty sad the government does not have the money to
build a safe room in every home,
basements in every school,
safe hallways to withstand F5 tornadoes
and underground shelters per city block
and the reason the government does not have the money is because
up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year is being spent wastefully on
the corporate welfare system of the warfare complex, corporations and institutions.
Because the warfare corporations and institutions are draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is not enough money or there is cutting back on cancer research funding even though
over a million Americans are dying from cancer alone, every two years ?
and because the warfare corporations and institutions are draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is not enough money or funding is being cut on keeping your food safe from life threatening diseases:
and because the warfare corporations and institutions are draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is not enough money or funding is being cut on the research or study of the
lifetime cumulative effects of cancer causing pesticides,
antibiotics on the foods and drink that you consume:
and because the warfare corporations and institutions are draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is no money or funding is being cut to research or study the
Industrial processing of foods ( example: bread making )
and industrial farming that
introduces carcinogens (cancer-causing agents ) into
our food supply according to Melanie Warner :
and because the warfare corporations and institutions are draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is not enough money or funding is being cut on research on the lifetime cumulative effects of toxins and mercury emanating from oil and coal fired plants:
and because the warfare corporations and institutions are draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is not enough money or funding is being cut on keeping seafood safe from mercury and other toxins :
and because the warfare corporations and institutions are draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is not enough money or funding is being cut on keeping
our lakes, rivers and coastal waterways healthy for fishing, swimming or drinking
and because the warfare corporations and institutions are draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is not enough money or funding is being cut on keeping the air you breath safe from toxic pollutants :
over 131.8 million people—42 percent of the nation—live where pollution levels are too often dangerous to breathe:
Radon alone is the leading cause of lung cancer but because of limited resources, the government is not capable of inspecting every home for Radon:
and because the warfare corporations and institutions are draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is not enough money or funding is being cut on keeping you safe from
everyday cancer causing household products and products you wear or use :
and because the warfare corporations and institutions are draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is not enough money or funding is being cut to repair America's crumbling infrastructure,
endangering the lives of tens of thousands of Americans.
From levees that broke during Hurricane Katrina to bridges falling and killing Americans, the US government is catering to the profit agenda of the warfare corporations and institutions rather than really caring about average Americans:
“Tens of thousands of bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.
A third of the nation’s highways are in poor or mediocre shape.
Massively leaking water and sewage systems are creating health hazards and contaminating rivers and streams.
Weakened and under-maintained levees and dams tower over communities and schools.
And the power grid is increasingly maxed out, disrupting millions of lives and putting entire cities in the dark.”
The above statement is not describing a developing country.
It was written to promote a History Channel television special dealing with the dire condition of America’s infrastructure and the kinds of man made disasters that could be just around the bend.
It gets worse.
A New York Times report found that “a significant water line bursts on average every two minutes somewhere in the country”—or 720 times daily!
“In Washington alone,” the article continues, “there is a pipe break every day, on average, and [in March 2010] intense rains overwhelmed the city’s system, causing untreated sewage to flow into the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers.
State and federal studies indicate that thousands of water and sewer systems may be too old to function properly.
After reviewing several areas of America’s infrastructure, ASCE issued a 2009 report card, which gave the nation a bleak cumulative ranking of “D.”
The results for the individual categories were equally telling: Aviation, D; Bridges, C; Dams, D; Drinking Water, D-; Energy, D+; Hazardous Waste, D; Inland Waterways, D-; Levees, D-; Public Parks and Recreation, C-; Rail, C-; Roads, D-; Schools, D; Solid Waste, C+; Wastewater, D-; Transit, D.
In 2001, the ASCE grade was D+.
Nearly 10 years later, conditions continue to worsen:
About 18,000 fracture critical bridges were built from the mid-1950s through the late 1970s in an effort to
complete the nation's interstate highway system, which was launched under President Dwight Eisenhower.
The fracture critical bridge designs were cheaper than bridges designed with redundancy, he said.
Thousands of those bridges remain in use, according to an AP analysis.
"They have been left hanging with little maintenance for four decades now," . "There is little political will and less political leadership to commit the tens of billions of dollars needed" to fix them.
