Sunday, February 17, 2013



A militarily weak US government could actually solve all the world's vital problems

and bring peace to mankind.

When we mean a militarily weak US government, we do not mean a defenseless US government

but rather

a government that does not drain the treasury and

bases the defense of the country following the self-defense policies of Switzerland

where the Swiss live in peace from terrorism

and the Swiss are not subject to "911" or "benghazi" type attacks since

the Swiss hardly have enemies outside their country

and the few enemies they have are taken care of by the law enforcement in the criminal justice system

instead of having a huge TREASURY DRAINING, military footprint outside the country.

We aim to convince people that the very activities and expansion of the US government's military empire is

going to result in

the bankruptcy of our government ( in the next 10-20 years ) since

the interest alone on the debt

mainly due to maintaining and expanding the military empire

will exceed a trillion dollars a year leading to the inevitable bankruptcy

and when the inevitable bankruptcy happens,

you and your loved ones will be left "holding the bag" which would result in

endangering your,

your loved ones

and your community's health,

standard of living

and well being

and also

the blowback policies of the US government's military empire physically endangers the lives of our fellow citizens ( example : as seen by the attacks on 9/11/01 and the Benghazi attacks ).

Would a militarily weak US government ( with a small "defense" budget ) be a blessing to the world ?

A militarily weak US government in the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries  would have:

(1) not been able to push native Americans off their lands

(2) not been able to go to war with either Mexico, Canada or Spain

(3) not been able to invade Hawaii and thus would have avoided war with Japan

since the war with Japan started with the attack on Hawaii

(4) not been able to invade the Philippines resulting in reports of atrocities committed against the Filipinos

(5) not been able to be involved in World War One

and thus World War Two would not have taken place because

Hitler only came to power because of a weak and humiliated Germany

and if a militarily weak US government had not got involved in WWI,

Germany would have had a stalemate with Britain

and without the involvement of the US government,

Germany during World War One would have dominated Russia :

and Germany would have prevented the communists from becoming a powerful force in the world

and thus preventing the extremely  bloody and expensive 5.5 trillion dollar Cold War:

and Japan would not have attacked Pearl Harbor because

Pearl Harbor would not have existed if

the US government had not invaded Hawaii to begin with


tens of millions of Chinese lives would have been saved since

Mao Tse Tung would not have been allowed to extend his power in China since

Japan would have dominated China,

if the US government was militarily weak and not been able to destroy Japan


China could have not helped the genocidal Pol Pot in Cambodia if Japan were dominating China.

(6) A militarily weak US government could not have been involved in WW1 ,

thus not being able to help the British defeat the Ottomans

which would have resulted in a strong Ottoman Empire

and Jews would have continued living in relative peace with their Arab neighbors in Jerusalem since

Israel would never have been created due to a militarily weak US government not being involved in WW1.

Because of the US government's involvement in WWI, three major events took place:

(a) the destruction of Germany which enabled Hitler to exploit the humiliation experienced by Germany due to the Treaty of Versailles

which in turn enabled Hitler to rise to power.

If the US government was never involved in WW1,

 there would not be a Treaty of Versailles due to Germany not being defeated

and a triumphant Germany would have prevented Hitler from rising to power.

Without the militant interventionist involvement of the US government in WW1, Germany would have won WW1

and so Germany would have prevented Nazism and Communism from spreading.

So a militarily weak US government would have been a blessing to the world but sadly,

the US government was not weak enough to lose WW1

and so by winning WW1, the US government created the conditions for Nazism and Communism to flourish.

The US government created the conditions for Hitler to rise to power.

The defeat of Germany in WW1 due to the interventionist involvement of the US government resulted in the following :

(1) Hilter blamed the Jews for the defeat

(2) The Versailles Treaty humiliated the German people and Hitler exploited that humiliation by saying that he will  bring Germany back to greatness

(3) The German government was not able to stop Hilter because the German government was seen as weak after the humiliating defeat at the hands of the US government

(b) US government's involvement in WWI resulted in the expansion of the power of the communists and communism since Germany was destroyed

and was not able to keep the communists in check  which resulted in the extremely bloody and expensive 5.5 trillion dollar Cold War :

(c) US government's involvement in WWI resulted in freeing up British resources, so that the British were able to  destroy and the break up of the Ottoman Empire which

shattered the relative peace shared between the Arabs and Jews

and the relative peace shared between Arabs under the Ottoman Empire

The destruction of the Ottoman Empire was not only destructive to Arabs,

it enabled the growth of radical elements within Arab society who

were able to radicalize a tiny minority due to

the collateral death of muslims and loved ones who

died at the hands of the western colonial powers.