There are more than 700 bridges in Washington State with worse sufficiency scores than the bridge that collapsed into the Skagit River on a thursday night, according to the Seattle Times:
Because the US government spends annually up to 1.4 trillion dollars on the warfare corporations and institutions,
the government does not have the funds to stop other accidental tragedies in America,
for example, numerous trains being derailed in America over the decades causing fatalities,
numerous chemical and fertilizer plants exploding causing fatalities
and numerous other preventable accidents that could have been prevented if
the US government had enough funds to protect and regulate our immense infrastructure and factories
since companies have been known to be lax when it comes to the safety of their employees and community
(example : the tragic explosion of a fertilizer plant in West, Texas in April 2013 that killed numerous people and seriously injured scores of people).
Also, instead of spending up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year on the warfare complex, corporations and institutions
the government will have enough money to
subsidize households in tornado prone areas in getting "always on emergency radio" warning of impending danger.
Because of the warfare corporations and institutions draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is not enough money or funding is being cut in programs that prevent troubled children from growing up to be
home invaders,
violent abusers,
violent criminals,
mass killers or
drunk drivers who kill the innocent through head-on collisions :
Because up to 1.4 trillion dollars is being spent on the warfare complex, corporations and institutions, there is not enough money going to
drug prevention programs at school
since we know that
troubled children growing up in a drug environment will tend to use drugs.
The more one uses drugs, the more likely one is to be involved in criminal activity :
Drug programs should involve regular visits to the morgue to see the consequence of drug use
and children should see the graphic pictures of those whose lungs are destroyed due to cigarette use.
Because of the warfare corporations and institutions draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year,
your life
and the lives of your loved ones,
and community is in danger since
there is no money or there is limited funding to take care of the psychological health of troubled children
and so troubled children are not being taken care of and
they grow up to become criminals resulting in an epidemic of violence against women in this country and due to limited
resources to fight it, there is backlog of cases
and victims or their families
have to suffer the injustice of criminals not being brought to justice :
Because of the warfare corporations and institutions draining the treasury of up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year
which goes to maintaining the US government's military empire,
your life
and the life of your loved ones,
your friends
and community is in danger due to
the activities of the US government’s military empire which resulted in creating enemies and
the attacks on 9/11/01,
and the Benghazi attacks .
In a confidential memo,
Ex-Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld once asked the following question "Are we creating more terrorists than we're killing?":
Why did Rumsfeld ask such a question ?
because Rumsfeld knew that war creates collateral damage
and the more the US government instigates terrorists by
collaterally killing the family and loved ones of the terrorists or
the collateral killing of innocent muslims,
terrorists are able to use the deaths of innocent muslims as recruiting propaganda
and able to recruit more terrorists
and the more the terrorists or
sympathizers that are recruited,
it in turn results in
numerous reports being triggered by the US government's anti-terror network computer system
which in turn overwhelms law enforcement since every lead cannot be followed.
The difference between the Swiss Intelligence Services and the US government's Intelligence Services is
the Swiss are not overwhelmed with terror leads since the Swiss do not instigate terrorists
unlike the US government's short-sighted,
profit driven instigation policies that
instigate terrorists and sympathizers to act in adverse ways,
which in turn generates numerous reports triggered by the US government's anti-terror network computer systems which
overwhelms US law enforcement since every lead cannot be followed,
and so, the Swiss live in peace due to
their non-instigation policies,
while Americans live in fear due to
the US government's short-sighted, profit driven instigation policies.
On 2/18/10 at the Spy Museum, Shane Harris from the National Journal stated that
the NSA has to screen between 4000 and 8000 leads on suspected terrorists on a daily basis and its humanly impossible to follow every lead.
Since its impossible to follow every lead, the US government in turn tries to use its own propaganda machine to
try to prevent people from being influenced by terrorists.
The US government knows it has an image problem in the muslim world
and so the US government has created "info ops" programs ( propaganda programs ):
to try to convince muslim populations that the
collateral damage,
collateral bombings
and the collateral killing of innocent muslims by the US government is for the "greater good",
the "greater good" being the elimination of all enemies that oppose the interests of the US government and its allies
( translation : Muslims, please be submissive, so the interests of the war-profiteers in the warfare corporations and institutions can be satisfied )
The US government is like an abusive husband, who beats up his wife and then brings her flowers the next day
and that is the purpose of the US Institute of Peace, to bring "flowers" after the horror of war;
to try to convince muslims that all the collateral damage and the tens of thousands of deaths of their loved ones and innocent muslims,
due to the invasion by
the US government is for the "greater good".
But a extremely tiny minority of muslims do not buy into the US Institute of Peace propaganda stated above, which in turn results in
a extremely tiny minority of muslims supporting "terrorist cells".
Please refer to the link after this prologue to Part 2, for a discussion on the history of terrorism.
Why do we say "extremely tiny minority" of muslims ?
because Bin Laden could only get 19 muslims (out of over a billion muslims) on 9/11/01 to commit the murder of the innocent
and Bin Laden could not get any of the millions of American muslims to cause havoc on 9/11/01 because
its easy to cause havoc since
Bin Laden tried to inspire American muslims to act on their own on 9/11/01 but
nobody did because
American muslims did not want to hurt their neighbors on 9/11/01.
Even when a very tiny number of American muslims are radicalized, such as the Tsarnaev brothers who were involved in the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013,
that is still a tiny tiny percentage compared to the millions of American muslims who are not "at war" with the US government.
Again, after this prologue is Part 2 , a short history on non-state terrorism.
There is a much greater chance of Americans being victims of non-religious domestic terror due to
and strangers committing acts of brutality and terror on their
own children,
and strangers
than the minute chance of being a victim of religious terrorists in America.
The terror of non-religious gun violence alone in America claims
over 10,000 lives every year, including over 1,800 children who are terrorized and murdered due to non-religious terrorists:
Every year about 300,000 children in America are terrorized by people they know ( mostly the parents):
The US government would like to solve the problem of terrorism but
at the same time, the existence of terrorism makes it easier for the US government to support the profit agenda of the warfare complex and corporations
because as long as terrorism exists,
the American public will not question the trillions being spent on the friends and supporters of pro-conflict politicians in the
warfare complex, corporations and institutions.
In the end, the US government gets what it wants, for example :
More drone attacks on the Taliban in Pakistan and Al-Qaeda in Yemen,
results in collateral damage and deaths of innocent civilians,
which in turn results in recruiting propaganda by terrorists, trying to recruit from the loved ones of those collaterally killed by US government bombs,
which in turn results in more terrorists attacks abroad against US government personnel or even in the US by a tiny number of home-grown terrorists,
which in turn results in the "bogeyman " propaganda from US politicians who say the terrorists are an existential threat,
which in turn results in fear from the American public (fear is what the Nazis used to control the public )
which in turn results in the American public not questioning the trillions being spent on unnecessary wars or
not questioning the corporate welfare dollars of hard earned taxpayers money being spent on the warfare corporations and institutions
and which in turn results in the rich and powerful in the warfare corporations and industrial complex "laughing all the way to the bank " as can been seen by
the dramatic increase in the stock prices of warfare corporations during a conflict or war,
while our poor soldiers and the poor children in war zones have to suffer the agony of the horror that people call war.
Part One on how the attacks on 9/11 could have been prevented, showed that
The US government creates enemies unnecessarily, right here at home (example: Timothy McVeigh )
and abroad (example: Bin Laden ) putting innocent Americans in grave danger.