So the reactionary forces within muslim society was basically nurtured by war

and World War One was the start of the events that ultimately culminated in the attacks on 9/11.

An analogous way to look at it is how the American revolution started.


Before the American revolution , the presence of a tiny tea tax that only affected rich Americans resulted in

terrorism and torture which created burns that resulted in infection and a slow death due to tarring of british and American loyalists by American mobs




So if a tiny tea tax that only affected rich Americans can cause terrorism,

is it surprising that the collateral deaths of loved ones, children and babies due to bombings by western colonial powers could result in terrorists exploiting the situation in recruiting the loved ones of the victims of those bombings ?

A militarily weak US government not being involved in WW1 would have resulted in an intact Ottoman Empire ( since the British could not have defeated the Ottomans who were allied with the Germans )

and Syria would not have been created, thus the US government could have avoided the civil turmoil in Syria  in 2013.

(7) A militarily weak US government would not have atom bombed Hiroshima or

atom bombed above a Church in Nagasaki

and thus sparing the lives of the nuns

and hundreds of thousands of lives of unarmed Japanese men, women, children and babies from being burned alive

and the nuns in the Nagasaki church from being vaporized.

The burning alive of the Nagasaki nuns and hundreds of thousands of civilians, children and babies in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and scores of Japanese cities through fire bombing

is a mark of terrorism,

since terrorists punish the innocent for the wrongs done by others,

in this case punishing the children and babies in Hiroshima and the nuns in Nagasaki

for the wrongs done by those in Tokyo.

Even though Truman was warned in the Warren Report that

radiation from the trinity test on july 16,1945 prompted scientists to warn an atom bomb should not be exploded within 150 miles of civilians:

Truman decided to explode the atom bombs on militarily insignificant cities

and we know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not significant military targets because

they were not the target of earlier fire bombings that were used to destroy scores of other Japanese cities

and Truman also decided to explode the atom bombs above the cities

and not explode the atomb bombs on the ground because

a ground explosion would not have caused as much damage as an aerial explosion

and by exploding the atom bombs above the cities, Truman decided to kill as many people as possible and create as much damage as possible,

Even though Japan did not interfere with the US government's imperial expansion across the Northern American continent, the Caribbean and the Pacific

even when reports were received in Japan about

the US government's allowing cruelty towards African-Americans,

massacres against Native Americans

and atrocities committed against the Filipinos during the US government's occupation of the Philippines,

Even though FDR's ally, the communist Stalin
and also FDR's left-leaning nationalist Chinese ally, Chiang Kai-Shek were killing tens of millions of civilians.

Rummel estimates that FDR's ally, Chiang Kai-Shek alone committed a total of 10,214,000 democides from 1921 to 1948:

Even though the US government started the war with Japan through
massive U.S. supplies, arms, fuel and 10,000 tons per month of supplies going to the Chinese mililtary against Japan during 1940 :

Even though the Japanese were defeated as early as May of 1942
( that is, the Japanese were already defeated three full years before the atom bomb was dropped above a church in Nagasaki ):

and after May 1942 the Japanese were mainly fighting a defensive war,

not being able to take back territory lost to the allies,

leading to Tojo's resignation in July of 1944

and the Japanese finally giving the Russians concessions

with the hope that the Russians would broker a peace deal with the US government

(while the US government was allied with the mass murdering Stalin and the US government's mass murdering Chinese ally Chiang Kai-Shek ),
but FDR/Truman were not interested in a cease fire or a negotiated peace settlement but

rather FDR/Truman were only interested in unconditional surrender or the utter destruction of Japan

Which resulted in the unimaginable terror of targeting civilians and collective punishment can be been seen in the atom bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ( right above a church )

and the fire bombings of scores of Japanese cities where

hundreds of thousands of women, children and babies were deliberately burned alive for the

wrongs done by a few in the Japanese government in Tokyo.

The only time the US government avoids asking for unconditional surrender is when

the cost/benefit analysis points to an unprofitable war for the warfare corporations and institutions

and an example of the cost/benefit analysis pointing to an unprofitable war

is when the US government did not ask for the unconditional surrender of the

Soviet Union,


North Korea

or North Vietnam even though

over a hundred thousand US soldiers were either brutally killed or




blinded or

disfigured for life

by the direct and indirect actions of the Soviet Union,


North Korea

and North Vietnam during the Cold War.

(8) A militarily weak US government would not have started the Nuclear arms race because

the nuclear bomb was only invented due to world war 2 because

Einstein was afraid Hitler would get the bomb first

and if the nuclear bomb was not invented, the Soviets would not have had the opportunity to steal the secrets from the US

(9) A militarily weak US government not being involved in WW1 would have resulted in

Germany dominating Russia during World War One

and preventing the communists from expanding their power

and thus the Cold War would not have taken place

and thus saving millions of lives in Vietnam and Korea

and saving tens of thousands of the lives our poor soldiers

(10) A militarily weak US government would not have been able to topple the democratically elected government of Iran in the 1950s:

and thus today's problems with Iran could have been avoided

(11) A militarily weak US government would not have ventured into South Vietnam

and thus millions of lives would have been saved:

including the saving the lives of tens of thousands of our poor soldiers

and including saving millions of lives taken by Pol Pot in Cambodia.

(12) A militarily weak US government would not have ventured into South Korea

and thus saving millions of lives including

the lives of tens of thousands of our poor soldiers

and the only reason North Korea was created is because

the US government destroyed Japan which enabled the US government's communist allies (Stalin) 

 and communism to flourish in Asia.

(13) A militarily weak US government would not have been involved in the Middle East/South Asia since the 60s

and thus the 911 attacks would not have taken place

( example : not been able to oust the Soviet Union from Afghanistan

and thus not been able to create the conditions in Afghanistan for Al-Qaeda to flourish )

(14) A militarily weak US government would not have been able to oust Iraq from Kuwait

and thus not have been able to station troops in Saudi Arabia

which resulted in blow back that resulted in the attacks on 9/11

(15) A militarily weak US government would not have been attacked on 9/11/01 since

a militarily weak US government would not have had troops in Saudi Arabia ( the main reason or motivation for the attacks on 911)

(16) A militarily weak US government would not have been involved in the most recent war in Iraq and thus saved trillions of dollars of hard earned taxpayers money :

The wars in the decade of the 2000s could cost the US as much as $4 trillion to $6 trillion ( that is five hundred thousand million dollars plus eleven times the same amount of five hundred thousand million dollars )

Ref :

(17) A militarily weak US government not being involved in wars would not be accused of creating hazardous conditions for millions in war zones

due to infrastructure damage and the subsequent plight of millions of refugees living in extremely adverse and unsanitary conditions

due to sewer systems and hospitals being destroyed

causing life threatening conditions

and also due to cancers and birth defects caused by using chemicals like agent orange :

and using depleted uranium in bombs :

(18) A militarily weak US government would not have be accused of war crimes since it would not be involved in wars :


Conclusion :

So contrary to what Mr Bill O' Reilly and pro-war politicians think,

a militarily weak US government would have been a blessing to the world

and 3000 Americans would still be alive today since the 9/11 attacks would not have taken place.

ON THE OTHER HAND :If you look at the history of a militarily strong US government:

from its rebellion against the british government, unlike the Canadians who did not rebel,

( even though the US government ended up taxing its people much more than the tiny tea tax imposed by the British)

the US government's tolerance of terrorism practiced against blacks and native Americans,

its tolerance of terrorism practiced on slave ships resulting in slaves suffocating to death due to claustrophobia or trying to jump ship and drowning to escape the terrorism.