Instead of being a Peacemaker in order to prevent or avoid conflicts and atrocities,
several interventionist policies by the US government is what created the
conditions for the attack on 9/11/01
even though,
except for Canada, Spain and Mexico that were defending their borders,
no government in the world intervened when
the US government began its long imperial and cruel expansion across North America,
conquering Native American nations,
conquering across the Caribbean
and conquering across the Pacific right up to South East Asia( the Philippines )
and even though world governments did not intervene when they received reports that
the US government allowed the cruel treatment of slaves
and the US government was involved in atrocities committed against Native Americans
and the Filipinos
while native Hawaiians escaped the wrath of the US government
because the majority of the Hawaiians wisely chose to submit to
the US government's invasion,
and eventually the US government annexed the Hawaiian islands and other islands in the Pacific and the Caribbean:
After all, in the end,
the horror that people call war, the ultimate act of selfishness and violator of basic human rights,
is all about
rich old men sending the young, powerless men deliberately into harm's way
which results in
massive collateral damage
sacrificing the lives of the innocent for the "greater good"
and the "greater good" almost always results in
supporting the profit agenda of
the friends and supporters of pro-conflict politicians in the warfare corporations who are "laughing all the way to the bank",
as the stock prices of the war profiteering warfare corporations dramatically rise,
while many of our poor soldiers and the poor children in war zones
suffer the consequences of the horror that people call war
as they are maimed,
or paralyzed and spoon-fed for life
with no hope and no happiness for a meaningful future
and that is why over 8000 veterans (from present and previous wars) commit suicide every year :
Watch the video link below where President Bush is smiling before announcing the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Why is President Bush smiling ?
Because war is the only horror that
make Presidents and their pro-war politician friends (the rich old men ) feel the most powerful since
they are able redirect hundreds of billions ( even trillions) of dollars of hard earned taxpayers money to
their friends and supporters in the warfare corporations and institutions,
while not caring about the welfare of our poor soldiers or the poor children in war/conflict zones:
War is mostly about the enormous suffering our soldiers and the suffering of kids in war zones but
pro-war politicians will never emphasize the enormous suffering but
rather pro-war politicians will emphasize the good that war does,
which is to say,
war is about sacrificing innocent lives for the greater good
and off course the greater good also means enriching those who profit from war.
Read part 3 about what war is all about
and read part 4 about how corrupting war is as
the owners of the warfare complex, corporations and institutions
"laugh all the way" to the bank.
So what is war all about in the end, other than enriching those who profit from war ?
Pro-war politicians will say war is all about the "greater good" but
pro-war politicians will never tell you that the "laws of war" allow for
soldiers to kill basically anybody in a war zone that
the soldier thinks might have a weapon,
is carrying a weapon ( for self defense of his family ) but is not using the weapon or aiming it
or is running away after having dropped a weapon
or is sleeping beside a weapon.
So according to the "laws of war" it was legal for President Truman to drop an atom bomb on
a defenseless city like Hiroshima and Nagasaki that
resulted in burning alive hundreds of thousands of civilians, children and babies
and the reason the "laws of war" made it legal for President Truman to drop an atom bomb on Hiroshima or Nagasaki
is because as long as Hiroshima and Nagasaki had enemy soldiers in them, it was legal to destroy the entire city.
In other words, the "laws of war" are not noble laws
and "laws of war" do not make heroes of our soldiers
or heroes of the pilots who dropped the atom bombs but
rather make our soldiers vulnerable to PTSD since
one of the causes of PTSD is witnessing the killing of a human being who does not pose an imminent threat but
might possibly pose a threat some time in the future to some other human being
even though the enemy who drops his weapon and runs away might change his mind and become peaceful in the future.
The following link is an example of legal killing in a war zone where
a US government helicopter pilot is shooting at unarmed people,
two of them he thinks is carrying a weapon but the weapon turns out to be a camera:
In the video you can see that the US government helicopter pilot had the capability to
see inside the van where the children were looking out the window
( watch at the 16:00 timeline in the video link above where the children can be clearly seen in the van )
So you might ask, why shoot at unarmed people and a van with children in it ?
Because according to the laws of war, if a "alleged combatant" is in a war zone, anybody close by are what are called "collateral damage" so
even if children are close by,
the soldier is authorized to shoot at the area even if
children are in the area
or in this case a van in which an injured "unarmed combatant" is being taken into.
That is why the US government's military is not allowed to operate within the US since
the "laws of war" state that if a soldier thinks you have a weapon, you are subject to be killed
(even though the weapon turns out to be a camera).
Former US government drone operator says he's haunted by his part in more than 1,600 deaths:
Every time a person is killed, not in self defense, the killer suffers PTSD that
can last a lifetime
and that is why executioners on death row suffer mental illness when they execute death row inmates:
Prisoners on death row are the worst of the worst criminals
and yet executioners in death row are adversely affected mentally,
because they are killing prisoners, not in self defense but
performing an execution on behalf of the state.
(when the actual crime was committed even decades ago)
If executioners on death row who conduct a very bloodless execution, suffer from PTSD,
one can imagine what happens to the mental health of our soldiers who
legally kill in free fire zones:
or in targeted killing through drone strikes :
where the enemy does not pose an imminent threat
( example: its legal to kill somebody in a war zone who drops his weapon and is running away or is sleeping ):
Also, every Memorial Day, think about what our soldiers go through before many of them die.
Americans do experience what our soldiers go through,
example: Moore, OK in 2013 looked like a war zone after a tornado had gone through it
but the difference is our soldiers on the front lines experience seeing little kids being blown apart on a regular basis in a a war zone compared to
mass tragedies in America that do not happen on a regular basis.
And because of what our soldiers see and experience in a war zone,
over 8000 of our vulnerable veterans commit suicide every year ( 22 per day ):
and yet our pro-war politicians keep sending our soldiers deliberately into harm's way.
Why is it when
3000 Americans were killed on 9/11/01,
the US government was willing to
spend trillions on the "war on terror"
but the same government is cutting back on cancer research funding :
even though
over a million Americans die from cancer alone every two years ?
Are the profits of the warfare complex and corporations more important than the lives of millions of Americans ?
Why cut back on cancer research funding when governmental funding has resulted in 15 out of 21 breakthroughs in medical research between 1965 through 1992 :
Senator Coburn of Oklahoma who wants to save 9 trillion dollars over ten years in government spending,
praised the government for its medical research breakthroughs
(Watch at the 02:29:00 timeline ) :
Only 17% of soldiers stay in the military for 20 years or more,
which shows that,
even with generous retirement benefits for those who stay at least for 20 years, soldiers choose not to stay for the 20 year period.
Why do soldiers choose to leave before the minimum 20 year period in order to qualify for retirement benefits ?
Could it be because soldiers are promised “the world” when they join but
they finally wake up to the fact that they are pawns in a extremely dangerous power game played by politicians who support
the corporate welfare system and the profit agenda of the warfare corporations and institutions.
Whenever you meet a veteran who belongs to one of the anti-war organizations :
thank the above veterans for finally realizing that
they were not protecting the country
but were rather protecting the bank accounts of those who profit from war.
The US government is a world power but
a world power with the non-instigation policies of Switzerland would be
a world power admired around the world
but sadly, the US government is in the business of instigation,
catering to the profit agenda of the warfare complex, corporations and institutions.
There are examples of the US government's instigation policies throughout this community blog,
especially read Part 6 for examples of the US government's instigation policies.
The US government is eventually going to declare bankruptcy which will
dramatically reduce the health, well being and the standard of living of the average American
as essential public spending ( example: medical research ) will dramatically be cut.
In order to prevent the bankruptcy of the US government which is going to happen in
the next 10 to 20 years due to
the interest on the debt exceeding a trillion dollars a year,
the US government needs to end its military empire
and make peace with all its enemies, as the Swiss do
and that is the reason the Swiss live in peace while
Americans live in fear,
thanks to pro-war politicians who try to control the population by
keeping the American population in constant fear of the "enemy",
so that Americans do not question the trillions of dollars of hard earned taxpayers money going to the friends and supporters of the pro-war politicians in the
warfare complex, corporations and institutions.
Life for the average American would be so much easier and peaceful if the government gave up its military empire
and if the government gave up its military empire
and gave up corporate welfare to the warfare complex/corporations
and makes peace with all the government's enemies,
Americans do not have to go through torturous wait lines at airports, public events etc.,
and the government will have enough resources to make life healthier, happier and safer for every American.
The US government cannot afford its world wide military empire,
40% of its maintenance being borrowed from places like China.
If the US government had made peace with all its enemies since the 1700s,
we could have used the "peace dividend"
and spent tens of billions on finding the ultimate cure for cancer
and thus saving the lives of your loved ones, friends and community
instead of
wasting trillions on the warfare complex, corporations and institutions.
Finally in Part 7 of this community blog,
we will discuss the failure of our present democratic system
which needs to be replaced by
a system called an Intellectocracy.
A SHORT HISTORY OF TERRORISM!/2013/02/part-two-short-history-of-terrorism_17.html
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