In addition to disease and suffocation below deck, it would not be uncommon to find the body of a slave completely covered by lice

( )

The militarily strong US government's imperial conquests of

native American nations,

conquest of hawaii,

conquest of spanish colonies,

its gun boat diplomacy,

its atrocious occupation of the Philippines which resulted in innumerable atrocities committed against the Filipinos,

its merciless atom and fire bombing destruction of a defeated Japan,

even though the US government started the war with Japan through

massive U.S. supplies, arms, fuel and 10,000 tons per month of supplies going to the Chinese mililtary against Japan during 1940 :

a militarily strong US government crushed Japan which

enabled communism to expand in Asia resulting in

hundreds of thousands of US soldiers

either dying horrifying deaths or

being maimed,



blinded or

paralyzed for life during the cold war.

A military strong US government was able to support numerous right-wing dictators who murdered dissidents

(examples : General Maximilio Hernández- 1932 of El Salvador, Saddam Hussein during the 80s, General Sani Abacha of Nigeria Idi Amin of Uganda, Colonel Hugo Banzer of Bolivia, Fulgencio Batista of Cuba, Sir Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei, P.W. Botha of South Africa, General Humberto Branco of Brazil, Raoul Cedras of Haiti, Vinicio Cerezo of Guatemala, Chiang Kai-Shek of Taiwan, Roberto Suazo Cordova of Honduras, Alfredo Christiani of El Salvador, Ngo Dihn Diem of Vietnam, General Samuel Doe of Liberia, Francois Duvalier of Haiti, Jean Claude Duvalier of Haiti, King Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz of Saudi Arabia, General Francisco Franco of Spain, Hassan II of Morocco, Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, General Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez of El Salvador, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, General Manuel Noriega of Panama, Turgut Ozal of Turkey, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi of Iran, George Papadopoulos of Greece, Park Chung Hee of South Korea, General Augusto Pinochet of Chile, General Sitiveni Rabuka of Fiji, General Efrain Rios Montt of Guatemala, Halie Salassie of Ethiopia, Antonio De Oliveira Salazar of Portugal, Anastasio Somoza Jr. of Nicaragua, Anastasio Somoza Sr. of Nicaragua, Ian Smith of Rhodesia, Alfredo Stroessner of Paraguay, General Suharto of Indonesia, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo of Dominican Republic, General Jorge Rafael Videla of Argentina, Mohammed Zia Ul-Haq of Pakistan)



A militarily strong US government was able to support the genocidal Pol Pot of Cambodia,

At the same time, a military strong US government enabled a genocidal Pol Pot to extend his power in Cambodia .

Pol Pot extended his power due to the massive bombing of Cambodia by the US government which in turn made the Cambodians turn to Pol Pot for help.

By the last day of Operation Freedom Deal (15 August 1973), 250,000 tons of bombs had been dropped by the US government on

the Khmer Republic, 82,000 tons of which had been released in the last 45 days of the operation. Since the inception of Operation Menu in 1969,

the U.S. government had dropped 539,129 tons of ordnance on Cambodia/Khmer Republic:

The US government's bombing campaign persuaded Cambodians to listen to Pol Pot and vacate the cities:

without the presence of the US government in Vietnam

and the subsequent massive bombing of Cambodia,

Pol Pot would never have committed the genocide of the Cambodian people when millions were killed :

since the North Vietnamese would have kept Pol Pot in check.

After the Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were driven from power by the Vietnamese in 1979,

the US government and other powers refused to allow the Vietnamese-backed Cambodian government to take the seat of Cambodia at the United Nations:

A military strong US government allowed US corporations to support the genocidal Hitler

because US corporations were the ones who enabled the US government to be militarily strong through tax receipts.

A militarily strong US government has been accused of creating hazardous conditions for millions in war zones

due to infrastructure damage and the subsequent plight of millions of refugees living in extremely adverse and unsanitary conditions

due to sewer systems and hospitals being destroyed

causing life threatening conditions

and also due to cancers and birth defects caused by using chemicals like agent orange :

and using depleted uranium in bombs :

A militarily strong US government has also been accused of war crimes :

So one can only conclude due to the above facts,

that a militarily weak US government during the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries would have been a blessing to the world

and 3000 Americans would still be alive today since

 the attacks on 9/11/01 would never have happened if the US government was militarily weak.


IS THE US GOVERNMENT'S MILITARY EMPIRE NECESSARY ?!/2013/02/part-six-is-us-governments-military.html

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